Chanakaya Neeti

Adhyaya 10

ॐ श्री परमात्मने नमः

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धनहीनो न हीनश्च धनिकः स सुनिश्चयः । विद्यारत्नेन हीनो यः स हीनः सर्ववस्तुषु ॥ ०१ ॥
dhanahino na hinascha dhanikah sa sunischayah । vidyaratnena hino yah sa hinah sarvavastusu ॥ ०1 ॥
One destitute of wealth is not destitute, he is indeed rich (if he is learned); but the man devoid of learning is destitute in every way.

Adhyaya : 10

Shloka :   1

दृष्टिपूतं न्यसेत्पादं वस्त्रपूतं पिबेज्जलम् । शास्त्रपूतं वदेद्वाक्यः मनःपूतं समाचरेत् ॥ ०२ ॥
drstipūtam nyasetpadam vastrapūtam pibejjalam । sastrapūtam vadedvakyah manahpūtam samacharet ॥ ०2 ॥
We should carefully scrutinise that place upon which we step we should drink water which has been filtered; we should speak only those words which have the sanction of the satras; and do that act which we have carefully considered.

Adhyaya : 10

Shloka :   2

सुखार्थी चेत्त्यजेद्विद्यां विद्यार्थी चेत्त्यजेत्सुखम् । सुखार्थिनः कुतो विद्या सुखं विद्यार्थिनः कुतः ॥ ०३ ॥
sukharthi chettyajedvidyam vidyarthi chettyajetsukham । sukharthinah kuto vidya sukham vidyarthinah kutah ॥ ०3 ॥
He who desires sense gratification must give up all thoughts of acquiring knowledge; and he who seeks knowledge must not hope for sense gratification. How can he who seeks sense gratification acquire knowledge, and he who possesses knowledge enjoy mundane sense pleasure?

Adhyaya : 10

Shloka :   3

कवयः किं न पश्यन्ति किं न भक्षन्ति वायसाः । मद्यपाः किं न जल्पन्ति किं न कुर्वन्ति योषितः ॥ ०४ ॥
kavayah kim na pasyanti kim na bhaksanti vayasah । madyapah kim na jalpanti kim na kurvanti yositah ॥ ०4 ॥
What is it that escapes the observation of poets? What is that act women are incapable of doing? What will drunken people not prate? What will not a crow eat?

Adhyaya : 10

Shloka :   4

रङ्कं करोति राजानं राजानं रङ्कमेव च । धनिनं निर्धनं चैव निर्धनं धनिनं विधिः ॥ ०५ ॥
raṅkam karoti rajanam rajanam raṅkameva cha । dhaninam nirdhanam chaiva nirdhanam dhaninam vidhih ॥ ०5 ॥
Fate makes a beggar a king and a king a beggar. He makes a rich man poor and a poor man rich.

Adhyaya : 10

Shloka :   5

लुब्धानां याचकः शत्रुर्मूर्खानां बोधको रिपुः । जारस्त्रीणां पतिः शत्रुश्चौराणां चन्द्रमा रिपुः ॥ ०६ ॥
lubdhanam yachakah satrurmūrkhanam bodhako ripuh । jarastrinam patih satruschauranam chandrama ripuh ॥ ०6 ॥
The beggar is a miser's enemy; the wise counsellor is the fool's enemy; her husband is an adulterous wife's enemy; and the moon is the enemy of the thief.

Adhyaya : 10

Shloka :   6

येषां न विद्या न तपो न दानं ज्ञानं न शीलां न गुणो न धर्मः । ते मर्त्यलोके भुवि भारभूता मनुष्यरूपेण मृगाश्चरन्ति ॥ ०७ ॥
yesam na vidya na tapo na danam jñanam na silam na guno na dharmah । te martyaloke bhuvi bharabhūta manusyarūpena mrgascharanti ॥ ०7 ॥
Those who are destitute of learning, penance, knowledge, good disposition, virtue and benevolence are brutes wandering the earth in the form of men. They are burdensome to the earth.

Adhyaya : 10

Shloka :   7

अन्तःसारविहीनानामुपदेशो न जायते । मलयाचलसंसर्गान्न वेणुश्चन्दनायते ॥ ०८ ॥
antahsaravihinanamupadeso na jayate । malayachalasamsarganna venuschandanayate ॥ ०8 ॥
Those that are empty-minded cannot be benefited by instruction. Bamboo does not acquire the quality of sandalwood by being associated with the Malaya Mountain.

Adhyaya : 10

Shloka :   8

यस्य नास्ति स्वयं प्रज्ञा शास्त्रं तस्य करोति किम् । लोचनाभ्यां विहीनस्य दर्पणः किं करिष्यति ॥ ०९ ॥
yasya nasti svayam prajña sastram tasya karoti kim । lochanabhyam vihinasya darpanah kim karisyati ॥ ०9 ॥
What good can the scriptures do to a man who has no sense of his own? Of what use is as mirror to a blind man?

Adhyaya : 10

Shloka :   9

दुर्जनं सज्जनं कर्तुमुपायो नहि भूतले । अपानं शातधा धौतं न श्रेष्ठमिन्द्रियं भवेत् ॥ १० ॥
durjanam sajjanam kartumupayo nahi bhūtale । apanam satadha dhautam na sresthamindriyam bhavet ॥ 1० ॥
Nothing can reform a bad man, just as the posterious cannot become a superior part of the body though washed one hundred times.

Adhyaya : 10

Shloka :   10

आप्तद्वेषाद्भवेन्मृत्युः परद्वेषाद्धनक्षयः । राजद्वेषाद्भवेन्नाशो ब्रह्मद्वेषात्कुलक्षयः ॥ ११ ॥
aptadvesadbhavenmrtyuh paradvesaddhanaksayah । rajadvesadbhavennaso brahmadvesatkulaksayah ॥ 11 ॥
By offending a kinsman, life is lost; by offending others, wealth is lost; by offending the king, everything is lost; and by offending a brahmana one's whole family is ruined.

Adhyaya : 10

Shloka :   11

वरं वनं व्याघ्रगजेन्द्रसेवितं द्रुमालयं पत्रफलाम्बुसेवनम् । तृणेषु शय्या शतजीर्णवल्कलं न बन्धुमध्ये धनहीनजीवनम् ॥ १२ ॥
varam vanam vyaghragajendrasevitam drumalayam patraphalambusevanam । trnesu sayya satajirnavalkalam na bandhumadhye dhanahinajivanam ॥ 12 ॥
It is better to live under a tree in a jungle inhabited by tigers and elephants, to maintain oneself in such a place with ripe fruits and spring water, to lie down on grass and to wear the ragged barks of trees than to live amongst one's relations when reduced to poverty.

Adhyaya : 10

Shloka :   12

विप्रो वृक्षस्तस्य मूलं च सन्ध्या वेदः शाखा धर्मकर्माणि पत्रम् । तस्मान्मूलं यत्नतो रक्षणीयं छिन्ने मूले नैव शाखा न पत्रम् ॥ १३ ॥
vipro vrksastasya mūlam cha sandhya vedah sakha dharmakarmani patram । tasmanmūlam yatnato raksaniyam Chinne mūle naiva sakha na patram ॥ 13 ॥
The brahmana is like tree; his prayers are the roots, his chanting of the Vedas are the branches, and his religious act are the leaves. Consequently effort should be made to preserve his roots for if the roots are destroyed there can be no branches or leaves.

Adhyaya : 10

Shloka :   13

माता च कमला देवी पिता देवो जनार्दनः । बान्धवा विष्णुभक्ताश्च स्वदेशो भुवनत्रयम् ॥ १४ ॥
mata cha kamala devi pita devo janardanah । bandhava visnubhaktascha svadeso bhuvanatrayam ॥ 14 ॥
My mother is kamala devi (laksmi), my father is Lord janardana (visnu), my kinsmen are the devotees of visnu and, my homeland is all the three worlds.

Adhyaya : 10

Shloka :   14

एकवृक्षसमारूढा नानावर्णा विहङ्गमाः । प्रभाते दिक्षु दशसु यान्ति का तत्र वेदना ॥ १५ ॥
ekavrksasamarūdha nanavarna vihaṅgamah । prabhate diksu dasasu yanti ka tatra vedana ॥ 15 ॥
A great many kinds of birds perch on a tree but in the morning they fly in all the ten directions. Why should we lament Expression of sorrow for that?

Adhyaya : 10

Shloka :   15

बुद्धिर्यस्य बलं तस्य निर्बुद्धेश्च कुतो बलम् । वने सिंहो यदोन्मत्तः मशकेन निपातितः ॥ १६ ॥
buddhiryasya balam tasya nirbuddhescha kuto balam । vane simho yadonmattah masakena nipatitah ॥ 16 ॥
He who possesses intelligence is strong; how can the man that is unintelligent be powerful? The elephant of the forest having lost his senses by intoxication was tricked into a lake by a small rabbit.

Adhyaya : 10

Shloka :   16

का चिन्ता मम जीवने यदि हरिर्विश्वम्भरो गीयते नो चेदर्भकजीवनाय जननीस्तन्यं कथं निर्ममे । इत्यालोच्य मुहुर्मुहुर्यदुपते लक्ष्मीपते केवलं त्वत्पादाम्बुजसेवनेन सततं कालो मया नीयते ॥ १७ ॥
ka chinta mama jivane yadi harirvisvambharo giyate no chedarbhakajivanaya jananistanyam katham nirmame । ityalochya muhurmuhuryadupate laksmipate kevalam tvatpadambujasevanena satatam kalo maya niyate ॥ 17 ॥
Why should I be concerned for my maintenance while absorbed in praising the glories of Lord visvambhara (visnu), the supporter of all. Without the grace of Lord Hari, how could milk flow from a mother's breast for a child's nourishment? Repeatedly thinking only in this way, O Lord of the Yadavas, O husband of laksmi, all my time is spent in serving Your lotus feet.

Adhyaya : 10

Shloka :   17

गीर्वाणवाणीषु विशिष्टबुद्धि- स्तथापि भाषान्तरलोलुपोऽहम् । यथा सुधायाममरेषु सत्यां स्वर्गाङ्गनानामधरासवे रुचिः ॥ १८ ॥
girvanavanisu visistabuddhi- stathapi bhasantaralolupo'ham । yatha sudhayamamaresu satyam svargaṅgananamadharasave ruchih ॥ 18 ॥
chanakya is referring to himself in this verse. I am extremely knowledgeable in samskrtam language. Like the Devas who were not satisfied even with amrtam or nector and who still desire for the nector from the lips of apsaras, I still desire for other languages.

Adhyaya : 10

Shloka :   18

अन्नाद्दशगुणं पिष्टं पिष्टाद्दशगुणं पयः । पयसोऽष्टगुणं मांसां मांसाद्दशगुणं घृतम् ॥ १९ ॥
annaddasagunam pistam pistaddasagunam payah । payaso'stagunam mamsam mamsaddasagunam ghrtam ॥ 19 ॥
Flour has ten times the essence than rice. Milk has ten times the essence than flour. Meat has ten times essence than milk. Ghee has ten times the essence than meat.

Adhyaya : 10

Shloka :   19

शोकेन रोगा वर्धन्ते पयसा वर्धते तनुः । घृतेन वर्धते वीर्यं मांसान्मांसं प्रवर्धते ॥ २० ॥
sokena roga vardhante payasa vardhate tanuh । ghrtena vardhate viryam mamsanmamsam pravardhate ॥ 2० ॥
Sickness increases through worries, body becomes healthier through milk, virility and energy increases through ghee, meat becomes stronger through meat.

Adhyaya : 10

Shloka :   20

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