Manu Smriti

Adhyaya 11

ॐ श्री परमात्मने नमः

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सान्तानिकं यक्ष्यमाणमध्वगं सार्ववेदसम् । गुर्वर्थं पितृमात्र्यर्थं स्वाध्यायार्थ्युपतापिनः ॥ ११.१॥
sāntānikaṃ yakṣyamāṇamadhvagaṃ sārvavedasam | gurvarthaṃ pitṛmātryarthaṃ svādhyāyārthyupatāpinaḥ || 11.1||
11.1. Him who wishes (to marry for the sake of having) offspring, him who wishes to perform a sacrifice, a traveller, him who has given away all his property, him who begs for the sake of his teacher, his father, or his mother, a student of the Veda, and a sick man,

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   1

न वै तान् स्नातकान् विद्याद्ब्राह्मणान् धर्मभिक्षुकान् । निःस्वेभ्यो देयमेतेभ्यो दानं विद्याविशेषतः ॥ ११.२॥
na vai tān snātakān vidyādbrāhmaṇān dharmabhikṣukān | niḥsvebhyo deyametebhyo dānaṃ vidyāviśeṣataḥ || 11.2||
11.2. These nine Brahmanas one should consider as Snatakas, begging in order to fulfil the sacred law; to such poor men gifts must be given in proportion to their learning.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   2

एतेभ्यो हि द्विजाग्र्येभ्यो देयमन्नं सदक्षिणम् । इतरेभ्यो बहिर्वेदि कृतान्नं देयमुच्यते ॥ ११.३॥
etebhyo hi dvijāgryebhyo deyamannaṃ sadakṣiṇam | itarebhyo bahirvedi kṛtānnaṃ deyamucyate || 11.3||
11.3. To these most excellent among the twice-born, food and presents (of money) must be given; it is declared that food must be given to others outside the sacrificial enclosure.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   3

सर्वरत्नानि राजा तु यथार्हं प्रतिपादयेत् । ब्राह्मणान् वेदविदुषो यज्ञार्थं चैव दक्षिणाम् ॥ ११.४॥
sarvaratnāni rājā tu yathārhaṃ pratipādayet | brāhmaṇān vedaviduṣo yajñārthaṃ caiva dakṣiṇām || 11.4||
11.4. But a king shall bestow, as is proper, jewels of all sorts, and presents for the sake of sacrifices on Brahmanas learned in the Vedas.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   4

कृतदारोऽपरान् दारान् भिक्षित्वा योऽधिगच्छति । रतिमात्रं फलं तस्य द्रव्यदातुस्तु संततिः ॥ ११.५॥
kṛtadāro'parān dārān bhikṣitvā yo'dhigacchati | ratimātraṃ phalaṃ tasya dravyadātustu saṃtatiḥ || 11.5||
11.5. If a man who has a wife weds a second wife, having begged money (to defray the marriage expenses, he obtains) no advantage but sensual enjoyment; but the issue (of his second marriage belongs) to the giver of the money.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   5

धनानि तु यथाशक्ति विप्रेषु प्रतिपादयेत् । वेदवित्सु विविक्तेषु प्रेत्य स्वर्गं समश्नुते ॥ ११.६॥
dhanāni tu yathāśakti vipreṣu pratipādayet | vedavitsu vivikteṣu pretya svargaṃ samaśnute || 11.6||
11.6. One should give, according to one’s ability, wealth to Brahmanas learned in the Veda and living alone; (thus) one obtains after death heavenly bliss.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   6

यस्य त्रैवार्षिकं भक्तं पर्याप्तं भृत्यवृत्तये । अधिकं वाऽपि विद्येत स सोमं पातुमर्हति ॥ ११.७॥
yasya traivārṣikaṃ bhaktaṃ paryāptaṃ bhṛtyavṛttaye | adhikaṃ vā'pi vidyeta sa somaṃ pātumarhati || 11.7||
11.7. He who may possess (a supply of) food sufficient to maintain those dependant on him during three years or more than that, is worthy to drink the Soma-juice.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   7

अतः स्वल्पीयसि द्रव्ये यः सोमं पिबति द्विजः । स पीतसोमपूर्वोऽपि न तस्याप्नोति तत्फलम् ॥ ११.८॥
ataḥ svalpīyasi dravye yaḥ somaṃ pibati dvijaḥ | sa pītasomapūrvo'pi na tasyāpnoti tatphalam || 11.8||
11.8. But a twice-born man, who, though possessing less than that amount of property, nevertheless drinks the Soma-juice, does not derive any benefit from that (act), though he may have formerly drunk the Soma-juice.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   8

शक्तः परजने दाता स्वजने दुःखजीविनि । मध्वापातो विषास्वादः स धर्मप्रतिरूपकः ॥ ११.९॥
śaktaḥ parajane dātā svajane duḥkhajīvini | madhvāpāto viṣāsvādaḥ sa dharmapratirūpakaḥ || 11.9||
11.9. (If) an opulent man (is) liberal towards strangers, while his family lives in distress, that counterfeit virtue will first make him taste the sweets (of fame, but afterwards) make him swallow the poison (of punishment in hell).

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   9

भृत्यानामुपरोधेन यत्करोत्यौर्ध्वदेहिकम् । तद्भवत्यसुखौदर्कं जीवतश्च मृतस्य च ॥ ११.१०॥
bhṛtyānāmuparodhena yatkarotyaurdhvadehikam | tadbhavatyasukhaudarkaṃ jīvataśca mṛtasya ca || 11.10||
11.10. If (a man) does anything for the sake of his happiness in another world, to the detriment of those whom he is bound to maintain, that produces evil results for him, both while he lives and when he is dead.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   10

यज्ञश्चेत्प्रतिरुद्धः स्यादेकेनाङ्गेन यज्वनः । ब्राह्मणस्य विशेषेन धार्मिके सति राजनि ॥ ११.११॥
yajñaścetpratiruddhaḥ syādekenāṅgena yajvanaḥ | brāhmaṇasya viśeṣena dhārmike sati rājani || 11.11||
11.11. If a sacrifice, (offered) by (any twice-born) sacrificer, (and) especially by a Brahmana, must remain incomplete through (the want of) one requisite, while a righteous king rules,

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   11

यो वैश्यः स्याद्बहुपशुर्हीनक्रतुरसोमपः । कुटुम्बात्तस्य तद्द्रव्यमाहरेद्यज्ञसिद्धये ॥ ११.१२॥
yo vaiśyaḥ syādbahupaśurhīnakraturasomapaḥ | kuṭumbāttasya taddravyamāharedyajñasiddhaye || 11.12||
11.12. That article (required) for the completion of the sacrifice, may be taken (forcibly) from the house of any Vaisya, who possesses a large number of cattle, (but) neither performs the (minor) sacrifices nor drinks the Soma-juice.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   12

आहरेत्त्रीणि वा द्वे वा कामं शूद्रस्य वेश्मनः । न हि शूद्रस्य यज्ञेषु कश्चिदस्ति परिग्रहः ॥ ११.१३॥
āharettrīṇi vā dve vā kāmaṃ śūdrasya veśmanaḥ | na hi śūdrasya yajñeṣu kaścidasti parigrahaḥ || 11.13||
11.13. (Or) the (sacrificer) may take at his pleasure two or three (articles required for a sacrifice) from the house of a Sudra; for a Sudra has no business with sacrifices.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   13

योऽनाहिताग्निः शतगुरयज्वा च सहस्रगुः । तयोरपि कुटुम्बाभ्यामाहरेदविचारयन् ॥ ११.१४॥
yo'nāhitāgniḥ śatagurayajvā ca sahasraguḥ | tayorapi kuṭumbābhyāmāharedavicārayan || 11.14||
11.14. If (a man) possessing one hundred cows, kindles not the sacred fire, or one possessing a thousand cows, drinks not the Soma-juice, a (sacrificer) may unhesitatingly take (what he requires) from the houses of those two, even (though they be Brahmanas or Kshatriyas);

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   14

आदाननित्याच्चादातुराहरेदप्रयच्छतः । तथा यशोऽस्य प्रथते धर्मश्चैव प्रवर्धते ॥ ११.१५॥
ādānanityāccādāturāharedaprayacchataḥ | tathā yaśo'sya prathate dharmaścaiva pravardhate || 11.15||
11.15. (Or) he may take (it by force or fraud) from one who always takes and never gives, and who refuses to give it; thus the fame (of the taker) will spread and his merit increase.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   15

तथैव सप्तमे भक्ते भक्तानि षडनश्नता । अश्वस्तनविधानेन हर्तव्यं हीनकर्मणः ॥ ११.१६॥
tathaiva saptame bhakte bhaktāni ṣaḍanaśnatā | aśvastanavidhānena hartavyaṃ hīnakarmaṇaḥ || 11.16||
11.16. Likewise he who has not eaten at (the time of) six meals, may take at (the time of) the seventh meal (food) from a man who neglects his sacred duties, without (however) making a provision for the morrow,

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   16

खलात्क्षेत्रादगाराद्वा यतो वाऽप्युपलभ्यते । आख्यातव्यं तु तत्तस्मै पृच्छते यदि पृच्छति ॥ ११.१७॥
khalātkṣetrādagārādvā yato vā'pyupalabhyate | ākhyātavyaṃ tu tattasmai pṛcchate yadi pṛcchati || 11.17||
11.17. Either from the threshing-floor, or from a field, or out of the house, or wherever he finds it; but if (the owner) asks him, he must confess to him that (deed and its cause).

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   17

ब्राह्मणस्वं न हर्तव्यं क्षत्रियेण कदा चन । दस्युनिष्क्रिययोस्तु स्वमजीवन् हर्तुमर्हति ॥ ११.१८॥
brāhmaṇasvaṃ na hartavyaṃ kṣatriyeṇa kadā cana | dasyuniṣkriyayostu svamajīvan hartumarhati || 11.18||
11.18. (On such occasions) a Kshatriya must never take the property of a (virtuous Brahmana; but he who is starving may appropriate the possessions of a Dasyu, or of one who neglects his sacred duties.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   18

योऽसाधुभ्योऽर्थमादाय साधुभ्यः सम्प्रयच्छति । स कृत्वा प्लवमात्मानं संतारयति तावुभौ ॥ ११.१९॥
yo'sādhubhyo'rthamādāya sādhubhyaḥ samprayacchati | sa kṛtvā plavamātmānaṃ saṃtārayati tāvubhau || 11.19||
11.19. He who takes property from the wicked and bestows it on the virtuous, transforms himself into a boat, and carries both (over the sea of misfortune).

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   19

यद्धनं यज्ञशीलानां देवस्वं तद्विदुर्बुधाः । अयज्वनां तु यद्वित्तमासुरस्वं तदुच्यते ॥ ११.२०॥
yaddhanaṃ yajñaśīlānāṃ devasvaṃ tadvidurbudhāḥ | ayajvanāṃ tu yadvittamāsurasvaṃ taducyate || 11.20||
11.20. The property of those who zealously offer sacrifices, the wise call the property of the gods; but the wealth of those who perform no sacrifices is called the property of the Asuras.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   20

न तस्मिन् धारयेद्दण्डं धार्मिकः पृथिवीपतिः । क्षत्रियस्य हि बालिश्याद्ब्राह्मणः सीदति क्षुधा ॥ ११.२१॥
na tasmin dhārayeddaṇḍaṃ dhārmikaḥ pṛthivīpatiḥ | kṣatriyasya hi bāliśyādbrāhmaṇaḥ sīdati kṣudhā || 11.21||
11.21. On him (who, for the reasons stated, appropriates another’s possessions), a righteous king shall not inflict punishment; for (in that case) a Brahmana pines with hunger through the Kshatriya’s want of care.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   21

तस्य भृत्यजनं ज्ञात्वा स्वकुटुम्बान् महीपतिः । श्रुतशीले च विज्ञाय वृत्तिं धर्म्यां प्रकल्पयेत् ॥ ११.२२॥
tasya bhṛtyajanaṃ jñātvā svakuṭumbān mahīpatiḥ | śrutaśīle ca vijñāya vṛttiṃ dharmyāṃ prakalpayet || 11.22||
11.22. Having ascertained the number of those dependent on such a man, and having fully considered his learning and his conduct, the king shall allow him, out of his own property, a maintenance whereon he may live according to the law;

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   22

कल्पयित्वाऽस्य वृत्तिं च रक्षेदेनं समन्ततः । राजा हि धर्मषड्भागं तस्मात्प्राप्नोति रक्षितात् ॥ ११.२३॥
kalpayitvā'sya vṛttiṃ ca rakṣedenaṃ samantataḥ | rājā hi dharmaṣaḍbhāgaṃ tasmātprāpnoti rakṣitāt || 11.23||
11.23. And after allotting to him a maintenance, the king must protect him in every way; for he obtains from such (a man) whom he protects, the part of his spiritual merit.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   23

न यज्ञार्थं धनं शूद्राद्विप्रो भिक्षेत कर्हि चित् । यजमानो हि भिक्षित्वा चण्डालः प्रेत्य जायते ॥ ११.२४॥
na yajñārthaṃ dhanaṃ śūdrādvipro bhikṣeta karhi cit | yajamāno hi bhikṣitvā caṇḍālaḥ pretya jāyate || 11.24||
11.24. A Brahmana shall never beg from a Sudra property for a sacrifice; for a sacrificer, having begged (it from such a man), after death is born (again) as a Kandala.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   24

यज्ञार्थमर्थं भिक्षित्वा यो न सर्वं प्रयच्छति । स याति भासतां विप्रः काकतां वा शतं समाः ॥ ११.२५॥
yajñārthamarthaṃ bhikṣitvā yo na sarvaṃ prayacchati | sa yāti bhāsatāṃ vipraḥ kākatāṃ vā śataṃ samāḥ || 11.25||
11.25. A Brahmana who, having begged any property for a sacrifice, does not use the whole (for that purpose), becomes for a hundred years a (vulture of the kind called) Bhasa, or a crow.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   25

देवस्वं ब्राह्मणस्वं वा लोभेनोपहिनस्ति यः । स पापात्मा परे लोके गृध्रौच्छिष्टेन जीवति ॥ ११.२६॥
devasvaṃ brāhmaṇasvaṃ vā lobhenopahinasti yaḥ | sa pāpātmā pare loke gṛdhraucchiṣṭena jīvati || 11.26||
11.26. That sinful man, who, through covetousness, seizes the property of the gods, or the property of Brahmanas, feeds in another world on the leavings of vultures.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   26

इष्टिं वैश्वानरीं नित्यं निर्वपेदब्दपर्यये । कॢप्तानां पशुसोमानां निष्कृत्यर्थमसम्भवे ॥ ११.२७॥
iṣṭiṃ vaiśvānarīṃ nityaṃ nirvapedabdaparyaye | kḷptānāṃ paśusomānāṃ niṣkṛtyarthamasambhave || 11.27||
11.27. In case the prescribed animal and Soma-sacrifices cannot be performed, let him always offer at the change of the year a Vaisvanari Ishti as a penance (for the omission).

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   27

आपत्कल्पेन यो धर्मं कुरुतेऽनापदि द्विजः । स नाप्नोति फलं तस्य परत्रेति विचारितम् ॥ ११.२८॥
āpatkalpena yo dharmaṃ kurute'nāpadi dvijaḥ | sa nāpnoti phalaṃ tasya paratreti vicāritam || 11.28||
11.28. But a twice-born, who, without being in distress, performs his duties according to the law for times of distress, obtains no reward for them in the next world; that is the opinion (of the sages).

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   28

विश्वैश्च देवैः साध्यैश्च ब्राह्मणैश्च महर्षिभिः । आपत्सु मरणाद्भीतैर्विधेः प्रतिनिधिः कृतः ॥ ११.२९॥
viśvaiśca devaiḥ sādhyaiśca brāhmaṇaiśca maharṣibhiḥ | āpatsu maraṇādbhītairvidheḥ pratinidhiḥ kṛtaḥ || 11.29||
11.29. By the Visve-devas, by the Sadhyas, and by the great sages (of the) Brahmana (caste), who were afraid of perishing in times of distress, a substitute was made for the (principal) rule.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   29

प्रभुः प्रथमकल्पस्य योऽनुकल्पेन वर्तते । न साम्परायिकं तस्य दुर्मतेर्विद्यते फलम् ॥ ११.३०॥
prabhuḥ prathamakalpasya yo'nukalpena vartate | na sāmparāyikaṃ tasya durmatervidyate phalam || 11.30||
11.30. That evil-minded man, who, being able (to fulfil) the original law, lives according to the secondary rule, reaps no reward for that after death.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   30

न ब्राह्मणो वेदयेत किञ्चिद्राजनि धर्मवित् । स्ववीर्येणैव तांशिष्यान् मानवानपकारिणः ॥ ११.३१॥
na brāhmaṇo vedayeta kiñcidrājani dharmavit | svavīryeṇaiva tāṃśiṣyān mānavānapakāriṇaḥ || 11.31||
11.31. A Brahmana who knows the law need not bring any (offence) to the notice of the king; by his own power alone be can punish those men who injure him.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   31

स्ववीर्याद्राजवीर्याच्च स्ववीर्यं बलवत्तरम् । तस्मात्स्वेनैव वीर्येण निगृह्णीयादरीन् द्विजः ॥ ११.३२॥
svavīryādrājavīryācca svavīryaṃ balavattaram | tasmātsvenaiva vīryeṇa nigṛhṇīyādarīn dvijaḥ || 11.32||
11.32. His own power is greater than the power of the king; the Brahmana therefore, may punish his foes by his own power alone.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   32

श्रुतीरथर्वाङ्गिरसीः कुर्यादित्यविचारयन् । वाक्षस्त्रं वै ब्राह्मणस्य तेन हन्यादरीन् द्विजः ॥ ११.३३॥
śrutīratharvāṅgirasīḥ kuryādityavicārayan | vākṣastraṃ vai brāhmaṇasya tena hanyādarīn dvijaḥ || 11.33||
11.33. Let him use without hesitation the sacred texts, revealed by Atharvan and by Angiras; speech, indeed, is the weapon of the Brahmana, with that he may slay his enemies.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   33

क्षत्रियो बाहुवीर्येण तरेदापदमात्मनः । धनेन वैश्यशूद्रौ तु जपहोमैर्द्विजोत्तमः ॥ ११.३४॥
kṣatriyo bāhuvīryeṇa taredāpadamātmanaḥ | dhanena vaiśyaśūdrau tu japahomairdvijottamaḥ || 11.34||
11.34. A Kshatriya shall pass through misfortunes which have befallen him by the strength of his arms, a Vaisya and a Sudra by their wealth, the chief of the twice-born by muttered prayers and burnt-oblations.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   34

विधाता शासिता वक्ता मैत्रो ब्राह्मण उच्यते । तस्मै नाकुशलं ब्रूयान्न शुष्कां गिरमीरयेत् ॥ ११.३५॥
vidhātā śāsitā vaktā maitro brāhmaṇa ucyate | tasmai nākuśalaṃ brūyānna śuṣkāṃ giramīrayet || 11.35||
11.35. The Brahmana is declared (to be) the creator (of the world), the punisher, the teacher, (and hence) a benefactor (of all created beings); to him let no man say anything unpropitious, nor use any harsh words.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   35

न वै कन्या न युवतिर्नाल्पविद्यो न बालिशः । होता स्यादग्निहोत्रस्य नार्तो नासंस्कृतस्तथा ॥ ११.३६॥
na vai kanyā na yuvatirnālpavidyo na bāliśaḥ | hotā syādagnihotrasya nārto nāsaṃskṛtastathā || 11.36||
11.36. Neither a girl, nor a (married) young woman, nor a man of little learning, nor a fool, nor a man in great suffering, nor one uninitiated, shall offer an Agnihotra.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   36

नरके हि पतन्त्येते जुह्वन्तः स च यस्य तत् । जुह्वतः तस्माद्वैतानकुशलो होता स्याद्वेदपारगः ॥ ११.३७॥
narake hi patantyete juhvantaḥ sa ca yasya tat | juhvataḥ tasmādvaitānakuśalo hotā syādvedapāragaḥ || 11.37||
11.37. For such (persons) offering a burnt-oblation sink into hell, as well as he to whom that (Agnihotra) belongs; hence the person who sacrifices (for another) must be skilled in (the performance of) Vaitana (rites), and know the whole Veda.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   37

प्राजापत्यमदत्त्वाऽश्वमग्न्याधेयस्य दक्षिणाम् । अनाहिताग्निर्भवति ब्राह्मणो विभवे सति ॥ ११.३८॥
prājāpatyamadattvā'śvamagnyādheyasya dakṣiṇām | anāhitāgnirbhavati brāhmaṇo vibhave sati || 11.38||
11.38. A Brahmana who, though wealthy, does not give, as fee for the performance of an Agnyadheya, a horse sacred to Pragapati, becomes (equal to one) who has not kindled the sacred fires.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   38

पुण्यान्यन्यानि कुर्वीत श्रद्दधानो जितेन्द्रियः । न त्वल्पदक्षिणैर्यज्ञैर्यजेतेह कथं चन ॥ ११.३९॥
puṇyānyanyāni kurvīta śraddadhāno jitendriyaḥ | na tvalpadakṣiṇairyajñairyajeteha kathaṃ cana || 11.39||
11.39. Let him who has faith and controls his senses perform other meritorious acts, but let him on no account offer sacrifices at which he gives smaller fees (than those prescribed).

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   39

इन्द्रियाणि यशः स्वर्गमायुः कीर्तिं प्रजाः पशून् । हन्त्यल्पदक्षिणो यज्ञस्तस्मान्नाल्पधनो यजेत् ॥ ११.४०॥
indriyāṇi yaśaḥ svargamāyuḥ kīrtiṃ prajāḥ paśūn | hantyalpadakṣiṇo yajñastasmānnālpadhano yajet || 11.40||
11.40. The organs (of sense and action), honour, (bliss in) heaven, longevity, fame, offspring, and cattle are destroyed by a sacrifice at which (too) small sacrificial fees are given; hence a man of small means should not offer a (Srauta) sacrifice.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   40

अग्निहोत्र्यपविद्याग्नीन् ब्राह्मणः कामकारतः । चान्द्रायणं चरेन् मासं वीरहत्यासमं हि तत् ॥ ११.४१॥
agnihotryapavidyāgnīn brāhmaṇaḥ kāmakārataḥ | cāndrāyaṇaṃ caren māsaṃ vīrahatyāsamaṃ hi tat || 11.41||
11.41. A Brahmana who, being an Agnihotrin, voluntarily neglects the sacred fires, shall perform a lunar penance during one month; for that (offence) is equal to the slaughter of a son.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   41

ये शूद्रादधिगम्यार्थमग्निहोत्रमुपासते । ऋत्विजस्ते हि शूद्राणां ब्रह्मवादिषु गर्हिताः ॥ ११.४२॥
ye śūdrādadhigamyārthamagnihotramupāsate | ṛtvijaste hi śūdrāṇāṃ brahmavādiṣu garhitāḥ || 11.42||
11.42. Those who, obtaining wealth from Sudras, (and using that) offer an Agnihotra, are priests officiating for Sudras, (and hence) censured among those who recite the Veda.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   42

तेषां सततमज्ञानां वृषलाग्न्युपसेविनाम् । पदा मस्तकमाक्रम्य दाता दुर्गाणि संतरेत् ॥ ११.४३॥
teṣāṃ satatamajñānāṃ vṛṣalāgnyupasevinām | padā mastakamākramya dātā durgāṇi saṃtaret || 11.43||
11.43. Treading with his foot on the heads of those fools who worship a fire (kindled at the expense) of a Sudra, the giver (of the wealth) shall always pass over his miseries (in the next world).

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   43

अकुर्वन् विहितं कर्म निन्दितं च समाचरन् । प्रसज्जनिन्द्रियार्थेषु प्रायश्चित्तीयते नरः ॥ ११.४४॥
akurvan vihitaṃ karma ninditaṃ ca samācaran | prasajjanindriyārtheṣu prāyaścittīyate naraḥ || 11.44||
11.44. A man who omits a prescribed act, or performs a blamable act, or cleaves to sensual enjoyments, must perform a penance.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   44

अकामतः कृते पापे प्रायश्चित्तं विदुर्बुधाः । कामकारकृतेऽप्याहुरेके श्रुतिनिदर्शनात् ॥ ११.४५॥
akāmataḥ kṛte pāpe prāyaścittaṃ vidurbudhāḥ | kāmakārakṛte'pyāhureke śrutinidarśanāt || 11.45||
11.45. (All) sages prescribe a penance for a sin unintentionally committed; some declare, on the evidence of the revealed texts, (that it may be performed) even for an intentional (offence).

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   45

अकामतः कृतं पापं वेदाभ्यासेन शुध्यति । कामतस्तु कृतं मोहात्प्रायश्चित्तैः पृथग्विधैः ॥ ११.४६॥
akāmataḥ kṛtaṃ pāpaṃ vedābhyāsena śudhyati | kāmatastu kṛtaṃ mohātprāyaścittaiḥ pṛthagvidhaiḥ || 11.46||
11.46. A sin unintentionally committed is expiated by the recitation of Vedic texts, but that which (men) in their folly commit intentionally, by various (special) penances.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   46

प्रायश्चित्तीयतां प्राप्य दैवात्पूर्वकृतेन वा । न संसर्गं व्रजेत्सद्भिः प्रायश्चित्तेऽकृते द्विजः ॥ ११.४७॥
prāyaścittīyatāṃ prāpya daivātpūrvakṛtena vā | na saṃsargaṃ vrajetsadbhiḥ prāyaścitte'kṛte dvijaḥ || 11.47||
11.47. A twice-born man, having become liable to perform a penance, be it by (the decree of) fate or by (an act) committed in a former life, must not, before the penance has been performed, have intercourse with virtuous men.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   47

इह दुश्चरितैः के चित्के चित्पूर्वकृतैस्तथा । प्राप्नुवन्ति दुरात्मानो नरा रूपविपर्ययम् ॥ ११.४८॥
iha duścaritaiḥ ke citke citpūrvakṛtaistathā | prāpnuvanti durātmāno narā rūpaviparyayam || 11.48||
11.48. Some wicked men suffer a change of their (natural) appearance in consequence of crimes committed in this life, and some in consequence of those committed in a former (existence).

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   48

सुवर्णचौरः कौनख्यं सुरापः श्यावदन्तताम् । ब्रह्महा क्षयरोगित्वं दौश्चर्म्यं गुरुतल्पगः ॥ ११.४९॥
suvarṇacauraḥ kaunakhyaṃ surāpaḥ śyāvadantatām | brahmahā kṣayarogitvaṃ dauścarmyaṃ gurutalpagaḥ || 11.49||
11.49. He who steals the gold (of a Brahmana) has diseased nails; a drinker of (the spirituous liquor called) Sura, black teeth; the slayer of a Brahmana, consumption; the violator of a Guru’s bed, a diseased skin;

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   49

पिशुनः पौतिनासिक्यं सूचकः पूतिवक्त्रताम् । धान्यचौरोऽङ्गहीनत्वमातिरैक्यं तु मिश्रकः ॥ ११.५०॥
piśunaḥ pautināsikyaṃ sūcakaḥ pūtivaktratām | dhānyacauro'ṅgahīnatvamātiraikyaṃ tu miśrakaḥ || 11.50||
11.50. An informer, a foul-smelling nose; a calumniator, a stinking breath; a stealer of grain, deficiency in limbs; he who adulterates (grain), redundant limbs;

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   50

अन्नहर्ताऽमयावित्वं मौक्यं वागपहारकः । वस्त्रापहारकः श्वैत्र्यं पङ्गुतामश्वहारकः ॥ ११.५१॥
annahartā'mayāvitvaṃ maukyaṃ vāgapahārakaḥ | vastrāpahārakaḥ śvaitryaṃ paṅgutāmaśvahārakaḥ || 11.51||
11.51. A stealer of (cooked) food, dyspepsia; a stealer of the words (of the Veda), dumbness a stealer of clothes, white leprosy; a horse-stealer, lameness.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   51

एवं कर्मविशेषेण जायन्ते सद्विगर्हिताः । जडमूकान्धबधिरा विकृताकृतयस्तथा ॥ ११.५२॥
evaṃ karmaviśeṣeṇa jāyante sadvigarhitāḥ | jaḍamūkāndhabadhirā vikṛtākṛtayastathā || 11.52||
11.52. Thus in consequence of a remnant of (the guilt of former) crimes, are born idiots, dumb, blind, deaf, and deformed men, who are (all) despised by the virtuous.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   52

चरितव्यमतो नित्यं प्रायश्चित्तं विशुद्धये । निन्द्यैर्हि लक्षणैर्युक्ता जायन्तेऽनिष्कृतेनसः ॥ ११.५३॥
caritavyamato nityaṃ prāyaścittaṃ viśuddhaye | nindyairhi lakṣaṇairyuktā jāyante'niṣkṛtenasaḥ || 11.53||
11.53. Penances, therefore, must always be performed for the sake of purification, because those whose sins have not been expiated, are born (again) with disgraceful marks.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   53

ब्रह्महत्या सुरापानं स्तेयं गुर्वङ्गनागमः । महान्ति पातकान्याहुः संसर्गश्चापि तैः सह ॥ ११.५४॥
brahmahatyā surāpānaṃ steyaṃ gurvaṅganāgamaḥ | mahānti pātakānyāhuḥ saṃsargaścāpi taiḥ saha || 11.54||
11.54. Killing a Brahmana, drinking (the spirituous liquor called) Sura, stealing (the gold of a Brahmana), adultery with a Guru’s wife, and associating with such (offenders), they declare (to be) mortal sins (mahapataka).

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   54

अनृतं च समुत्कर्षे राजगामि च पैशुनम् । गुरोश्चालीकनिर्बन्धः समानि ब्रह्महत्यया ॥ ११.५५॥
anṛtaṃ ca samutkarṣe rājagāmi ca paiśunam | guroścālīkanirbandhaḥ samāni brahmahatyayā || 11.55||
11.55. Falsely attributing to oneself high birth, giving information to the king (regarding a crime), and falsely accusing one’s teacher, (are offences) equal to slaying a Brahmana.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   55

ब्रह्मोज्झता वेदनिन्दा कौटसाक्ष्यं सुहृद्वधः । गर्हितानाद्ययोर्जग्धिः सुरापानसमानि षट् ॥ ११.५६॥
brahmojjhatā vedanindā kauṭasākṣyaṃ suhṛdvadhaḥ | garhitānādyayorjagdhiḥ surāpānasamāni ṣaṭ || 11.56||
11.56. Forgetting the Veda, reviling the Vedas, giving false evidence, slaying a friend, eating forbidden food, or (swallowing substances) unfit for food, are six (offences) equal to drinking Sura.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   56

निक्षेपस्यापहरणं नराश्वरजतस्य च । भूमिवज्रमणीनां च रुक्मस्तेयसमं स्मृतम् ॥ ११.५७॥
nikṣepasyāpaharaṇaṃ narāśvarajatasya ca | bhūmivajramaṇīnāṃ ca rukmasteyasamaṃ smṛtam || 11.57||
11.57. Stealing a deposit, or men, a horse, and silver, land, diamonds and (other) gems, is declared to be equal to stealing the gold (of a Brahmana).

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   57

रेतःसेकः स्वयोनीषु कुमारीष्वन्त्यजासु च । सख्युः पुत्रस्य च स्त्रीषु गुरुतल्पसमं विदुः ॥ ११.५८॥
retaḥsekaḥ svayonīṣu kumārīṣvantyajāsu ca | sakhyuḥ putrasya ca strīṣu gurutalpasamaṃ viduḥ || 11.58||
11.58. Carnal intercourse with sisters by the same mother, with (unmarried) maidens, with females of the lowest castes, with the wives of a friend, or of a son, they declare to be equal to the violation of a Guru’s bed.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   58

गोवधोऽयाज्यसंयाज्यं पारदार्यात्मविक्रयः । गुरुमातृपितृत्यागः स्वाध्यायाग्न्योः सुतस्य च ॥ ११.५९॥
govadho'yājyasaṃyājyaṃ pāradāryātmavikrayaḥ | gurumātṛpitṛtyāgaḥ svādhyāyāgnyoḥ sutasya ca || 11.59||
11.59. Slaying kine, sacrificing for those who are unworthy to sacrifice, adultery, selling oneself, casting off one’s teacher, mother, father, or son, giving up the (daily) study of the Veda, and neglecting the (sacred domestic) fire

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   59

परिवित्तिताऽनुजेऽनूढे परिवेदनमेव च । तयोर्दानं च कन्यायास्तयोरेव च याजनम् ॥ ११.६०॥
parivittitā'nuje'nūḍhe parivedanameva ca | tayordānaṃ ca kanyāyāstayoreva ca yājanam || 11.60||
11.60. Allowing one’s younger brother to marry first, marrying before one’s elder brother, giving a daughter to, or sacrificing for, (either brother),

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   60

कन्याया दूषणं चैव वार्धुष्यं व्रतलोपनम् । तडागारामदाराणामपत्यस्य च विक्रयः ॥ ११.६१॥
kanyāyā dūṣaṇaṃ caiva vārdhuṣyaṃ vratalopanam | taḍāgārāmadārāṇāmapatyasya ca vikrayaḥ || 11.61||
11.61. Defiling a damsel, usury, breaking a vow, selling a tank, a garden, one’s wife, or child,

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   61

व्रात्यता बान्धवत्यागो भृत्याध्यापनमेव च । भृताच्चाध्ययनादानम्पण्यानां च विक्रयः ॥ ११.६२॥
vrātyatā bāndhavatyāgo bhṛtyādhyāpanameva ca | bhṛtāccādhyayanādānampaṇyānāṃ ca vikrayaḥ || 11.62||
11.62. Living as a Vratya, casting off a relative, teaching (the Veda) for wages, learning (the Veda) from a paid teacher, and selling goods which one ought not to sell,

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   62

सर्वाकारेष्वधीकारो महायन्त्रप्रवर्तनम् । हिंसौषधीनां स्त्र्याजीवोऽभिचारो मूलकर्म च ॥ ११.६३॥
sarvākāreṣvadhīkāro mahāyantrapravartanam | hiṃsauṣadhīnāṃ stryājīvo'bhicāro mūlakarma ca || 11.63||
11.63. Superintending mines (or factories) of any sort, executing great mechanical works, injuring (living) plants, subsisting on (the earnings of) one’s wife, sorcery (by means of sacrifices), and working (magic by means of) roots, (and so forth),

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   63

इन्धनार्थमशुष्काणां द्रुमाणामवपातनम् । आत्मार्थं च क्रियारम्भो निन्दितान्नादनं तथा ॥ ११.६४॥
indhanārthamaśuṣkāṇāṃ drumāṇāmavapātanam | ātmārthaṃ ca kriyārambho ninditānnādanaṃ tathā || 11.64||
11.64. Cutting down green trees for firewood, doing acts for one’s own advantage only, eating prohibited food,

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   64

अनाहिताग्निता स्तेयं ऋणानामनपक्रिया । असत्शास्त्राधिगमनं कौशीलव्यस्य च क्रिया ॥ ११.६५॥
anāhitāgnitā steyaṃ ṛṇānāmanapakriyā | asatśāstrādhigamanaṃ kauśīlavyasya ca kriyā || 11.65||
11.65. Neglecting to kindle the sacred fires, theft, non-payment of (the three) debts, studying bad books, and practising (the arts of) dancing and singing,

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   65

धान्यकुप्यपशुस्तेयं मद्यपस्त्रीनिषेवणम् । स्त्रीशूद्रविट्क्षत्रवधो नास्तिक्यं चोपपातकम् ॥ ११.६६॥
dhānyakupyapaśusteyaṃ madyapastrīniṣevaṇam | strīśūdraviṭkṣatravadho nāstikyaṃ copapātakam || 11.66||
11.66. Stealing grain, base metals, or cattle, intercourse with women who drink spirituous liquor, slaying women, Sudras, Vaisyas, or Kshatriyas, and atheism, (are all) minor offences, causing loss of caste (Upapataka).

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   66

ब्राह्मणस्य रुजः कृत्वा घ्रातिरघ्रेयमद्ययोः । जैह्म्यं च मैथुनं पुंसि जातिभ्रंशकरं स्मृतम् ॥ ११.६७॥
brāhmaṇasya rujaḥ kṛtvā ghrātiraghreyamadyayoḥ | jaihmyaṃ ca maithunaṃ puṃsi jātibhraṃśakaraṃ smṛtam || 11.67||
11.67. Giving pain to a Brahmana (by a blow), smelling at things which ought not to be smelt at, or at spirituous liquor, cheating, and an unnatural offence with a man, are declared to cause the loss of caste (Gatibhramsa)

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   67

खराश्वोष्ट्रमृगैभानामजाविकवधस्तथा । सङ्करीकरणं ज्ञेयं मीनाहिमहिषस्य च ॥ ११.६८॥
kharāśvoṣṭramṛgaibhānāmajāvikavadhastathā | saṅkarīkaraṇaṃ jñeyaṃ mīnāhimahiṣasya ca || 11.68||
11.68. Killing a donkey, a horse, a camel, a deer, an elephant, a goat, a sheep, a fish, a snake, or a buffalo, must be known to degrade (the offender) to a mixed caste (Samkarikarana).

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   68

निन्दितेभ्यो धनादानं वाणिज्यं शूद्रसेवनम् । अपात्रीकरणं ज्ञेयमसत्यस्य च भाषणम् ॥ ११.६९॥
ninditebhyo dhanādānaṃ vāṇijyaṃ śūdrasevanam | apātrīkaraṇaṃ jñeyamasatyasya ca bhāṣaṇam || 11.69||
11.69. Accepting presents from blamed men, trading, serving Sudras, and speaking a falsehood, make (the offender) unworthy to receive gifts (Apatra).

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   69

कृमिकीटवयोहत्या मद्यानुगतभोजनम् । फलेधः। कुसुमस्तेयमधैर्यं च मलावहम् ॥ ११.७०॥
kṛmikīṭavayohatyā madyānugatabhojanam | phaledhaḥ| kusumasteyamadhairyaṃ ca malāvaham || 11.70||
11.70. Killing insects, small or large, or birds, eating anything kept close to spirituous liquors, stealing fruit, firewood, or flowers, (are offences) which make impure (Malavaha).

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   70

एतान्येनांसि सर्वाणि यथोक्तानि पृथक्पृथक् । यैर्यैर्व्रतैरपोह्यन्ते तानि सम्यग्निबोधत ॥ ११.७१॥
etānyenāṃsi sarvāṇi yathoktāni pṛthakpṛthak | yairyairvratairapohyante tāni samyagnibodhata || 11.71||
11.71. Learn (now) completely those penances, by means of which all the several offences mentioned (can) be expiated.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   71

ब्रह्महा द्वादश समाः कुटीं कृत्वा वने वसेत् । भैक्षाश्यात्मविशुद्ध्यर्थं कृत्वा शवशिरो ध्वजम् ॥ ११.७२॥
brahmahā dvādaśa samāḥ kuṭīṃ kṛtvā vane vaset | bhaikṣāśyātmaviśuddhyarthaṃ kṛtvā śavaśiro dhvajam || 11.72||
11.72. For his purification the slayer of a Brahmana shall make a hut in the forest and dwell (in it) during twelve years, subsisting on alms and making the skull of a dead man his flag.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   72

लक्ष्यं शस्त्रभृतां वा स्याद्विदुषामिच्छयाऽत्मनः । प्रास्येदात्मानमग्नौ वा समिद्धे त्रिरवाक्षिराः ॥ ११.७३॥
lakṣyaṃ śastrabhṛtāṃ vā syādviduṣāmicchayā'tmanaḥ | prāsyedātmānamagnau vā samiddhe triravākṣirāḥ || 11.73||
11.73. Or let him, of his own free will, become (in a battle) the target of archers who know (his purpose); or he may thrice throw himself headlong into a blazing fire;

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   73

यजेत वाऽश्वमेधेन स्वर्जिता गोसवेन वा । अभिजिद्विश्वजिद्भ्यां वा त्रिवृताऽग्निष्टुताऽपि वा ॥ ११.७४॥
yajeta vā'śvamedhena svarjitā gosavena vā | abhijidviśvajidbhyāṃ vā trivṛtā'gniṣṭutā'pi vā || 11.74||
11.74. Or he may offer a horse-sacrifice, a Svargit, a Gosava, an Abhigit, a Visvagit, a Trivrit, or an Agnishtut;

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   74

जपन् वाऽन्यतमं वेदं योजनानां शतं व्रजेत् । ब्रह्महत्यापनोदाय मितभुज्ञियतेन्द्रियः ॥ ११.७५॥
japan vā'nyatamaṃ vedaṃ yojanānāṃ śataṃ vrajet | brahmahatyāpanodāya mitabhujñiyatendriyaḥ || 11.75||
11.75. Or, in order to remove (the guilt of) slaying a Brahmana, he may walk one hundred yoganas, reciting one of the Vedas, eating little, and controlling his organs;

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   75

सर्वस्वं वेदविदुषे ब्राह्मणायोपपादयेत् । धनं हि जीवनायालं गृहं वा सपरिच्छदम् ॥ ११.७६॥
sarvasvaṃ vedaviduṣe brāhmaṇāyopapādayet | dhanaṃ hi jīvanāyālaṃ gṛhaṃ vā saparicchadam || 11.76||
11.76. Or he may present to a Brahmana, learned in the Vedas, whole property, as much wealth as suffices for the maintenance (of the recipient), or a house together with the furniture;

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   76

हविष्यभुग्वाऽनुसरेत्प्रतिस्रोतः सरस्वतीम् । जपेद्वा नियताहारस्त्रिर्वै वेदस्य संहिताम् ॥ ११.७७॥
haviṣyabhugvā'nusaretpratisrotaḥ sarasvatīm | japedvā niyatāhārastrirvai vedasya saṃhitām || 11.77||
11.77. Or, subsisting on sacrificial food, he may walk against the stream along (the whole course of the river) Sarasvati; or, restricting his food (very much), he may mutter thrice the Samhita of a Veda.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   77

कृतवापनो निवसेद्ग्रामान्ते गोव्रजेऽपि वा । आश्रमे वृक्षमूले वा गोब्राह्मणहिते रतः ॥ ११.७८॥
kṛtavāpano nivasedgrāmānte govraje'pi vā | āśrame vṛkṣamūle vā gobrāhmaṇahite rataḥ || 11.78||
11.78. Having shaved off (all his hair), he may dwell at the extremity of the village, or in a cow-pen, or in a hermitage, or at the root of a tree, taking pleasure in doing good to cows and Brahmanas.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   78

ब्राह्मणार्थे गवार्थे वा संयक्प्राणान् परित्यजेत् । मुच्यते ब्रह्महत्याया गोप्ता गोर्ब्राह्मणस्य च ॥ ११.७९॥
brāhmaṇārthe gavārthe vā saṃyakprāṇān parityajet | mucyate brahmahatyāyā goptā gorbrāhmaṇasya ca || 11.79||
11.79. He who unhesitatingly abandons life for the sake of Brahmanas or of cows, is freed from (the guilt of) the murder of a Brahmana, and (so is he) who saves (the life of) a cow, or of a Brahmana.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   79

त्रिवारं प्रतिरोद्धा वा सर्वस्वमवजित्य वा । त्र्यवरंविप्रस्य तन्निमित्ते वा प्राणालाभेऽपि मुच्यते ॥ ११.८०॥
trivāraṃ pratiroddhā vā sarvasvamavajitya vā | tryavaraṃviprasya tannimitte vā prāṇālābhe'pi mucyate || 11.80||
11.80. If either he fights at least three times (against robbers in defence of) a Brahmana’s (property), or reconquers the whole property of a Brahmana, or if he loses his life for such a cause, he is freed (from his guilt).

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   80

एवं दृढव्रतो नित्यं ब्रह्मचारी समाहितः । समाप्ते द्वादशे वर्षे ब्रह्महत्यां व्यपोहति ॥ ११.८१॥
evaṃ dṛḍhavrato nityaṃ brahmacārī samāhitaḥ | samāpte dvādaśe varṣe brahmahatyāṃ vyapohati || 11.81||
11.81. He who thus (remains) always firm in his vow, chaste, and of concentrated mind, removes after the lapse of twelve years (the guilt of) slaying a Brahmana.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   81

शिष्ट्वा वा भूमिदेवानां नरदेवसमागमे । स्वमेनोऽवभृथस्नातो हयमेधे विमुच्यते ॥ ११.८२॥
śiṣṭvā vā bhūmidevānāṃ naradevasamāgame | svameno'vabhṛthasnāto hayamedhe vimucyate || 11.82||
11.82. Or he who, after confessing his crime in an assembly of the gods of the earth (Brahnanas), and the gods of men (Kshatriyas), bathes (with the priests) at the close of a horse-sacrifice, is (also) freed (from guilt).

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   82

धर्मस्य ब्राह्मणो मूलमग्रं राजन्य उच्यते । तस्मात्समागमे तेषामेनो विख्याप्य शुध्यति ॥ ११.८३॥
dharmasya brāhmaṇo mūlamagraṃ rājanya ucyate | tasmātsamāgame teṣāmeno vikhyāpya śudhyati || 11.83||
11.83. The Brahmana is declared (to be) the root of the sacred law and the Kshatriya its top; hence he who has confessed his sin before an assembly of such men, becomes pure.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   83

ब्रह्मणः सम्भवेनैव देवानामपि दैवतम् । प्रमाणं चैव लोकस्य ब्रह्मात्रैव हि कारणम् ॥ ११.८४॥
brahmaṇaḥ sambhavenaiva devānāmapi daivatam | pramāṇaṃ caiva lokasya brahmātraiva hi kāraṇam || 11.84||
11.84. By his origin alone a Brahmana is a deity even for the gods, and (his teaching is) authoritative for men, because the Veda is the foundation for that.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   84

तेषां वेदविदो ब्रूयुस्त्रयोऽप्येनः सुनिष्कृतिम् । सा तेषां पावनाय स्यात्पवित्रं विदुषां हि वाक् ॥ ११.८५॥
teṣāṃ vedavido brūyustrayo'pyenaḥ suniṣkṛtim | sā teṣāṃ pāvanāya syātpavitraṃ viduṣāṃ hi vāk || 11.85||
11.85. (If) only three of them who are learned in the Veda proclaim the expiation for offences, that shall purify the (sinners); for the words of learned men are a means of purification.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   85

अतोऽन्यतममास्थाय विधिं विप्रः समाहितः । ब्रह्महत्याकृतं पापं व्यपोहत्यात्मवत्तया ॥ ११.८६॥
ato'nyatamamāsthāya vidhiṃ vipraḥ samāhitaḥ | brahmahatyākṛtaṃ pāpaṃ vyapohatyātmavattayā || 11.86||
11.86. A Brahmana who, with a concentrated mind, follows any of the (above-mentioned) rules, removes the sin committed by slaying a Brahmana through his self-control.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   86

हत्वा गर्भमविज्ञातमेतदेव व्रतं चरेत् । राजन्यवैश्यौ चैजानावात्रेयीमेव च स्त्रियम् ॥ ११.८७॥
hatvā garbhamavijñātametadeva vrataṃ caret | rājanyavaiśyau caijānāvātreyīmeva ca striyam || 11.87||
11.87. For destroying the embryo (of a Brahmana, the sex of which was) unknown, for slaying a Kshatriya or a Vaisya who are (engaged in or) have offered a (Vedic) sacrifice, or a (Brahmana) woman who has bathed after temporary uncleanness (Atreyi), he must perform the same penance,

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   87

उक्त्वा चैवानृतं साक्ष्ये प्रतिरुध्य गुरुं तथा । प्रतिरभ्य अपहृत्य च निक्षेपं कृत्वा च स्त्रीसुहृत्वधम् ॥ ११.८८॥
uktvā caivānṛtaṃ sākṣye pratirudhya guruṃ tathā | pratirabhya apahṛtya ca nikṣepaṃ kṛtvā ca strīsuhṛtvadham || 11.88||
11.88. Likewise for giving false evidence (in an important cause), for passionately abusing the teacher, for stealing a deposit, and for killing (his) wife or his friend:

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   88

इयं विशुद्धिरुदिता प्रमाप्याकामतो द्विजम् । कामतो ब्राह्मणवधे निष्कृतिर्न विधीयते ॥ ११.८९॥
iyaṃ viśuddhiruditā pramāpyākāmato dvijam | kāmato brāhmaṇavadhe niṣkṛtirna vidhīyate || 11.89||
11.89. This expiation has been prescribed for unintentionally killing a Brahmana; but for intentionally slaying a Brahmana no atonement is ordained.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   89

सुरां पीत्वा द्विजो मोहादग्निवर्णां सुरां पिबेत् । तया स काये निर्दग्धे मुच्यते किल्बिषात्ततः ॥ ११.९०॥
surāṃ pītvā dvijo mohādagnivarṇāṃ surāṃ pibet | tayā sa kāye nirdagdhe mucyate kilbiṣāttataḥ || 11.90||
11.90. A twice-born man who has (intentionally) drunk, through delusion of mind, (the spirituous liquor called) Sura shall drink that liquor boiling-hot; when his body has been completely scalded by that, he is freed from his guilt;

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   90

गोमूत्रमग्निवर्णं वा पिबेदुदकमेव वा । पयो घृतं वाऽ मरणाद्गोशकृद्रसमेव वा ॥ ११.९१॥
gomūtramagnivarṇaṃ vā pibedudakameva vā | payo ghṛtaṃ vā' maraṇādgośakṛdrasameva vā || 11.91||
11.91. Or he may drink cow’s urine, water, milk, clarified butter or (liquid) cowdung boiling-hot, until he dies;

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   91

कणान् वा भक्षयेदब्दं पिण्याकं वा सकृत्निशि । सुरापानापनुत्त्यर्थं वालवासा जटी ध्वजी ॥ ११.९२॥
kaṇān vā bhakṣayedabdaṃ piṇyākaṃ vā sakṛtniśi | surāpānāpanuttyarthaṃ vālavāsā jaṭī dhvajī || 11.92||
11.92. Or, in order to remove (the guilt of) drinking Sura, he may eat during a year once (a day) at night grains (of rice) or oilcake, wearing clothes made of cowhair and his own hair in braids and carrying (a wine cup as) a flag.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   92

सुरा वै मलमन्नानां पाप्मा च मलमुच्यते । तस्माद्ब्राह्मणराजन्यौ वैश्यश्च न सुरां पिबेत् ॥ ११.९३॥
surā vai malamannānāṃ pāpmā ca malamucyate | tasmādbrāhmaṇarājanyau vaiśyaśca na surāṃ pibet || 11.93||
11.93. Sura, indeed, is the dirty refuse (mala) of grain, sin also is called dirt (mala); hence a Brahmana, a Kshatriya, and a Vaisya shall not drink Sura.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   93

गौडी पैष्टी च माध्वी च विज्ञेया त्रिविधा सुरा । यथैवैका तथा सर्वा न पातव्या द्विजोत्तमैः ॥ ११.९४॥
gauḍī paiṣṭī ca mādhvī ca vijñeyā trividhā surā | yathaivaikā tathā sarvā na pātavyā dvijottamaiḥ || 11.94||
11.94. Sura one must know to be of three kinds, that distilled from molasses (gaudi), that distilled from ground rice, and that distilled from Madhuka-flowers (madhvi); as the one (named above) even so are all (three sorts) forbidden to the chief of the twice-born.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   94

यक्षरक्षः। पिशाचान्नं मद्यं मांसं सुरासवम् । तद्ब्राह्मणेन नात्तव्यं देवानामश्नता हविः ॥ ११.९५॥
yakṣarakṣaḥ| piśācānnaṃ madyaṃ māṃsaṃ surāsavam | tadbrāhmaṇena nāttavyaṃ devānāmaśnatā haviḥ || 11.95||
11.95. Sura, (all other) intoxicating drinks and decoctions and flesh are the food of the Yakshas, Rakshasas, and Pisakas; a Brahmana who eats (the remnants of) the offerings consecrated to the gods, must not partake of such (substances).

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   95

अमेध्ये वा पतेन् मत्तो वैदिकं वाऽप्युदाहरेत् । अकार्यमन्यत्कुर्याद्वा ब्राह्मणो मदमोहितः ॥ ११.९६॥
amedhye vā paten matto vaidikaṃ vā'pyudāharet | akāryamanyatkuryādvā brāhmaṇo madamohitaḥ || 11.96||
11.96. A Brahmana, stupefied by drunkenness, might fall on something impure, or (improperly) pronounce Vedic (texts), or commit some other act which ought not to be committed.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   96

यस्य कायगतं ब्रह्म मद्येनाप्लाव्यते सकृत् । तस्य व्यपैति ब्राह्मण्यं शूद्रत्वं च स गच्छति ॥ ११.९७॥
yasya kāyagataṃ brahma madyenāplāvyate sakṛt | tasya vyapaiti brāhmaṇyaṃ śūdratvaṃ ca sa gacchati || 11.97||
11.97. When the Brahman (the Veda) which dwells in his body is (even) once (only) deluged with spirituous liquor, his Brahmanhood forsakes him and he becomes a Sudra.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   97

एषा विचित्राभिहिता सुरापानस्य निष्कृतिः । अत ऊर्ध्वं प्रवक्ष्यामि सुवर्णस्तेयनिष्कृतिम् ॥ ११.९८॥
eṣā vicitrābhihitā surāpānasya niṣkṛtiḥ | ata ūrdhvaṃ pravakṣyāmi suvarṇasteyaniṣkṛtim || 11.98||
11.98. The various expiations for drinking (the spirituous liquors called) Sura have thus been explained; I will 'next proclaim the atonement for stealing the gold (of a Brahmana).

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   98

सुवर्णस्तेयकृद्विप्रो राजानमभिगम्य तु । स्वकर्म ख्यापयन् ब्रूयात्मां भवाननुशास्त्विति ॥ ११.९९॥
suvarṇasteyakṛdvipro rājānamabhigamya tu | svakarma khyāpayan brūyātmāṃ bhavānanuśāstviti || 11.99||
11.99. A Brahmana who has stolen the gold (of a Brahmana) shall go to the king and, confessing his deed, say, ’Lord, punish me!’

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   99

गृहीत्वा मुसलं राजा सकृद्धन्यात्तु तं स्वयम् । वधेन शुध्यति स्तेनो ब्राह्मणस्तपसैव तु ॥ ११.१००॥
gṛhītvā musalaṃ rājā sakṛddhanyāttu taṃ svayam | vadhena śudhyati steno brāhmaṇastapasaiva tu || 11.100||
11.100. Taking (from him) the club (which he must carry), the king himself shall strike him once, by his death the thief becomes pure; or a Brahmana (may purify himself) by austerities.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   100

तपसापनुनुत्सुस्तु सुवर्णस्तेयजं मलम् । चीरवासा द्विजोऽरण्ये चरेद्ब्रह्महनो व्रतम् ॥ ११.१०१॥
tapasāpanunutsustu suvarṇasteyajaṃ malam | cīravāsā dvijo'raṇye caredbrahmahano vratam || 11.101||
11.101. He who desires to remove by austerities the guilt of stealing the gold (of a Brahmana), shall perform the penance (prescribed) for the slayer of a Brahmana, (living) in a forest and dressed in (garments) made of bark.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   101

एतैर्व्रतैरपोहेत पापं स्तेयकृतं द्विजः । गुरुस्त्रीगमनीयं तु व्रतैरेभिरपानुदेत् ॥ ११.१०२॥
etairvratairapoheta pāpaṃ steyakṛtaṃ dvijaḥ | gurustrīgamanīyaṃ tu vratairebhirapānudet || 11.102||
11.102. By these penances a twice-born man may remove the guilt incurred by a theft (of gold); but he may atone for connexion with a Guru’s wife by the following penances.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   102

गुरुतल्प्यभिभाष्यैनस्तप्ते स्वप्यादयोमये । तल्पे स्वप्याद्सूर्मीं ज्वलन्तीं वाऽश्लिष्येन् मृत्युना स विशुध्यति ॥ ११.१०३॥
gurutalpyabhibhāṣyainastapte svapyādayomaye | talpe svapyādsūrmīṃ jvalantīṃ vā'śliṣyen mṛtyunā sa viśudhyati || 11.103||
11.103. He who has violated his Guru’s bed, shall, after confessing his crime, extend himself on a heated iron bed, or embrace the red-hot image (of a woman); by dying he becomes pure;

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   103

स्वयं वा शिष्णवृषणावुत्कृत्याधाय चाञ्जलौ । नैर्ऋतीं दिशमातिष्ठेदा निपातादजिह्मगः ॥ ११.१०४॥
svayaṃ vā śiṣṇavṛṣaṇāvutkṛtyādhāya cāñjalau | nairṛtīṃ diśamātiṣṭhedā nipātādajihmagaḥ || 11.104||
11.104. Or, having himself cut off his organ and his testicles and having taken them in his joined hands, he may walk straight towards the region of Nirriti (the south-west), until he falls down (dead);

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   104

खट्वाङ्गी चीरवासा वा श्मश्रुलो विजने वने । प्राजापत्यं चरेत्कृच्छ्रमब्दमेकं समाहितः ॥ ११.१०५॥
khaṭvāṅgī cīravāsā vā śmaśrulo vijane vane | prājāpatyaṃ caretkṛcchramabdamekaṃ samāhitaḥ || 11.105||
11.105. Or, carrying the foot of a bedstead, dressed in (garments of) bark and allowing his beard to grow, he may, with a concentrated mind, perform during a whole year the Krikkhra (or hard, penance), revealed by Pragapati, in a lonely forest;

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   105

चान्द्रायणं वा त्रीन् मासानभ्यस्येन्नियतैन्द्रियः । हविष्येण यवाग्वा वा गुरुतल्पापनुत्तये ॥ ११.१०६॥
cāndrāyaṇaṃ vā trīn māsānabhyasyenniyataindriyaḥ | haviṣyeṇa yavāgvā vā gurutalpāpanuttaye || 11.106||
11.106. Or, controlling his organs, he may during three months continuously perform the lunar penance, (subsisting) on sacrificial food or barley-gruel, in order to remove (the guilt of) violating a Guru’s bed.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   106

एतैर्व्रतैरपोहेयुर्महापातकिनो मलम् । उपपातकिनस्त्वेवमेभिर्नानाविधैर्व्रतैः ॥ ११.१०७॥
etairvratairapoheyurmahāpātakino malam | upapātakinastvevamebhirnānāvidhairvrataiḥ || 11.107||
11.107. By means of these penances men who have committed mortal sins (Mahapataka) may remove their guilt, but those who committed minor offences, causing loss of caste, (Upapataka, can do it) by the various following penances.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   107

उपपातकसंयुक्तो गोघ्नो मासं यवान् पिबेत् । कृतवापो वसेद्गोष्ठे चर्मणा तेन संवृतः ॥ ११.१०८॥
upapātakasaṃyukto goghno māsaṃ yavān pibet | kṛtavāpo vasedgoṣṭhe carmaṇā tena saṃvṛtaḥ || 11.108||
11.108. He who has committed a minor offence by slaying a cow (or bull) shall drink during (the first) month (a decoction of) barley-grains; having shaved all his hair, and covering himself with the hide (of the slain cow), he must live in a cow-house.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   108

चतुर्थकालमश्नीयादक्षारलवणं मितम् । गोमूत्रेणाचरेत्स्नानं द्वौ मासौ नियतेन्द्रियः ॥ ११.१०९॥
caturthakālamaśnīyādakṣāralavaṇaṃ mitam | gomūtreṇācaretsnānaṃ dvau māsau niyatendriyaḥ || 11.109||
11.109. During the two (following) months he shall eat a small (quantity of food) without any factitious salt at every fourth meal-time, and shall bathe in the urine of cows, keeping his organs under control.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   109

दिवाऽनुगच्छेद्गास्तास्तु तिष्ठन्नूर्ध्वं रजः पिबेत् । शुश्रूषित्वा नमस्कृत्य रात्रौ वीरासनोवसेत् ॥ ११.११०॥
divā'nugacchedgāstāstu tiṣṭhannūrdhvaṃ rajaḥ pibet | śuśrūṣitvā namaskṛtya rātrau vīrāsanovaset || 11.110||
11.110. During the day he shall follow the cows and, standing upright, inhale the dust (raised by their hoofs); at night, after serving and worshipping them, he shall remain in the (posture, called) virasana.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   110

तिष्ठन्तीष्वनुतिष्ठेत्तु व्रजन्तीष्वप्यनुव्रजेत् । आसीनासु तथाऽसीनो नियतो वीतमत्सरः ॥ ११.१११॥
tiṣṭhantīṣvanutiṣṭhettu vrajantīṣvapyanuvrajet | āsīnāsu tathā'sīno niyato vītamatsaraḥ || 11.111||
11.111. Controlling himself and free from anger, he must stand when they stand, follow them when they walk, and seat himself when they lie down

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   111

आतुरामभिशस्तां वा चौरव्याघ्रादिभिर्भयैः । पतितां पङ्कलग्नां वा सर्वप्राणैर्विमोचयेत् ॥ ११.११२॥
āturāmabhiśastāṃ vā cauravyāghrādibhirbhayaiḥ | patitāṃ paṅkalagnāṃ vā sarvaprāṇairvimocayet || 11.112||
11.112. (When a cow is) sick, or is threatened by danger from thieves, tigers, and the like, or falls, or sticks in a morass, he must relieve her by all possible means:

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   112

उष्णे वर्षति शीते वा मारुते वाति वा भृशम् । न कुर्वीतात्मनस्त्राणं गोरकृत्वा तु शक्तितः ॥ ११.११३॥
uṣṇe varṣati śīte vā mārute vāti vā bhṛśam | na kurvītātmanastrāṇaṃ gorakṛtvā tu śaktitaḥ || 11.113||
11.113. In heat, in rain, or in cold, or when the wind blows violently, he must not seek to shelter himself, without (first) sheltering the cows according to his ability.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   113

आत्मनो यदि वाऽन्येषां गृहे क्षेत्रेऽथ वा खले । भक्षयन्तीं न कथयेत्पिबन्तं चैव वत्सकम् ॥ ११.११४॥
ātmano yadi vā'nyeṣāṃ gṛhe kṣetre'tha vā khale | bhakṣayantīṃ na kathayetpibantaṃ caiva vatsakam || 11.114||
11.114. Let him not say (a word), if a cow eats (anything) in his own or another’s house or field or on the threshing-floor, or if a calf drinks (milk).

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   114

अनेन विधिना यस्तु गोघ्नो गामनुगच्छति । स गोहत्याकृतं पापं त्रिभिर्मासैर्व्यपोहति ॥ ११.११५॥
anena vidhinā yastu goghno gāmanugacchati | sa gohatyākṛtaṃ pāpaṃ tribhirmāsairvyapohati || 11.115||
11.115. The slayer of a cow who serves cows in this manner, removes after three months the guilt which he incurred by killing a cow.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   115

वृषभैकादशा गाश्च दद्यात्सुचरितव्रतः । अविद्यमाने सर्वस्वं वेदविद्भ्यो निवेदयेत् ॥ ११.११६॥
vṛṣabhaikādaśā gāśca dadyātsucaritavrataḥ | avidyamāne sarvasvaṃ vedavidbhyo nivedayet || 11.116||
11.116. But after he has fully performed the penance, he must give to (Brahmanas) learned in the Veda ten cows and a bull, (or) if he does not possess (so much property) he must offer to them all he has.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   116

एतदेव व्रतं कुर्युरुपपातकिनो द्विजाः । अवकीर्णिवर्जं शुद्ध्यर्थं चान्द्रायणमथापि वा ॥ ११.११७॥
etadeva vrataṃ kuryurupapātakino dvijāḥ | avakīrṇivarjaṃ śuddhyarthaṃ cāndrāyaṇamathāpi vā || 11.117||
11.117. Twice-born men who have committed (other) minor offences (Upapataka), except a student who has broken his vow (Avakirnin), may perform, in order to purify themselves, the same penance or also a lunar penance.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   117

अवकीर्णी तु काणेन गर्दभेन चतुष्पथे । पाकयज्ञविधानेन यजेत निर्ऋतिं निशि ॥ ११.११८॥
avakīrṇī tu kāṇena gardabhena catuṣpathe | pākayajñavidhānena yajeta nirṛtiṃ niśi || 11.118||
11.118. But a student who has broken his vow shall offer at night on a crossway to Nirriti a one-eyed ass, according to the rule of the Pakayagnas

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   118

हुत्वाऽग्नौ विधिवधोमानन्ततश्च समित्यृचा । वातेन्द्रगुरुवह्नीनां जुहुयात्सर्पिषाऽहुतीः ॥ ११.११९॥
hutvā'gnau vidhivadhomānantataśca samityṛcā | vātendraguruvahnīnāṃ juhuyātsarpiṣā'hutīḥ || 11.119||
11.119. Having offered according to the rule oblations in the fire, he shall finally offer (four) oblations of clarified butter to Vata, to Indra, to the teacher (of the gods, Brihaspati) and to Agni, reciting the Rik verse ’May the Maruts grant me.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   119

कामतो रेतसः सेकं व्रतस्थस्य द्विजन्मनः । अतिक्रमं व्रतस्याहुर्धर्मज्ञा ब्रह्मवादिनः ॥ ११.१२०॥
kāmato retasaḥ sekaṃ vratasthasya dvijanmanaḥ | atikramaṃ vratasyāhurdharmajñā brahmavādinaḥ || 11.120||
11.120. Those who know the Veda declare that a voluntary effusion of semen by a twice-born (youth) who fulfils the vow (of studentship constitutes) a breach of that vow.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   120

मारुतं पुरुहूतं च गुरुं पावकमेव च । चतुरो व्रतिनोऽभ्येति ब्राह्मं तेजोऽवकीर्णिनः ॥ ११.१२१॥
mārutaṃ puruhūtaṃ ca guruṃ pāvakameva ca | caturo vratino'bhyeti brāhmaṃ tejo'vakīrṇinaḥ || 11.121||
11.121. The divine light which the Veda imparts to the student, enters, if he breaks his vow, the Maruts, Puruhuta (Indra), the teacher (of the gods, Brihaspati) and Pavaka (Fire).

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   121

एतस्मिन्नेनसि प्राप्ते वसित्वा गर्दभाजिनम् । सप्तागारांश्चरेद्भैक्षं स्वकर्म परिकीर्तयन् ॥ ११.१२२॥
etasminnenasi prāpte vasitvā gardabhājinam | saptāgārāṃścaredbhaikṣaṃ svakarma parikīrtayan || 11.122||
11.122. When this sin has been committed, he shall go begging to seven houses, dressed in the hide of the (sacrificed) ass, proclaiming his deed.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   122

तेभ्यो लब्धेन भैक्षेण वर्तयन्नेककालिकम् । उपस्पृशंस्त्रिषवणं अब्देन स विशुध्यति ॥ ११.१२३॥
tebhyo labdhena bhaikṣeṇa vartayannekakālikam | upaspṛśaṃstriṣavaṇaṃ abdena sa viśudhyati || 11.123||
11.123. Subsisting on a single (daily meal that consists) of the alms obtained there and bathing at (the time of) the three savanas (morning, noon, and evening), he becomes pure after (the lapse of) one year.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   123

जातिभ्रंशकरं कर्म कृत्वाऽन्यतममिच्छया । चरेत्सांतपनं कृच्छ्रं प्राजापत्यमनिच्छया ॥ ११.१२४॥
jātibhraṃśakaraṃ karma kṛtvā'nyatamamicchayā | caretsāṃtapanaṃ kṛcchraṃ prājāpatyamanicchayā || 11.124||
11.124. For committing with intent any of the deeds which cause loss of caste (Gatibhramsakara), (the offender) shall perform a Samtapana Krikkhra; (for doing it) unintentionally, (the Krikkhra) revealed by Pragapati.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   124

सङ्करापात्रकृत्यासु मासं शोधनम ऐन्दवः । मलिनीकरणीयेषु तप्तः स्याद्यावकैस्त्र्यहम् ॥ ११.१२५॥
saṅkarāpātrakṛtyāsu māsaṃ śodhanama aindavaḥ | malinīkaraṇīyeṣu taptaḥ syādyāvakaistryaham || 11.125||
11.125. As atonement for deeds which degrade to a mixed caste (Samkara), and for those which make a man unworthy to receive gifts (Apatra), (he shall perform) the lunar (penance) during a month; for (acts) which render impure (Malinikaraniya) he shall scald himself during three days with (hot) barley-gruel.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   125

तुरीयो ब्रह्महत्यायाः क्षत्रियस्य वधे स्मृतः । वैश्येऽष्टमांशो वृत्तस्थे शूद्रे ज्ञेयस्तु षोडशः ॥ ११.१२६॥
turīyo brahmahatyāyāḥ kṣatriyasya vadhe smṛtaḥ | vaiśye'ṣṭamāṃśo vṛttasthe śūdre jñeyastu ṣoḍaśaḥ || 11.126||
11.126. One fourth (of the penance) for the murder of a Brahmana is prescribed (as expiation) for (intentionally) killing a Kshatriya, one-eighth for killing a Vaisya; know that it is one-sixteenth for killing a virtuous Sudra.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   126

अकामतस्तु राजन्यं विनिपात्य द्विजोत्तमः । वृषभैकसहस्रा गा दद्यात्सुचरितव्रतः ॥ ११.१२७॥
akāmatastu rājanyaṃ vinipātya dvijottamaḥ | vṛṣabhaikasahasrā gā dadyātsucaritavrataḥ || 11.127||
11.127. But if a Brahmana unintentionally kills a Kshatriya, he shall give, in order to purify himself, one thousand cows and a bull;

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   127

त्र्यब्दं चरेद्वा नियतो जटी ब्रह्महनो व्रतम् । वसन् दूरतरे ग्रामाद्वृक्षमूलनिकेतनः ॥ ११.१२८॥
tryabdaṃ caredvā niyato jaṭī brahmahano vratam | vasan dūratare grāmādvṛkṣamūlaniketanaḥ || 11.128||
11.128. Or he may perform the penance prescribed for the murderer of a Brahmana during three years, controlling himself, wearing his hair in braids, staying far away from the village, and dwelling at the root of a tree.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   128

एतदेव चरेदब्दं प्रायश्चित्तं द्विजोत्तमः । प्रमाप्य वैश्यं वृत्तस्थं दद्याद्वैकशतं गवाम् ॥ ११.१२९॥
etadeva caredabdaṃ prāyaścittaṃ dvijottamaḥ | pramāpya vaiśyaṃ vṛttasthaṃ dadyādvaikaśataṃ gavām || 11.129||
11.129. A Brahmana who has slain a virtuous Vaisya, shall perform the same penance during one year, or he may give one hundred cows and one (bull).

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   129

एतदेव व्रतं कृत्स्नं षण्मासांशूद्रहा चरेत्। वृषभेकादशा वाऽपि दद्याद्विप्राय गाः सिताः ॥ ११.१३०॥
etadeva vrataṃ kṛtsnaṃ ṣaṇmāsāṃśūdrahā caret| vṛṣabhekādaśā vā'pi dadyādviprāya gāḥ sitāḥ || 11.130||
11.130. He who has slain a Sudra, shall perform that whole penance during six months, or he may also give ten white cows and one bull to a Brahmana.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   130

मार्जारनकुलौ हत्वा चाषं मण्डूकमेव च । श्वगोधौलूककाकांश्च शूद्रहत्याव्रतं चरेत् ॥ ११.१३१॥
mārjāranakulau hatvā cāṣaṃ maṇḍūkameva ca | śvagodhaulūkakākāṃśca śūdrahatyāvrataṃ caret || 11.131||
11.131. Having killed a cat, an ichneumon, a blue jay, a frog, a dog, an iguana, an owl, or a crow, he shall perform the penance for the murder of a Sudra;

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   131

पयः पिबेत्त्रिरात्रं वा योजनं वाऽध्वनो व्रजेत् । उपस्पृशेत्स्रवन्त्यां वा सूक्तं वाऽब्। दैवतं जपेत् ॥ ११.१३२॥
payaḥ pibettrirātraṃ vā yojanaṃ vā'dhvano vrajet | upaspṛśetsravantyāṃ vā sūktaṃ vā'b| daivataṃ japet || 11.132||
11.132. Or he may drink milk during three days, or walk one hundred yoganas, or bathe in a river, or mutter the hymn addressed to the Waters.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   132

अभ्रिं कार्ष्णायसीं दद्यात्सर्पं हत्वा द्विजोत्तमः । पलालभारकं षण्ढे सैसकं चैकमाषकम् ॥ ११.१३३॥
abhriṃ kārṣṇāyasīṃ dadyātsarpaṃ hatvā dvijottamaḥ | palālabhārakaṃ ṣaṇḍhe saisakaṃ caikamāṣakam || 11.133||
11.133. For killing a snake, a Brahmana shall give a spade of black iron, for a eunuch a load of straw and a masha of lead;

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   133

घृतकुम्भं वराहे तु तिलद्रोणं तु तित्तिरौ । शुके द्विहायनं वत्सं क्रौञ्चं हत्वा त्रिहायनम् ॥ ११.१३४॥
ghṛtakumbhaṃ varāhe tu tiladroṇaṃ tu tittirau | śuke dvihāyanaṃ vatsaṃ krauñcaṃ hatvā trihāyanam || 11.134||
11.134. For a boar a pot of clarified butter, for a partridge a drona of sesamum-grains, for a parrot a calf two years old, for a crane (a calf) three years old.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   134

हत्वा हंसं बलाकां च बकं बर्हिणमेव च । वानरं श्येनभासौ च स्पर्शयेद्ब्राह्मणाय गाम् ॥ ११.१३५॥
hatvā haṃsaṃ balākāṃ ca bakaṃ barhiṇameva ca | vānaraṃ śyenabhāsau ca sparśayedbrāhmaṇāya gām || 11.135||
11.135. If he has killed a Hamsa, a Balaka, a heron, a peacock, a monkey, a falcon, or a Bhasa, he shall give a cow to a Brahmana.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   135

वासो दद्याधयं हत्वा पञ्च नीलान् वृषान् गजम् । अजमेषावनड्वाहं खरं हत्वैकहायनम् ॥ ११.१३६॥
vāso dadyādhayaṃ hatvā pañca nīlān vṛṣān gajam | ajameṣāvanaḍvāhaṃ kharaṃ hatvaikahāyanam || 11.136||
11.136. For killing a horse, he shall give a garment, for (killing) an elephant, five black bulls, for (killing) a goat, or a sheep, a draught-ox, for killing a donkey, (a calf) one year old;

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   136

क्रव्यादांस्तु मृगान् हत्वा धेनुं दद्यात्पयस्विनीम् । अक्रव्यादान् वत्सतरीमुष्ट्रं हत्वा तु कृष्णलम् ॥ ११.१३७॥
kravyādāṃstu mṛgān hatvā dhenuṃ dadyātpayasvinīm | akravyādān vatsatarīmuṣṭraṃ hatvā tu kṛṣṇalam || 11.137||
11.137. But for killing carnivorous wild beasts, he shall give a milch-cow, for (killing) wild beasts that are not carnivorous, a heifer, for killing a camel, one krishnala.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   137

जीनकार्मुकबस्तावीन् पृथग्दद्याद्विशुद्धये । चतुर्णामपि वर्णानां नारीर्हत्वाऽनवस्थिताः ॥ ११.१३८॥
jīnakārmukabastāvīn pṛthagdadyādviśuddhaye | caturṇāmapi varṇānāṃ nārīrhatvā'navasthitāḥ || 11.138||
11.138. For killing adulterous women of the four castes, he must give, in order to purify himself, respectively a leathern bag, a bow, a goat, or a sheep.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   138

दानेन वधनिर्णेकं सर्पादीनामशक्नुवन् । एकैकशश्चरेत्कृच्छ्रं द्विजः पापापनुत्तये ॥ ११.१३९॥
dānena vadhanirṇekaṃ sarpādīnāmaśaknuvan | ekaikaśaścaretkṛcchraṃ dvijaḥ pāpāpanuttaye || 11.139||
11.139. A twice-born man, who is unable to atone by gifts for the slaughter of a serpent and the other (creatures mentioned), shall perform for each of them, a Krikkhra (penance) in order to remove his guilt.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   139

अस्थिमतां तु सत्त्वानां सहस्रस्य प्रमापणे । पूर्णे चानस्यनस्थ्नां तु शूद्रहत्याव्रतं चरेत् ॥ ११.१४०॥
asthimatāṃ tu sattvānāṃ sahasrasya pramāpaṇe | pūrṇe cānasyanasthnāṃ tu śūdrahatyāvrataṃ caret || 11.140||
11.140. But for destroying one thousand (small) animals that have bones, or a whole cart-load of boneless (animals), he shall perform the penance (prescribed) for the murder of a Sudra.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   140

किं चिदेव तु विप्राय दद्यादस्थिमतां वधे । अनस्थ्नां चैव हिंसायां प्राणायामेन शुध्यति ॥ ११.१४१॥
kiṃ cideva tu viprāya dadyādasthimatāṃ vadhe | anasthnāṃ caiva hiṃsāyāṃ prāṇāyāmena śudhyati || 11.141||
11.141. But for killing (small) animals which have bones, he should give some trifle to a Brahmana; if he injures boneless (animals), he becomes pure by a suppressing his breath (pranayama).

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   141

फलदानां तु वृक्षाणां छेदने जप्यमृच्शतम् । गुल्मवल्लीलतानां च पुष्पितानां च वीरुधाम् ॥ ११.१४२॥
phaladānāṃ tu vṛkṣāṇāṃ chedane japyamṛcśatam | gulmavallīlatānāṃ ca puṣpitānāṃ ca vīrudhām || 11.142||
11.142. For cutting fruit-trees, shrubs, creepers, lianas, or flowering plants, one hundred Rikas must be muttered.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   142

अन्नाद्यजानां सत्त्वानां रसजानां च सर्वशः । फलपुष्पोद्भवानां च घृतप्राशो विशोधनम् ॥ ११.१४३॥
annādyajānāṃ sattvānāṃ rasajānāṃ ca sarvaśaḥ | phalapuṣpodbhavānāṃ ca ghṛtaprāśo viśodhanam || 11.143||
11.143. (For destroying) any kind of creature, bred in food, in condiments, in fruit, or in flowers, the expiation is to eat clarified butter.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   143

कृष्तजानामोषधीनां जातानां च स्वयं वने । वृथालम्भेऽनुगच्छेद्गां दिनमेकं पयोव्रतः ॥ ११.१४४॥
kṛṣtajānāmoṣadhīnāṃ jātānāṃ ca svayaṃ vane | vṛthālambhe'nugacchedgāṃ dinamekaṃ payovrataḥ || 11.144||
11.144. If a man destroys for no good purpose plants produced by cultivation, or such as spontaneously spring up in the forest, he shall attend a cow during one day, subsisting on milk alone.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   144

एतैर्व्रतैरपोह्यं स्यादेनो हिंसासमुद्भवम् । ज्ञानाज्ञानकृतं कृत्स्नं श‍ृणुतानाद्यभक्षणे ॥ ११.१४५॥
etairvratairapohyaṃ syādeno hiṃsāsamudbhavam | jñānājñānakṛtaṃ kṛtsnaṃ śa‍्ṛṇutānādyabhakṣaṇe || 11.145||
11.145. The guilt incurred intentionally or unintentionally by injuring (created beings) can be removed by means of these penances; hear (now, how) all (sins) committed by partaking of forbidden food (or drink, can be expiated).

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   145

अज्ञानाद्वारुणीं पीत्वा संस्कारेणैव शुध्यति । मतिपूर्वमनिर्देश्यं प्राणान्तिकमिति स्थितिः ॥ ११.१४६॥
ajñānādvāruṇīṃ pītvā saṃskāreṇaiva śudhyati | matipūrvamanirdeśyaṃ prāṇāntikamiti sthitiḥ || 11.146||
11.146. He who drinks unintentionally (the spirituous liquor, called) Varuni, becomes pure by being initiated (again); (even for drinking it) intentionally (a penance) destructive to life must not be imposed; that is a settled rule.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   146

अपः सुराभाजनस्था मद्यभाण्डस्थितास्तथा । पञ्चरात्रं पिबेत्पीत्वा शङ्खपुष्पीश‍ृतं पयः ॥ ११.१४७॥
apaḥ surābhājanasthā madyabhāṇḍasthitāstathā | pañcarātraṃ pibetpītvā śaṅkhapuṣpīśa‍्ṛtaṃ payaḥ || 11.147||
11.147. He who has drunk water which has stood in a vessel used for keeping (the spirituous liquor, called) Sura, or other intoxicating drinks, shall drink during five (days and) nights (nothing but) milk in which the Sankhapushpi (plant) has been boiled.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   147

स्पृष्ट्वा दत्त्वा च मदिरां विधिवत्प्रतिगृह्य च । शूद्रोच्छिष्टाश्च पीत्वाऽपः कुशवारि पिबेत्त्र्यहम् ॥ ११.१४८॥
spṛṣṭvā dattvā ca madirāṃ vidhivatpratigṛhya ca | śūdrocchiṣṭāśca pītvā'paḥ kuśavāri pibettryaham || 11.148||
11.148. He who has touched spirituous liquor, has given it away, or received it in accordance with the rule, or has drunk water left by a Sudra, shall drink during three days water in which Kusa-grass has been boiled.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   148

ब्राह्मणस्तु सुरापस्य गन्धमाघ्राय सोमपः । प्राणानप्सु त्रिरायम्य घृतं प्राश्य विशुध्यति ॥ ११.१४९॥
brāhmaṇastu surāpasya gandhamāghrāya somapaḥ | prāṇānapsu trirāyamya ghṛtaṃ prāśya viśudhyati || 11.149||
11.149. But when a Brahmana who has partaken of Soma-juice, has smelt the odour exhaled by a drinker of Sura, he becomes pure by thrice suppressing his breath in water, and eating clarified butter.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   149

अज्ञानात्प्राश्य विण्मूत्रं सुरासंस्पृष्टमेव च । पुनः संस्कारमर्हन्ति त्रयो वर्णा द्विजातयः ॥ ११.१५०॥
ajñānātprāśya viṇmūtraṃ surāsaṃspṛṣṭameva ca | punaḥ saṃskāramarhanti trayo varṇā dvijātayaḥ || 11.150||
11.150. (Men of) the three twice-born castes who have unintentionally swallowed ordure or urine, or anything that has touched Sura, must be initiated again.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   150

वपनं मेखला दण्डो भैक्षचर्या व्रतानि च । भैक्ष्यचर्या निवर्तन्ते द्विजातीनां पुनःसंस्कारकर्मणि ॥ ११.१५१॥
vapanaṃ mekhalā daṇḍo bhaikṣacaryā vratāni ca | bhaikṣyacaryā nivartante dvijātīnāṃ punaḥsaṃskārakarmaṇi || 11.151||
11.151. The tonsure, (wearing) the sacred girdle, (carrying) a staff, going to beg, and the vows (incumbent on a student), are omitted on the second initiation of twice-born men.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   151

अभोज्यानां तु भुक्त्वाऽन्नं स्त्रीशूद्रोच्छिष्टमेव च । जग्ध्वा मांसमभक्ष्यं च सप्तरात्रं यवान् पिबेत् ॥ ११.१५२॥
abhojyānāṃ tu bhuktvā'nnaṃ strīśūdrocchiṣṭameva ca | jagdhvā māṃsamabhakṣyaṃ ca saptarātraṃ yavān pibet || 11.152||
11.152. But he who has eaten the food of men, whose food must not be eaten, or the leavings of women and Sudras, or forbidden flesh, shall drink barley (-gruel) during seven (days and) nights.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   152

शुक्तानि च कषायांश्च पीत्वा मेध्यान्यपि द्विजः । तावद्भवत्यप्रयतो यावत्तन्न व्रजत्यधः ॥ ११.१५३॥
śuktāni ca kaṣāyāṃśca pītvā medhyānyapi dvijaḥ | tāvadbhavatyaprayato yāvattanna vrajatyadhaḥ || 11.153||
11.153. A twice-born man who has drunk (fluids that have turned) sour, or astringent decoctions, becomes, though (these substances may) not (be specially) forbidden, impure until they have been digested.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   153

विड्वराहखरोष्ट्राणां गोमायोः कपिकाकयोः । प्राश्य मूत्रपुरीषाणि द्विजश्चान्द्रायणं चरेत् ॥ ११.१५४॥
viḍvarāhakharoṣṭrāṇāṃ gomāyoḥ kapikākayoḥ | prāśya mūtrapurīṣāṇi dvijaścāndrāyaṇaṃ caret || 11.154||
11.154. A twice-born man, who has swallowed the urine or ordure of a village pig, of a donkey, of a camel, of a jackal, of a monkey, or of a crow, shall perform a lunar penance.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   154

शुष्काणि भुक्त्वा मांसानि भौमानि कवकानि च । अज्ञातं चैव सूनास्थमेतदेव व्रतं चरेत् ॥ ११.१५५॥
śuṣkāṇi bhuktvā māṃsāni bhaumāni kavakāni ca | ajñātaṃ caiva sūnāsthametadeva vrataṃ caret || 11.155||
11.155. He who has eaten dried meat, mushrooms growing on the ground, or (meat, the nature of) which is unknown, (or) such as had been kept in a slaughter-house, shall perform the same penance.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   155

क्रव्यादसूकरोष्ट्राणां कुक्कुटानां च भक्षणे । नरकाकखराणां च तप्तकृच्छ्रं विशोधनम् ॥ ११.१५६॥
kravyādasūkaroṣṭrāṇāṃ kukkuṭānāṃ ca bhakṣaṇe | narakākakharāṇāṃ ca taptakṛcchraṃ viśodhanam || 11.156||
11.156. The atonement for partaking of (the meat of) carnivorous animals, of pigs, of camels, of cocks, of crows, of donkeys, and of human flesh, is a Tapta Krikkhra (penance).

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   156

मासिकान्नं तु योऽश्नीयादसमावर्तको द्विजः । स त्रीण्यहान्युपवसेदेकाहं चोदके वसेत् ॥ ११.१५७॥
māsikānnaṃ tu yo'śnīyādasamāvartako dvijaḥ | sa trīṇyahānyupavasedekāhaṃ codake vaset || 11.157||
11.157. If a twice-born man, who has not returned (home from his teacher’s house), eats food, given at a monthly (Sraddha,) he shall fast during three days and pass one day (standing) in water.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   157

व्रतचारी तु योऽश्नीयान् मधु मांसं कथं चन । स कृत्वा प्राकृतं कृच्छ्रं व्रतशेषं समापयेत् ॥ ११.१५८॥
vratacārī tu yo'śnīyān madhu māṃsaṃ kathaṃ cana | sa kṛtvā prākṛtaṃ kṛcchraṃ vrataśeṣaṃ samāpayet || 11.158||
11.158. But a student who on any occasion eats honey or meat, shall perform an ordinary Krikkhra (penance), and afterwards complete his vow (of studentship).

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   158

बिडालकाकाखूच्छिष्टं जग्ध्वा श्वनकुलस्य च । केशकीटावपन्नं च पिबेद्ब्रह्मसुवर्चलाम् ॥ ११.१५९॥
biḍālakākākhūcchiṣṭaṃ jagdhvā śvanakulasya ca | keśakīṭāvapannaṃ ca pibedbrahmasuvarcalām || 11.159||
11.159. He who eats what is left by a cat, by a crow, by a mouse (or rat), by a dog, or by an ichneumon, or (food) into which a hair or an insect has fallen, shall drink (a decoction of) the Brahmasuvarkala (plant).

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   159

अभोज्यमन्नं नात्तव्यमात्मनः शुद्धिमिच्छता । अज्ञानभुक्तं तूत्तार्यं शोध्यं वाऽप्याशु शोधनैः ॥ ११.१६०॥
abhojyamannaṃ nāttavyamātmanaḥ śuddhimicchatā | ajñānabhuktaṃ tūttāryaṃ śodhyaṃ vā'pyāśu śodhanaiḥ || 11.160||
11.160. He who desires to be pure, must not eat forbidden food, and must vomit up such as he has eaten unintentionally, or quickly atone for it by (various) means of purification.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   160

एषोऽनाद्यादनस्योक्तो व्रतानां विविधो विधिः । स्तेयदोषापहर्तॄणां व्रतानां श्रूयतां विधिः ॥ ११.१६१॥
eṣo'nādyādanasyokto vratānāṃ vividho vidhiḥ | steyadoṣāpahartṝṇāṃ vratānāṃ śrūyatāṃ vidhiḥ || 11.161||
11.161. The various rules respecting penances for eating forbidden food have been thus declared; hear now the law of those penances which remove the guilt of theft.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   161

धान्यान्नधनचौर्याणि कृत्वा कामाद्द्विजोत्तमः । स्वजातीयगृहादेव कृच्छ्राब्देन विशुध्यति ॥ ११.१६२॥
dhānyānnadhanacauryāṇi kṛtvā kāmāddvijottamaḥ | svajātīyagṛhādeva kṛcchrābdena viśudhyati || 11.162||
11.162. The chief of the twice-born, having voluntarily stolen (valuable) property, grain, or cooked food, from the house of a caste-fellow, is purified by performing Krikkhra (penances) during a whole year.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   162

मनुष्याणां तु हरणे स्त्रीणां क्षेत्रगृहस्य च । कूपवापीजलानां च शुद्धिश्चान्द्रायणं स्मृतम् ॥ ११.१६३॥
manuṣyāṇāṃ tu haraṇe strīṇāṃ kṣetragṛhasya ca | kūpavāpījalānāṃ ca śuddhiścāndrāyaṇaṃ smṛtam || 11.163||
11.163. The lunar penance has been declared to be the expiation for stealing men and women, and (for wrongfully appropriating) a field, a house, or the water of wells and cisterns.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   163

द्रव्याणामल्पसाराणां स्तेयं कृत्वाऽन्यवेश्मनि । चरेत्सांतपनं कृच्छ्रं तन्निर्यात्यात्मशुद्धये ॥ ११.१६४॥
dravyāṇāmalpasārāṇāṃ steyaṃ kṛtvā'nyaveśmani | caretsāṃtapanaṃ kṛcchraṃ tanniryātyātmaśuddhaye || 11.164||
11.164. He who has stolen objects of small value from the house of another man, shall, after restoring the (stolen article), perform a Samtapana Krikkhra for his purification.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   164

भक्ष्यभोज्यापहरणे यानशय्याऽऽसनस्य च । पुष्पमूलफलानां च पञ्चगव्यं विशोधनम् ॥ ११.१६५॥
bhakṣyabhojyāpaharaṇe yānaśayyā''sanasya ca | puṣpamūlaphalānāṃ ca pañcagavyaṃ viśodhanam || 11.165||
11.165. (To swallow) the five products of the cow (pankagavya) is the atonement for stealing eatables of various kinds, a vehicle, a bed, a seat, flowers, roots, or fruit.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   165

तृणकाष्ठद्रुमाणां च शुष्कान्नस्य गुडस्य च । चैलचर्मामिक्षाणां च त्रिरात्रं स्यादभोजनम् ॥ ११.१६६॥
tṛṇakāṣṭhadrumāṇāṃ ca śuṣkānnasya guḍasya ca | cailacarmāmikṣāṇāṃ ca trirātraṃ syādabhojanam || 11.166||
11.166. Fasting during three (days and) nights shall be (the penance for stealing) grass, wood, trees, dry food, molasses, clothes, leather, and meat.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   166

मणिमुक्ताप्रवालानां ताम्रस्य रजतस्य च । अयः। कांस्यौपलानां च द्वादशाहं कणान्नता ॥ ११.१६७॥
maṇimuktāpravālānāṃ tāmrasya rajatasya ca | ayaḥ| kāṃsyaupalānāṃ ca dvādaśāhaṃ kaṇānnatā || 11.167||
11.167. To subsist during twelve days on (uncooked) grains (is the penance for stealing) gems, pearls, coral, copper, silver, iron, brass, or stone.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   167

कार्पासकीटजोर्णानां द्वेशफेकखुरस्य च। पक्षिगन्धौषधीनां च रज्ज्वाश्चैव त्र्यहं पयः ॥ ११.१६८॥
kārpāsakīṭajorṇānāṃ dveśaphekakhurasya ca| pakṣigandhauṣadhīnāṃ ca rajjvāścaiva tryahaṃ payaḥ || 11.168||
11.168. (For stealing) cotton, silk, wool, an animal with cloven hoofs, or one with uncloven hoofs, a bird, perfumes, medicinal herbs, or a rope (the penance is to subsist) during three days (on) milk.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   168

एतैर्व्रतैरपोहेत पापं स्तेयकृतं द्विजः । अगम्यागमनीयं तु व्रतैरेभिरपानुदेत् ॥ ११.१६९॥
etairvratairapoheta pāpaṃ steyakṛtaṃ dvijaḥ | agamyāgamanīyaṃ tu vratairebhirapānudet || 11.169||
11.169. By means of these penances, a twice-born man may remove the guilt of theft; but the guilt of approaching women who ought not to be approached (agamya), he may expiate by (the following) penances.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   169

गुरुतल्पव्रतं कुर्याद्रेतः सिक्त्वा स्वयोनिषु । सख्युः पुत्रस्य च स्त्रीषु कुमारीष्वन्त्यजासु च ॥ ११.१७०॥
gurutalpavrataṃ kuryādretaḥ siktvā svayoniṣu | sakhyuḥ putrasya ca strīṣu kumārīṣvantyajāsu ca || 11.170||
11.170. He who has had sexual intercourse with sisters by the same mother, with the wives of a friend, or of a son, with unmarried maidens, and with females of the lowest castes, shall perform the penance, prescribed for the violation of a Guru’s bed.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   170

पैतृस्वसेयीं भगिनीं स्वस्रीयां मातुरेव च । मातुश्च भ्रातुराप्तस्य गत्वा चान्द्रायणं चरेत् ॥ ११.१७१॥
paitṛsvaseyīṃ bhaginīṃ svasrīyāṃ mātureva ca | mātuśca bhrāturāptasya gatvā cāndrāyaṇaṃ caret || 11.171||
11.171. He who has approached the daughter of his father’s sister, (who is almost equal to) a sister, (the daughter) of his mother’s sister, or of his mother’s full brother, shall perform a lunar penance.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   171

एतास्तिस्रस्तु भार्यार्थे नोपयच्छेत्तु बुद्धिमान् । ज्ञातित्वेनानुपेयास्ताः पतति ह्युपयन्नधः ॥ ११.१७२॥
etāstisrastu bhāryārthe nopayacchettu buddhimān | jñātitvenānupeyāstāḥ patati hyupayannadhaḥ || 11.172||
11.172. A wise man should not take as his wife any of these three; they must not be wedded because they are (Sapinda-) relatives, he who marries (one of them), sinks low.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   172

अमानुषीषू पुरुष उदक्यायामयोनिषु । रेतः सिक्त्वा जले चैव कृच्छ्रं सांतपनं चरेत् ॥ ११.१७३॥
amānuṣīṣū puruṣa udakyāyāmayoniṣu | retaḥ siktvā jale caiva kṛcchraṃ sāṃtapanaṃ caret || 11.173||
11.173. A man who has committed a bestial crime, or an unnatural crime with a female, or has had intercourse in water, or with a menstruating woman, shall perform a Samtapana Krikkhra.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   173

मैथुनं तु समासेव्य पुंसि योषिति वा द्विजः । गोयानेऽप्सु दिवा चैव सवासाः स्नानमाचरेत् ॥ ११.१७४॥
maithunaṃ tu samāsevya puṃsi yoṣiti vā dvijaḥ | goyāne'psu divā caiva savāsāḥ snānamācaret || 11.174||
11.174. A twice-born man who commits an unnatural offence with a male, or has intercourse with a female in a cart drawn by oxen, in water, or in the day-time, shall bathe, dressed in his clothes.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   174

चण्डालान्त्यस्त्रियो गत्वा भुक्त्वा च प्रतिगृह्य च । पतत्यज्ञानतो विप्रो ज्ञानात्साम्यं तु गच्छति ॥ ११.१७५॥
caṇḍālāntyastriyo gatvā bhuktvā ca pratigṛhya ca | patatyajñānato vipro jñānātsāmyaṃ tu gacchati || 11.175||
11.175. A Brahmana who unintentionally approaches a woman of the Kandala or of (any other) very low caste, who eats (the food of such persons) and accepts (presents from them) becomes an outcast; but (if he does it) intentionally, he becomes their equal.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   175

विप्रदुष्टां स्त्रियं भर्ता निरुन्ध्यादेकवेश्मनि । यत्पुंसः परदारेषु तच्चैनां चारयेद्व्रतम् ॥ ११.१७६॥
vipraduṣṭāṃ striyaṃ bhartā nirundhyādekaveśmani | yatpuṃsaḥ paradāreṣu taccaināṃ cārayedvratam || 11.176||
11.176. An exceedingly corrupt wife let her husband confine to one apartment, and compel her to perform the penance which is prescribed for males in cases of adultery.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   176

सा चेत्पुनः प्रदुष्येत्तु सदृशेनोपयन्त्रिता । कृच्छ्रं चान्द्रायणं चैव तदस्याः पावनं स्मृतम् ॥ ११.१७७॥
sā cetpunaḥ praduṣyettu sadṛśenopayantritā | kṛcchraṃ cāndrāyaṇaṃ caiva tadasyāḥ pāvanaṃ smṛtam || 11.177||
11.177. If, being solicited by a man (of) equal (caste), she (afterwards) is again unfaithful, then a Krikkhra and a lunar penance are prescribed as the means of purifying her.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   177

यत्करोत्येकरात्रेण वृषलीसेवनाद्द्विजः । तद्भैक्षभुज्जपन्नित्यं त्रिभिर्वर्षैर्व्यपोहति ॥ ११.१७८॥
yatkarotyekarātreṇa vṛṣalīsevanāddvijaḥ | tadbhaikṣabhujjapannityaṃ tribhirvarṣairvyapohati || 11.178||
11.178. The sin which a twice-born man commits by dallying one night with a Vrishali, he removes in three years, by subsisting on alms and daily muttering (sacred texts).

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   178

एषा पापकृतामुक्ता चतुर्णामपि निष्कृतिः । पतितैः सम्प्रयुक्तानामिमाः श‍ृणुत निष्कृतीः ॥ ११.१७९॥
eṣā pāpakṛtāmuktā caturṇāmapi niṣkṛtiḥ | patitaiḥ samprayuktānāmimāḥ śa‍्ṛṇuta niṣkṛtīḥ || 11.179||
11.179. The atonement (to be performed) by sinners (of) four (kinds) even, has been thus declared; hear now the penances for those who have intercourse with outcasts.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   179

संवत्सरेण पतति पतितेन सहाचरन् । याजनाध्यापनाद्यौनान्न तु यानासनाशनात् ॥ ११.१८०॥
saṃvatsareṇa patati patitena sahācaran | yājanādhyāpanādyaunānna tu yānāsanāśanāt || 11.180||
11.180. He who associates with an outcast, himself becomes an outcast after a year, not by sacrificing for him, teaching him, or forming a matrimonial alliance with him, but by using the same carriage or seat, or by eating with him.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   180

यो येन पतितेनैषां संसर्गं याति मानवः । स तस्यैव व्रतं कुर्यात्तत्संसर्गविशुद्धये ॥ ११.१८१॥
yo yena patitenaiṣāṃ saṃsargaṃ yāti mānavaḥ | sa tasyaiva vrataṃ kuryāttatsaṃsargaviśuddhaye || 11.181||
11.181. He who associates with any one of those outcasts, must perform, in order to atone for (such) intercourse, the penance prescribed for that (sinner).

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   181

पतितस्योदकं कार्यं सपिण्डैर्बान्धवैर्बहिः । निन्दितेऽहनि सायाह्ने ज्ञातिर्त्विग्गुरुसंनिधौ ॥ ११.१८२॥
patitasyodakaṃ kāryaṃ sapiṇḍairbāndhavairbahiḥ | nindite'hani sāyāhne jñātirtviggurusaṃnidhau || 11.182||
11.182. The Sapindas and Samanodakas of an outcast must offer (a libation of) water (to him, as if he were dead), outside (the village), on an inauspicious day, in the evening and in the presence of the relatives, officiating priests, and teachers.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   182

दासी घटमपां पूर्णं पर्यस्येत्प्रेतवत्पदा । अहोरात्रमुपासीरन्नशौचं बान्धवैः सह ॥ ११.१८३॥
dāsī ghaṭamapāṃ pūrṇaṃ paryasyetpretavatpadā | ahorātramupāsīrannaśaucaṃ bāndhavaiḥ saha || 11.183||
11.183. A female slave shall upset with her foot a pot filled with water, as if it were for a dead person; (his Sapindas) as well as the Samanodakas shall be impure for a day and a night;

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   183

निवर्तेरंश्च तस्मात्तु सम्भाषणसहासने । दायाद्यस्य प्रदानं च यात्रा चैव हि लौकिकी ॥ ११.१८४॥
nivarteraṃśca tasmāttu sambhāṣaṇasahāsane | dāyādyasya pradānaṃ ca yātrā caiva hi laukikī || 11.184||
11.184. But thenceforward it shall be forbidden to converse with him, to sit with him, to give him a share of the inheritance, and to hold with him such intercourse as is usual among men;

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   184

ज्येष्ठता च निवर्तेत ज्येष्ठावाप्यं च यद्वसु । ज्येष्ठांशं प्राप्नुयाच्चास्य यवीयान् गुणतोऽधिकः ॥ ११.१८५॥
jyeṣṭhatā ca nivarteta jyeṣṭhāvāpyaṃ ca yadvasu | jyeṣṭhāṃśaṃ prāpnuyāccāsya yavīyān guṇato'dhikaḥ || 11.185||
11.185. And (if he be the eldest) his right of primogeniture shall be withheld and the additional share, due to the eldest son; and his stead a younger brother, excelling in virtue, shall obtain the share of the eldest.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   185

प्रायश्चित्ते तु चरिते पूर्णकुम्भमपां नवम् । तेनैव सार्धं प्रास्येयुः स्नात्वा पुण्ये जलाशये ॥ ११.१८६॥
prāyaścitte tu carite pūrṇakumbhamapāṃ navam | tenaiva sārdhaṃ prāsyeyuḥ snātvā puṇye jalāśaye || 11.186||
11.186. But when he has performed his penance, they shall bathe with him in a holy pool and throw down a new pot, filled with water.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   186

स त्वप्सु तं घटं प्रास्य प्रविश्य भवनं स्वकम् । सर्वाणि ज्ञातिकार्याणि यथापूर्वं समाचरेत् ॥ ११.१८७॥
sa tvapsu taṃ ghaṭaṃ prāsya praviśya bhavanaṃ svakam | sarvāṇi jñātikāryāṇi yathāpūrvaṃ samācaret || 11.187||
11.187. But he shall throw that pot into water, enter his house and perform, as before, all the duties incumbent on a relative.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   187

एतमेव विधिं कुर्याद्योषित्सु पतितास्वपि । वस्त्रान्नपानं देयं तु वसेयुश्च गृहान्तिके ॥ ११.१८८॥
etameva vidhiṃ kuryādyoṣitsu patitāsvapi | vastrānnapānaṃ deyaṃ tu vaseyuśca gṛhāntike || 11.188||
11.188. Let him follow the same rule in the case of female outcasts; but clothes, food, and drink shall be given to them, and they shall live close to the (family-) house.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   188

एनस्विभिरनिर्णिक्तैर्नार्थं किं चित्सहाचरेत् । कृतनिर्णेजनांश्चैतान् न जुगुप्सेत कर्हि चित् ॥ ११.१८९॥
enasvibhiranirṇiktairnārthaṃ kiṃ citsahācaret | kṛtanirṇejanāṃścaitān na jugupseta karhi cit || 11.189||
11.189. Let him not transact any business with unpurified sinners; but let him in no way reproach those who have made atonement.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   189

बालघ्नांश्च कृतघ्नांश्च विशुद्धानपि धर्मतः । शरणागतहन्तॄंश्च स्त्रीहन्तॄंश्च न संवसेत् ॥ ११.१९०॥
bālaghnāṃśca kṛtaghnāṃśca viśuddhānapi dharmataḥ | śaraṇāgatahantṝṃśca strīhantṝṃśca na saṃvaset || 11.190||
11.190. Let him not dwell together with the murderers of children, with those who have returned evil for good, and with the slayers of suppliants for protection or of women, though they may have been purified according to the sacred law.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   190

येषां द्विजानां सावित्री नानूच्येत यथाविधि । तांश्चारयित्वा त्रीन् कृच्छ्रान् यथाविध्योपनाययेत् ॥ ११.१९१॥
yeṣāṃ dvijānāṃ sāvitrī nānūcyeta yathāvidhi | tāṃścārayitvā trīn kṛcchrān yathāvidhyopanāyayet || 11.191||
11.191. Those twice-born men who may not have been taught the Savitri (at the time) prescribed by the rule, he shall cause to perform three Krikkhra (penances) and afterwards initiate them in accordance with the law.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   191

प्रायश्चित्तं चिकीर्षन्ति विकर्मस्थास्तु ये द्विजाः । ब्रह्मणा च परित्यक्तास्तेषामप्येतदादिशेत् ॥ ११.१९२॥
prāyaścittaṃ cikīrṣanti vikarmasthāstu ye dvijāḥ | brahmaṇā ca parityaktāsteṣāmapyetadādiśet || 11.192||
11.192. Let him prescribe the same (expiation) when twice-born men, who follow forbidden occupations or have neglected (to learn) the Veda, desire to perform a penance.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   192

यद्गर्हितेनार्जयन्ति कर्मणा ब्राह्मणा धनम् । तस्योत्सर्गेण शुध्यन्ति जप्येन तपसैव च ॥ ११.१९३॥
yadgarhitenārjayanti karmaṇā brāhmaṇā dhanam | tasyotsargeṇa śudhyanti japyena tapasaiva ca || 11.193||
11.193. If Brahmanas acquire property by a reprehensible action, they become pure by relinquishing it, muttering prayers, and (performing) austerities.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   193

जपित्वा त्रीणि सावित्र्याः सहस्राणि समाहितः । मासं गोष्ठे पयः पीत्वा मुच्यतेऽसत्प्रतिग्रहात् ॥ ११.१९४॥
japitvā trīṇi sāvitryāḥ sahasrāṇi samāhitaḥ | māsaṃ goṣṭhe payaḥ pītvā mucyate'satpratigrahāt || 11.194||
11.194. By muttering with a concentrated mind the Savitri three thousand times, (dwelling) for a month in a cow-house, (and) subsisting on milk, (a man) is freed from (the guilt of) accepting presents from a wicked man.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   194

उपवासकृशं तं तु गोव्रजात्पुनरागतम् । प्रणतं प्रति पृच्छेयुः साम्यं सौम्यैच्छसीति किम् ॥ ११.१९५॥
upavāsakṛśaṃ taṃ tu govrajātpunarāgatam | praṇataṃ prati pṛccheyuḥ sāmyaṃ saumyaicchasīti kim || 11.195||
11.195. But when he returns from the cow-house, emaciated with his fast, and reverently salutes, (the Brahmanas) shall ask him, ’Friend, dost thou desire to become our equal?’

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   195

सत्यमुक्त्वा तु विप्रेषु विकिरेद्यवसं गवाम् । गोभिः प्रवर्तिते तीर्थे कुर्युस्तस्य परिग्रहम् ॥ ११.१९६॥
satyamuktvā tu vipreṣu vikiredyavasaṃ gavām | gobhiḥ pravartite tīrthe kuryustasya parigraham || 11.196||
11.196. If he answers to the Brahmanas, ’Forsooth, (I will not offend again), ’he shall scatter (some) grass for the cows; if the cows hallow that place (by eating the grass) the (Brahmana) shall re -admit him (into their community).

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   196

व्रात्यानां याजनं कृत्वा परेषामन्त्यकर्म च । अभिचारमहीनं च त्रिभिः कृच्छ्रैर्व्यपोहति ॥ ११.१९७॥
vrātyānāṃ yājanaṃ kṛtvā pareṣāmantyakarma ca | abhicāramahīnaṃ ca tribhiḥ kṛcchrairvyapohati || 11.197||
11.197. He who has sacrificed for Vratyas, or has performed the obsequies of strangers, or a magic sacrifice (intended to destroy life) or an Ahina sacrifice, removes (his guilt) by three Krikkhra (penances).

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   197

शरणागतं परित्यज्य वेदं विप्लाव्य च द्विजः । संवत्सरं यवाहारस्तत्पापमपसेधति ॥ ११.१९८॥
śaraṇāgataṃ parityajya vedaṃ viplāvya ca dvijaḥ | saṃvatsaraṃ yavāhārastatpāpamapasedhati || 11.198||
11.198. A twice-born man who has cast off a suppliant for protection, or has (improperly) divulged the Veda, atones for his offence, if he subsists during a year on barley.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   198

श्वश‍ृगालखरैर्दष्टो ग्राम्यैः क्रव्याद्भिरेव च । नराश्वोष्ट्रवराहैश्च प्राणायामेन शुध्यति ॥ ११.१९९॥
śvaśa‍्ṛgālakharairdaṣṭo grāmyaiḥ kravyādbhireva ca | narāśvoṣṭravarāhaiśca prāṇāyāmena śudhyati || 11.199||
11.199. He who has been bitten by a dog, a jackal, or a donkey, by a tame carnivorous animal, by a man, a horse, a camel, or a (village-) pig, becomes pure by suppressing his breath (Pranayama).

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   199

षष्ठान्नकालता मासं संहिताजप एव वा । होमाश्च शाकला नित्यमपाङ्क्त्यानां विशोधनम् ॥ ११.२००॥
ṣaṣṭhānnakālatā māsaṃ saṃhitājapa eva vā | homāśca śākalā nityamapāṅktyānāṃ viśodhanam || 11.200||
11.200. To eat during a month at each sixth mealtime (only), to recite the Samhita (of a Veda), and (to perform) daily the Sakala oblations, are the means of purifying those excluded from society at repasts (Apanktya).

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   200

उष्ट्रयानं समारुह्य खरयानं तु कामतः । स्नात्वा तु विप्रो दिग्वासाः प्राणायामेन शुध्यति ॥ ११.२०१॥
uṣṭrayānaṃ samāruhya kharayānaṃ tu kāmataḥ | snātvā tu vipro digvāsāḥ prāṇāyāmena śudhyati || 11.201||
11.201. A Brahmana who voluntarily rode in a carriage drawn by camels or by asses, and he who bathed naked, become pure by suppressing his breath (Pranayama).

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   201

विनाऽद्भिरप्सु वाऽप्यार्तः शारीरं संनिषेव्य च । सचैलो बहिराप्लुत्य गामालभ्य विशुध्यति ॥ ११.२०२॥
vinā'dbhirapsu vā'pyārtaḥ śārīraṃ saṃniṣevya ca | sacailo bahirāplutya gāmālabhya viśudhyati || 11.202||
11.202. He who has relieved the necessities of nature, being greatly pressed, either without (using) water or in water, becomes pure by bathing outside (the village) in his clothes and by touching a cow.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   202

वेदोदितानां नित्यानां कर्मणां समतिक्रमे । स्नातकव्रतलोपे च प्रायश्चित्तमभोजनम् ॥ ११.२०३॥
vedoditānāṃ nityānāṃ karmaṇāṃ samatikrame | snātakavratalope ca prāyaścittamabhojanam || 11.203||
11.203. Fasting is the penance for omitting the daily rites prescribed by the Veda and for neglecting the special duties of a Snataka.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   203

हुङ्कारं ब्राह्मणस्योक्त्वा त्वङ्कारं च गरीयसः । स्नात्वाऽनश्नन्नहः शेषमभिवाद्य प्रसादयेत् ॥ ११.२०४॥
huṅkāraṃ brāhmaṇasyoktvā tvaṅkāraṃ ca garīyasaḥ | snātvā'naśnannahaḥ śeṣamabhivādya prasādayet || 11.204||
11.204. He who has said ’Hum’ to a Brahmana, or has addressed one of his betters with ’Thou,’ shall bathe, fast during the remaining part of the day, and appease (the person offended) by a reverential salutation.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   204

ताडयित्वा तृणेनापि कण्ठे वाऽबध्य वाससा । विवादे वा विनिर्जित्य प्रणिपत्य प्रसादयेत् ॥ ११.२०५॥
tāḍayitvā tṛṇenāpi kaṇṭhe vā'badhya vāsasā | vivāde vā vinirjitya praṇipatya prasādayet || 11.205||
11.205. He who has struck (a Brahmana) even with a blade of grass, tied him by the neck with a cloth, or conquered him in an altercation, shall appease him by a prostration.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   205

अवगूर्य त्वब्दशतं सहस्रमभिहत्य च । जिघांसया ब्राह्मणस्य नरकं प्रतिपद्यते ॥ ११.२०६॥
avagūrya tvabdaśataṃ sahasramabhihatya ca | jighāṃsayā brāhmaṇasya narakaṃ pratipadyate || 11.206||
11.206. But he who, intending to hurt a Brahmana, has threatened (him with a stick and the like) shall remain in hell during a hundred years; he who (actually) struck him, during one thousand years.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   206

शोणितं यावतः पांसून् सङ्गृह्णाति महीतले । तावन्त्यब्दसहस्राणि तत्कर्ता नरके व्रजेत् ॥ ११.२०७॥
śoṇitaṃ yāvataḥ pāṃsūn saṅgṛhṇāti mahītale | tāvantyabdasahasrāṇi tatkartā narake vrajet || 11.207||
11.207. As many particles of dust as the blood of a Brahmana causes to coagulate, for so many thousand years shall the shedder of that (blood) remain in hell.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   207

अवगूर्य चरेत्कृच्छ्रमतिकृच्छ्रं निपातने । कृच्छ्रातिकृच्छ्रौ कुर्वीत विप्रस्योत्पाद्य शोणितम् ॥ ११.२०८॥
avagūrya caretkṛcchramatikṛcchraṃ nipātane | kṛcchrātikṛcchrau kurvīta viprasyotpādya śoṇitam || 11.208||
11.208. For threatening a Brahmana, (the offender) shall perform a Krikkhra, for striking him an Atikrikkhra, for shedding his blood a Krikkhra and an Atikrikkhra.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   208

अनुक्तनिष्कृतीनां तु पापानामपनुत्तये । शक्तिं चावेक्ष्य पापं च प्रायश्चित्तं प्रकल्पयेत् ॥ ११.२०९॥
anuktaniṣkṛtīnāṃ tu pāpānāmapanuttaye | śaktiṃ cāvekṣya pāpaṃ ca prāyaścittaṃ prakalpayet || 11.209||
11.209. For the expiation of offences for which no atonement has been prescribed, let him fix a penance after considering (the offender’s) strength and the (nature of the) offence.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   209

यैरभ्युपायैरेनांसि मानवो व्यपकर्षति । तान् वोऽभ्युपायान् वक्ष्यामि देवर्षिपितृसेवितान् ॥ ११.२१०॥
yairabhyupāyairenāṃsi mānavo vyapakarṣati | tān vo'bhyupāyān vakṣyāmi devarṣipitṛsevitān || 11.210||
11.210. I will (now) describe to you those means, adopted by the gods, the sages, and the manes, through which a man may remove his sins.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   210

त्र्यहं प्रातस्त्र्यहं सायं त्र्यहमद्यादयाचितम् । त्र्यहं परं च नाश्नीयात्प्राजापत्यं चरन् द्विजः ॥ ११.२११॥
tryahaṃ prātastryahaṃ sāyaṃ tryahamadyādayācitam | tryahaṃ paraṃ ca nāśnīyātprājāpatyaṃ caran dvijaḥ || 11.211||
11.211. A twice-born man who performs (the Krikkhra penance), revealed by Pragapati, shall eat during three days in the morning (only), during (the next) three days in the evening (only), during the (following) three days (food given) unasked, and shall fast during another period of three days.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   211

गोमूत्रं गोमयं क्षीरं दधि सर्पिः कुशोदकम् । एकरात्रोपवासश्च कृच्छ्रं सांतपनं स्मृतम् ॥ ११.२१२॥
gomūtraṃ gomayaṃ kṣīraṃ dadhi sarpiḥ kuśodakam | ekarātropavāsaśca kṛcchraṃ sāṃtapanaṃ smṛtam || 11.212||
11.212. (Subsisting on) the urine of cows, cowdung, milk, sour milk, clarified butter, and a decoction of Kusa- grass, and fasting during one (day and) night, (that is) called a Samtapana Krikkhra.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   212

एकैकं ग्रासमश्नीयात्त्र्यहाणि त्रीणि पूर्ववत् । त्र्यहं चोपवसेदन्त्यमतिकृच्छ्रं चरन् द्विजः ॥ ११.२१३॥
ekaikaṃ grāsamaśnīyāttryahāṇi trīṇi pūrvavat | tryahaṃ copavasedantyamatikṛcchraṃ caran dvijaḥ || 11.213||
11.213. A twice-born man who performs an Atikrikkhra (penance), must take his food during three periods of three days in the manner described above, (but) one mouthful only at each meal, and fast during the last three days.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   213

तप्तकृच्छ्रं चरन् विप्रो जलक्षीरघृतानिलान् । प्रतित्र्यहं पिबेदुष्णान् सकृत्स्नायी समाहितः ॥ ११.२१४॥
taptakṛcchraṃ caran vipro jalakṣīraghṛtānilān | pratitryahaṃ pibeduṣṇān sakṛtsnāyī samāhitaḥ || 11.214||
11.214. A Brahmana who performs a Taptakrikkhra (penance) must drink hot water, hot milk, hot clarified butter and (inhale) hot air, each during three days, and bathe once with a concentrated mind.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   214

यतात्मनोऽप्रमत्तस्य द्वादशाहमभोजनम् । पराको नाम कृच्छ्रोऽयं सर्वपापापनोदनः ॥ ११.२१५॥
yatātmano'pramattasya dvādaśāhamabhojanam | parāko nāma kṛcchro'yaṃ sarvapāpāpanodanaḥ || 11.215||
11.215. A fast for twelve days by a man who controls himself and commits no mistakes, is called a Paraka Krikkhra, which removes all guilt.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   215

एकैकं ह्रासयेत्पिण्डं कृष्णे शुक्ले च वर्धयेत् । उपस्पृशंस्त्रिषवणमेतत्चाण्ड्रायणं स्मृतम् ॥ ११.२१६॥
ekaikaṃ hrāsayetpiṇḍaṃ kṛṣṇe śukle ca vardhayet | upaspṛśaṃstriṣavaṇametatcāṇḍrāyaṇaṃ smṛtam || 11.216||
11.216. If one diminishes (one’s food daily by) one mouthful during the dark (half of the month) and increases (it in the same manner) during the bright half, and bathes (daily) at the time of three libations (morning, noon, and evening), that is called a lunar penance (Kandrayana).

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   216

एतमेव विधिं कृत्स्नमाचरेद्यवमध्यमे । शुक्लपक्षादिनियतश्चरंश्चान्द्रायणं व्रतम् ॥ ११.२१७॥
etameva vidhiṃ kṛtsnamācaredyavamadhyame | śuklapakṣādiniyataścaraṃścāndrāyaṇaṃ vratam || 11.217||
11.217. Let him follow throughout the same rule at the (Kandrayana, called) yavamadhyama (shaped like a barley-corn), (but) let him (in that case) begin the lunar penance, (with a) controlled (mind), on the first day of the bright half (of the month).

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   217

अष्टावष्टौ समश्नीयात्पिण्डान् मध्यंदिने स्थिते । नियतात्मा हविष्याशी यतिचान्द्रायणं चरन् ॥ ११.२१८॥
aṣṭāvaṣṭau samaśnīyātpiṇḍān madhyaṃdine sthite | niyatātmā haviṣyāśī yaticāndrāyaṇaṃ caran || 11.218||
11.218. He who performs the lunar penance of ascetics, shall eat (during a month) daily at midday eight mouthfuls, controlling himself and consuming sacrificial food (only).

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   218

चतुरः प्रातरश्नीयात्पिण्डान् विप्रः समाहितः । चतुरोऽस्तमिते सूर्ये शिशुचान्द्रायणं स्मृतम् ॥ ११.२१९॥
caturaḥ prātaraśnīyātpiṇḍān vipraḥ samāhitaḥ | caturo'stamite sūrye śiśucāndrāyaṇaṃ smṛtam || 11.219||
11.219. If a Brahmana, with concentrated mind, eats (during a month daily) four mouthfuls in a morning and four after sunset, (that is) called the lunar penance of children.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   219

यथा कथं चित्पिण्डानां तिस्रोऽशीतीः समाहितः । मासेनाश्नन् हविष्यस्य चन्द्रस्यैति सलोकताम् ॥ ११.२२०॥
yathā kathaṃ citpiṇḍānāṃ tisro'śītīḥ samāhitaḥ | māsenāśnan haviṣyasya candrasyaiti salokatām || 11.220||
11.220. He who, concentrating his mind, eats during a month in any way thrice eighty mouthfuls of sacrificial food, dwells (after death) in the world of the moon.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   220

एतद्रुद्रास्तथाऽदित्या वसवश्चाचरन् व्रतम् । सर्वाकुशलमोक्षाय मरुतश्च महर्षिभिः ॥ ११.२२१॥
etadrudrāstathā'dityā vasavaścācaran vratam | sarvākuśalamokṣāya marutaśca maharṣibhiḥ || 11.221||
11.221. The Rudras, likewise the Adityas, the Vasus and the Maruts, together with the great sages, practised this (rite) in order to remove all evil.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   221

महाव्याहृतिभिर्होमः कर्तव्यः स्वयमन्वहम् । अहिंसा सत्यमक्रोधमार्जवं च समाचरेत् ॥ ११.२२२॥
mahāvyāhṛtibhirhomaḥ kartavyaḥ svayamanvaham | ahiṃsā satyamakrodhamārjavaṃ ca samācaret || 11.222||
11.222. Burnt oblations, accompanied by (the recitation of) the Mahavyahritis, must daily be made (by the penitent) himself, and he must abstain from injuring (sentient creatures), speak the truth, and keep himself free from anger and from dishonesty.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   222

त्रिरह्नस्त्रिर्निशायां च सवासा जलमाविशेत् । स्त्रीशूद्रपतितांश्चैव नाभिभाषेत कर्हि चित् ॥ ११.२२३॥
trirahnastrirniśāyāṃ ca savāsā jalamāviśet | strīśūdrapatitāṃścaiva nābhibhāṣeta karhi cit || 11.223||
11.223. Let him bathe three times each day and thrice each night, dressed in his clothes; let him on no account talk to women, Sudras, and outcasts.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   223

स्थानासनाभ्यां विहरेदशक्तोऽधः शयीत वा । ब्रह्मचारी व्रती च स्याद्गुरुदेवद्विजार्चकः ॥ ११.२२४॥
sthānāsanābhyāṃ viharedaśakto'dhaḥ śayīta vā | brahmacārī vratī ca syādgurudevadvijārcakaḥ || 11.224||
11.224. Let him pass the time standing (during the day) and sitting (during the night), or if he is unable (to do that) let him lie on the (bare) ground; let him be chaste and observe the vows (of a student) and worship his Gurus, the gods, and Brahmanas.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   224

सावित्रीं च जपेन्नित्यं पवित्राणि च शक्तितः । सर्वेष्वेव व्रतेष्वेवं प्रायश्चित्तार्थमादृतः ॥ ११.२२५॥
sāvitrīṃ ca japennityaṃ pavitrāṇi ca śaktitaḥ | sarveṣveva vrateṣvevaṃ prāyaścittārthamādṛtaḥ || 11.225||
11.225. Let him constantly mutter the Savitri and (other) purificatory texts according to his ability; (let him) carefully (act thus) on (the occasion of) all (other) vows (performed) by way of penance.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   225

एतैर्द्विजातयः शोध्या व्रतैराविष्कृतेनसः । अनाविष्कृतपापांस्तु मन्त्रैर्होमैश्च शोधयेत् ॥ ११.२२६॥
etairdvijātayaḥ śodhyā vratairāviṣkṛtenasaḥ | anāviṣkṛtapāpāṃstu mantrairhomaiśca śodhayet || 11.226||
11.226. By these expiations twice-born men must be purified whose sins are known, but let him purify those whose sins are not known by (the recitation of) sacred texts and by (the performance of) burnt oblations.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   226

ख्यापनेनानुतापेन तपसाऽध्ययनेन च । पापकृत्मुच्यते पापात्तथा दानेन चापदि ॥ ११.२२७॥
khyāpanenānutāpena tapasā'dhyayanena ca | pāpakṛtmucyate pāpāttathā dānena cāpadi || 11.227||
11.227. By confession, by repentance, by austerity, and by reciting (the Veda) a sinner is freed from guilt, and in case no other course is possible, by liberality.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   227

यथा यथा नरोऽधर्मं स्वयं कृत्वाऽनुभाषते । तथा तथा त्वचैवाहिस्तेनाधर्मेण मुच्यते ॥ ११.२२८॥
yathā yathā naro'dharmaṃ svayaṃ kṛtvā'nubhāṣate | tathā tathā tvacaivāhistenādharmeṇa mucyate || 11.228||
11.228. In proportion as a man who has done wrong, himself confesses it, even so far he is freed from guilt, as a snake from its slough.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   228

यथा यथा मनस्तस्य दुष्कृतं कर्म गर्हति । तथा तथा शरीरं तत्तेनाधर्मेण मुच्यते ॥ ११.२२९॥
yathā yathā manastasya duṣkṛtaṃ karma garhati | tathā tathā śarīraṃ tattenādharmeṇa mucyate || 11.229||
11.229. In proportion as his heart loathes his evil deed, even so far is his body freed from that guilt.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   229

कृत्वा पापं हि संतप्य तस्मात्पापात्प्रमुच्यते । नैवं कुर्यां पुनरिति निवृत्त्या पूयते तु सः ॥ ११.२३०॥
kṛtvā pāpaṃ hi saṃtapya tasmātpāpātpramucyate | naivaṃ kuryāṃ punariti nivṛttyā pūyate tu saḥ || 11.230||
11.230. He who has committed a sin and has repented, is freed from that sin, but he is purified only by (the resolution of) ceasing (to sin and thinking) ’I will do so no more.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   230

एवं सञ्चिन्त्य मनसा प्रेत्य कर्मफलोदयम् । मनोवाङ्मूर्तिभिर्नित्यं शुभं कर्म समाचरेत् ॥ ११.२३१॥
evaṃ sañcintya manasā pretya karmaphalodayam | manovāṅmūrtibhirnityaṃ śubhaṃ karma samācaret || 11.231||
11.231. Having thus considered in his mind what results will arise from his deeds after death, let him always be good in thoughts, speech, and actions.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   231

अज्ञानाद्यदि वा ज्ञानात्कृत्वा कर्म विगर्हितम् । तस्माद्विमुक्तिमन्विच्छन् द्वितीयं न समाचरेत् ॥ ११.२३२॥
ajñānādyadi vā jñānātkṛtvā karma vigarhitam | tasmādvimuktimanvicchan dvitīyaṃ na samācaret || 11.232||
11.232. He who, having either unintentionally or intentionally committed a reprehensible deed, desires to be freed from (the guilt on it, must not commit it a second time.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   232

यस्मिन् कर्मण्यस्य कृते मनसः स्यादलाघवम् । तस्मिंस्तावत्तपः कुर्याद्यावत्तुष्टिकरं भवेत् ॥ ११.२३३॥
yasmin karmaṇyasya kṛte manasaḥ syādalāghavam | tasmiṃstāvattapaḥ kuryādyāvattuṣṭikaraṃ bhavet || 11.233||
11.233. If his mind be uneasy with respect to any act, let him repeat the austerities (prescribed as a penance) for it until they fully satisfy (his conscience).

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   233

तपोमूलमिदं सर्वं दैवमानुषकं सुखम् । तपोमध्यं बुधैः प्रोक्तं तपोऽन्तं वेददर्शिभिः ॥ ११.२३४॥
tapomūlamidaṃ sarvaṃ daivamānuṣakaṃ sukham | tapomadhyaṃ budhaiḥ proktaṃ tapo'ntaṃ vedadarśibhiḥ || 11.234||
11.234. All the bliss of gods and men is declared by the sages to whom the Veda was revealed, to have austerity for its root, austerity for its middle, and austerity for its end.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   234

ब्राह्मणस्य तपो ज्ञानं तपः क्षत्रस्य रक्षणम् । वैश्यस्य तु तपो वार्ता तपः शूद्रस्य सेवनम् ॥ ११.२३५॥
brāhmaṇasya tapo jñānaṃ tapaḥ kṣatrasya rakṣaṇam | vaiśyasya tu tapo vārtā tapaḥ śūdrasya sevanam || 11.235||
11.235. (The pursuit of sacred) knowledge is the austerity of a Brahmana, protecting (the people) is the austerity of a Kshatriya, (the pursuit of) his daily business is the austerity of a Vaisya, and service the austerity of a Sudra.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   235

ऋषयः संयतात्मानः फलमूलानिलाशनाः । तपसैव प्रपश्यन्ति त्रैलोक्यं सचराचरम् ॥ ११.२३६॥
ṛṣayaḥ saṃyatātmānaḥ phalamūlānilāśanāḥ | tapasaiva prapaśyanti trailokyaṃ sacarācaram || 11.236||
11.236. The sages who control themselves and subsist on fruit, roots, and air, survey the three worlds together with their moving and immovable (creatures) through their austerities alone.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   236

औषधान्यगदो विद्या दैवी च विविधा स्थितिः । तपसैव प्रसिध्यन्ति तपस्तेषां हि साधनम् ॥ ११.२३७॥
auṣadhānyagado vidyā daivī ca vividhā sthitiḥ | tapasaiva prasidhyanti tapasteṣāṃ hi sādhanam || 11.237||
11.237. Medicines, good health, learning, and the various divine stations are attained by austerities alone; for austerity is the means of gaining them.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   237

यद्दुस्तरं यद्दुरापं यद्दुर्गं यच्च दुष्करम् । सर्वं तत्तपसा साध्यं तपो हि दुरतिक्रमम् ॥ ११.२३८॥
yaddustaraṃ yaddurāpaṃ yaddurgaṃ yacca duṣkaram | sarvaṃ tattapasā sādhyaṃ tapo hi duratikramam || 11.238||
11.238. Whatever is hard to be traversed, whatever is hard to be attained, whatever is hard to be reached, whatever is hard to be performed, all (this) may be accomplished by austerities; for austerity (possesses a power) which it is difficult to surpass.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   238

महापातकिनश्चैव शेषाश्चाकार्यकारिणः । तपसैव सुतप्तेन मुच्यन्ते किल्बिषात्ततः ॥ ११.२३९॥
mahāpātakinaścaiva śeṣāścākāryakāriṇaḥ | tapasaiva sutaptena mucyante kilbiṣāttataḥ || 11.239||
11.239. Both those who have committed mortal sin (Mahapataka) and all other offenders are severally freed from their guilt by means of well-performed austerities.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   239

कीटाश्चाहिपतङ्गाश्च पशवश्च वयांसि च । स्थावराणि च भूतानि दिवं यान्ति तपोबलात् ॥ ११.२४०॥
kīṭāścāhipataṅgāśca paśavaśca vayāṃsi ca | sthāvarāṇi ca bhūtāni divaṃ yānti tapobalāt || 11.240||
11.240. Insects, snakes, moths, bees, birds and beings, bereft of motion, reach heaven by the power of austerities.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   240

यत्किं चिदेनः कुर्वन्ति मनोवाच्। कर्मभिर् । तत्सर्वं निर्दहन्त्याशु तपसैव तपोधनाः ॥ ११.२४१॥
yatkiṃ cidenaḥ kurvanti manovāc| karmabhir | tatsarvaṃ nirdahantyāśu tapasaiva tapodhanāḥ || 11.241||
11.241. Whatever sin men commit by thoughts, words, or deeds, that they speedily burn away by penance, if they keep penance as their only riches.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   241

तपसैव विशुद्धस्य ब्राह्मणस्य दिवौकसः । इज्याश्च प्रतिगृह्णन्ति कामान् संवर्धयन्ति च ॥ ११.२४२॥
tapasaiva viśuddhasya brāhmaṇasya divaukasaḥ | ijyāśca pratigṛhṇanti kāmān saṃvardhayanti ca || 11.242||
11.242. The gods accept the offerings of that Brahmana alone who has purified himself by austerities, and grant to him all he desires.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   242

प्रजापतिरिदं शास्त्रं तपसैवासृजत्प्रभुः । तथैव वेदान् ऋषयस्तपसा प्रतिपेदिरे ॥ ११.२४३॥
prajāpatiridaṃ śāstraṃ tapasaivāsṛjatprabhuḥ | tathaiva vedān ṛṣayastapasā pratipedire || 11.243||
11.243. The lord, Pragapati, created these Institutes (of the sacred law) by his austerities alone; the sages likewise obtained (the revelation of) the Vedas through their austerities.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   243

यदेतत्तपसो देवा महाभाग्यं प्रचक्षते । सर्वस्यास्य प्रपश्यन्तस्तपसः पुण्यमुद्भवं ॥ ११.२४४॥
yadetattapaso devā mahābhāgyaṃ pracakṣate | sarvasyāsya prapaśyantastapasaḥ puṇyamudbhavaṃ || 11.244||
11.244. The gods, discerning that the holy origin of this whole (world) is from austerity, have thus proclaimed the incomparable power of austerity.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   244

वेदाभ्यासोऽन्वहं शक्त्या महायज्ञक्रिया क्षमा । नाशयन्त्याशु पापानि महापातकजान्यपि ॥ ११.२४५॥
vedābhyāso'nvahaṃ śaktyā mahāyajñakriyā kṣamā | nāśayantyāśu pāpāni mahāpātakajānyapi || 11.245||
11.245. The daily study of the Veda, the performance of the great sacrifices according to one’s ability, (and) patience (in suffering) quickly destroy all guilt, even that caused by mortal sins.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   245

यथैधस्तेजसा वह्निः प्राप्तं निर्दहति क्षणात् । तथा ज्ञानाग्निना पापं सर्वं दहति वेदवित् ॥ ११.२४६॥
yathaidhastejasā vahniḥ prāptaṃ nirdahati kṣaṇāt | tathā jñānāgninā pāpaṃ sarvaṃ dahati vedavit || 11.246||
11.246. As a fire in one moment consumes with its bright flame the fuel that has been placed on it, even so he who knows the Veda destroys all guilt by the fire of knowledge.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   246

इत्येतदेनसामुक्तं प्रायश्चित्तं यथाविधि । अत ऊर्ध्वं रहस्यानां प्रायश्चित्तं निबोधत ॥ ११.२४७॥
ityetadenasāmuktaṃ prāyaścittaṃ yathāvidhi | ata ūrdhvaṃ rahasyānāṃ prāyaścittaṃ nibodhata || 11.247||
11.247. The penances for sins (made public) have been thus declared according to the law; learn next the penances for secret (sins).

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   247

सव्याहृतिप्रणवकाः प्राणायामास्तु षोडश । अपि भ्रूणहनं मासात्पुनन्त्यहरहः कृताः ॥ ११.२४८॥
savyāhṛtipraṇavakāḥ prāṇāyāmāstu ṣoḍaśa | api bhrūṇahanaṃ māsātpunantyaharahaḥ kṛtāḥ || 11.248||
11.248. Sixteen suppressions of the breath (Pranayama) accompanied by (the recitation of) the Vyahritis and of the syllable Om, purify, if they are repeated daily, after a month even the murderer of a learned Brahmana.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   248

कौत्सं जप्त्वाऽप इत्येतद्वसिष्ठं च प्रतीत्यृचम् । माहित्रं शुद्धवत्यश्च सुरापोऽपि विशुध्यति ॥ ११.२४९॥
kautsaṃ japtvā'pa ityetadvasiṣṭhaṃ ca pratītyṛcam | māhitraṃ śuddhavatyaśca surāpo'pi viśudhyati || 11.249||
11.249. Even a drinker of (the spirituous liquor called) Sura becomes pure, if he mutters the hymn (seen) by Kutsa, ’Removing by thy splendour our guilt, O Agni, (that seen) by Vasishtha, ’With their hymns the Vasishthas woke the Dawn, the Mahitra (hymn) and (the verses called) Suddhavatis.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   249

सकृत्जप्त्वाऽस्यवामीयं शिवसङ्कल्पमेव च । अपहृत्य सुवर्णं तु क्षणाद्भवति निर्मलः ॥ ११.२५०॥
sakṛtjaptvā'syavāmīyaṃ śivasaṅkalpameva ca | apahṛtya suvarṇaṃ tu kṣaṇādbhavati nirmalaḥ || 11.250||
11.250. Even he who has stolen gold, instantly becomes free from guilt, if he once mutters (the hymn beginning with the words) ’The middlemost brother of this beautiful, ancient Hotri-priest’ and the Sivasamkalpa.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   250

हविष्पान्तीयमभ्यस्य न तमं ह इतीति च । जपित्वा पौरुषं सूक्तं मुच्यते गुरुतल्पगः ॥ ११.२५१॥
haviṣpāntīyamabhyasya na tamaṃ ha itīti ca | japitvā pauruṣaṃ sūktaṃ mucyate gurutalpagaḥ || 11.251||
11.251. The violator of a Guru’s bed is freed (from sin), if he repeatedly recites the Havishpantiya (hymn), (that beginning) ’Neither anxiety nor misfortune,’ (and that beginning) ’Thus, verily, thus,’ and mutters the hymn addressed to Purusha.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   251

एनसां स्थूलसूक्ष्माणां चिकीर्षन्नपनोदनम् । अवेत्यृचं जपेदब्दं यत्किञ्चेदमितीति वा ॥ ११.२५२॥
enasāṃ sthūlasūkṣmāṇāṃ cikīrṣannapanodanam | avetyṛcaṃ japedabdaṃ yatkiñcedamitīti vā || 11.252||
11.252. He who desires to expiate sins great or small, must mutter during a year the Rit-verse ’May we remove thy anger, O Varuna,’ &c., or ’Whatever offence here, O Varuna.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   252

प्रतिगृह्याप्रतिग्राह्यं भुक्त्वा चान्नं विगर्हितम् । जपंस्तरत्समन्दीयं पूयते मानवस्त्र्यहात् ॥ ११.२५३॥
pratigṛhyāpratigrāhyaṃ bhuktvā cānnaṃ vigarhitam | japaṃstaratsamandīyaṃ pūyate mānavastryahāt || 11.253||
11.253. That man who, having accepted presents which ought not to be accepted, or having eaten forbidden food, mutters the Taratsamandiya (Rikas), becomes pure after three days.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   253

सोमारौद्रं तु बह्वेनाः समामभ्यस्य शुध्यति । स्रवन्त्यामाचरन् स्नानमर्यम्णामिति च तृचम् ॥ ११.२५४॥
somāraudraṃ tu bahvenāḥ samāmabhyasya śudhyati | sravantyāmācaran snānamaryamṇāmiti ca tṛcam || 11.254||
11.254. But he who has committed many sins, becomes pure, if he recites during a month the (four verses) addressed to Soma and Rudra, and the three verses (beginning) ’Aryaman, Varuna, and Mitra,’ while he bathes in a river.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   254

अब्दार्धमिन्द्रमित्येतदेनस्वी सप्तकं जपेत् । अप्रशस्तं तु कृत्वाऽप्सु मासमासीत भैक्षभुक् ॥ ११.२५५॥
abdārdhamindramityetadenasvī saptakaṃ japet | apraśastaṃ tu kṛtvā'psu māsamāsīta bhaikṣabhuk || 11.255||
11.255. A grievous offender shall mutter the seven verses (beginning with) ’Indra,’ for half a year; but he who has committed any blamable act in water, shall subsist during a month on food obtained by begging.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   255

मन्त्रैः शाकलहोमीयैरब्दं हुत्वा घृतं द्विजः । सुगुर्वप्यपहन्त्येनो जप्त्वा वा नम इत्यृचम् ॥ ११.२५६॥
mantraiḥ śākalahomīyairabdaṃ hutvā ghṛtaṃ dvijaḥ | sugurvapyapahantyeno japtvā vā nama ityṛcam || 11.256||
11.256. A twice-born man removes even very great guilt by offering clarified butter with the sacred texts belonging to the Sakala-homas, or by muttering the Rik, (beginning) ’Adoration.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   256

महापातकसंयुक्तोऽनुगच्छेद्गाः समाहितः । अभ्यस्याब्दं पावमानीर्भैक्षाहारो विशुध्यति ॥ ११.२५७॥
mahāpātakasaṃyukto'nugacchedgāḥ samāhitaḥ | abhyasyābdaṃ pāvamānīrbhaikṣāhāro viśudhyati || 11.257||
11.257. He who is stained by mortal sin, becomes pure, if, with a concentrated mind, he attends cows for a year, reciting the Pavamani (hymns) and subsisting on alms.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   257

अरण्ये वा त्रिरभ्यस्य प्रयतो वेदसंहिताम् । मुच्यते पातकैः सर्वैः पराकैः शोधितस्त्रिभिः ॥ ११.२५८॥
araṇye vā trirabhyasya prayato vedasaṃhitām | mucyate pātakaiḥ sarvaiḥ parākaiḥ śodhitastribhiḥ || 11.258||
11.258. Or if, pure (in mind and in body), he thrice repeats the Samhita of the Veda in a forest, sanctified by three Paraka (penances), he is freed from all crimes causing loss of caste (pataka).

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   258

त्र्यहं तूपवसेद्युक्तस्त्रिरह्नोऽभ्युपयन्नपः । मुच्यते पातकैः सर्वैस्त्रिर्जपित्वाऽघमर्षणम् ॥ ११.२५९॥
tryahaṃ tūpavasedyuktastrirahno'bhyupayannapaḥ | mucyate pātakaiḥ sarvaistrirjapitvā'ghamarṣaṇam || 11.259||
11.259. But if (a man) fasts during three days, bathing thrice a day, and muttering (in the water the hymn seen by) Aghamarshana, he is (likewise) freed from all sins causing loss of caste.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   259

यथाऽश्वमेधः क्रतुराट् सर्वपापापनोदनः । तथाऽघमर्षणं सूक्तं सर्वपापापनोदनम् ॥ ११.२६०॥
yathā'śvamedhaḥ kraturāṭ sarvapāpāpanodanaḥ | tathā'ghamarṣaṇaṃ sūktaṃ sarvapāpāpanodanam || 11.260||
11.260. As the horse-sacrifice, the king of sacrifices, removes all sin, even so the Aghamarshana hymn effaces all guilt.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   260

हत्वा लोकानपीमांस्त्रीनश्नन्नपि यतस्ततः । ऋग्वेदं धारयन् विप्रो नैनः प्राप्नोति किं चन ॥ ११.२६१॥
hatvā lokānapīmāṃstrīnaśnannapi yatastataḥ | ṛgvedaṃ dhārayan vipro nainaḥ prāpnoti kiṃ cana || 11.261||
11.261. A Brahmana who retains in his memory the Rig-veda is not stained by guilt, though he may have destroyed these three worlds, though he may eat the food of anybody.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   261

ऋक्संहितां त्रिरभ्यस्य यजुषां वा समाहितः । साम्नां वा सरहस्यानां सर्वपापैः प्रमुच्यते ॥ ११.२६२॥
ṛksaṃhitāṃ trirabhyasya yajuṣāṃ vā samāhitaḥ | sāmnāṃ vā sarahasyānāṃ sarvapāpaiḥ pramucyate || 11.262||
11.262. He who, with a concentrated mind, thrice recites the Riksamhita, or (that of the) Yagur-veda; or (that of the) Sama-veda together with the secret (texts, the Upanishads), is completely freed from all sins.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   262

यथा महाह्रदं प्राप्य क्षिप्तं लोष्टं विनश्यति । तथा दुश्चरितं सर्वं वेदे त्रिवृति मज्जति ॥ ११.२६३॥
yathā mahāhradaṃ prāpya kṣiptaṃ loṣṭaṃ vinaśyati | tathā duścaritaṃ sarvaṃ vede trivṛti majjati || 11.263||
11.263. As a clod of earth, falling into a great lake, is quickly dissolved, even so every sinful act is engulfed in the threefold Veda.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   263

ऋचो यजूंषि चान्यानि सामानि विविधानि च । एष ज्ञेयस्त्रिवृद्वेदो यो वेदैनं स वेदवित् ॥ ११.२६४॥
ṛco yajūṃṣi cānyāni sāmāni vividhāni ca | eṣa jñeyastrivṛdvedo yo vedainaṃ sa vedavit || 11.264||
11.264. The Rikas, the Yagus which differ (from the former), the manifold Saman (-songs), must be known (to form) the triple Veda; he who knows them, (is called) learned in the Veda.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   264

आद्यं यत्त्र्यक्षरं ब्रह्म त्रयी यस्मिन् प्रतिष्ठिता । स गुह्योऽन्यस्त्रिवृद्वेदो यस्तं वेद स वेदवित् ॥ ११.२६५॥
ādyaṃ yattryakṣaraṃ brahma trayī yasmin pratiṣṭhitā | sa guhyo'nyastrivṛdvedo yastaṃ veda sa vedavit || 11.265||
11.265. The initial triliteral Brahman on which the threefold (sacred science) is based, is another triple Veda which must be kept secret; he who knows that, (is called) learned in the Veda.

Adhyaya : 11

Shloka :   265

ॐ श्री परमात्मने नमः

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