Ram Charita Manas

Kishkinda Kanda

Kishkinda Kanda is the fourth chapter in the epic book, Shri Ram Charita Manas. it comprises 1 shloka, 30 dohas, 1 sorta, 2 chhands, and 30 chaupais.

Sugreev lived in the Rishyamukha hills in exile because he was driven away from Kishkindha by his elder brother Vali and was also robbed of his Wife. Sugreev saw the two princes from Ayodhya and thought they were sent by his brother to kill him. He sent Lord Hanuman in the guise of a hermit to know the purpose of their visit. After hearing the story of Lord Rama and Laxmana, Hanuman took them to sugreev as he thought he can help him get his kingdom back.

Shri Rama and Laxmana met with Sugriva and told them about themselves and their quest to find Maa Sita. Sugreev and Hanuman upon hearing their story, vows to aid Rama to find Maa Sita. Sugreev describes the tragic tale of how he lost his kingdom to his elder brother, King Bali. Sugreev and Lord Rama agree on a proposition that if Lord Rama helps him get his kingdom back, he will send his Vanara[Monkey] army to all ends of Earth to find Maa Sita.

Lord Rama accepts this and kills King Bali in a duel and helps sugreev get his kingdom back. As agreed, Sugreev summons the monkey who came from the Himalayas, Vidhya region, and from east to west, millions of monkeys from caves and forests gathered in Kiskindha. Sugreev distributed the army each led by a veteran leader and commands them to go and find Maa Sita in all directions.

The huge vanara army went across all ends of the Earth, from north Asia to Europe, from Japan to the lower Earth in South America, and to all places where any men, animals, or demons live or landmass existed. He trusted the son of the wind god, Lord Hanuman more than anyone as he was well aware of the geography, and code of conduct befitting the place and time. Lord Rama also bestowed his trust in Hanuman and gave his ring to Hanuman to show for a sign if he finds Maa Sita.

Entire Kishkinda Kanda

Chapter Wise

Sarga 1

Kishkindha kanda sacred Invocation

किष्किंधा कांड का पवित्र मंगलाचरण

Sarga 2

Meeting of Hanumanji with Shri Ramji and friendship of Shri Rama and Sugriva

हनुमानजी की श्री रामजी से भेंट तथा श्री राम और सुग्रीव की मित्रता

Sarga 3

Sugriva narrating his story of how he lost his kingdom, Rama vows to kill Bali, characterization of a friend by Shri Rama.

सुग्रीव ने अपनी कहानी सुनाई कि कैसे उन्होंने अपना राज्य खो दिया, राम ने बाली को मारने की प्रतिज्ञा की, श्री राम द्वारा एक मित्र का चरित्र चित्रण।

Sarga 4

Sugriva's quietness

सुग्रीव का वैराग्य

Sarga 5

War between Bali and Sugriva, Bali understandthe reason of his death, Bali's wife Tara Laments.

बाली और सुग्रीव के बीच युद्ध, बाली को अपनी मृत्यु का कारण समझ आता है, बाली की पत्नी तारा विलाप करती है।

Sarga 6

Teaching by Shri Rama to Tara and coronation of Sugriva as king and crown prince to Angad.

श्री राम द्वारा तारा को शिक्षा देना तथा सुग्रीव का राजा एवं अंगद को युवराज पद पर राज्याभिषेक करना।

Sarga 7

Description of how a Rainy Season looks like

बरसात का मौसम कैसा दिखता है इसका विवरण

Sarga 8

Description of how a autumn Season looks like

शरद ऋतु का मौसम कैसा दिखता है इसका विवरण

Sarga 9

Shri Ram's and Laxmana anger on Sugriva for not holding his end of the deal.

सौदे पर रोक न लगाने के कारण श्रीराम और लक्ष्मण का सुग्रीव पर गुस्सा।

Sarga 10

Conversation between Sugriva and Shri Rama. Sugreeva summons all Vanars and send all monkeys in search of Sita.

सुग्रीव और श्री राम के बीच बातचीत। सुग्रीव ने सभी वानरों को बुलाया और सभी वानरों को सीता की खोज में भेजा।

Sarga 11

Tapaswini's darshan in the cave, monkeys reaching to the beach, meeting and talking to Sampati.

गुफा में तपस्विनी के दर्शन, वानरों का समुद्र तट पर पहुँचना, संपाति से मिलना और बातचीत करना।

Sarga 12

Sampati advices to cross the sea, Jambavant encourages Hanumanji by reminding him of strength. Greatness and qualities of Shri Rama.

संपाती समुद्र पार करने की सलाह देते हैं, जाम्बवंत हनुमानजी को शक्ति की याद दिलाकर प्रोत्साहित करते हैं। श्री राम की महानता और गुण.

namo namaḥ!

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namo namaḥ!

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