Chanakaya Neeti

Adhyaya 12

ॐ श्री परमात्मने नमः

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सानन्दं सदनं सुतास्तु सुधियः कान्ता प्रियालापिनी इच्छापूर्तिधनं स्वयोषिति रतिः स्वाज्ञापराः सेवकाः । आतिथ्यं शिवपूजनं प्रतिदिनं मिष्टान्नपानं गृहे साधोः सङ्गमुपासते च सततं धन्यो गृहस्थाश्रमः ॥ ०१ ॥
sanandam sadanam sutastu sudhiyah kanta priyalapini ichChapūrtidhanam svayositi ratih svajñaparah sevakah । atithyam sivapūjanam pratidinam mistannapanam grhe sadhoh saṅgamupasate cha satatam dhanyo grhasthasramah ॥ ०1 ॥
He is a blessed grhasta (householder) in whose house there is a blissful atmosphere, whose sons are talented, whose wife speaks sweetly, whose wealth is enough to satisfy his desires, who finds pleasure in the company of his wife, whose servants are obedient, in whose house hospitality is shown, the auspicious Supreme Lord is worshiped daily, delicious food and drink is partaken, and who finds joy in the company of devotees.

Adhyaya : 12

Shloka :   1

आर्तेषु विप्रेषु दयान्वितश्च यच्छ्रद्धया स्वल्पमुपैति दानम् । अनन्तपारमुपैति राजन् यद्दीयते तन्न लभेद्द्विजेभ्यः ॥ ०२ ॥
artesu vipresu dayanvitascha yachChraddhaya svalpamupaiti danam । anantaparamupaiti rajan yaddiyate tanna labheddvijebhyah ॥ ०2 ॥
One who devotedly gives a little to a brahmana who is in distress is recompensed abundantly. Hence, O Prince, what is given to a good brahmana is got back not in an equal quantity, but in an infinitely higher degree.

Adhyaya : 12

Shloka :   2

दाक्षिण्यं स्वजने दया परजने शाठ्यं सदा दुर्जने प्रीतिः साधुजने स्मयः खलजने विद्वज्जने चार्जवम् । शौर्यं शत्रुजने क्षमा गुरुजने नारीजने धूर्तता इत्थं ये पुरुषा कलासु कुशलास्तेष्वेव लोकस्थितिः ॥ ०३ ॥
daksinyam svajane daya parajane sathyam sada durjane pritih sadhujane smayah khalajane vidvajjane charjavam । sauryam satrujane ksama gurujane narijane dhūrtata ittham ye purusa kalasu kusalastesveva lokasthitih ॥ ०3 ॥
Those men who are happy in this world, who are generous towards their relatives, kind to strangers, indifferent to the wicked, loving to the good, shrewd in their dealings with the base, frank with the learned, courageous with enemies, humble with elders and stern with the wife.

Adhyaya : 12

Shloka :   3

हस्तौ दानविवर्जितौ श्रुतिपुटौ सारस्वतद्रोहिणौ नेत्रे साधुविलोकनेन रहिते पादौ न तीर्थं गतौ । अन्यायार्जितवित्तपूर्णमुदरं गर्वेण तुङ्गं शिरो रे रे जम्बुक मुञ्च मुञ्च सहसा नीचं सुनिन्द्यं वपुः ॥ ०४ ॥
hastau danavivarjitau srutiputau sarasvatadrohinau netre sadhuvilokanena rahite padau na tirtham gatau । anyayarjitavittapūrnamudaram garvena tuṅgam siro re re jambuka muñcha muñcha sahasa nicham sunindyam vapuh ॥ ०4 ॥
O jackal, leave aside the body of that man at once, whose hands have never given in charity, whose ears have not heard the voice of learning, whose eyes have not beheld a pure devotee of the Lord, whose feet have never traversed to holy places, whose belly is filled with things obtained by crooked practices, and whose head is held high in vanity. Do not eat it, O jackal, otherwise you will become polluted.

Adhyaya : 12

Shloka :   4

येषां श्रीमद्यशोदासुतपदकमले नास्ति भक्तिर्नराणां येषामाभीरकन्याप्रियगुणकथने नानुरक्ता रसज्ञा । येषां श्रीकृष्णलीलाललितरसकथासादरौ नैव कर्णौ धिक् तान् धिक् तान् धिगेतान् कथयति सततं कीर्तनस्थो मृदङ्गः ॥ ०५ ॥
yesam srimadyasodasutapadakamale nasti bhaktirnaranam yesamabhirakanyapriyagunakathane nanurakta rasajña । yesam srikrsnalilalalitarasakathasadarau naiva karnau dhik tan dhik tan dhigetan kathayati satatam kirtanastho mrdaṅgah ॥ ०5 ॥
"Shame upon those who have no devotion to the lotus feet of Sri Krishna, the son of mother Yasoda; who have no attachment for the describing the glories of Srimati Radharani; whose ears are not eager to listen to the stories of the Lord's lila." Such is the exclamation of the mrdanga sound of dhik-tam dhik-tam dhigatam at kirtana.

Adhyaya : 12

Shloka :   5

पत्रं नैव यदा करीलविटपे दोषो वसन्तस्य किं नोलूकोऽप्यवलोकते यदि दिवा सूर्यस्य किं दूषणम् । वर्षा नैव पतन्ति चातकमुखे मेघस्य किं दूषणं यत्पूर्वं विधिना ललाटलिखितं तन्मार्जितुं कः क्षमः ॥ ०६ ॥
patram naiva yada karilavitape doso vasantasya kim nolūko'pyavalokate yadi diva sūryasya kim dūsanam । varsa naiva patanti chatakamukhe meghasya kim dūsanam yatpūrvam vidhina lalatalikhitam tanmarjitum kah ksamah ॥ ०6 ॥
What fault of spring that the bamboo shoot has no leaves? What fault of the sun if the owl cannot see during the daytime? Is it the fault of the clouds if no raindrops fall into the mouth of the chatak bird? Who can erase what Lord Brahma has inscribed upon our foreheads at the time of birth?

Adhyaya : 12

Shloka :   6

सत्सङ्गाद्भवति हि साधुना खलानां साधूनां न हि खलसङ्गतः खलत्वम् । आमोदं कुसुमभवं मृदेव धत्ते मृद्गन्धं नहि कुसुमानि धारयन्ति ॥ ०७ ॥
satsaṅgadbhavati hi sadhuna khalanam sadhūnam na hi khalasaṅgatah khalatvam । amodam kusumabhavam mrdeva dhatte mrdgandham nahi kusumani dharayanti ॥ ०7 ॥
A wicked man may develop saintly qualities in the company of a devotee, but a devotee does not become impious in the company of a wicked person. The earth is scented by a flower that falls upon it, but the flower does not contact the odour of the earth.

Adhyaya : 12

Shloka :   7

साधूनां दर्शनं पुण्यं तीर्थभूता हि साधवः । कालेन फलते तीर्थं सद्यः साधुसमागमः ॥ ०८ ॥
sadhūnam darsanam punyam tirthabhūta hi sadhavah । kalena phalate tirtham sadyah sadhusamagamah ॥ ०8 ॥
One indeed becomes blessed by having darshan of a devotee; for the devotee has the ability to purify immediately, whereas the sacred tirtha gives purity only after prolonged contact.

Adhyaya : 12

Shloka :   8

विप्रास्मिन्नगरे महान्कथय कस्तालद्रुमाणां गणः को दाता रजको ददाति वसनं प्रातर्गृहीत्वा निशि । को दक्षः परवित्तदारहरणे सर्वोऽपि दक्षो जनः कस्माज्जीवसि हे सखे विषकृमिन्यायेन जीवाम्यहम् ॥ ०९ ॥
viprasminnagare mahankathaya kastaladrumanam ganah ko data rajako dadati vasanam pratargrhitva nisi । ko daksah paravittadaraharane sarvo'pi dakso janah kasmajjivasi he sakhe visakrminyayena jivamyaham ॥ ०9 ॥
A stranger asked a brahmana, "Tell me, who is great in this city?" The brahmana replied, "The cluster of palmyra trees is great." Then the traveller asked, "Who is the most charitable person?" The brahmana answered, "The washerman who takes the clothes in the morning and gives them back in the evening is the most charitable." He then asked, "Who is the ablest man?" The brahmana answered, "Everyone is expert in robbing others of their wives and wealth." The man then asked the brahmana, "How do you manage to live in such a city?" The brahmana replied, "As a worm survives while even in a filthy place so do I survive here!"

Adhyaya : 12

Shloka :   9

न विप्रपादोदककर्दमाणि न वेदशास्त्रध्वनिगर्जितानि । स्वाहास्वधाकारविवर्जितानि श्मशानतुल्यानि गृहाणि तानि ॥ १० ॥
na viprapadodakakardamani na vedasastradhvanigarjitani । svahasvadhakaravivarjitani smasanatulyani grhani tani ॥ 1० ॥
The house in which the lotus feet of brahmanas are not washed, in which Vedic mantras are not loudly recited, and in which the holy rites of svaha (sacrificial offerings to the Supreme Lord) and swadha (offerings to the ancestors) are not performed, is like a crematorium.

Adhyaya : 12

Shloka :   10

सत्यं माता पिता ज्ञानं धर्मो भ्राता दया सखा । शान्तिः पत्नी क्षमा पुत्रः षडेते मम बान्धवाः ॥ ११ ॥
satyam mata pita jñanam dharmo bhrata daya sakha । santih patni ksama putrah sadete mama bandhavah ॥ 11 ॥
Truth is my mother, and my father is spiritual knowledge; righteous conduct is my brother, and mercy is my friend, inner peace is my wife, and forgiveness is my son: these six are my kinsmen.

Adhyaya : 12

Shloka :   11

अनित्यानि शरीराणि विभवो नैव शाश्वतः । नित्यं सन्निहितो मृत्युः कर्तव्यो धर्मसङ्ग्रहः ॥ १२ ॥
anityani sarirani vibhavo naiva sasvatah । nityam sannihito mrtyuh kartavyo dharmasaṅgrahah ॥ 12 ॥
Our bodies are perishable, wealth is not at all permanent and death is always nearby. Therefore we must immediately engage in acts of merit.

Adhyaya : 12

Shloka :   12

निमन्त्रोत्सवा विप्रा गावो नवतृणोत्सवाः । पत्युत्साहयुता भार्या अहं कृष्णचरणोत्सवः ॥ १३ ॥
nimantrotsava vipra gavo navatrnotsavah । patyutsahayuta bharya aham krsnacharanotsavah ॥ 13 ॥
Arjuna says to Krishna. "Brahmanas find joy in going to feasts, cows find joy in eating their tender grass, wives find joy in the company of their husbands, and know, O Krishna, that in the same way I rejoice in battle.

Adhyaya : 12

Shloka :   13

मातृवत्परदारेषु परद्रव्येषु लोष्ट्रवत् । आत्मवत्सर्वभूतेषु यः पश्यति स पण्डितः ॥ १४ ॥
matrvatparadaresu paradravyesu lostravat । atmavatsarvabhūtesu yah pasyati sa panditah ॥ 14 ॥
He who regards another's wife as his mother, the wealth that does not belong to him as a lump of mud, and the pleasure and pain of all other living beings as his own -- truly sees things in the right perspective, and he is a true pandit.

Adhyaya : 12

Shloka :   14

धर्मे तत्परता मुखे मधुरता दाने समुत्साहता मित्रेऽवञ्चकता गुरौ विनयता चित्तेऽतिमभीरता । आचारे शुचिता गुणे रसिकता शास्त्रेषु विज्ञानता रूपे सुन्दरता शिवे भजनता त्वय्यस्ति भो राघव ॥ १५ ॥
dharme tatparata mukhe madhurata dane samutsahata mitre'vañchakata gurau vinayata chitte'timabhirata । achare suchita gune rasikata sastresu vijñanata rūpe sundarata sive bhajanata tvayyasti bho raghava ॥ 15 ॥
O Raghava, the love of virtue, pleasing speech, and an ardent desire for performing acts of charity, guileless dealings with friends, humility in the guru's presence , deep tranquillity of mind, pure conduct, discernment of virtues, realised knowledge of the sastras, beauty of form and devotion to God are all found in you

Adhyaya : 12

Shloka :   15

काष्ठं कल्पतरुः सुमेरुचलश्चिन्तामणिः प्रस्तरः सूर्यास्तीव्रकरः शशी क्षयकरः क्षारो हि वारां निधिः । कामो नष्टतनुर्वलिर्दितिसुतो नित्यं पशुः कामगौ- र्नैतांस्ते तुलयामि भो रघुपते कस्योपमा दीयते ॥ १६ ॥
kastham kalpataruh sumeruchalaschintamanih prastarah sūryastivrakarah sasi ksayakarah ksaro hi varam nidhih । kamo nastatanurvalirditisuto nityam pasuh kamagau- rnaitamste tulayami bho raghupate kasyopama diyate ॥ 16 ॥
The desired tree is wood; the golden Mount Meru is motionless; the wish-fulfilling gem cintamani is just a stone; the sun is scorching; the moon is prone to wane; the boundless ocean is saline; the demigod of lust lost his body to Shiva's wrath; King Bali , the son of Diti, was born into a clan of demons; and Kamadhenu (the cow of heaven) is a mere beast. O Lord of the Raghu dynasty! I cannot compare you to any one of these

Adhyaya : 12

Shloka :   16

विद्या मित्रं प्रवासे च भार्या मित्रं गृहेषु च । व्याधितस्यौषधं मित्रं धर्मो मित्रं मृतस्य च ॥ १७ ॥
vidya mitram pravase cha bharya mitram grhesu cha । vyadhitasyausadham mitram dharmo mitram mrtasya cha ॥ 17 ॥
Realised learning (vidya) is our friend while travelling , the wife is a friend at home, medicine is the friend of a sick man, and meritorious deeds are the friends at death.

Adhyaya : 12

Shloka :   17

विनयं राजपुत्रेभ्यः पण्डितेभ्यः सुभाषितम् । अनृतं द्यूतकारेभ्यः स्त्रीभ्यः शिक्षेत कैतवम् ॥ १८ ॥
vinayam rajaputrebhyah panditebhyah subhasitam । anrtam dyūtakarebhyah stribhyah sikseta kaitavam ॥ 18 ॥
Courtesy should be learned from princes, the art of conversation from pandits, lying should be learned from gamblers and deceitful ways should be learned from women.

Adhyaya : 12

Shloka :   18

अनालोक्य व्ययं कर्ता अनाथः कलहप्रियः । आतुरः सर्वक्षेत्रेषु नरः शीघ्रं विनश्यति ॥ १९ ॥
analokya vyayam karta anathah kalahapriyah । aturah sarvaksetresu narah sighram vinasyati ॥ 19 ॥
The unthinking spender, the homeless urchin, the quarrel monger, the man who neglects his wife and is heedless in his actions -- all these will soon come to ruination.

Adhyaya : 12

Shloka :   19

नाहारं चिन्तयेत्प्राज्ञो धर्ममेकं हि चिन्तयेत् । आहारो हि मनुष्याणां जन्मना सह जायते ॥ २० ॥
naharam chintayetprajño dharmamekam hi chintayet । aharo hi manusyanam janmana saha jayate ॥ 2० ॥
The wise man should not be anxious about his food; he should be anxious to be engaged only in dharma (righteous actions). the food of each man is created for him at his birth.

Adhyaya : 12

Shloka :   20

धनधान्यप्रयोगेषु विद्यासङ्ग्रहणे तथा । आहारे व्यवहारे च त्यक्तलज्जः सुखी भवेत् ॥ २१ ॥
dhanadhanyaprayogesu vidyasaṅgrahane tatha । ahare vyavahare cha tyaktalajjah sukhi bhavet ॥ 21 ॥
He who is not shy in the acquisition of wealth, grain and knowledge, and in taking his meals, will be happy.

Adhyaya : 12

Shloka :   21

जलबिन्दुनिपातेन क्रमशः पूर्यते घटः । स हेतुः सर्वविद्यानां धर्मस्य च धनस्य च ॥ २२ ॥
jalabindunipatena kramasah pūryate ghatah । sa hetuh sarvavidyanam dharmasya cha dhanasya cha ॥ 22 ॥
As centesimal droppings will fill a pot so also are knowledge, virtue and wealth gradually obtained.

Adhyaya : 12

Shloka :   22

वयसः परिणामेऽपि यः खलः खल एव सः । सम्पक्वमपि माधुर्यं नोपयातीन्द्रवारुणम् ॥ २३ ॥
vayasah pariname'pi yah khalah khala eva sah । sampakvamapi madhuryam nopayatindravarunam ॥ 23 ॥
The man who remains a fool even in advanced age is really a fool, just as the Indra-Varuna fruit does not become sweet no matter how ripe it might become.

Adhyaya : 12

Shloka :   23

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