Since vedic times, teachers,acharyas and gurus were given utmost respect and admiration in society. There contributions and sacrifices for preparing a shishya[student] to serve thier family, dharma and nation were revered across ages.
Vedic literature differentiated teachers on the basis of their knowledge,experience and expertise in a particular subject and they were segemented into 6 unique categories.
1. A teacher who gives you Information is called Adyapaka/ अध्यापक्.
2. A teacher who imparts knowledge combined with information is called Upadhyaya/उपध्याय.
3. A teacher who imparts skills is called Acharya/आचार्य.
4. A teacher who is able to give deep insights through observations is called Pandit /पन्ङित.
5. A teacher who has visionary view on a particular subject and make you think in the same line is called Dhristha/धृष्ट.
6. A teacher who is able to awaken wisdom in you, guiding you from ignorance to knowledge is called Guru/गुरु.
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