Chanakaya Neeti

Adhyaya 3

ॐ श्री परमात्मने नमः

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कस्य दोषः कुले नास्ति व्याधिना को न पीडितः । व्यसनं केन न प्राप्तं कस्य सौख्यं निरन्तरम् ॥ ०१ ॥
kasya dosah kule nasti vyadhina ko na piditah । vyasanam kena na praptam kasya saukhyam nirantaram ॥ ०1 ॥
In this world, whose family is there without blemish? Who is free from sickness and grief? Who is forever happy?

Adhyaya : 3

Shloka :   1

आचारः कुलमाख्याति देशमाख्याति भाषणम् । सम्भ्रमः स्नेहमाख्याति वपुराख्याति भोजनम् ॥ ०२ ॥
acharah kulamakhyati desamakhyati bhasanam । sambhramah snehamakhyati vapurakhyati bhojanam ॥ ०2 ॥
A man's descent may be discerned by - his conduct, his country by his pronunciation of language, his friendship by his warmth and glow, and his capacity to eat by his body.

Adhyaya : 3

Shloka :   2

सुकुले योजयेत्कन्यां पुत्रं विद्यासु योजयेत् । व्यसने योजयेच्छत्रुं मित्रं धर्मेण योजयेत् ॥ ०३ ॥
sukule yojayetkanyam putram vidyasu yojayet । vyasane yojayechChatrum mitram dharmena yojayet ॥ ०3 ॥
Give your daughter in marriage to a good family, engage your son in learning, see that your enemy comes to grief, and engage your friends in dharma.

Adhyaya : 3

Shloka :   3

दुर्जनस्य च सर्पस्य वरं सर्पो न दुर्जनः । सर्पो दंशति काले तु दुर्जनस्तु पदे पदे ॥ ०४ ॥
durjanasya cha sarpasya varam sarpo na durjanah । sarpo damsati kale tu durjanastu pade pade ॥ ०4 ॥
Of a rascal and a serpent, the serpent is the better of the two, for he strikes only at the time he is destined to kill, while the former at every step

Adhyaya : 3

Shloka :   4

एतदर्थे कुलीनानां नृपाः कुर्वन्ति सङ्ग्रहम् । आदिमध्यावसानेषु न ते गच्छन्ति विक्रियाम् ॥ ०५ ॥
etadarthe kulinanam nrpah kurvanti saṅgraham । adimadhyavasanesu na te gachChanti vikriyam ॥ ०5 ॥
Therefore kings gather round themselves men of good families, for they never forsake them either at the beginning, the middle or the end.

Adhyaya : 3

Shloka :   5

प्रलये भिन्नमर्यादा भवन्ति किल सागराः । सागरा भेदमिच्छन्ति प्रलयेऽपि न साधवः ॥ ०६ ॥
praḻaye bhinnamaryada bhavanti kila sagarah । sagara bhedamichChanti pralaye'pi na sadhavah ॥ ०6 ॥
At the time of the praḻaya (universal destruction) the oceans are to exceed their limits and seek to change, but a saintly man never changes.

Adhyaya : 3

Shloka :   6

मूर्खस्तु प्रहर्तव्यः प्रत्यक्षो द्विपदः पशुः । भिद्यते वाक्य-शल्येन अदृशं कण्टकं यथा ॥ ०७ ॥
mūrkhastu prahartavyah pratyakso dvipadah pasuh । bhidyate vakya-salyena adrsam kantakam yatha ॥ ०7 ॥
Do not keep company with a fool for as we can see he is a two-legged beast. Like an unseen thorn he pierces the heart with his sharp words.

Adhyaya : 3

Shloka :   7

रूपयौवनसम्पन्ना विशालकुलसम्भवाः । विद्याहीना न शोभन्ते निर्गन्धाः किंशुका यथा ॥ ०८ ॥
rūpayauvanasampanna visalakulasambhavah । vidyahina na sobhante nirgandhah kimsuka yatha ॥ ०8 ॥
Though men be endowed with beauty and youth and born in noble families, yet without education they are like the palasa flower which is void of sweet fragrance

Adhyaya : 3

Shloka :   8

कोकिलानां स्वरो रूपं स्त्रीणां रूपं पतिव्रतम् । विद्या रूपं कुरूपाणां क्षमा रूपं तपस्विनाम् ॥ ०९ ॥
kokilanam svaro rūpam strinam rūpam pativratam । vidya rūpam kurūpanam ksama rūpam tapasvinam ॥ ०9 ॥
The beauty of a cuckoo is in its notes, that of a woman in her unalloyed devotion to her husband, that of an ugly person in his scholarship, and that of an ascetic in his forgiveness.

Adhyaya : 3

Shloka :   9

त्यजेदेकं कुलस्यार्थे ग्रामस्यार्थे कुलं त्यजेत् । ग्रामं जनपदस्यार्थे आत्मार्थे पृथिवीं त्यजेत् ॥ १० ॥
tyajedekam kulasyarthe gramasyarthe kulam tyajet । gramam janapadasyarthe atmarthe prthivim tyajet ॥ 1० ॥
Give up a member to save a family, a family to save a village, a village to save a country, and the country to save yourself.

Adhyaya : 3

Shloka :   10

उद्योगे नास्ति दारिद्र्यं जपतो नास्ति पातकम् । मौनेन कलहो नास्ति नास्ति जागरिते भयम् ॥ ११ ॥
krsito nasti durbhiksam japato nasti patakam । maunena kalaho nasti nasti jagarito bhayam ॥ 11 ॥
There is no poverty for the industrious. Sin does not attach itself to the person practicing japa or meditation, who does not attach himself to good or bad in situations. Those who are absorbed in maunam have no quarrel with others. They are fearless who remain always alert.

Adhyaya : 3

Shloka :   11

अतिरूपेण वा सीता अतिगर्वेण रावणः । अतिदानाद्बलिर्बद्धो ह्यतिसर्वत्र वर्जयेत् ॥ १२ ॥
atirūpena va sita atigarvena ravanah । atidanadbalirbaddho-hyatisarvatra varjayet ॥ 12 ॥
devi sita was abducted by ravana because of her being extremely beautiful, and ravana did this being extremely proud of his power. Demon King bali also suffered downfall of is kingdom due to his extreme charitable nature. Therefore, we should always give up the habit of going to the extreme in any case or a situation.

Adhyaya : 3

Shloka :   12

को हि भारः समर्थानां किं दूरं व्यवसायिनाम् । को विदेशः सुविद्यानां कः परः प्रियवादिनाम् ॥ १३ ॥
ko hi bharah samarthanam kim dūram vyavasayinam । ko videsah suvidyanam kah parah priyavadinam ॥ 13 ॥
What is too heavy for the strong and what place is too distant for those who put forth effort? What country is foreign to a man of true learning? Who can be inimical to one who speaks pleasingly?

Adhyaya : 3

Shloka :   13

एकेनापि सुवृक्षेण पुष्पितेन सुगन्धिना । वासितं तद्वनं सर्वं सुपुत्रेण कुलं यथा ॥ १४ ॥
ekenapi suvrksena puspitena sugandhina । vasitam tadvanam sarvam suputrena kulam yatha ॥ 14 ॥
`As a whole forest becomes fragrant by the existence of a single tree with sweet-smelling blossoms in it, so a family becomes famous by the birth of a virtuous son.

Adhyaya : 3

Shloka :   14

एकेन शुष्कवृक्षेण दह्यमानेन वह्निना । दह्यते तद्वनं सर्वं कुपुत्रेण कुलं यथा ॥ १५ ॥
ekena suskavrksena dahyamanena vahnina । dahyate tadvanam sarvam kuputrena kulam yatha ॥ 15 ॥
As a single withered tree, if set aflame, causes a whole forest to burn, so does a rascal son destroy a whole family.

Adhyaya : 3

Shloka :   15

एकेनापि सुपुत्रेण विद्यायुक्तेन साधुना । आह्लादितं कुलं सर्वं यथा चन्द्रेण शर्वरी ॥ १६ ॥
ekenapi suputrena vidyayuktena sadhuna । ahladitam kulam sarvam yatha chandrena sarvari ॥ 16 ॥
As night looks delightful when the moon shines, so is a family gladdened by even one learned and virtuous son.

Adhyaya : 3

Shloka :   16

किं जातैर्बहुभिः पुत्रैः शोकसन्तापकारकैः । वरमेकः कुलालम्बी यत्र विश्राम्यते कुलम् ॥ १७ ॥
kim jatairbahubhih putraih sokasantapakarakaih । varamekah kulalambi yatra visramyate kulam ॥ 17 ॥
What is the use of having many sons if they cause grief and vexation? It is better to have only one son from whom the whole family can derive support and peacefulness.

Adhyaya : 3

Shloka :   17

लालयेत्पञ्चवर्षाणि दशवर्षाणि ताडयेत् । प्राप्ते तु षोडशे वर्षे पुत्रे मित्रवदाचरेत् ॥ १८ ॥
lalayetpañchavarsani dasavarsani tadayet । prapte tu sodase varse putre mitravadacharet ॥ 18 ॥
Fondle a son until he is five years of age, and use the stick for another ten years, but when he has attained his sixteenth year treat him as a friend.

Adhyaya : 3

Shloka :   18

उपसर्गेऽन्यचक्रे च दुर्भिक्षे च भयावहे । असाधुजनसम्पर्के यः पलायेत्स जीवति ॥ १९ ॥
upasarge'nyachakre cha durbhikse cha bhayavahe । asadhujanasamparke yah palayetsa jivati ॥ 19 ॥
He who runs away from a fearful calamity, a foreign invasion, a terrible famine, and the companionship of wicked men is safe.

Adhyaya : 3

Shloka :   19

धर्मार्थकाममोक्षाणां यस्यैकोऽपि न विद्यते । अजागलस्तनस्येव तस्य जन्म निरर्थकम् ॥ २० ॥
dharmarthakamamoksanam yasyaiko'pi na vidyate । ajagalastanasyeva tasya janma nirarthakam ॥ 2० ॥
He who has not acquired one of the following: religious merit (dharma), wealth (artha), satisfaction of desires (kama), or liberation (moksa) is repeatedly born to die.

Adhyaya : 3

Shloka :   20

मूर्खा यत्र न पूज्यन्ते धान्यं यत्र सुसञ्चितम् । दाम्पत्ये कलहो नास्ति तत्र श्रीः स्वयमागता ॥ २१ ॥
mūrkha yatra na pūjyante dhanyam yatra susañchitam । dampatye kalaho nasti tatra srih svayamagata ॥ 21 ॥
Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth, comes of Her own accord where fools are not respected, grain is well stored up, and the husband and wife do not quarrel.

Adhyaya : 3

Shloka :   21

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