How did King lakshmana achieve samadhi in the epic ramayana?.

King Laxmana is the brother of Shri Rama, whose mother is Queen Sumitra, whose father is King Dashratha, and whose twin brother is King Shatrughana. Laxmana was the only divine figure in Epic Ramayana who choose to travel alongside his eldest brother Shri Rama during his exile of 14 years. It is said, Laxmana didn't sleep during the entire period of exile to protect Shri Rama and Maa Sita and it was his wife, Queen Urmila who slept continuously for 14 years also fulfilling her husband's sleep.

We all know that Maa Sita went back to Bhoomi or Earth on a throne that appeared from Earth and Shri Rama went back to Vaikuntha after taking samadhi in the Sarayu River but not many know how Lord Laxmana took samadhi.

Laxmana is an incarnation of Sheesh Naga on which Lord Vishnu resides, it is only logical for Laxmana to depart from Earth earlier than Shri Rama, so the seat of Lord Vishnu[Sheesh Naga] is prepared when he arrives at Vaikuntha. Therefore, we know that Laxmana departed from Earth before Lord Rama. Let us understand how he did so.

The details and reference of Laxmana departing before Shri Rama is found in the Puranas. After returning to Ayodhya after killing Demon Ravana, Shri Rama ruled the kingdom of Ayodhya for several 1000 years. Dharma during this time flourished, there was peace and joy everywhere. His brother Bharata and Shatrughana were kings of different kingdoms around Ayodhya and all of their sons were also ruling kingdoms, stretching from the Hindu Kush mountains in Afghanistan to today's Laos and Vietnam. This is the reason why Lord Rama is worshiped in many temples across South Asian countries like Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam in the east to Lahore, and Afghanistan in the west. 

Lord Yama, the lord of death disguised as a pious sage and appeared in the Kingdom of Ayodhya. He wanted to have a private conversation with Rama and would not want anyone in the room. He put forth a condition that no one should interfere with them or attempt to see or hear their conversation. If anyone interfered, the person would be given the death penalty. Judging the intensity of the request by Lord Yama, Shri Rama asked Laxmana to guard the door so that no one outside entered the room or hear the conversation. Laxmana was also told about the condition put forth by Lord Yama, so he stood outside the chamber as a guard.

When the conversation between Lord Rama and Lord Yama began, Lord Yama came to his original form and informed the Rama avatar that he had fulfilled his duties on Earth and that there was nothing more for him to accomplish on the planet. Lord Yama indicated that his time on Earth was about to end and he should return to his heavenly abode of Vaikunthadhaam.

While this conversation was going on, Sage Durvasa who was known for his short temperament and curses, appeared in the kingdom of Ayodhya and demanded an immediate meeting with Shri Rama. Laxmana tried to explain the situation and convince Sage Durvasa that an important meeting was going on and no one was allowed to enter the hall. However, Sage Durvasa felt angry and felt the king of Ayodhya disrespected him by making a pious sage wait outside the chamber.

Durvasa's anger reached its peak and he threatened to curse the entire city of Ayodhya and burn it down to ashes. Laxmana, being accountable for the peace of Ayodhya would never allow such a thing to happen to Ayodhya or its people. Therefore, he was only left with one option and that was to interrupt the meeting and inform Lord Rama of the arrival of Sage Durvasa. When Laxmana opened the door, he saw Lord Yama in his original form having a conversation with Lord Rama and he immediately disappeared. 

Shri Rama could not understand why Laxmana would disobey him and do something that would bring him his death. Before he could get angry at Laxmana, he informed Shri Rama of Sage Durvasa's arrival and why he was forced to disobey the order of his elder brother. After meeting with Sage durvasa, Rama had to declare the death penalty to Laxmana. However, he was not able to take such a decision against Laxmana and reached out to Sage Vasistha for help.

Sage Vasistha advised that Laxmana was a big devotee of Rama and that all his life was about his elder brother. The ultimate reason for Laxmana's life was serving the feet of Shri Rama. So, if one could take him away from his brother Rama, it would be like destroying his purpose of living. He suggested that if Rama abandoned Laxmana and sent him away from the kingdom, it would be equal to the death penalty for Laxmana. Meanwhile, Laxmana also realized that the arrival of Lord Yama to meet Rama had other objectives and understood that Rama's time had come to an end on Earth.

Shri Rama agreed to his guru's advice and told Laxmana about the abandonment, the younger brother said that he would happily accept death but would not stay without Lord Rama. Therefore, Laxmana decided to leave the kingdom of Ayodhya and drowned himself in the Sarayu River, taking Jal Samadhi to fulfill his brother's promise and thereafter his duties in Vaikunthadham.


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