Manu Smriti

Adhyaya 4

ॐ श्री परमात्मने नमः

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चतुर्थमायुषो भागमुषित्वाऽद्यं गुरौ द्विजाः । द्वितीयमायुषो भागं कृतदारो गृहे वसेत् ॥ ४.१॥
caturthamāyuṣo bhāgamuṣitvā'dyaṃ gurau dvijāḥ | dvitīyamāyuṣo bhāgaṃ kṛtadāro gṛhe vaset || 4.1||
4.1. Having dwelt with a teacher during the fourth part of (a man’s) life, a Brahmana shall live during the second quarter (of his existence) in his house, after he has wedded a wife.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   1

अद्रोहेणैव भूतानामल्पद्रोहेण वा पुनः । या वृत्तिस्तां समास्थाय विप्रो जीवेदनापदि ॥ ४.२॥
adroheṇaiva bhūtānāmalpadroheṇa vā punaḥ | yā vṛttistāṃ samāsthāya vipro jīvedanāpadi || 4.2||
4.2. A Brahmana must seek a means of subsistence which either causes no, or at least little pain (to others), and live (by that) except in times of distress.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   2

यात्रामात्रप्रसिद्ध्यर्थं स्वैः कर्मभिरगर्हितैः । अक्लेशेन शरीरस्य कुर्वीत धनसञ्चयम् ॥ ४.३॥
yātrāmātraprasiddhyarthaṃ svaiḥ karmabhiragarhitaiḥ | akleśena śarīrasya kurvīta dhanasañcayam || 4.3||
4.3. For the purpose of gaining bare subsistence, let him accumulate property by (following those) irreproachable occupations (which are prescribed for) his (caste), without (unduly) fatiguing his body.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   3

ऋतामृताभ्यां जीवेत्तु मृतेन प्रमृतेन वा । सत्यानृताभ्यामपि वा न श्ववृत्त्या कदा चन ॥ ४.४॥
ṛtāmṛtābhyāṃ jīvettu mṛtena pramṛtena vā | satyānṛtābhyāmapi vā na śvavṛttyā kadā cana || 4.4||
4.4. He may subsist by Rita (truth), and Amrita (ambrosia), or by Mrita (death) and by Pramrita (what causes many deaths); or even by (the mode) called Satyanrita (a mixture of truth and falsehood), but never by Svavritti (a dog’s mode of life).

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   4

ऋतमुञ्छशिलं ज्ञेयममृतं स्यादयाचितम् । मृतं तु याचितं भैक्षं प्रमृतं कर्षणं स्मृतम् ॥ ४.५॥
ṛtamuñchaśilaṃ jñeyamamṛtaṃ syādayācitam | mṛtaṃ tu yācitaṃ bhaikṣaṃ pramṛtaṃ karṣaṇaṃ smṛtam || 4.5||
4.5. By Rita shall be understood the gleaning of corn; by Amrita, what is given unasked; by Mrita, food obtained by begging and agriculture is declared to be Pramrita.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   5

सत्यानृतं तु वाणिज्यं तेन चैवापि जीव्यते । सेवा श्ववृत्तिराख्याता तस्मात्तां परिवर्जयेत् ॥ ४.६॥
satyānṛtaṃ tu vāṇijyaṃ tena caivāpi jīvyate | sevā śvavṛttirākhyātā tasmāttāṃ parivarjayet || 4.6||
4.6. But trade and (money-lending) are Satyanrita, even by that one may subsist. Service is called Svavritti; therefore one should avoid it.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   6

कुसूलधान्यको वा स्यात्कुम्भीधान्यक एव वा । त्र्यहेहिको वाऽपि भवेदश्वस्तनिक एव वा ॥ ४.७॥
kusūladhānyako vā syātkumbhīdhānyaka eva vā | tryahehiko vā'pi bhavedaśvastanika eva vā || 4.7||
4.7. He may either possess enough to fill a granary, or a store filling a grain-jar; or he may collect what suffices for three days, or make no provision for the morrow.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   7

चतुर्णामपि चैतेषां द्विजानां गृहमेधिनाम् । ज्यायान् परः परो ज्ञेयो धर्मतो लोकजित्तमः ॥ ४.८॥
caturṇāmapi caiteṣāṃ dvijānāṃ gṛhamedhinām | jyāyān paraḥ paro jñeyo dharmato lokajittamaḥ || 4.8||
4.8. Moreover, among these four Brahmana householders, each later-(named) must be considered more distinguished, and through his virtue to have conquered the world more completely.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   8

षट्कर्मैको भवत्येषां त्रिभिरन्यः प्रवर्तते । द्वाभ्यामेकश्चतुर्थस्तु ब्रह्मसत्त्रेण जीवति ॥ ४.९॥
ṣaṭkarmaiko bhavatyeṣāṃ tribhiranyaḥ pravartate | dvābhyāmekaścaturthastu brahmasattreṇa jīvati || 4.9||
4.9. One of these follows six occupations, another subsists by three, one by two, but the fourth lives by the Brahmasattra.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   9

वर्तयंश्च शिलौञ्छाभ्यामग्निहोत्रपरायणः । इष्टीः पार्वायणान्तीयाः केवला निर्वपेत्सदा ॥ ४.१०॥
vartayaṃśca śilauñchābhyāmagnihotraparāyaṇaḥ | iṣṭīḥ pārvāyaṇāntīyāḥ kevalā nirvapetsadā || 4.10||
4.10. He who maintains himself by picking up grains and ears of corn, must be always intent on (the performance of) the Agnihotra, and constantly offer those Ishtis only, which are prescribed for the days of the conjunction and opposition (of the moon), and for the solstices.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   10

न लोकवृत्तं वर्तेत वृत्तिहेतोः कथं चन । अजिह्मामशथां शुद्धां जीवेद्ब्राह्मणजीविकाम् ॥ ४.११॥
na lokavṛttaṃ varteta vṛttihetoḥ kathaṃ cana | ajihmāmaśathāṃ śuddhāṃ jīvedbrāhmaṇajīvikām || 4.11||
4.11. Let him never, for the sake of subsistence, follow the ways of the world; let him live the pure, straightforward, honest life of a Brahmana.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   11

संतोषं परमास्थाय सुखार्थी संयतो भवेत् । संतोषमूलं हि सुखं दुःखमूलं विपर्ययः ॥ ४.१२॥
saṃtoṣaṃ paramāsthāya sukhārthī saṃyato bhavet | saṃtoṣamūlaṃ hi sukhaṃ duḥkhamūlaṃ viparyayaḥ || 4.12||
4.12. He who desires happiness must strive after a perfectly contented disposition and control himself; for happiness has contentment for its root, the root of unhappiness is the contrary (disposition).

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   12

अतोऽन्यतमया वृत्त्या जीवंस्तु स्नातको द्विजः । स्वर्ग्यायुष्य यशस्यानि व्रताणीमानि धारयेत् ॥ ४.१३॥
ato'nyatamayā vṛttyā jīvaṃstu snātako dvijaḥ | svargyāyuṣya yaśasyāni vratāṇīmāni dhārayet || 4.13||
4.13. A Brahmana, who is a Snataka and subsists by one of the (above-mentioned) modes of life, must discharge the (following) duties which secure heavenly bliss, long life, and fame.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   13

वेदोदितं स्वकं कर्म नित्यं कुर्यादतन्द्रितः । तधि कुर्वन् यथाशक्ति प्राप्नोति परमां गतिम् ॥ ४.१४॥
vedoditaṃ svakaṃ karma nityaṃ kuryādatandritaḥ | tadhi kurvan yathāśakti prāpnoti paramāṃ gatim || 4.14||
4.14. Let him, untired, perform daily the rites prescribed for him in the Veda; for he who performs those according to his ability, attains to the highest state.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   14

नैहेतार्थान् प्रसङ्गेन न विरुद्धेन कर्मणा । न कल्पमानेष्वर्थेषु नार्त्यामपि यतस्ततः ॥ ४.१५॥
naihetārthān prasaṅgena na viruddhena karmaṇā | na kalpamāneṣvartheṣu nārtyāmapi yatastataḥ || 4.15||
4.15. Whether he be rich or even in distress, let him not seek wealth through pursuits to which men cleave, nor by forbidden occupations, nor (let him accept presents) from any (giver whosoever he may be).

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   15

इन्द्रियार्थेषु सर्वेषु न प्रसज्येत कामतः । अतिप्रसक्तिं चैतेषां मनसा संनिवर्तयेत् ॥ ४.१६॥
indriyārtheṣu sarveṣu na prasajyeta kāmataḥ | atiprasaktiṃ caiteṣāṃ manasā saṃnivartayet || 4.16||
4.16. Let him not, out of desire (for enjoyments), attach himself to any sensual pleasures, and let him carefully obviate an excessive attachment to them, by (reflecting on their worthlessness in) his heart.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   16

सर्वान् परित्यजेदर्थान् स्वाध्यायस्य विरोधिनः । यथा तथाऽध्यापयंस्तु सा ह्यस्य कृतकृत्यता ॥ ४.१७॥
sarvān parityajedarthān svādhyāyasya virodhinaḥ | yathā tathā'dhyāpayaṃstu sā hyasya kṛtakṛtyatā || 4.17||
4.17. Let him avoid all (means of acquiring) wealth which impede the study of the Veda; (let him maintain himself) anyhow, but study, because that (devotion to the Veda-study secures) the realisation of his aims.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   17

वयसः कर्मणोऽर्थस्य श्रुतस्याभिजनस्य च । वेषवाग्बुद्धिसारूप्यमाचरन् विचरेदिह ॥ ४.१८॥
vayasaḥ karmaṇo'rthasya śrutasyābhijanasya ca | veṣavāgbuddhisārūpyamācaran vicarediha || 4.18||
4.18. Let him walk here (on earth), bringing his dress, speech, and thoughts to a conformity with his age, his occupation, his wealth, his sacred learning, and his race.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   18

बुद्धिवृद्धिकराण्याशु धन्यानि च हितानि च । नित्यं शास्त्राण्यवेक्षेत निगमांश्चैव वैदिकान् ॥ ४.१९॥
buddhivṛddhikarāṇyāśu dhanyāni ca hitāni ca | nityaṃ śāstrāṇyavekṣeta nigamāṃścaiva vaidikān || 4.19||
4.19. Let him daily pore over those Institutes of science which soon give increase of wisdom, those which teach the acquisition of wealth, those which are beneficial (for other worldly concerns), and likewise over the Nigamas which explain the Veda.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   19

यथा यथा हि पुरुषः शास्त्रं समधिगच्छति । तथा तथा विजानाति विज्ञानं चास्य रोचते ॥ ४.२०॥
yathā yathā hi puruṣaḥ śāstraṃ samadhigacchati | tathā tathā vijānāti vijñānaṃ cāsya rocate || 4.20||
4.20. For the more a man completely studies the Institutes of science, the more he fully understands (them), and his great learning shines brightly.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   20

ऋषियज्ञं देवयज्ञं भूतयज्ञं च सर्वदा । नृयज्ञं पितृयज्ञं च यथाशक्ति न हापयेत् ॥ ४.२१॥
ṛṣiyajñaṃ devayajñaṃ bhūtayajñaṃ ca sarvadā | nṛyajñaṃ pitṛyajñaṃ ca yathāśakti na hāpayet || 4.21||
4.21. Let him never, if he is able (to perform them), neglect the sacrifices to the sages, to the gods, to the Bhutas, to men, and to the manes.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   21

एतानेके महायज्ञान् यज्ञशास्त्रविदो जनाः । अनीहमानाः सततमिन्द्रियेष्वेव जुह्वति ॥ ४.२२॥
etāneke mahāyajñān yajñaśāstravido janāḥ | anīhamānāḥ satatamindriyeṣveva juhvati || 4.22||
4.22. Some men who know the ordinances for sacrificial rites, always offer these great sacrifices in their organs (of sensation), without any (external) effort.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   22

वाच्येके जुह्वति प्राणं प्राणे वाचं च सर्वदा । वाचि प्राणे च पश्यन्तो यज्ञनिर्वृत्तिमक्षयाम् ॥ ४.२३॥
vācyeke juhvati prāṇaṃ prāṇe vācaṃ ca sarvadā | vāci prāṇe ca paśyanto yajñanirvṛttimakṣayām || 4.23||
4.23. Knowing that the (performance of the) sacrifice in their speech and their breath yields imperishable (rewards), some always offer their breath in their speech, and their speech in their breath.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   23

ज्ञानेनैवापरे विप्रा यजन्ते तैर्मखैः सदा। ज्ञानमूलां क्रियामेषां पश्यन्तो ज्ञानचक्षुषा ॥ ४.२४॥
jñānenaivāpare viprā yajante tairmakhaiḥ sadā| jñānamūlāṃ kriyāmeṣāṃ paśyanto jñānacakṣuṣā || 4.24||
4.24. Other Brahmanas, seeing with the eye of knowledge that the performance of those rites has knowledge for its root, always perform them through knowledge alone.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   24

अग्निहोत्रं च जुहुयादाद्यन्ते द्युनिशोः सदा । दर्शेन चार्धमासान्ते पौर्णमासेन चैव हि ॥ ४.२५॥
agnihotraṃ ca juhuyādādyante dyuniśoḥ sadā | darśena cārdhamāsānte paurṇamāsena caiva hi || 4.25||
4.25. A Brahmana shall always offer the Agnihotra at the beginning or at the end of the day and of the night, and the Darsa and Paurnamasa (Ishtis) at the end of each half-month,

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   25

सस्यान्ते नवसस्येष्ट्या तथार्तुअन्ते द्विजोऽध्वरैः । अयनान्ते तु समांते सौमिकैर्मखैः ॥ ४.२६॥
sasyānte navasasyeṣṭyā tathārtuante dvijo'dhvaraiḥ | ayanānte tu samāṃte saumikairmakhaiḥ || 4.26||
4.26. When the old grain has been consumed the (Agrayana) Ishti with new grain, at the end of the (three) seasons the (Katurmasya-) sacrifices, at the solstices an animal (sacrifice), at the end of the year Soma- offerings.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   26

नानिष्ट्वा नवसस्येष्ट्या पशुना चाग्निमान् द्विजः । नवान्नमद्यात्मांसं वा दीर्घमायुर्जिजीविषुः ॥ ४.२७॥
nāniṣṭvā navasasyeṣṭyā paśunā cāgnimān dvijaḥ | navānnamadyātmāṃsaṃ vā dīrghamāyurjijīviṣuḥ || 4.27||
4.27. A Brahmana, who keeps sacred fires, shall, if he desires to live long, not eat new grain or meat, without having offered the (Agrayana) Ishti with new grain and an animal-(sacrifice).

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   27

नवेनानर्चिता ह्यस्य पशुहव्येन चाग्नयः । प्राणानेवात्तुमिच्छन्ति नवान्नामिषगर्धिनः ॥ ४.२८॥
navenānarcitā hyasya paśuhavyena cāgnayaḥ | prāṇānevāttumicchanti navānnāmiṣagardhinaḥ || 4.28||
4.28. For his fires, not being worshipped by offerings of new grain and of an animal, seek to devour his vital spirits, (because they are) greedy for new grain and flesh.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   28

आसनाशनशय्याभिरद्भिर्मूलफलेन वा । नास्य कश्चिद्वसेद्गेहे शक्तितोऽनर्चितोऽतिथिः ॥ ४.२९॥
āsanāśanaśayyābhiradbhirmūlaphalena vā | nāsya kaścidvasedgehe śaktito'narcito'tithiḥ || 4.29||
4.29. No guest must stay in his house without being honoured, according to his ability, with a seat, food, a couch, water, or roots and fruits.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   29

पाषण्डिनो विकर्मस्थान् बैडालव्रतिकान् शठान् । हैतुकान् बकवृत्तींश्च वाङ्मात्रेणापि नार्चयेत् ॥ ४.३०॥
pāṣaṇḍino vikarmasthān baiḍālavratikān śaṭhān | haitukān bakavṛttīṃśca vāṅmātreṇāpi nārcayet || 4.30||
4.30. Let him not honour, even by a greeting, heretics, men who follow forbidden occupations, men who live like cats, rogues, logicians, (arguing against the Veda,) and those who live like herons.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   30

वेदविद्याव्रतस्नातांश्रोत्रियान् गृहमेधिनः । पूजयेधव्यकव्येन विपरीतांश्च वर्जयेत् ॥ ४.३१॥
vedavidyāvratasnātāṃśrotriyān gṛhamedhinaḥ | pūjayedhavyakavyena viparītāṃśca varjayet || 4.31||
4.31. Those who have become Snatakas after studying the Veda, or after completing their vows, (and) householders, who are Srotriyas, one must worship by (gifts of food) sacred to gods and manes, but one must avoid those who are different.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   31

शक्तितोऽपचमानेभ्यो दातव्यं गृहमेधिना । संविभागश्च भूतेभ्यः कर्तव्योऽनुपरोधतः ॥ ४.३२॥
śaktito'pacamānebhyo dātavyaṃ gṛhamedhinā | saṃvibhāgaśca bhūtebhyaḥ kartavyo'nuparodhataḥ || 4.32||
4.32. A householder must give (as much food) as he is able (to spare) to those who do not cook for themselves, and to all beings one must distribute (food) without detriment (to one’s own interest).

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   32

राजतो धनमन्विच्छेत्संसीदन् स्नातकः क्षुधा । याज्यान्तेवासिनोर्वाऽपि न त्वन्यत इति स्थितिः ॥ ४.३३॥
rājato dhanamanvicchetsaṃsīdan snātakaḥ kṣudhā | yājyāntevāsinorvā'pi na tvanyata iti sthitiḥ || 4.33||
4.33. A Snataka who pines with hunger, may beg wealth of a king, of one for whom he sacrifices, and of a pupil, but not of others; that is a settled rule.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   33

न सीदेत्स्नातको विप्रः क्षुधा शक्तः कथं चन । न जीर्णमलवद्वासा भवेच्च विभवे सति ॥ ४.३४॥
na sīdetsnātako vipraḥ kṣudhā śaktaḥ kathaṃ cana | na jīrṇamalavadvāsā bhavecca vibhave sati || 4.34||
4.34. A Snataka who is able (to procure food) shall never waste himself with hunger, nor shall he wear old or dirty clothes, if he possesses property.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   34

कॢप्तकेशनखश्मश्रुर्दान्तः शुक्लाम्बरः शुचिः । स्वाध्याये चैव युक्तः स्यान्नित्यमात्महितेषु च ॥ ४.३५॥
kḷptakeśanakhaśmaśrurdāntaḥ śuklāmbaraḥ śuciḥ | svādhyāye caiva yuktaḥ syānnityamātmahiteṣu ca || 4.35||
4.35. Keeping his hair, nails, and beard clipped, subduing his passions by austerities, wearing white garments and (keeping himself) pure, he shall be always engaged in studying the Veda and (such acts as are) conducive to his welfare.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   35

वैणवीं धारयेद्यष्टिं सोदकं च कमण्डलुम् । यज्ञोपवीतं वेदं च शुभं रौक्मे च कुण्डले ॥ ४.३६॥
vaiṇavīṃ dhārayedyaṣṭiṃ sodakaṃ ca kamaṇḍalum | yajñopavītaṃ vedaṃ ca śubhaṃ raukme ca kuṇḍale || 4.36||
4.36. He shall carry a staff of bamboo, a pot full of water, a sacred string, a bundle of Kusa grass, and (wear) two bright golden ear-rings.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   36

नेक्षेतोद्यन्तमादित्यं नास्तं यान्तं कदा चन । नोपसृष्टं न वारिस्थं न मध्यं नभसो गतम् ॥ ४.३७॥
nekṣetodyantamādityaṃ nāstaṃ yāntaṃ kadā cana | nopasṛṣṭaṃ na vāristhaṃ na madhyaṃ nabhaso gatam || 4.37||
4.37. Let him never look at the sun, when he sets or rises, is eclipsed or reflected in water, or stands in the middle of the sky.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   37

न लङ्घयेद्वत्सतन्त्रीं न प्रधावेच्च वर्षति । न चोदके निरीक्षेत स्वरूपमिति धारणा ॥ ४.३८॥
na laṅghayedvatsatantrīṃ na pradhāvecca varṣati | na codake nirīkṣeta svarūpamiti dhāraṇā || 4.38||
4.38. Let him not step over a rope to which a calf is tied, let him not run when it rains, and let him not look at his own image in water; that is a settled rule.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   38

मृदं गां दैवतं विप्रं घृतं मधु चतुष्पथम् । प्रदक्षिणानि कुर्वीत प्रज्ञातांश्च वनस्पतीन् ॥ ४.३९॥
mṛdaṃ gāṃ daivataṃ vipraṃ ghṛtaṃ madhu catuṣpatham | pradakṣiṇāni kurvīta prajñātāṃśca vanaspatīn || 4.39||
4.39. Let him pass by (a mound of) earth, a cow, an idol, a Brahmana, clarified butter, honey, a crossway, and well-known trees, turning his right hand towards them.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   39

नोपगच्छेत्प्रमत्तोऽपि स्त्रियमार्तवदर्शने । समानशयने चैव न शयीत तया सह ॥ ४.४०॥
nopagacchetpramatto'pi striyamārtavadarśane | samānaśayane caiva na śayīta tayā saha || 4.40||
4.40. Let him, though mad with desire, not approach his wife when her courses appear; nor let him sleep with her in the same bed.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   40

रजसाऽभिप्लुतां नारीं नरस्य ह्युपगच्छतः । प्रज्ञा तेजो बलं चक्षुरायुश्चैव प्रहीयते ॥ ४.४१॥
rajasā'bhiplutāṃ nārīṃ narasya hyupagacchataḥ | prajñā tejo balaṃ cakṣurāyuścaiva prahīyate || 4.41||
4.41. For the wisdom, the energy, the strength, the sight, and the vitality of a man who approaches a woman covered with menstrual excretions, utterly perish.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   41

तां विवर्जयतस्तस्य रजसा समभिप्लुताम् । प्रज्ञा तेजो बलं चक्षुरायुश्चैव प्रवर्धते ॥ ४.४२॥
tāṃ vivarjayatastasya rajasā samabhiplutām | prajñā tejo balaṃ cakṣurāyuścaiva pravardhate || 4.42||
4.42. If he avoids her, while she is in that condition, his wisdom, energy, strength, sight, and vitality will increase.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   42

नाश्नीयाद्भार्यया सार्धं नैनामीक्षेत चाश्नतीम् । क्षुवतीं जृम्भमाणां वा न चासीनां यथासुखम् ॥ ४.४३॥
nāśnīyādbhāryayā sārdhaṃ naināmīkṣeta cāśnatīm | kṣuvatīṃ jṛmbhamāṇāṃ vā na cāsīnāṃ yathāsukham || 4.43||
4.43. Let him not eat in the company of his wife, nor look at her, while she eats, sneezes, yawns, or sits at her ease.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   43

नाञ्जयन्तीं स्वके नेत्रे न चाभ्यक्तामनावृताम् । न पश्येत्प्रसवन्तीं च तेजस्कामो द्विजोत्तमः ॥ ४.४४॥
nāñjayantīṃ svake netre na cābhyaktāmanāvṛtām | na paśyetprasavantīṃ ca tejaskāmo dvijottamaḥ || 4.44||
4.44. A Brahmana who desires energy must not look at (a woman) who applies collyrium to her eyes, has anointed or uncovered herself or brings forth (a child).

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   44

नान्नमद्यादेकवासा न नग्नः स्नानमाचरेत् । न मूत्रं पथि कुर्वीत न भस्मनि न गोव्रजे ॥ ४.४५ - म ॥
nānnamadyādekavāsā na nagnaḥ snānamācaret | na mūtraṃ pathi kurvīta na bhasmani na govraje || 4.45||
4.45. Let him not eat, dressed with one garment only; let him not bathe naked; let him not void urine on a road, on ashes, or in a cow-pen,

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   45

न फालकृष्टे न जले न चित्यां न च पर्वते । न जीर्णदेवायतने न वल्मीके कदा चन ॥ ४.४६॥
na phālakṛṣṭe na jale na cityāṃ na ca parvate | na jīrṇadevāyatane na valmīke kadā cana || 4.46||
4.46. Nor on ploughed land, in water, on an altar of bricks, on a mountain, on the ruins of a temple, nor ever on an ant-hill,

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   46

न ससत्त्वेषु गर्तेषु न गच्छन्नपि न स्थितः । न नदीतीरमासाद्य न च पर्वतमस्तके ॥ ४.४७॥
na sasattveṣu garteṣu na gacchannapi na sthitaḥ | na nadītīramāsādya na ca parvatamastake || 4.47||
4.47. Nor in holes inhabited by living creatures, nor while he walks or stands, nor on reaching the bank of a river, nor on the top of a mountain.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   47

वायुअग्निविप्रमादित्यमपः पश्यंस्तथैव गाः । न कदा चन कुर्वीत विण्मूत्रस्य विसर्जनम् ॥ ४.४८॥
vāyuagnivipramādityamapaḥ paśyaṃstathaiva gāḥ | na kadā cana kurvīta viṇmūtrasya visarjanam || 4.48||
4.48. Let him never void faeces or urine, facing the wind, or a fire, or looking towards a Brahmana, the sun, water, or cows.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   48

तिरस्कृत्योच्चरेत्काष्ठलोष्ठपत्रतृणादिना । तृणादि चनियम्य प्रयतो वाचं संवीताङ्गोऽवगुण्ठितः ॥ ४.४९॥
tiraskṛtyoccaretkāṣṭhaloṣṭhapatratṛṇādinā | tṛṇādi caniyamya prayato vācaṃ saṃvītāṅgo'vaguṇṭhitaḥ || 4.49||
4.49. He may ease himself, having covered (the ground) with sticks, clods, leaves, grass, and the like, restraining his speech, (keeping himself) pure, wrapping up his body, and covering his head.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   49

मूत्रोच्चारसमुत्सर्गं दिवा कुर्यादुदङ्मुखः । दक्षिणाऽभिमुखो रात्रौ संध्यायोश्च यथा दिवा ॥ ४.५०॥
mūtroccārasamutsargaṃ divā kuryādudaṅmukhaḥ | dakṣiṇā'bhimukho rātrau saṃdhyāyośca yathā divā || 4.50||
4.50. Let him void faeces and urine, in the daytime turning to the north, at night turning towards the south, during the two twilights in the same (position) as by day.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   50

छायायामन्धकारे वा रात्रावहनि वा द्विजः । यथासुखमुखः कुर्यात्प्राणबाधभयेषु च ॥ ४.५१॥
chāyāyāmandhakāre vā rātrāvahani vā dvijaḥ | yathāsukhamukhaḥ kuryātprāṇabādhabhayeṣu ca || 4.51||
4.51. In the shade or in darkness a Brahmana may, both by day and at night, do it, assuming any position he pleases; likewise when his life is in danger.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   51

प्रत्यग्निं प्रतिसूर्यं च प्रतिसोमोदकद्विजम् । प्रतिगां प्रतिवातं च प्रज्ञा नश्यति मेहतः ॥ ४.५२॥
pratyagniṃ pratisūryaṃ ca pratisomodakadvijam | pratigāṃ prativātaṃ ca prajñā naśyati mehataḥ || 4.52||
4.52. The intellect of (a man) who voids urine against a fire, the sun, the moon, in water, against a Brahmana, a cow, or the wind, perishes.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   52

नाग्निं मुखेनोपधमेन्नग्नां नैक्षेत च स्त्रियम् । नामेध्यं प्रक्षिपेदग्नौ न च पादौ प्रतापयेत् ॥ ४.५३॥
nāgniṃ mukhenopadhamennagnāṃ naikṣeta ca striyam | nāmedhyaṃ prakṣipedagnau na ca pādau pratāpayet || 4.53||
4.53. Let him not blow a fire with his mouth; let him not look at a naked woman; let him not throw any impure substance into the fire, and let him not warm his feet at it.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   53

अधस्तान्नोपदध्याच्च न चैनमभिलङ्घयेत् । न चैनं पादतः कुर्यान्न प्राणाबाधमाचरेत् ॥ ४.५४॥
adhastānnopadadhyācca na cainamabhilaṅghayet | na cainaṃ pādataḥ kuryānna prāṇābādhamācaret || 4.54||
4.54. Let him not place (fire) under (a bed or the like); nor step over it, nor place it (when he sleeps) at the foot- (end of his bed); let him not torment living creatures.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   54

नाश्नीयात्संधिवेलायां न गच्छेन्नापि संविशेत् । न चैव प्रलिखेद्भूमिं नात्मनोऽपहरेत्स्रजम् ॥ ४.५५॥
nāśnīyātsaṃdhivelāyāṃ na gacchennāpi saṃviśet | na caiva pralikhedbhūmiṃ nātmano'paharetsrajam || 4.55||
4.55. Let him not eat, nor travel, nor sleep during the twilight; let him not scratch the ground; let him not take off his garland.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   55

नाप्सु मूत्रं पुरीषं वा ष्ठीवनं वा समुत्सृजेत् । अमेध्यलिप्तमन्यद्वा लोहितं वा विषाणि वा ॥ ४.५६॥
nāpsu mūtraṃ purīṣaṃ vā ṣṭhīvanaṃ vā samutsṛjet | amedhyaliptamanyadvā lohitaṃ vā viṣāṇi vā || 4.56||
4.56. Let him not throw urine or faeces into the water, nor saliva, nor (clothes) defiled by impure substances, nor any other (impurity), nor blood, nor poisonous things.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   56

नैकः शून्यगृहे स्वप्यान् श्रेयांसं प्रबोधयेत् । नोदक्ययाऽभिभाषेत यज्ञं गच्छेन्न चावृतः ॥ ४.५७॥
naikaḥ śūnyagṛhe svapyān śreyāṃsaṃ prabodhayet | nodakyayā'bhibhāṣeta yajñaṃ gacchenna cāvṛtaḥ || 4.57||
4.57. Let him not sleep alone in a deserted dwelling; let him not wake (a superior) who is sleeping; let him not converse with a menstruating woman; nor let him go to a sacrifice, if he is not chosen (to be officiating priest).

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   57

अग्न्यगारे गवां गोष्ठे ब्राह्मणानां च संनिधौ । स्वाध्याये भोजने चैव दक्षिणं पाणिमुद्धरेत् ॥ ४.५८॥
agnyagāre gavāṃ goṣṭhe brāhmaṇānāṃ ca saṃnidhau | svādhyāye bhojane caiva dakṣiṇaṃ pāṇimuddharet || 4.58||
4.58. Let him keep his right arm uncovered in a place where a sacred fire is kept, in a cow-pen, in the presence of Brahmanas, during the private recitation of the Veda, and at meals.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   58

न वारयेद्गां धयन्तीं न चाचक्षीत कस्य चित् । न दिवीन्द्रायुधं दृष्ट्वा कस्य चिद्दर्शयेद्बुधः ॥ ४.५९॥
na vārayedgāṃ dhayantīṃ na cācakṣīta kasya cit | na divīndrāyudhaṃ dṛṣṭvā kasya ciddarśayedbudhaḥ || 4.59||
4.59. Let him not interrupt a cow who is suckling (her calf), nor tell anybody of it. A wise man, if he sees a rainbow in the sky, must not point it out to anybody.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   59

नाधर्मिके वसेद्ग्रामे न व्याधिबहुले भृशम् । नैकः प्रपद्येताध्वानं न चिरं पर्वते वसेत् ॥ ४.६०॥
nādharmike vasedgrāme na vyādhibahule bhṛśam | naikaḥ prapadyetādhvānaṃ na ciraṃ parvate vaset || 4.60||
4.60. Let him not dwell in a village where the sacred law is not obeyed, nor (stay) long where diseases are endemic; let him not go alone on a journey, nor reside long on a mountain.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   60

न शूद्रराज्ये निवसेन्नाधार्मिकजनावृते । न पाषण्डिगणाक्रान्ते नोपस्षृटेऽन्त्यजैर्नृभिः ॥ ४.६१॥
na śūdrarājye nivasennādhārmikajanāvṛte | na pāṣaṇḍigaṇākrānte nopasṣṛṭe'ntyajairnṛbhiḥ || 4.61||
4.61. Let him not dwell in a country where the rulers are Sudras, nor in one which is surrounded by unrighteous men, nor in one which has become subject to heretics, nor in one swarming with men of the lowest castes.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   61

न भुञ्जीतोद्धृतस्नेहं नातिसौहित्यमाचरेत् ॥नातिप्रगे नातिसायं न सायं प्रातराशितः ॥ ४.६२॥
na bhuñjītoddhṛtasnehaṃ nātisauhityamācaret || nātiprage nātisāyaṃ na sāyaṃ prātarāśitaḥ || 4.62||
4.62. Let him not eat anything from which the oil has been extracted; let him not be a glutton; let him not eat very early (in the morning), nor very late (in the evening), nor (take any food) in the evening, if he has eaten (his fill) in the morning.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   62

न कुर्वीत वृथाचेष्टां न वार्यञ्जलिना पिबेत् । नोत्सङ्गे भक्षयेद्भक्ष्यान्न जातु स्यात्कुतूहली ॥ ४.६३॥
na kurvīta vṛthāceṣṭāṃ na vāryañjalinā pibet | notsaṅge bhakṣayedbhakṣyānna jātu syātkutūhalī || 4.63||
4.63. Let him not exert himself without a purpose; let him not drink water out of his joined palms; let him not eat food (placed) in his lap; let him not show (idle) curiosity.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   63

न नृत्येदथ वा गायेन्न वादित्राणि वादयेत् । नास्फोटयेन्न च क्ष्वेडेन्न च रक्तो विरावयेत् ॥ ४.६४॥
na nṛtyedatha vā gāyenna vāditrāṇi vādayet | nāsphoṭayenna ca kṣveḍenna ca rakto virāvayet || 4.64||
4.64. Let him not dance, nor sing, nor play musical instruments, nor slap (his limbs), nor grind his teeth, nor let him make uncouth noises, though he be in a passion.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   64

न पादौ धावयेत्कांस्ये कदा चिदपि भाजने । न भिन्नभाण्डे भुञ्जीत न भावप्रतिदूषिते ॥ ४.६५॥
na pādau dhāvayetkāṃsye kadā cidapi bhājane | na bhinnabhāṇḍe bhuñjīta na bhāvapratidūṣite || 4.65||
4.65. Let him never wash his feet in a vessel of white brass; let him not eat out of a broken (earthen) dish, nor out of one that (to judge) from its appearance (is) defiled.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   65

उपानहौ च वासश्च धृतमन्यैर्न धारयेत् । उपवीतमलङ्कारं स्रजं करकमेव च ॥ ४.६६॥
upānahau ca vāsaśca dhṛtamanyairna dhārayet | upavītamalaṅkāraṃ srajaṃ karakameva ca || 4.66||
4.66. Let him not use shoes, garments, a sacred string, ornaments, a garland, or a water-vessel which have been used by others.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   66

नाविनीतैर्भजेद्धुर्यैर्न च क्षुध्व्याधिपीडितैः । न भिन्नश‍ृङ्गाक्षिखुरैर्न वालधिविरूपितैः ॥ ४.६७॥
nāvinītairbhajeddhuryairna ca kṣudhvyādhipīḍitaiḥ | na bhinnaśa‍्ṛṅgākṣikhurairna vāladhivirūpitaiḥ || 4.67||
4.67. Let him not travel with untrained beasts of burden, nor with (animals) that are tormented by hunger or disease, or whose horns, eyes, and hoofs have been injured, or whose tails have been disfigured.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   67

विनीतैस्तु व्रजेन्नित्यमाशुगैर्लक्षणान्वितैः । वर्णरूपोपसम्पन्नैः प्रतोदेनातुदन् भृशम् ॥ ४.६८॥
vinītaistu vrajennityamāśugairlakṣaṇānvitaiḥ | varṇarūpopasampannaiḥ pratodenātudan bhṛśam || 4.68||
4.68. Let him always travel with (beasts) which are well broken in, swift, endowed with lucky marks, and perfect in colour and form, without urging them much with the goad.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   68

बालातपः प्रेतधूमो वर्ज्यं भिन्नं तथाऽसनम् । न छिन्द्यान्नखरोमाणि दन्तैर्नोत्पाटयेन्नखान् ॥ ४.६९॥
bālātapaḥ pretadhūmo varjyaṃ bhinnaṃ tathā'sanam | na chindyānnakharomāṇi dantairnotpāṭayennakhān || 4.69||
4.69. The morning sun, the smoke rising from a (burning) corpse, and a broken seat must be avoided. Let him not clip his nails or hair, and not tear his nails with his teeth.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   69

न मृत्लोष्ठं च मृद्नीयान्न च्छिन्द्यात् करजैस्तृणम् । न कर्म निष्फलं कुर्यान्नायत्यामसुखोदयम् ॥ ४.७०॥
na mṛtloṣṭhaṃ ca mṛdnīyānna cchindyāt karajaistṛṇam | na karma niṣphalaṃ kuryānnāyatyāmasukhodayam || 4.70||
4.70. Let him not crush earth or clods, nor tear off grass with his nails; let him not do anything that is useless or will have disagreeable results in the future.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   70

लोष्ठमर्दी तृणच्छेदी नखखादी च यो नरः । स विनाशं व्रजत्याशु सूचकाऽशुचिरेव च ॥ ४.७१॥
loṣṭhamardī tṛṇacchedī nakhakhādī ca yo naraḥ | sa vināśaṃ vrajatyāśu sūcakā'śucireva ca || 4.71||
4.71. A man who crushes clods, tears off grass, or bites his nails, goes soon to perdition, likewise an informer and he who neglects (the rules of) purification.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   71

न विगर्ह्य कथां कुर्याद्बहिर्माल्यं न धारयेत् । गवां च यानं पृष्ठेन सर्वथैव विगर्हितम् ॥ ४.७२॥
na vigarhya kathāṃ kuryādbahirmālyaṃ na dhārayet | gavāṃ ca yānaṃ pṛṣṭhena sarvathaiva vigarhitam || 4.72||
4.72. Let him not wrangle; let him not wear a garland over (his hair). To ride on the back of cows (or of oxen) is anyhow a blamable act.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   72

अद्वारेण च नातीयाद्ग्रामं वा वेश्म वाऽवृतम् । रात्रौ च वृक्षमूलानि दूरतः परिवर्जयेत् ॥ ४.७३॥
advāreṇa ca nātīyādgrāmaṃ vā veśma vā'vṛtam | rātrau ca vṛkṣamūlāni dūrataḥ parivarjayet || 4.73||
4.73. Let him not enter a walled village or house except by the gate, and by night let him keep at a long distance from the roots of trees.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   73

नाक्षैर्दीव्येत्कदा चित्तु स्वयं नोपानहौ हरेत् । शयनस्थो न भुञ्जीत न पाणिस्थं न चासने ॥ ४.७४॥
nākṣairdīvyetkadā cittu svayaṃ nopānahau haret | śayanastho na bhuñjīta na pāṇisthaṃ na cāsane || 4.74||
4.74. Let him never play with dice, nor himself take off his shoes; let him not eat, lying on a bed, nor what has been placed in his hand or on a seat.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   74

सर्वं च तिलसम्बद्धं नाद्यादस्तमिते रवौ । न च नग्नः शयीतैह न चोच्छिष्टः क्व चिद्व्रजेत् ॥ ४.७५॥
sarvaṃ ca tilasambaddhaṃ nādyādastamite ravau | na ca nagnaḥ śayītaiha na cocchiṣṭaḥ kva cidvrajet || 4.75||
4.75. Let him not eat after sunset any (food) containing sesamum grains; let him never sleep naked, nor go anywhere unpurified (after meals).

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   75

आर्द्रपादस्तु भुञ्जीत नार्द्रपादस्तु संविशेत् । आर्द्रपादस्तु भुञ्जानो दीर्घमायुरवाप्नुयात् ॥ ४.७६॥
ārdrapādastu bhuñjīta nārdrapādastu saṃviśet | ārdrapādastu bhuñjāno dīrghamāyuravāpnuyāt || 4.76||
4.76. Let him eat while his feet are (yet) wet (from the ablution), but let him not go to bed with wet feet. He who eats while his feet are (still) wet, will attain long life.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   76

अचक्षुर्विषयं दुर्गं न प्रपद्येत कर्हि चित् । न विण्मूत्रमुदीक्षेत न बाहुभ्यां नदीं तरेत् ॥ ४.७७॥
acakṣurviṣayaṃ durgaṃ na prapadyeta karhi cit | na viṇmūtramudīkṣeta na bāhubhyāṃ nadīṃ taret || 4.77||
4.77. Let him never enter a place, difficult of access, which is impervious to his eye; let him not look at urine or ordure, nor cross a river (swimming) with his arms.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   77

अधितिष्ठेन्न केशांस्तु न भस्मास्थिकपालिकाः । न कार्पासास्थि न तुषान् दीर्घमायुर्जिजीविषुः ॥ ४.७८॥
adhitiṣṭhenna keśāṃstu na bhasmāsthikapālikāḥ | na kārpāsāsthi na tuṣān dīrghamāyurjijīviṣuḥ || 4.78||
4.78. Let him not step on hair, ashes, bones, potsherds, cotton-seed or chaff, if he desires long life.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   78

न संवसेच्च पतितैर्न चाण्डालैर्न पुल्कसैः । न मूर्खैर्नावलिप्तैश्च नान्त्यैर्नान्त्यावसायिभिः ॥ ४.७९॥
na saṃvasecca patitairna cāṇḍālairna pulkasaiḥ | na mūrkhairnāvaliptaiśca nāntyairnāntyāvasāyibhiḥ || 4.79||
4.79. Let him not stay together with outcasts, nor with Kandalas, nor with Pukkasas, nor with fools, nor with overbearing men, nor with low-caste men, nor with Antyavasayins.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   79

न शूद्राय मतिं दद्यान्नोच्छिष्टं न हविष्कृतम् । न चास्योपदिशेद्धर्मं न चास्य व्रतमादिशेत् ॥ ४.८०॥
na śūdrāya matiṃ dadyānnocchiṣṭaṃ na haviṣkṛtam | na cāsyopadiśeddharmaṃ na cāsya vratamādiśet || 4.80||
4.80. Let him not give to a Sudra advice, nor the remnants (of his meal), nor food offered to the gods; nor let him explain the sacred law (to such a man), nor impose (upon him) a penance.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   80

यो ह्यस्य धर्ममाचष्टे यश्चैवादिशति व्रतम् । सोऽसंवृतं नाम तमः सह तेनैव मज्जति ॥ ४.८१॥
yo hyasya dharmamācaṣṭe yaścaivādiśati vratam | so'saṃvṛtaṃ nāma tamaḥ saha tenaiva majjati || 4.81||
4.81. For he who explains the sacred law (to a Sudra) or dictates to him a penance, will sink together with that (man) into the hell (called) Asamvrita.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   81

न संहताभ्यां पाणिभ्यां कण्डूयेदात्मनः शिरः । न स्पृशेच्चैतदुच्छिष्टो न च स्नायाद्विना ततः ॥ ४.८२॥
na saṃhatābhyāṃ pāṇibhyāṃ kaṇḍūyedātmanaḥ śiraḥ | na spṛśeccaitaducchiṣṭo na ca snāyādvinā tataḥ || 4.82||
4.82. Let him not scratch his head with both hands joined; let him not touch it while he is impure, nor bathe without (submerging) it.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   82

केशग्रहान् प्रहारांश्च शिरस्येतान् विवर्जयेत् । शिरःस्नातश्च तैलेन नाङ्गं किं चिदपि स्पृशेत् ॥ ४.८३॥
keśagrahān prahārāṃśca śirasyetān vivarjayet | śiraḥsnātaśca tailena nāṅgaṃ kiṃ cidapi spṛśet || 4.83||
4.83. Let him avoid (in anger) to lay hold of (his own or other men’s) hair, or to strike (himself or others) on the head. When he has bathed (submerging) his head, he shall not touch any of his limbs with oil.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   83

न राज्ञः प्रतिगृह्णीयादराजन्यप्रसूतितः । सूनाचक्रध्वजवतां वेशेनैव च जीवताम् ॥ ४.८४॥
na rājñaḥ pratigṛhṇīyādarājanyaprasūtitaḥ | sūnācakradhvajavatāṃ veśenaiva ca jīvatām || 4.84||
4.84. Let him not accept presents from a king who is not descended from the Kshatriya race, nor from butchers, oil-manufacturers, and publicans, nor from those who subsist by the gain of prostitutes.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   84

दशसूनासमं चक्रं दशचक्रसमो ध्वजः । दशध्वजसमो वेशो दशवेशसमो नृपः ॥ ४.८५॥
daśasūnāsamaṃ cakraṃ daśacakrasamo dhvajaḥ | daśadhvajasamo veśo daśaveśasamo nṛpaḥ || 4.85||
4.85. One oil-press is as (bad) as ten slaughter-houses, one tavern as (bad as) ten oil-presses, one brothel as (bad as) ten taverns, one king as (bad as) ten brothels.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   85

दश सूणासहस्राणि यो वाहयति सौनिकः । तेन तुल्यः स्मृतो राजा घोरस्तस्य प्रतिग्रहः ॥ ४.८६॥
daśa sūṇāsahasrāṇi yo vāhayati saunikaḥ | tena tulyaḥ smṛto rājā ghorastasya pratigrahaḥ || 4.86||
4.86. A king is declared to be equal (in wickedness) to a butcher who keeps a hundred thousand slaughter- houses; to accept presents from him is a terrible (crime).

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   86

यो राज्ञः प्रतिगृह्णाति लुब्धस्यौच्छास्त्रवर्तिनः । स पर्यायेण यातीमान्नरकानेकविंशतिम् ॥ ४.८७॥
yo rājñaḥ pratigṛhṇāti lubdhasyaucchāstravartinaḥ | sa paryāyeṇa yātīmānnarakānekaviṃśatim || 4.87||
4.87. He who accepts presents from an avaricious king who acts contrary to the Institutes (of the sacred law), will go in succession to the following twenty-one hells:

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   87

तामिस्रमन्धतामिस्रं महारौरवरौरवौ । नरकं कालसूत्रं च महानरकमेव च ॥ ४.८८॥
tāmisramandhatāmisraṃ mahārauravarauravau | narakaṃ kālasūtraṃ ca mahānarakameva ca || 4.88||
4.88. Tamisra, Andhatamisra, Maharaurava, Raurava, the Kalasutra hell, Mahanaraka,

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   88

सञ्जीवनं महावीचिं तपनं सम्प्रतापनम् । संहातं च सकाकोलं कुड्मलं प्रतिमूर्तिकम् ॥ ४.८९॥
sañjīvanaṃ mahāvīciṃ tapanaṃ sampratāpanam | saṃhātaṃ ca sakākolaṃ kuḍmalaṃ pratimūrtikam || 4.89||
4.89. Samgivana, Mahaviki, Tapana, Sampratapana, Samghata, Sakakola, Kudmala, Putimrittika,

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   89

लोहशङ्कुं ऋजीषं च पन्थानं शाल्मलीं नदीम् । असिपत्रवनं चैव लोहदारकमेव च ॥ ४.९०॥
lohaśaṅkuṃ ṛjīṣaṃ ca panthānaṃ śālmalīṃ nadīm | asipatravanaṃ caiva lohadārakameva ca || 4.90||
4.90. Lohasanku, Rigisha, Pathin, the (flaming) river, Salmala, Asipatravana, and Lohakaraka.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   90

एतद्विदन्तो विद्वांसो ब्राह्मणा ब्रह्मवादिनः । न राज्ञः प्रतिगृह्णन्ति प्रेत्य श्रेयोऽभिकाङ्क्षिणः ॥ ४.९१॥
etadvidanto vidvāṃso brāhmaṇā brahmavādinaḥ | na rājñaḥ pratigṛhṇanti pretya śreyo'bhikāṅkṣiṇaḥ || 4.91||
4.91. Learned Brahmanas, who know that, who study the Veda and desire bliss after death, do not accept presents from a king.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   91

ब्राह्मे मुहूर्ते बुध्येत धर्मार्थौ चानुचिन्तयेत् । कायक्लेशांश्च तन्मूलान् वेदतत्त्वार्थमेव च ॥ ४.९२॥
brāhme muhūrte budhyeta dharmārthau cānucintayet | kāyakleśāṃśca tanmūlān vedatattvārthameva ca || 4.92||
4.92. Let him wake in the muhurta, sacred to Brahman, and think of (the acquisition of) spiritual merit and wealth, of the bodily fatigue arising therefrom, and of the true meaning of the Veda.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   92

उत्थायावश्यकं कृत्वा कृतशौचः समाहितः । पूर्वां संध्यां जपंस्तिष्ठेत्स्वकाले चापरां चिरम् ॥ ४.९३॥
utthāyāvaśyakaṃ kṛtvā kṛtaśaucaḥ samāhitaḥ | pūrvāṃ saṃdhyāṃ japaṃstiṣṭhetsvakāle cāparāṃ ciram || 4.93||
4.93. When he has risen, has relieved the necessities of nature and carefully purified himself, let him stand during the morning twilight, muttering for a long time (the Gayatri), and at the proper time (he must similarly perform) the evening (devotion).

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   93

ऋषयो दीर्घसंध्यत्वाद्दीर्घमायुरवाप्नुयुः । प्रज्ञां यशश्च कीर्तिं च ब्रह्मवर्चसमेव च ॥ ४.९४॥
ṛṣayo dīrghasaṃdhyatvāddīrghamāyuravāpnuyuḥ | prajñāṃ yaśaśca kīrtiṃ ca brahmavarcasameva ca || 4.94||
4.94. By prolonging the twilight devotions, the sages obtained long life, wisdom, honour, fame, and excellence in Vedic knowledge.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   94

श्रावण्यां प्रौष्ठपद्यां वाऽप्युपाकृत्य यथाविधि । युक्तश्छन्दांस्यधीयीत मासान् विप्रोऽर्धपञ्चमान् ॥ ४.९५॥
śrāvaṇyāṃ prauṣṭhapadyāṃ vā'pyupākṛtya yathāvidhi | yuktaśchandāṃsyadhīyīta māsān vipro'rdhapañcamān || 4.95||
4.95. Having performed the Upakarman according to the prescribed rule on (the full moon of the month) Sravana, or on that of Praushthapada (Bhadrapada), a Brahmana shall diligently study the Vedas during four months and a hal

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   95

पुष्ये तु छन्दसां कुर्याद्बहिरुत्सर्जनं द्विजः । माघशुक्लस्य वा प्राप्ते पूर्वाह्णे प्रथमेऽहनि ॥ ४.९६॥
puṣye tu chandasāṃ kuryādbahirutsarjanaṃ dvijaḥ | māghaśuklasya vā prāpte pūrvāhṇe prathame'hani || 4.96||
4.96. When the Pushya-day (of the month Pausha), or the first day of the bright half of Magha has come, a Brahmana shall perform in the forenoon the Utsargana of the Vedas.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   96

यथाशास्त्रं तु कृत्वैवमुत्सर्गं छन्दसां बहिः । विरमेत्पक्षिणीं रात्रिं तदेवैकमहर्निशम् ॥ ४.९७॥
yathāśāstraṃ tu kṛtvaivamutsargaṃ chandasāṃ bahiḥ | virametpakṣiṇīṃ rātriṃ tadevaikamaharniśam || 4.97||
4.97. Having performed the Utsarga outside (the village), as the Institutes (of the sacred law) prescribe, he shall stop reading during two days and the intervening night, or during that day (of the Utsarga) and (the following) night.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   97

अत ऊर्ध्वं तु छन्दांसि शुक्लेषु नियतः पठेत् । वेदाङ्गानि च सर्वाणि कृष्णपक्षेषु सम्पठेत् ॥ ४.९८॥
ata ūrdhvaṃ tu chandāṃsi śukleṣu niyataḥ paṭhet | vedāṅgāni ca sarvāṇi kṛṣṇapakṣeṣu sampaṭhet || 4.98||
4.98. Afterwards he shall diligently recite the Vedas during the bright (halves of the months), and duly study all the Angas of the Vedas during the dark fortnights.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   98

नाविस्पष्टमधीयीत न शूद्रजनसन्निधौ । न निशान्ते परिश्रान्तो ब्रह्माधीत्य पुनः स्वपेत् ॥ ४.९९॥
nāvispaṣṭamadhīyīta na śūdrajanasannidhau | na niśānte pariśrānto brahmādhītya punaḥ svapet || 4.99||
4.99. Let him not recite (the texts) indistinctly, nor in the presence of Sudras; nor let him, if in the latter part of the night he is tired with reciting the Veda, go again to sleep.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   99

यथोदितेन विधिना नित्यं छन्दस्कृतं पठेत् । ब्रह्म छन्दस्कृतं चैव द्विजो युक्तो ह्यनापदि ॥ ४.१००॥
yathoditena vidhinā nityaṃ chandaskṛtaṃ paṭhet | brahma chandaskṛtaṃ caiva dvijo yukto hyanāpadi || 4.100||
4.100. According to the rule declared above, let him recite the daily (portion of the) Mantras, and a zealous Brahmana, (who is) not in distress, (shall study) the Brahmana and the Mantrasamhita.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   100

इमान्नित्यमनध्यायानधीयानो विवर्जयेत् । अध्यापनं च कुर्वाणः शिष्याणां विधिपूर्वकम् ॥ ४.१०१ - य॥
imānnityamanadhyāyānadhīyāno vivarjayet | adhyāpanaṃ ca kurvāṇaḥ śiṣyāṇāṃ vidhipūrvakam || 4.101||
4.101. Let him who studies always avoid (reading) on the following occasions when the Veda-study is forbidden, and (let) him who teaches pupils according to the prescribed rule (do it likewise).

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   101

कर्णश्रवेऽनिले रात्रौ दिवा पांसुसमूहने । एतौ वर्षास्वनध्यायावध्यायज्ञाः प्रचक्षते ॥ ४.१०२॥
karṇaśrave'nile rātrau divā pāṃsusamūhane | etau varṣāsvanadhyāyāvadhyāyajñāḥ pracakṣate || 4.102||
4.102. Those who know the (rules of) recitation declare that in the rainy season the Veda-study must be stopped on these two (occasions), when the wind is audible at night, and when it whirls up the dust in the day-time.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   102

विद्युत्स्तनितवर्षेषु महोल्कानां च सम्प्लवे । आकालिकमनध्यायमेतेषु मनुरब्रवीत् ॥ ४.१०३॥
vidyutstanitavarṣeṣu maholkānāṃ ca samplave | ākālikamanadhyāyameteṣu manurabravīt || 4.103||
4.103. Manu has stated, that when lightning, thunder, and rain (are observed together), or when large fiery meteors fall on all sides, the recitation must be interrupted until the same hour (on the next day, counting from the occurrence of the event).

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   103

एतांस्त्वभ्युदितान् विद्याद्यदा प्रादुष्कृताग्निषु । तदा विद्यादनध्यायमनृतौ चाभ्रदर्शने ॥ ४.१०४॥
etāṃstvabhyuditān vidyādyadā prāduṣkṛtāgniṣu | tadā vidyādanadhyāyamanṛtau cābhradarśane || 4.104||
4.104. When one perceives these (phenomena) all together (in the twilight), after the sacred fires have been made to blaze (for the performance of the Agnihotra), then one must know the recitation of the Veda to be forbidden, and also when clouds appear out of season.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   104

निर्घाते भूमिचलने ज्योतिषां चोपसर्जने । एतानाकालिकान् विद्यादनध्यायान् ऋतावपि ॥ ४.१०४॥
nirghāte bhūmicalane jyotiṣāṃ copasarjane | etānākālikān vidyādanadhyāyān ṛtāvapi || 4.104||
4.105. On (the occasion of) a preternatural sound from the sky, (of) an earthquake, and when the lights of heaven are surrounded by a halo, let him know that (the Veda-study must be) stopped until the same hour (on the next day), even if (these phenomena happen) in the (rainy) season.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   105

प्रादुष्कृतेष्वग्निषु तु विद्युत्स्तनितनिःस्वने । सज्योतिः स्यादनध्यायः शेषे रात्रौ यथा दिवा ॥ ४.१०६॥
prāduṣkṛteṣvagniṣu tu vidyutstanitaniḥsvane | sajyotiḥ syādanadhyāyaḥ śeṣe rātrau yathā divā || 4.106||
4.106. But when lightning and the roar of thunder (are observed) after the sacred fires have been made to blaze, the stoppage shall last as long as the light (of the sun or of the stars is visible); if the remaining (above-named phenomenon, rain, occurs, the reading shall cease), both in the day-time and at night.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   106

नित्यानध्याय एव स्याद्ग्रामेषु नगरेषु च । धर्मनैपुण्यकामानां पूतिगन्धे च सर्वदा ॥ ४.१०७॥ सर्वशः
nityānadhyāya eva syādgrāmeṣu nagareṣu ca | dharmanaipuṇyakāmānāṃ pūtigandhe ca sarvadā || 4.107|| sarvaśaḥ
4.107. For those who wish to acquire exceedingiy great merit, a continual interruption of the Veda-study (is prescribed) in villages and in towns, and (the Veda-study must) always (cease) when any kind of foul smell (is perceptible).

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   107

अन्तर्गतशवे ग्रामे वृषलस्य च सन्निधौ । अनध्यायो रुद्यमाने समवाये जनस्य च ॥ ४.१०८॥
antargataśave grāme vṛṣalasya ca sannidhau | anadhyāyo rudyamāne samavāye janasya ca || 4.108||
4.108. In a village where a corpse lies, in the presence of a (man who lives as unrighteously as a) Sudra, while (the sound of) weeping (is heard), and in a crowd of men the (recitation of the Veda must be) stopped.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   108

उदके मध्यरात्रे च विण्मूत्रस्य विसर्जने । उच्छिष्टः श्राद्धभुक्चैव मनसाऽपि न चिन्तयेत् ॥ ४.१०९॥
udake madhyarātre ca viṇmūtrasya visarjane | ucchiṣṭaḥ śrāddhabhukcaiva manasā'pi na cintayet || 4.109||
4.109. In water, during the middle part of the night, while he voids excrements, or is impure, and after he has partaken of a funeral dinner, a man must not even think in his heart (of the sacred texts).

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   109

प्रतिगृह्य द्विजो विद्वानेकोद्दिष्टस्य केतनम् । त्र्यहं न कीर्तयेद्ब्रह्म राज्ञो राहोश्च सूतके ॥ ४.११०॥
pratigṛhya dvijo vidvānekoddiṣṭasya ketanam | tryahaṃ na kīrtayedbrahma rājño rāhośca sūtake || 4.110||
4.110. A learned Brahmana shall not recite the Veda during three days, when he has accepted an invitation to a (funeral rite) in honour of one ancestor (ekoddishta), or when the king has become impure through a birth or death in his family (sutaka), or when Rahu by an eclipse makes the moon impure.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   110

यावदेकानुदिष्टस्य गन्धो लेपश्च तिष्ठति । विप्रस्य विदुषो देहे तावद्ब्रह्म न कीर्तयेत् ॥ ४.१११॥
yāvadekānudiṣṭasya gandho lepaśca tiṣṭhati | viprasya viduṣo dehe tāvadbrahma na kīrtayet || 4.111||
4.111. As long as the smell and the stains of the (food given) in honour of one ancestor remain on the body of a learned Brahmana, so long he must not recite the Veda.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   111

शयानः प्रौढपादश्च कृत्वा चैवावसक्थिकाम् । नाधीयीतामिषं जग्ध्वा सूतकान्नाद्यमेव च ॥ ४.११२॥
śayānaḥ prauḍhapādaśca kṛtvā caivāvasakthikām | nādhīyītāmiṣaṃ jagdhvā sūtakānnādyameva ca || 4.112||
4.112. While lying on a bed, while his feet are raised (on a bench), while he sits on his hams with a cloth tied round his knees, let him not study, nor when he has eaten meat or food given by a person impure on account of a birth or a death,

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   112

नीहारे बाणशब्दे च संध्ययोरेव चोभयोः । अमावास्याचतुर्दश्योः पौर्णमास्य्ऽष्टकासु च ॥ ४.११३॥
nīhāre bāṇaśabde ca saṃdhyayoreva cobhayoḥ | amāvāsyācaturdaśyoḥ paurṇamāsy'ṣṭakāsu ca || 4.113||
4.113. Nor during a fog, nor while the sound of arrows is audible, nor during both the twilights, nor on the new- moon day, nor on the fourteenth and the eighth (days of each half-month), nor on the full-moon day.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   113

अमावास्या गुरुं हन्ति शिष्यं हन्ति चतुर्दशी । ब्रह्माष्टकपौर्णमास्यौ तस्मात्ताः परिवर्जयेत् ॥ ४.११४॥
amāvāsyā guruṃ hanti śiṣyaṃ hanti caturdaśī | brahmāṣṭakapaurṇamāsyau tasmāttāḥ parivarjayet || 4.114||
4.114. The new-moon day destroys the teacher, the fourteenth (day) the pupil, the eighth and the full-moon days (destroy all remembrance of) the Veda; let him therefore avoid (reading on) those (days).

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   114

पांसुवर्षे दिशां दाहे गोमायुविरुते तथा । श्वखरोष्ट्रे च रुवति पङ्क्तो च न पठेद्द्विजः ॥ ४.११५॥
pāṃsuvarṣe diśāṃ dāhe gomāyuvirute tathā | śvakharoṣṭre ca ruvati paṅkto ca na paṭheddvijaḥ || 4.115||
4.115. A Brahmana shall not recite (the Veda) during a dust-storm, nor while the sky is preternaturally red, nor while jackals howl, nor while the barking of dogs, the braying of donkeys, or the grunting of camels (is heard), nor while (he is seated) in a company.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   115

नाधीयीत श्मशानान्ते ग्रामान्ते गोव्रजेऽपि वा । वसित्वा मैथुनं वासः श्राद्धिकं प्रतिगृह्य च ॥ ४.११६॥
nādhīyīta śmaśānānte grāmānte govraje'pi vā | vasitvā maithunaṃ vāsaḥ śrāddhikaṃ pratigṛhya ca || 4.116||
4.116. Let him not study near a burial-ground, nor near a village, nor in a cow-pen, nor dressed in a garment which he wore during conjugal intercourse, nor after receiving a present at a funeral sacrifice.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   116

प्राणि वा यदि वाऽप्राणि यत्किं चित्श्राद्धिकं भवेत् । तदालभ्याप्यनध्यायः पाण्यास्यो हि द्विजः स्मृतः ॥ ४.११७॥
prāṇi vā yadi vā'prāṇi yatkiṃ citśrāddhikaṃ bhavet | tadālabhyāpyanadhyāyaḥ pāṇyāsyo hi dvijaḥ smṛtaḥ || 4.117||
4.117. Be it an animal or a thing inanimate, whatever be the (gift) at a Sraddha, let him not, having just accepted it, recite the Veda; for the hand of a Brahmana is his mouth.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   117

चोरैरुपप्लुते सम्भ्रमे चाग्निकारिते । आकालिकमनध्यायं विद्यात्सर्वाद्भुतेषु च ॥ ४.११८॥
corairupaplute sambhrame cāgnikārite | ākālikamanadhyāyaṃ vidyātsarvādbhuteṣu ca || 4.118||
4.118. When the village has been beset by robbers, and when an alarm has been raised by fire, let him know that (the Veda-study must be) interrupted until the same hour (on the next day), and on (the occurrence of) all portents.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   118

उपाकर्मणि चोत्सर्गे त्रिरात्रं क्षेपणं स्मृतम् । अष्टकासु त्वहोरात्रं ऋत्वन्तासु च रात्रिषु ॥ ४.११९॥
upākarmaṇi cotsarge trirātraṃ kṣepaṇaṃ smṛtam | aṣṭakāsu tvahorātraṃ ṛtvantāsu ca rātriṣu || 4.119||
4.119. On (the occasion of) the Upakarman and (of) the Vedotsarga an omission (of the Veda-study) for three days has been prescribed, but on the Ashtakas and on the last nights of the seasons for a day and a night.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   119

नाधीयीताश्वमारूढो न वृक्षं न च हस्तिनम् । न नावं न खरं नोष्ट्रं नैरिणस्थो न यानगः ॥ ४.१२०॥
nādhīyītāśvamārūḍho na vṛkṣaṃ na ca hastinam | na nāvaṃ na kharaṃ noṣṭraṃ nairiṇastho na yānagaḥ || 4.120||
4.120. Let him not recite the Veda on horseback, nor on a tree, nor on an elephant, nor in a boat (or ship), nor on a donkey, nor on camel, nor standing on barren ground, nor riding in a carriage,

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   120

न विवादे न कलहे न सेनायां न सङ्गरे । न भुक्तमात्रे नाजीर्णे न वमित्वा न शुक्तके ॥ ४.१२१॥
na vivāde na kalahe na senāyāṃ na saṅgare | na bhuktamātre nājīrṇe na vamitvā na śuktake || 4.121||
4.121. Nor during a verbal altercation, nor during a mutual assault, nor in a camp, nor during a battle, nor when he has just eaten, nor during an indigestion, nor after vomiting, nor with sour eructations,

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   121

अतिथिं चाननुज्ञाप्य मारुते वाति वा भृशम् । रुधिरे च स्रुते गात्रात्शस्त्रेण च परिक्षते ॥ ४.१२२॥
atithiṃ cānanujñāpya mārute vāti vā bhṛśam | rudhire ca srute gātrātśastreṇa ca parikṣate || 4.122||
4.122. Nor without receiving permission from a guest (who stays in his house), nor while the wind blows vehemently, nor while blood flows from his body, nor when he is wounded by a weapon.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   122

सामध्वनावृग्यजुषी नाधीयीत कदा चन । वेदस्याधीत्य वाऽप्यन्तमारण्यकमधीत्य च ॥ ४.१२३॥
sāmadhvanāvṛgyajuṣī nādhīyīta kadā cana | vedasyādhītya vā'pyantamāraṇyakamadhītya ca || 4.123||
4.123. Let him never recite the Rig-veda or the Yagur-veda while the Saman (melodies) are heard; (let him stop all Veda-study for a day and a night) after finishing a Veda or after reciting an Aranyaka.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   123

ऋग्वेदो देवदैवत्यो यजुर्वेदस्तु मानुषः । सामवेदः स्मृतः पित्र्यस्तस्मात्तस्याशुचिर्ध्वनिः ॥ ४.१२४॥
ṛgvedo devadaivatyo yajurvedastu mānuṣaḥ | sāmavedaḥ smṛtaḥ pitryastasmāttasyāśucirdhvaniḥ || 4.124||
4.124. The Rig-veda is declared to be sacred to the gods, the Yagur-veda sacred to men, and the Sama-veda sacred to the manes; hence the sound of the latter is impure (as it were).

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   124

एतद्विद्वन्तो विद्वांसस्त्रयीनिष्कर्षमन्वहम् । क्रमतः पूर्वमभ्यस्य पश्चाद्वेदमधीयते ॥ ४.१२५॥
etadvidvanto vidvāṃsastrayīniṣkarṣamanvaham | kramataḥ pūrvamabhyasya paścādvedamadhīyate || 4.125||
4.125. Knowing this, the learned daily repeat first in due order the essence of the three (Vedas) and afterwards the (text of the) Veda.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   125

पशुमण्डूकमार्जारश्वसर्पनकुलाखुभिः । अन्तरागमने विद्यादनध्यायमहर्निशम् ॥ ४.१२६॥
paśumaṇḍūkamārjāraśvasarpanakulākhubhiḥ | antarāgamane vidyādanadhyāyamaharniśam || 4.126||
4.126. Know that (the Veda-study must be) interrupted for a day and a night, when cattle, a frog, a cat, a dog, a snake, an ichneumon, or a rat pass between (the teacher and his pupil).

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   126

द्वावेव वर्जयेन्नित्यमनध्यायौ प्रयत्नतः । स्वाध्यायभूमिं चाशुद्धमात्मानं चाशुचिं द्विजः ॥ ४.१२७॥
dvāveva varjayennityamanadhyāyau prayatnataḥ | svādhyāyabhūmiṃ cāśuddhamātmānaṃ cāśuciṃ dvijaḥ || 4.127||
4.127. Let a twice-born man always carefully interrupt the Veda-study on two (occasions, viz.) when the place where he recites is impure, and when he himself is unpurified.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   127

अमावास्यामष्टमीं च पौर्णमासीं चतुर्दशीम् । ब्रह्मचारी भवेन्नित्यमप्यर्तौ स्नातको द्विजः ॥ ४.१२८॥
amāvāsyāmaṣṭamīṃ ca paurṇamāsīṃ caturdaśīm | brahmacārī bhavennityamapyartau snātako dvijaḥ || 4.128||
4.128. A twice-born man who is a Snataka shall remain chaste on the new-moon day, on the eighth (lunar day of each half-month), on the full-moon day, and on the fourteenth, even (if they fall) in the period (proper for conjugal intercourse).

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   128

न स्नानमाचरेद्भुक्त्वा नातुरो न महानिशि । न वासोभिः सहाजस्रं नाविज्ञाते जलाशये ॥ ४.१२९॥
na snānamācaredbhuktvā nāturo na mahāniśi | na vāsobhiḥ sahājasraṃ nāvijñāte jalāśaye || 4.129||
4.129. Let him not bathe (immediately) after a meal, nor when he is sick, nor in the middle of the night, nor frequently dressed in all his garments, nor in a pool which he does not perfectly know.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   129

देवतानां गुरो राज्ञः स्नातकाचार्ययोस्तथा । नाक्रामेत्कामतश्छायां बभ्रुणो दीक्षितस्य च ॥ ४.१३०॥
devatānāṃ guro rājñaḥ snātakācāryayostathā | nākrāmetkāmataśchāyāṃ babhruṇo dīkṣitasya ca || 4.130||
4.130. Let him not intentionally step on the shadow of (images of) the gods, of a Guru, of a king, of a Snataka, of his teacher, of a reddish-brown animal, or of one who has been initiated to the performance of a Srauta sacrifice (Dikshita).

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   130

मध्यंदिनेऽर्धरात्रे च श्राद्धं भुक्त्वा च सामिषम् । संध्ययोरुभयोश्चैव न सेवेत चतुष्पथम् ॥ ४.१३१॥
madhyaṃdine'rdharātre ca śrāddhaṃ bhuktvā ca sāmiṣam | saṃdhyayorubhayoścaiva na seveta catuṣpatham || 4.131||
4.131. At midday and at midnight, after partaking of meat at a funeral dinner, and in the two twilights let him not stay long on a cross-road.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   131

उद्वर्तनमपस्नानं विण्मूत्रे रक्तमेव च । श्लेश्मनिष्ठ्यूतवान्तानि नाधितिष्ठेत्तु कामतः ॥ ४.१३२॥
udvartanamapasnānaṃ viṇmūtre raktameva ca | śleśmaniṣṭhyūtavāntāni nādhitiṣṭhettu kāmataḥ || 4.132||
4.132. Let him not step intentionally on things used for cleansing the body, on water used for a bath, on urine or ordure, on blood, on mucus, and on anything spat out or vomited.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   132

वैरिणं नोपसेवेत सहायं चैव वैरिणः । अधार्मिकं तस्करं च परस्यैव च योषितम् ॥ ४.१३३॥
vairiṇaṃ nopaseveta sahāyaṃ caiva vairiṇaḥ | adhārmikaṃ taskaraṃ ca parasyaiva ca yoṣitam || 4.133||
4.133. Let him not show particular attention to an enemy, to the friend of an enemy, to a wicked man, to a thief, or to the wife of another man.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   133

न हीदृशमनायुष्यं लोके किं चन विद्यते । यादृशं पुरुषस्येह परदारोपसेवनम् ॥ ४.१३४॥
na hīdṛśamanāyuṣyaṃ loke kiṃ cana vidyate | yādṛśaṃ puruṣasyeha paradāropasevanam || 4.134||
4.134. For in this world there is nothing so detrimental to long life as criminal conversation with another man’s wife.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   134

क्षत्रियं चैव सर्पं च ब्राह्मणं च बहुश्रुतम् । नावमन्येत वै भूष्णुः कृशानपि कदा चन ॥ ४.१३५॥
kṣatriyaṃ caiva sarpaṃ ca brāhmaṇaṃ ca bahuśrutam | nāvamanyeta vai bhūṣṇuḥ kṛśānapi kadā cana || 4.135||
4.135. Let him who desires prosperity, indeed, never despise a Kshatriya, a snake, and a learned Brahmana, be they ever so feeble.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   135

एतत्त्रयं हि पुरुषं निर्दहेदवमानितम् । तस्मादेतत्त्रयं नित्यं नावमन्येत बुद्धिमान् ॥ ४.१३६॥
etattrayaṃ hi puruṣaṃ nirdahedavamānitam | tasmādetattrayaṃ nityaṃ nāvamanyeta buddhimān || 4.136||
4.136. Because these three, when treated with disrespect, may utterly destroy him; hence a wise man must never despise them.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   136

नात्मानमवमन्येत पुर्वाभिरसमृद्धिभिः । आ मृत्योः श्रियमन्विच्छेन्नैनां मन्येत दुर्लभाम् ॥ ४.१३७॥
nātmānamavamanyeta purvābhirasamṛddhibhiḥ | ā mṛtyoḥ śriyamanvicchennaināṃ manyeta durlabhām || 4.137||
4.137. Let him not despise himself on account of former failures; until death let him seek fortune, nor despair of gaining it.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   137

सत्यं ब्रूयात्प्रियं ब्रूयान्न ब्रूयात्सत्यमप्रियम् । प्रियं च नानृतं ब्रूयादेष धर्मः सनातनः ॥ ४.१३८॥
satyaṃ brūyātpriyaṃ brūyānna brūyātsatyamapriyam | priyaṃ ca nānṛtaṃ brūyādeṣa dharmaḥ sanātanaḥ || 4.138||
4.138. Let him say what is true, let him say what is pleasing, let him utter no disagreeable truth, and let him utter no agreeable falsehood; that is the eternal law.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   138

भद्रं भद्रमिति ब्रूयाद्भद्रमित्येव वा वदेत् । शुष्कवैरं विवादं च न कुर्यात्केन चित्सह ॥ ४.१३९॥
bhadraṃ bhadramiti brūyādbhadramityeva vā vadet | śuṣkavairaṃ vivādaṃ ca na kuryātkena citsaha || 4.139||
4.139. (What is) well, let him call well, or let him say ’well’ only; let him not engage in a useless enmity or dispute with anybody.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   139

नातिकल्यं नातिसायं नातिमध्यंदिने स्थिते । नाज्ञातेन समं गच्छेन्नैको न वृषलैः सह ॥ ४.१४०॥
nātikalyaṃ nātisāyaṃ nātimadhyaṃdine sthite | nājñātena samaṃ gacchennaiko na vṛṣalaiḥ saha || 4.140||
4.140. Let him not journey too early in the morning, nor too late in the evening, nor just during the midday (heat), nor with an unknown (companion), nor alone, nor with Sudras.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   140

हीनाङ्गानतिरिक्ताङ्गान् विद्याहीनान् वयोऽधिकान् । रूपद्रविणहीनांश्च जातिहीनांश्च नाक्षिपेत् ॥ ४.१४१॥
hīnāṅgānatiriktāṅgān vidyāhīnān vayo'dhikān | rūpadraviṇahīnāṃśca jātihīnāṃśca nākṣipet || 4.141||
4.141. Let him not insult those who have redundant limbs or are deficient in limbs, nor those destitute of knowledge, nor very aged men, nor those who have no beauty or wealth, nor those who are of low birth.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   141

न स्पृशेत्पाणिनोच्छिष्टो विप्रो गोब्राह्मणानलाण् । न चापि पश्येदशुचिः सुस्थो ज्योतिर्गणान् दिवा ॥ ४.१४२॥
na spṛśetpāṇinocchiṣṭo vipro gobrāhmaṇānalāṇ | na cāpi paśyedaśuciḥ sustho jyotirgaṇān divā || 4.142||
4.142. A Brahmana who is impure must not touch with his hand a cow, a Brahmana, or fire; nor, being in good health, let him look at the luminaries in the sky, while he is impure.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   142

स्पृष्ट्वैतानशुचिर्नित्यमद्भिः प्राणानुपस्पृशेत् । गात्राणि चैव सर्वाणि नाभिं पाणितलेन तु ॥ ४.१४३॥
spṛṣṭvaitānaśucirnityamadbhiḥ prāṇānupaspṛśet | gātrāṇi caiva sarvāṇi nābhiṃ pāṇitalena tu || 4.143||
4.143. If he has touched these, while impure, let him always sprinkle with his hand water on the organs of sensation, all his limbs, and the navel.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   143

अनातुरः स्वानि खानि न स्पृशेदनिमित्ततः । रोमाणि च रहस्यानि सर्वाण्येव विवर्जयेत् ॥ ४.१४४॥
anāturaḥ svāni khāni na spṛśedanimittataḥ | romāṇi ca rahasyāni sarvāṇyeva vivarjayet || 4.144||
4.144. Except when sick he must not touch the cavities (of the body) without a reason, and he must avoid (to touch) the hair on the secret (parts).

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   144

मङ्गलाचारयुक्तः स्यात्प्रयतात्मा जितेन्द्रियः । जपेच्च जुहुयाच्चैव नित्यमग्निमतन्द्रितः ॥ ४.१४५॥
maṅgalācārayuktaḥ syātprayatātmā jitendriyaḥ | japecca juhuyāccaiva nityamagnimatandritaḥ || 4.145||
4.145. Let him eagerly follow the (customs which are) auspicious and the rule of good conduct, be careful of purity, and control all his organs, let him mutter (prayers) and, untired, daily offer oblations in the fire.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   145

मङ्गलाचारयुक्तानां नित्यं च प्रयतात्मनाम् । जपतां जुह्वतां चैव विनिपातो न विद्यते ॥ ४.१४६॥
maṅgalācārayuktānāṃ nityaṃ ca prayatātmanām | japatāṃ juhvatāṃ caiva vinipāto na vidyate || 4.146||
4.146. No calamity happens to those who eagerly follow auspicious customs and the rule of good conduct, to those who are always careful of purity, and to those who mutter (sacred texts) and offer burnt-oblations.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   146

वेदमेवाभ्यसेन्नित्यं यथाकालमतन्द्रितः । तं ह्यस्याहुः परं धर्ममुपधर्मोऽन्य उच्यते ॥ ४.१४७॥
vedamevābhyasennityaṃ yathākālamatandritaḥ | taṃ hyasyāhuḥ paraṃ dharmamupadharmo'nya ucyate || 4.147||
4.147. Let him, without tiring, daily mutter the Veda at the proper time; for they declare that to be one’s highest duty; (all) other (observances) are called secondary duties.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   147

वेदाभ्यासेन सततं शौचेन तपसैव च । अद्रोहेण च भूतानां जातिं स्मरति पौर्विकीम् ॥ ४.१४८॥
vedābhyāsena satataṃ śaucena tapasaiva ca | adroheṇa ca bhūtānāṃ jātiṃ smarati paurvikīm || 4.148||
4.148. By daily reciting the Veda, by (the observance of the rules of) purification, by (practising) austerities, and by doing no injury to created beings, one (obtains the faculty of) remembering former births.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   148

पौर्विकीं संस्मरन् जातिं ब्रह्मैवाभ्यस्यते पुनः । ब्रह्माभ्यासेन चाजस्रमनन्तं सुखमश्नुते ॥ ४.१४९॥
paurvikīṃ saṃsmaran jātiṃ brahmaivābhyasyate punaḥ | brahmābhyāsena cājasramanantaṃ sukhamaśnute || 4.149||
4.149. He who, recollecting his former existences, again recites the Veda, gains endless bliss by the continual study of the Veda.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   149

सावित्रान् शान्तिहोमांश्च कुर्यात्पर्वसु नित्यशः । पितॄंश्चैवाष्टकास्वर्चेन्नित्यमन्वष्टकासु च ॥ ४.१५०॥
sāvitrān śāntihomāṃśca kuryātparvasu nityaśaḥ | pitṝṃścaivāṣṭakāsvarcennityamanvaṣṭakāsu ca || 4.150||
4.150. Let him always offer on the Parva-days oblations to Savitri and such as avert evil omens, and on the Ashtakas and Anvashtakas let him constantly worship the manes.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   150

दूरादावसथान् मूत्रं दूरात्पादावसेचनम् । उच्छिष्टान्ननिषेकं च दूरादेव समाचरेत् ॥ ४.१५१ - र॥
dūrādāvasathān mūtraṃ dūrātpādāvasecanam | ucchiṣṭānnaniṣekaṃ ca dūrādeva samācaret || 4.151||
4.151. Far from his dwelling let him remove urine (and ordure), far (let him remove) the water used for washing his feet, and far the remnants of food and the water from his bath.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   151

मैत्रं प्रसाधनं स्नानं दन्तधावनमञ्जनम् । पूर्वाह्ण एव कुर्वीत देवतानां च पूजनम् ॥ ४.१५२॥
maitraṃ prasādhanaṃ snānaṃ dantadhāvanamañjanam | pūrvāhṇa eva kurvīta devatānāṃ ca pūjanam || 4.152||
4.152. Early in the morning only let him void faeces, decorate (his body), bathe, clean his teeth, apply collyrium to his eyes, and worship the gods.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   152

दैवतान्यभिगच्छेत्तु धार्मिकांश्च द्विजोत्तमान् । ईश्वरं चैव रक्षार्थं गुरूनेव च पर्वसु ॥ ४.१५३॥
daivatānyabhigacchettu dhārmikāṃśca dvijottamān | īśvaraṃ caiva rakṣārthaṃ gurūneva ca parvasu || 4.153||
4.153. But on the Parva-days let him go to visit the (images of the) gods, and virtuous Brahmanas, and the ruler (of the country), for the sake of protection, as well as his Gurus.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   153

अभिवादयेद्वृद्धांश्च दद्याच्चैवासनं स्वकम् । कृताञ्जलिरुपासीत गच्छतः पृष्ठतोऽन्वियात् ॥ ४.१५४॥
abhivādayedvṛddhāṃśca dadyāccaivāsanaṃ svakam | kṛtāñjalirupāsīta gacchataḥ pṛṣṭhato'nviyāt || 4.154||
4.154. Let him reverentially salute venerable men (who visit him), give them his own seat, let him sit near them with joined hands and, when they leave, (accompany them), walking behind them.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   154

श्रुतिस्मृत्योदितं सम्यग़् निबद्धं स्वेषु कर्मसु । धर्ममूलं निषेवेत सदाचारमतन्द्रितः ॥ ४.१५५॥
śrutismṛtyoditaṃ samyaga़् nibaddhaṃ sveṣu karmasu | dharmamūlaṃ niṣeveta sadācāramatandritaḥ || 4.155||
4.155. Let him, untired, follow the conduct of virtuous men, connected with his occupations, which has been fully declared in the revealed texts and in the sacred tradition (Smriti) and is the root of the sacred law.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   155

आचारात्लभते ह्यायुराचारादीप्सिताः प्रजाः । आचाराद्धनमक्षय्यमाचारो हन्त्यलक्षणम् ॥ ४.१५६॥
ācārātlabhate hyāyurācārādīpsitāḥ prajāḥ | ācārāddhanamakṣayyamācāro hantyalakṣaṇam || 4.156||
4.156. Through virtuous conduct he obtains long life, through virtuous conduct desirable offspring, through virtuous conduct imperishable wealth; virtuous conduct destroys (the effect of) inauspicious marks.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   156

दुराचारो हि पुरुषो लोके भवति निन्दितः । दुःखभागी च सततं व्याधितोऽल्पायुरेव च ॥ ४.१५७॥
durācāro hi puruṣo loke bhavati ninditaḥ | duḥkhabhāgī ca satataṃ vyādhito'lpāyureva ca || 4.157||
4.157. For a man of bad conduct is blamed among people, constantly suffers misfortunes, is afflicted with diseases, and short-lived.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   157

सर्वलक्षणहीनोऽपि यः सदाचारवान्नरः । श्रद्दधानोऽनसूयश्च शतं वर्षाणि जीवति ॥ ४.१५८॥
sarvalakṣaṇahīno'pi yaḥ sadācāravānnaraḥ | śraddadhāno'nasūyaśca śataṃ varṣāṇi jīvati || 4.158||
4.158. A man who follows the conduct of the virtuous, has faith and is free from envy, lives a hundred years, though he be entirely destitute of auspicious marks.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   158

यद्यत्परवशं कर्म तत्तद्यत्नेन वर्जयेत् ॥यद्यदात्मवशं तु स्यात्तत्तत्सेवेत यत्नतः ॥ ४.१५९॥
yadyatparavaśaṃ karma tattadyatnena varjayet || yadyadātmavaśaṃ tu syāttattatseveta yatnataḥ || 4.159||
4.159. Let him carefully avoid all undertakings (the success of) which depends on others; but let him eagerly pursue that (the accomplishment of) which depends on himself.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   159

सर्वं परवशं दुःखं सर्वमात्मवशं सुखम् । एतद्विद्यात्समासेन लक्षणं सुखदुःखयोः ॥ ४.१६०॥
sarvaṃ paravaśaṃ duḥkhaṃ sarvamātmavaśaṃ sukham | etadvidyātsamāsena lakṣaṇaṃ sukhaduḥkhayoḥ || 4.160||
4.160. Everything that depends on others (gives) pain, everything that depends on oneself (gives) pleasure; know that this is the short definition of pleasure and pain.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   160

यत्कर्म कुर्वतोऽस्य स्यात्परितोषोऽन्तरात्मनः । तत्प्रयत्नेन कुर्वीत विपरीतं तु वर्जयेत् ॥ ४.१६१॥
yatkarma kurvato'sya syātparitoṣo'ntarātmanaḥ | tatprayatnena kurvīta viparītaṃ tu varjayet || 4.161||
4.161. When the performance of an act gladdens his heart, let him perform it with diligence; but let him avoid the opposite.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   161

आचार्यं च प्रवक्तारं पितरं मातरं गुरुम् । न हिंस्याद्ब्राह्मणान् गाश्च सर्वांश्चैव तपस्विनः ॥ ४.१६२॥
ācāryaṃ ca pravaktāraṃ pitaraṃ mātaraṃ gurum | na hiṃsyādbrāhmaṇān gāśca sarvāṃścaiva tapasvinaḥ || 4.162||
4.162. Let him never offend the teacher who initiated him, nor him who explained the Veda, nor his father and mother, nor (any other) Guru, nor cows, nor Brahmanas, nor any men performing austerities.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   162

नास्तिक्यं वेदनिन्दां च देवतानां च कुत्सनम् । द्वेषं दम्भं च मानं च क्रोधं तैक्ष्ह्ण्यं च वर्जयेत् ॥ ४.१६३॥
nāstikyaṃ vedanindāṃ ca devatānāṃ ca kutsanam | dveṣaṃ dambhaṃ ca mānaṃ ca krodhaṃ taikṣhṇyaṃ ca varjayet || 4.163||
4.163. Let him avoid atheism, cavilling at the Vedas, contempt of the gods, hatred, want of modesty, pride, anger, and harshness.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   163

परस्य दण्डं नोद्यच्छेत्क्रुद्धो नैनं निपातयेत् । अन्यत्र पुत्रात्शिष्याद्वा शिष्ट्यर्थं ताडयेत्तु तौ ॥ ४.१६४॥
parasya daṇḍaṃ nodyacchetkruddho nainaṃ nipātayet | anyatra putrātśiṣyādvā śiṣṭyarthaṃ tāḍayettu tau || 4.164||
4.164. Let him, when angry, not raise a stick against another man, nor strike (anybody) except a son or a pupil; those two he may beat in order to correct them.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   164

ब्राह्मणायावगुर्यैव द्विजातिर्वधकाम्यया । शतं वर्षाणि तामिस्रे नरके परिवर्तते ॥ ४.१६५॥
brāhmaṇāyāvaguryaiva dvijātirvadhakāmyayā | śataṃ varṣāṇi tāmisre narake parivartate || 4.165||
4.165. A twice-born man who has merely threatened a Brahmana with the intention of (doing him) a corporal injury, will wander about for a hundred years in the Tamisra hell.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   165

ताडयित्वा तृणेनापि संरम्भात्मतिपूर्वकम् । एकविंशतीमाजातीः पापयोनिषु जायते ॥ ४.१६६॥
tāḍayitvā tṛṇenāpi saṃrambhātmatipūrvakam | ekaviṃśatīmājātīḥ pāpayoniṣu jāyate || 4.166||
4.166. Having intentionally struck him in anger, even with a blade of grass, he will be born during twenty-one existences in the wombs (of such beings where men are born in punishment of their) sins.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   166

अयुध्यमानस्योत्पाद्य ब्राह्मणस्यासृगङ्गतः । दुःखं सुमहदाप्नोति प्रेत्याप्राज्ञतया नरः ॥ ४.१६७॥
ayudhyamānasyotpādya brāhmaṇasyāsṛgaṅgataḥ | duḥkhaṃ sumahadāpnoti pretyāprājñatayā naraḥ || 4.167||
4.167. A man who in his folly caused blood to flow from the body of a Brahmana who does not attack him, will suffer after death exceedingly great pain.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   167

शोणितं यावतः पांसून् सङ्गृह्णाति महीतलात् । तावतोऽब्दानमुत्रान्यैः शोणितोत्पादकोऽद्यते ॥ ४.१६८॥
śoṇitaṃ yāvataḥ pāṃsūn saṅgṛhṇāti mahītalāt | tāvato'bdānamutrānyaiḥ śoṇitotpādako'dyate || 4.168||
4.168. As many particles of dust as the blood takes up from the ground, during so many years the spiller of the blood will be devoured by other (animals) in the next world.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   168

न कदा चिद्द्विजे तस्माद्विद्वानवगुरेदपि । न ताडयेत्तृणेनापि न गात्रात्स्रावयेदसृक् ॥ ४.१६९॥
na kadā ciddvije tasmādvidvānavaguredapi | na tāḍayettṛṇenāpi na gātrātsrāvayedasṛk || 4.169||
4.169. A wise man should therefore never threaten a Brahmana, nor strike him even with a blade of grass, nor cause his blood to flow.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   169

अधार्मिको नरो यो हि यस्य चाप्यनृतं धनम् । हिंसारतिश् यो नित्यं नैहासौ सुखमेधते ॥ ४.१७०॥
adhārmiko naro yo hi yasya cāpyanṛtaṃ dhanam | hiṃsāratiś yo nityaṃ naihāsau sukhamedhate || 4.170||
4.170. Neither a man who (lives) unrighteously, nor he who (acquires) wealth (by telling) falsehoods, nor he who always delights in doing injury, ever attain happiness in this world.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   170

न सीदन्नपि धर्मेण मनोऽधर्मे निवेशयेत् । अधार्मिकानां पापानामाशु पश्यन् विपर्ययम् ॥ ४.१७१॥
na sīdannapi dharmeṇa mano'dharme niveśayet | adhārmikānāṃ pāpānāmāśu paśyan viparyayam || 4.171||
4.171. Let him, though suffering in consequence of his righteousness, never turn his heart to unrighteousness; for he will see the speedy overthrow of unrighteous, wicked men.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   171

नाधर्मश्चरितो लोके सद्यः फलति गौरिव । शनैरावर्त्यमानस्तु कर्तुर्मूलानि कृन्तति ॥ ४.१७२॥
nādharmaścarito loke sadyaḥ phalati gauriva | śanairāvartyamānastu karturmūlāni kṛntati || 4.172||
4.172. Unrighteousness, practised in this world, does not at once produce its fruit, like a cow; but, advancing slowly, it cuts off the roots of him who committed it.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   172

यदि नात्मनि पुत्रेषु न चेत्पुत्रेषु नप्तृषु । न त्वेव तु कृतोऽधर्मः कर्तुर्भवति निष्फलः ॥ ४.१७३॥
yadi nātmani putreṣu na cetputreṣu naptṛṣu | na tveva tu kṛto'dharmaḥ karturbhavati niṣphalaḥ || 4.173||
4.173. If (the punishment falls) not on (the offender) himself, (it falls) on his sons, if not on the sons, (at least) on his grandsons; but an iniquity (once) committed, never fails to produce fruit to him who wrought it.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   173

अधर्मेणैधते तावत्ततो भद्राणि पश्यति । ततः सपत्नान् जयति समूलस्तु विनश्यति ॥ ४.१७४॥
adharmeṇaidhate tāvattato bhadrāṇi paśyati | tataḥ sapatnān jayati samūlastu vinaśyati || 4.174||
4.174. He prospers for a while through unrighteousness, then he gains great good fortune, next he conquers his enemies, but (at last) he perishes (branch and) root.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   174

सत्यधर्मार्यवृत्तेषु शौचे चैवारमेत्सदा । शिष्यांश्च शिष्याद्धर्मेण वाच्। बाहूदरसंयतः ॥ ४.१७५॥
satyadharmāryavṛtteṣu śauce caivārametsadā | śiṣyāṃśca śiṣyāddharmeṇa vāc| bāhūdarasaṃyataḥ || 4.175||
4.175. Let him always delight in truthfulness, (obedience to) the sacred law, conduct worthy of an Aryan, and purity; let him chastise his pupils according to the sacred law; let him keep his speech, his arms, and his belly under control.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   175

परित्यजेदर्थकामौ यौ स्यातां धर्मवर्जितौ । धर्मं चाप्यसुखोदर्कं लोकसङ्क्रुष्टमेव च ॥ ४.१७६॥
parityajedarthakāmau yau syātāṃ dharmavarjitau | dharmaṃ cāpyasukhodarkaṃ lokasaṅkruṣṭameva ca || 4.176||
4.176. Let him avoid (the acquisition of) wealth and (the gratification of his) desires, if they are opposed to the sacred law, and even lawful acts which may cause pain in the future or are offensive to men.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   176

न पाणिपादचपलो न नेत्रचपलोऽनृजुः । न स्याद्वाक्चपलश्चैव न परद्रोहकर्मधीः ॥ ४.१७७॥
na pāṇipādacapalo na netracapalo'nṛjuḥ | na syādvākcapalaścaiva na paradrohakarmadhīḥ || 4.177||
4.177. Let him not be uselessly active with his hands and feet, or with his eyes, nor crooked (in his ways), nor talk idly, nor injure others by deeds or even think of it.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   177

येनास्य पितरो याता येन याताः पितामहाः । तेन यायात्सतां मार्गं तेन गच्छन्न रिष्यति ॥ ४.१७८॥
yenāsya pitaro yātā yena yātāḥ pitāmahāḥ | tena yāyātsatāṃ mārgaṃ tena gacchanna riṣyati || 4.178||
4.178. Let him walk in that path of holy men which his fathers and his grandfathers followed; while he walks in that, he will not suffer harm.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   178

ऋत्विक्पुरोहिताचार्यैर्मातुलातिथिसंश्रितैः । बालवृद्धातुरैर्वैद्यैर्ज्ञातिसम्बन्धिबान्धवैः ॥ ४.१७९॥
ṛtvikpurohitācāryairmātulātithisaṃśritaiḥ | bālavṛddhāturairvaidyairjñātisambandhibāndhavaiḥ || 4.179||
4.179. With an officiating or a domestic priest, with a teacher, with a maternal uncle, a guest and a dependant, with infants, aged and sick men, with learned men, with his paternal relatives, connexions by marriage and maternal relatives,

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   179

मातापितृभ्यां जामीभिर्भ्रात्रा पुत्रेण भार्यया । दुहित्रा दासवर्गेण विवादं न समाचरेत् ॥ ४.१८०॥
mātāpitṛbhyāṃ jāmībhirbhrātrā putreṇa bhāryayā | duhitrā dāsavargeṇa vivādaṃ na samācaret || 4.180||
4.180. With his father and his mother, with female relatives, with a brother, with his son and his wife, with his daughter and with his slaves, let him not have quarrels.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   180

एतैर्विवादान् संत्यज्य सर्वपापैः प्रमुच्यते । एतैर्जितैश्च जयति सर्वान्लोकानिमान् गृही ॥ ४.१८१॥
etairvivādān saṃtyajya sarvapāpaiḥ pramucyate | etairjitaiśca jayati sarvānlokānimān gṛhī || 4.181||
4.181. If he avoids quarrels with these persons, he will be freed from all sins, and by suppressing (all) such (quarrels) a householder conquers all the following worlds.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   181

आचार्यो ब्रह्मलोकैशः प्राजापत्ये पिता प्रभुः । अतिथिस्त्विन्द्रलोकेशो देवलोकस्य चर्त्विजः ॥ ४.१८२॥
ācāryo brahmalokaiśaḥ prājāpatye pitā prabhuḥ | atithistvindralokeśo devalokasya cartvijaḥ || 4.182||
4.182. The teacher is the lord of the world of Brahman, the father has power over the world of the Lord of created beings (Pragapati), a guest rules over the world of Indra, and the priests over the world of the gods.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   182

जामयोऽप्सरसां लोके वैश्वदेवस्य बान्धवाः । सम्बन्धिनो ह्यपां लोके पृथिव्यां मातृमातुलौ ॥ ४.१८३॥
jāmayo'psarasāṃ loke vaiśvadevasya bāndhavāḥ | sambandhino hyapāṃ loke pṛthivyāṃ mātṛmātulau || 4.183||
4.183. The female relatives (have power) over the world of the Apsarases, the maternal relatives over that of the Visve Devas, the connexions by marriage over that of the waters, the mother and the maternal uncle over the earth.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   183

आकाशेशास्तु विज्ञेया बालवृद्धकृशातुराः । भ्राता ज्येष्ठः समः पित्रा भार्या पुत्रः स्वका तनुः ॥ ४.१८४॥
ākāśeśāstu vijñeyā bālavṛddhakṛśāturāḥ | bhrātā jyeṣṭhaḥ samaḥ pitrā bhāryā putraḥ svakā tanuḥ || 4.184||
4.184. Infants, aged, poor and sick men must be considered as rulers of the middle sphere, the eldest brother as equal to one’s father, one’s wife and one’s son as one’s own body,

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   184

छाया स्वो दासवर्गश्च दुहिता कृपणं परम् । तस्मादेतैरधिक्षिप्तः सहेतासञ्ज्वरः सदा ॥ ४.१८५॥
chāyā svo dāsavargaśca duhitā kṛpaṇaṃ param | tasmādetairadhikṣiptaḥ sahetāsañjvaraḥ sadā || 4.185||
4.185. One’s slaves as one’s shadow, one’s daughter as the highest object of tenderness; hence if one is offended by (any one of) these, one must bear it without resentment.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   185

प्रतिग्रहसमर्थोऽपि प्रसङ्गं तत्र वर्जयेत् । प्रतिग्रहेण ह्यस्याशु ब्राह्मं तेजः प्रशाम्यति ॥ ४.१८६॥
pratigrahasamartho'pi prasaṅgaṃ tatra varjayet | pratigraheṇa hyasyāśu brāhmaṃ tejaḥ praśāmyati || 4.186||
4.186. Though (by his learning and sanctity) he may be entitled to accept presents, let him not attach himself (too much) to that (habit); for through his accepting (many) presents the divine light in him is soon extinguished.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   186

न द्रव्याणामविज्ञाय विधिं धर्म्यं प्रतिग्रहे । प्राज्ञः प्रतिग्रहं कुर्यादवसीदन्नपि क्षुधा ॥ ४.१८७॥
na dravyāṇāmavijñāya vidhiṃ dharmyaṃ pratigrahe | prājñaḥ pratigrahaṃ kuryādavasīdannapi kṣudhā || 4.187||
4.187. Without a full knowledge of the rules, prescribed by the sacred law for the acceptance of presents, a wise man should not take anything, even though he may pine with hunger.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   187

हिरण्यं भूमिमश्वं गामन्नं वासस्तिलान् घृतम् । प्रतिगृह्णन्नविद्वांस्तु भस्मीभवति दारुवत् ॥ ४.१८८॥
hiraṇyaṃ bhūmimaśvaṃ gāmannaṃ vāsastilān ghṛtam | pratigṛhṇannavidvāṃstu bhasmībhavati dāruvat || 4.188||
4.188. But an ignorant (man) who accepts gold, land, a horse, a cow, food, a dress, sesamum-grains, (or) clarified butter, is reduced to ashes like (a piece of) wood.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   188

हिरण्यमायुरन्नं च भूर्गोश्चाप्योषतस्तनुम् । अश्वश्चक्षुस्त्वचं वासो घृतं तेजस्तिलाः प्रजाः ॥ ४.१८९॥
hiraṇyamāyurannaṃ ca bhūrgoścāpyoṣatastanum | aśvaścakṣustvacaṃ vāso ghṛtaṃ tejastilāḥ prajāḥ || 4.189||
4.189. Gold and food destroy his longevity, land and a cow his body, a horse his eye (sight), a garment his skin, clarified butter his energy, sesamum-grains his offspring.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   189

अतपास्त्वनधीयानः प्रतिग्रहरुचिर्द्विजः । अम्भस्यश्मप्लवेनैव सह तेनैव मज्जति ॥ ४.१९०॥
atapāstvanadhīyānaḥ pratigraharucirdvijaḥ | ambhasyaśmaplavenaiva saha tenaiva majjati || 4.190||
4.190. A Brahmana who neither performs austerities nor studies the Veda, yet delights in accepting gifts, sinks with the (donor into hell), just as (he who attempts to cross over in) a boat made of stone (is submerged) in the water.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   190

तस्मादविद्वान् बिभियाद्यस्मात्तस्मात्प्रतिग्रहात् । स्वल्पकेनाप्यविद्वान् हि पङ्के गौरिव सीदति ॥ ४.१९१॥
tasmādavidvān bibhiyādyasmāttasmātpratigrahāt | svalpakenāpyavidvān hi paṅke gauriva sīdati || 4.191||
4.191. Hence an ignorant (man) should be afraid of accepting any presents; for by reason of a very small (gift) even a fool sinks (into hell) as a cow into a morass.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   191

न वार्यपि प्रयच्छेत्तु बैडालव्रतिके द्विजे । न बकव्रतिके पापे नावेदविदि धर्मवित् ॥ ४.१९२॥
na vāryapi prayacchettu baiḍālavratike dvije | na bakavratike pāpe nāvedavidi dharmavit || 4.192||
4.192. (A man) who knows the law should not offer even water to a Brahmana who acts like a cat, nor to a Brahmana who acts like a heron, nor to one who is unacquainted with the Veda.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   192

त्रिष्वप्येतेषु दत्तं हि विधिनाऽप्यर्जितं धनम् । दातुर्भवत्यनर्थाय परत्रादातुरेव च ॥ ४.१९३॥
triṣvapyeteṣu dattaṃ hi vidhinā'pyarjitaṃ dhanam | dāturbhavatyanarthāya paratrādātureva ca || 4.193||
4.193. For property, though earned in accordance with prescribed rules, which is given to these three (persons), causes in the next world misery both to the giver and to the recipient.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   193

यथा प्लवेनोपलेन निमज्जत्युदके तरन् । तथा निमज्जतोऽधस्तादज्ञौ दातृप्रतीच्छकौ ॥ ४.१९४॥
yathā plavenopalena nimajjatyudake taran | tathā nimajjato'dhastādajñau dātṛpratīcchakau || 4.194||
4.194. As he who (attempts to) cross water in a boat of stone sinks (to the bottom), even so an ignorant donor and an ignorant donee sink low.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   194

धर्मध्वजी सदा लुब्धश्छाद्मिको लोकदम्भकः ॥बैडालव्रतिको ज्ञेयो हिंस्रः सर्वाभिसंधकः ॥ ४.१९५॥
dharmadhvajī sadā lubdhaśchādmiko lokadambhakaḥ || baiḍālavratiko jñeyo hiṃsraḥ sarvābhisaṃdhakaḥ || 4.195||
4.195. (A man) who, ever covetous, displays the flag of virtue, (who is) a hypocrite, a deceiver of the people, intent on doing injury, (and) a detractor (from the merits) of all men, one must know to be one who acts like a cat.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   195

अधोदृष्टिर्नैष्कृतिकः स्वार्थसाधनतत्परः । शठो मिथ्याविनीतश्च बकव्रतचरो द्विजः ॥ ४.१९६॥
adhodṛṣṭirnaiṣkṛtikaḥ svārthasādhanatatparaḥ | śaṭho mithyāvinītaśca bakavratacaro dvijaḥ || 4.196||
4.196. That Brahmana, who with downcast look, of a cruel disposition, is solely intent on attaining his own ends, dishonest and falsely gentle, is one who acts like a heron.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   196

ये बकव्रतिनो विप्रा ये च मार्जारलिङ्गिनः । ते पतन्त्यन्धतामिस्रे तेन पापेन कर्मणा ॥ ४.१९७॥
ye bakavratino viprā ye ca mārjāraliṅginaḥ | te patantyandhatāmisre tena pāpena karmaṇā || 4.197||
4.197. Those Brahmanas who act like herons, and those who display the characteristics of cats, fall in consequence of that wicked mode of acting into (the hell called) Andhatamisra.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   197

न धर्मस्यापदेशेन पापं कृत्वा व्रतं चरेत् । व्रतेन पापं प्रच्छाद्य कुर्वन् स्त्रीशूद्रदम्भनम् ॥ ४.१९८॥
na dharmasyāpadeśena pāpaṃ kṛtvā vrataṃ caret | vratena pāpaṃ pracchādya kurvan strīśūdradambhanam || 4.198||
4.198. When he has committed a sin, let him not perform a penance under the pretence (that the act is intended to gain) spiritual merit, (thus) hiding his sin under (the pretext of) a vow and deceiving women and Sudras.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   198

प्रेत्येह चेदृशा विप्रा गर्ह्यन्ते ब्रह्मवादिभिः । छद्मना चरितं यच्च व्रतं रक्षांसि गच्छति ॥ ४.१९९॥
pretyeha cedṛśā viprā garhyante brahmavādibhiḥ | chadmanā caritaṃ yacca vrataṃ rakṣāṃsi gacchati || 4.199||
4.199. Such Brahmanas are reprehended after death and in this (life) by those who expound the Veda, and a vow, performed under a false pretence, goes to the Rakshasas.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   199

अलिङ्गी लिङ्गिवेषेण यो वृत्तिमुपजीवति । स लिङ्गिनां हरत्येनस्तिर्यग्योनौ च जायते ॥ ४.२००॥
aliṅgī liṅgiveṣeṇa yo vṛttimupajīvati | sa liṅgināṃ haratyenastiryagyonau ca jāyate || 4.200||
4.200. He who, without being a student, gains his livelihood by (wearing) the dress of a student, takes upon himself the guilt of (all) students and is born again in the womb of an animal.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   200

परकीयनिपानेषु न स्नायाच्च कदा चन । निपानकर्तुः स्नात्वा तु दुष्कृतांशेन लिप्यते ॥ ४.२०१॥
parakīyanipāneṣu na snāyācca kadā cana | nipānakartuḥ snātvā tu duṣkṛtāṃśena lipyate || 4.201||
4.201. Let him never bathe in tanks belonging to other men; if he bathes (in such a one), he is tainted by a portion of the guilt of him who made the tank.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   201

यानशय्याऽऽसनान्यस्य कूपोद्यानगृहाणि च । अदत्तान्युपयुञ्जान एनसः स्यात्तुरीयभाक् ॥ ४.२०२॥
yānaśayyā''sanānyasya kūpodyānagṛhāṇi ca | adattānyupayuñjāna enasaḥ syātturīyabhāk || 4.202||
4.202. He who uses without permission a carriage, a bed, a seat, a well, a garden or a house belonging to an (other man), takes upon himself one fourth of (the owner’s) guilt.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   202

नदीषु देवखातेषु तडागेषु सरःसु च । स्नानं समाचरेन्नित्यं गर्तप्रस्रवणेषु च ॥ ४.२०३॥
nadīṣu devakhāteṣu taḍāgeṣu saraḥsu ca | snānaṃ samācarennityaṃ gartaprasravaṇeṣu ca || 4.203||
4.203. Let him always bathe in rivers, in ponds, dug by the gods (themselves), in lakes, and in waterholes or springs.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   203

यमान् सेवेत सततं न नित्यं नियमान् बुधः । यमान् पतत्यकुर्वाणो नियमान् केवलान् भजन् ॥ ४.२०४॥
yamān seveta satataṃ na nityaṃ niyamān budhaḥ | yamān patatyakurvāṇo niyamān kevalān bhajan || 4.204||
4.204. A wise man should constantly discharge the paramount duties (called yama), but not always the minor ones (called niyama); for he who does not discharge the former, while he obeys the latter alone, becomes an outcast.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   204

नाश्रोत्रियतते यज्ञे ग्रामयाजिकृते तथा । स्त्रिया क्लीबेन च हुते भुञ्जीत ब्राह्मणः क्व चित् ॥ ४.२०५॥
nāśrotriyatate yajñe grāmayājikṛte tathā | striyā klībena ca hute bhuñjīta brāhmaṇaḥ kva cit || 4.205||
4.205. A Brahmana must never eat (a dinner given) at a sacrifice that is offered by one who is not a Srotriya, by one who sacrifices for a multitude of men, by a woman, or by a eunuch.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   205

अश्लीकमेतत्साधूनां यत्र जुह्वत्यमी हविः । अश्लीलम्प्रतीपमेतद्देवानां तस्मात्तत्परिवर्जयेत् ॥ ४.२०६ - आ॥
aślīkametatsādhūnāṃ yatra juhvatyamī haviḥ | aślīlampratīpametaddevānāṃ tasmāttatparivarjayet || 4.206||
4.206. When those persons offer sacrificial viands in the fire, it is unlucky for holy (men) it displeases the gods; let him therefore avoid it.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   206

मत्तक्रुद्धातुराणां च न भुञ्जीत कदा चन । केशकीटावपन्नं च पदा स्पृष्टं च कामतः ॥ ४.२०७॥
mattakruddhāturāṇāṃ ca na bhuñjīta kadā cana | keśakīṭāvapannaṃ ca padā spṛṣṭaṃ ca kāmataḥ || 4.207||
4.207. Let him never eat (food given) by intoxicated, angry, or sick (men), nor that in which hair or insects are found, nor what has been touched intentionally with the foot,

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   207

भ्रूणघ्नावेक्षितं चैव संस्पृष्टं चाप्युदक्यया । पतत्रिणावलीढं च शुना संस्पृष्टमेव च ॥ ४.२०८॥
bhrūṇaghnāvekṣitaṃ caiva saṃspṛṣṭaṃ cāpyudakyayā | patatriṇāvalīḍhaṃ ca śunā saṃspṛṣṭameva ca || 4.208||
4.208. Nor that at which the slayer of a learned Brahmana has looked, nor that which has been touched by a menstruating woman, nor that which has been pecked at by birds or touched by a dog,

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   208

गवा चान्नमुपघ्रातं घुष्टान्नं च विशेषतः । गणान्नं गणिकान्नं च विदुषा च जुगुप्सितम् ॥ ४.२०९॥
gavā cānnamupaghrātaṃ ghuṣṭānnaṃ ca viśeṣataḥ | gaṇānnaṃ gaṇikānnaṃ ca viduṣā ca jugupsitam || 4.209||
4.209. Nor food at which a cow has smelt, nor particularly that which has been offered by an invitation to all comers, nor that (given) by a multitude or by harlots, nor that which is declared to be had by a learned (man),

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   209

स्तेनगायनयोश्चान्नं तक्ष्ह्णो वार्धुषिकस्य च । दीक्षितस्य कदर्यस्य बद्धस्य निगडस्य च ॥ ४.२१०॥
stenagāyanayoścānnaṃ takṣhṇo vārdhuṣikasya ca | dīkṣitasya kadaryasya baddhasya nigaḍasya ca || 4.210||
4.210. Nor the food (given) by a thief, a musician, a carpenter, a usurer, one who has been initiated (for the performance of a Srauta sacrifice), a miser, one bound with fetters,

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   210

अभिशस्तस्य षण्ढस्य पुंश्चल्या दाम्भिकस्य च । शुक्तं पर्युषितं चैव शूद्रस्योच्छिष्टमेव च ॥ ४.२११॥
abhiśastasya ṣaṇḍhasya puṃścalyā dāmbhikasya ca | śuktaṃ paryuṣitaṃ caiva śūdrasyocchiṣṭameva ca || 4.211||
4.211. By one accused of a mortal sin (Abhisasta), a hermaphrodite, an unchaste woman, or a hypocrite, nor (any sweet thing) that has turned sour, nor what has been kept a whole night, nor (the food) of a Sudra, nor the leavings (of another man),

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   211

चिकित्सकस्य मृगयोः क्रूरस्योच्छिष्टभोजिनः । उग्रान्नं सूतिकान्नं च पर्याचान्तमनिर्दशम् ॥ ४.२१२॥
cikitsakasya mṛgayoḥ krūrasyocchiṣṭabhojinaḥ | ugrānnaṃ sūtikānnaṃ ca paryācāntamanirdaśam || 4.212||
4.212. Nor (the food given) by a physician, a hunter, a cruel man, one who eats the fragments (of another’s meal), nor the food of an Ugra, nor that prepared for a woman in childbed, nor that (given at a dinner) where (a guest rises) prematurely (and) sips water, nor that (given by a woman) whose ten days of impurity have not elapsed,

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   212

अनर्चितं वृथामांसमवीरायाश्च योषितः । द्विषदन्नं नगर्यन्नं पतितान्नमवक्षुतम् ॥ ४.२१३॥
anarcitaṃ vṛthāmāṃsamavīrāyāśca yoṣitaḥ | dviṣadannaṃ nagaryannaṃ patitānnamavakṣutam || 4.213||
4.213. Nor (food) given without due respect, nor (that which contains) meat eaten for no sacred purpose, nor (that given) by a female who has no male (relatives), nor the food of an enemy, nor that (given) by the lord of a town, nor that (given) by outcasts, nor that on which anybody has sneezed;

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   213

पिशुनानृतिनोश्चान्नं क्रतुविक्रयकस्य च ॥ । शैलूषतुन्नवायान्नं कृतघ्नस्यान्नमेव च ॥ ४.२१४॥
piśunānṛtinoścānnaṃ kratuvikrayakasya ca || | śailūṣatunnavāyānnaṃ kṛtaghnasyānnameva ca || 4.214||
4.214. Nor the food (given) by an informer, by one who habitually tells falsehoods, or by one who sells (the rewards for) sacrifices, nor the food (given) by an actor, a tailor, or an ungrateful (man),

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   214

कर्मारस्य निषादस्य रङ्गावतारकस्य च । सुवर्णकर्तुर्वेणस्य शस्त्रविक्रयिणस्तथा ॥ ४.२१५॥
karmārasya niṣādasya raṅgāvatārakasya ca | suvarṇakarturveṇasya śastravikrayiṇastathā || 4.215||
4.215. By a blacksmith, a Nishada, a stage-player, a goldsmith, a basket-maker, or a dealer in weapons,

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   215

श्ववतां शौण्डिकानां च चैलनिर्णेजकस्य च । रजकस्य नृशंसस्य यस्य चोपपतिर्गृहे ॥ ४.२१६॥
śvavatāṃ śauṇḍikānāṃ ca cailanirṇejakasya ca | rajakasya nṛśaṃsasya yasya copapatirgṛhe || 4.216||
4.216. By trainers of hunting dogs, publicans, a washerman, a dyer, a pitiless (man), and a man in whose house (lives) a paramour (of his wife),

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   216

मृष्यन्ति ये चोपपतिं स्त्रीजितानां च सर्वशः । अनिर्दशं च प्रेतान्नमतुष्टिकरमेव च ॥ ४.२१७॥
mṛṣyanti ye copapatiṃ strījitānāṃ ca sarvaśaḥ | anirdaśaṃ ca pretānnamatuṣṭikarameva ca || 4.217||
4.217. Nor (the food given) by those who knowingly bear with paramours (of their wives), and by those who in all matters are ruled by women, nor food (given by men) whose ten days of impurity on account of a death have not passed, nor that which is unpalatable.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   217

राजान्नं तेज आदत्ते शूद्रान्नं ब्रह्मवर्चसम् । आयुः सुवर्णकारान्नं यशश्चर्मावकर्तिनः ॥ ४.२१८॥
rājānnaṃ teja ādatte śūdrānnaṃ brahmavarcasam | āyuḥ suvarṇakārānnaṃ yaśaścarmāvakartinaḥ || 4.218||
4.218. The food of a king impairs his vigour, the food of a Sudra his excellence in sacred learning, the food of a goldsmith his longevity, that of a leather-cutter his fame;

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   218

कारुकान्नं प्रजां हन्ति बलं निर्णेजकस्य च । गणान्नं गणिकान्नं च लोकेभ्यः परिकृन्तति ॥ ४.२१९॥
kārukānnaṃ prajāṃ hanti balaṃ nirṇejakasya ca | gaṇānnaṃ gaṇikānnaṃ ca lokebhyaḥ parikṛntati || 4.219||
4.219. The food of an artisan destroys his offspring, that of a washerman his (bodily) strength; the food of a multitude and of harlots excludes him from (the higher) worlds.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   219

पूयं चिकित्सकस्यान्नं पुंश्चल्यास्त्वन्नमिन्द्रियम् । विष्ठा वार्धुषिकस्यान्नं शस्त्रविक्रयिणो मलम् ॥ ४.२२०॥
pūyaṃ cikitsakasyānnaṃ puṃścalyāstvannamindriyam | viṣṭhā vārdhuṣikasyānnaṃ śastravikrayiṇo malam || 4.220||
4.220. The food of a physician (is as vile as) pus, that of an unchaste woman (equal to) semen, that of a usurer (as vile as) ordure, and that of a dealer in weapons (as bad as) dirt.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   220

य एतेऽन्ये त्वभोज्यान्नाः क्रमशः परिकीर्तिताः । तेषां त्वगस्थिरोमाणि वदन्त्यन्नं मनीषिणः ॥ ४.२२१॥
ya ete'nye tvabhojyānnāḥ kramaśaḥ parikīrtitāḥ | teṣāṃ tvagasthiromāṇi vadantyannaṃ manīṣiṇaḥ || 4.221||
4.221. The food of those other persons who have been successively enumerated as such whose food must not be eaten, the wise declare (to be as impure as) skin, bones, and hair.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   221

भुक्त्वाऽतोऽन्यतमस्यान्नममत्या क्षपणं त्र्यहम् । मत्या भुक्त्वाऽचरेत्कृच्छ्रं रेतोविण्मूत्रमेव च ॥ ४.२२२॥
bhuktvā'to'nyatamasyānnamamatyā kṣapaṇaṃ tryaham | matyā bhuktvā'caretkṛcchraṃ retoviṇmūtrameva ca || 4.222||
4.222. If he has unwittingly eaten the food of one of those, (he must) fast for three days; if he has eaten it intentionally, or (has swallowed) semen, ordure, or urine, he must perform a Krikkhra penance.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   222

नाद्यात्शूद्रस्य पक्वान्नं विद्वानश्राद्धिनो द्विजः । आददीताममेवास्मादवृत्तावेकरात्रिकम् ॥ ४.२२३॥
nādyātśūdrasya pakvānnaṃ vidvānaśrāddhino dvijaḥ | ādadītāmamevāsmādavṛttāvekarātrikam || 4.223||
4.223. A Brahmana who knows (the law) must not eat cooked food (given) by a Sudra who performs no Sraddhas; but, on failure of (other) means of subsistence, he may accept raw (grain), sufficient for one night (and day).

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   223

श्रोत्रियस्य कदर्यस्य वदान्यस्य च वार्धुषेः । मीमांसित्वोभयं देवाः सममन्नमकल्पयन् ॥ ४.२२४॥
śrotriyasya kadaryasya vadānyasya ca vārdhuṣeḥ | mīmāṃsitvobhayaṃ devāḥ samamannamakalpayan || 4.224||
4.224. The gods, having considered (the respective merits) of a niggardly Srotriya and of a liberal usurer, declared the food of both to be equal (in quality).

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   224

तान् प्रजापतिराहैत्य मा कृध्वं विषमं समम् । श्रद्धापूतं वदान्यस्य हतमश्रद्धयेतरत् ॥ ४.२२५॥
tān prajāpatirāhaitya mā kṛdhvaṃ viṣamaṃ samam | śraddhāpūtaṃ vadānyasya hatamaśraddhayetarat || 4.225||
4.225. The Lord of created beings (Pragapati) came and spake to them, ’Do not make that equal, which is unequal. The food of that liberal (usurer) is purified by faith; (that of the) of the) other (man) is defiled by a want of faith.’

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   225

श्रद्धयेष्टं च पूर्तं च नित्यं कुर्यादतन्द्रितः । श्रद्धाकृते ह्यक्षये ते भवतः स्वागतैर्धनैः ॥ ४.२२६॥
śraddhayeṣṭaṃ ca pūrtaṃ ca nityaṃ kuryādatandritaḥ | śraddhākṛte hyakṣaye te bhavataḥ svāgatairdhanaiḥ || 4.226||
4.226. Let him, without tiring, always offer sacrifices and perform works of charity with faith; for offerings and charitable works made with faith and with lawfully-earned money, (procure) endless rewards.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   226

दानधर्मं निषेवेत नित्यमैष्टिकपौर्तिकम् । परितुष्टेन भावेन पात्रमासाद्य शक्तितः ॥ ४.२२७॥
dānadharmaṃ niṣeveta nityamaiṣṭikapaurtikam | parituṣṭena bhāvena pātramāsādya śaktitaḥ || 4.227||
4.227. Let him always practise, according to his ability, with a cheerful heart, the duty of liberality, both by sacrifices and by charitable works, if he finds a worthy recipient (for his gifts.)

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   227

यत्किं चिदपि दातव्यं याचितेनानसूयया । उत्पत्स्यते हि तत्पात्रं यत्तारयति सर्वतः ॥ ४.२२८॥
yatkiṃ cidapi dātavyaṃ yācitenānasūyayā | utpatsyate hi tatpātraṃ yattārayati sarvataḥ || 4.228||
4.228. If he is asked, let him always give something, be it ever so little, without grudging; for a worthy recipient will (perhaps) be found who saves him from all (guilt).

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   228

वारिदस्तृप्तिमाप्नोति सुखमक्षयमन्नदः । तिलप्रदः प्रजामिष्टां दीपदश्चक्षुरुत्तमम् ॥ ४.२२९॥
vāridastṛptimāpnoti sukhamakṣayamannadaḥ | tilapradaḥ prajāmiṣṭāṃ dīpadaścakṣuruttamam || 4.229||
4.229. A giver of water obtains the satisfaction (of his hunger and thirst), a giver of food imperishable happiness, a giver of sesamum desirable offspring, a giver of a lamp a most excellent eyesight.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   229

भूमिदो भूमिमाप्नोति दीर्घमायुर्हिरण्यदः । गृहदोऽग्र्याणि वेश्मानि रूप्यदो रूपमुत्तमम् ॥ ४.२३०॥
bhūmido bhūmimāpnoti dīrghamāyurhiraṇyadaḥ | gṛhado'gryāṇi veśmāni rūpyado rūpamuttamam || 4.230||
4.230. A giver of land obtains land, a giver of gold long life, a giver of a house most excellent mansions, a giver of silver (rupya) exquisite beauty (rupa),

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   230

वासोदश्चन्द्रसालोक्यमश्विसालोक्यमश्वदः । अनडुहः श्रियं पुष्टां गोदो ब्रध्नस्य विष्टपम् ॥ ४.२३१॥
vāsodaścandrasālokyamaśvisālokyamaśvadaḥ | anaḍuhaḥ śriyaṃ puṣṭāṃ godo bradhnasya viṣṭapam || 4.231||
4.231. A giver of a garment a place in the world of the moon, a giver of a horse (asva) a place in the world of the Asvins, a giver of a draught-ox great good fortune, a giver of a cow the world of the sun;

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   231

यानशय्याप्रदो भार्यामैश्वर्यमभयप्रदः । धान्यदः शाश्वतं सौख्यं ब्रह्मदो ब्रह्मसार्ष्टिताम् ॥ ४.२३२॥
yānaśayyāprado bhāryāmaiśvaryamabhayapradaḥ | dhānyadaḥ śāśvataṃ saukhyaṃ brahmado brahmasārṣṭitām || 4.232||
4.232. A giver of a carriage or of a bed a wife, a giver of protection supreme dominion, a giver of grain eternal bliss, a giver of the Veda (brahman) union with Brahman;

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   232

सर्वेषामेव दानानां ब्रह्मदानं विशिष्यते । वार्यन्नगोमहीवासस्। तिलकाञ्चनसर्पिषाम् ॥ ४.२३३॥
sarveṣāmeva dānānāṃ brahmadānaṃ viśiṣyate | vāryannagomahīvāsas| tilakāñcanasarpiṣām || 4.233||
4.233. The gift of the Veda surpasses all other gifts, water, food, cows, land, clothes, sesamum, gold, and clarified butter.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   233

येन येन तु भावेन यद्यद्दानं प्रयच्छति । तत्तत्तेनैव भावेन प्राप्नोति प्रतिपूजितः ॥ ४.२३४॥
yena yena tu bhāvena yadyaddānaṃ prayacchati | tattattenaiva bhāvena prāpnoti pratipūjitaḥ || 4.234||
4.234. For whatever purpose (a man) bestows any gift, for that same purpose he receives (in his next birth) with due honour its (reward).

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   234

योऽर्चितं प्रतिगृह्णाति ददात्यर्चितमेव वा । तावुभौ गच्छतः स्वर्गं नरकं तु विपर्यये ॥ ४.२३५॥
yo'rcitaṃ pratigṛhṇāti dadātyarcitameva vā | tāvubhau gacchataḥ svargaṃ narakaṃ tu viparyaye || 4.235||
4.235. Both he who respectfully receives (a gift), and he who respectfully bestows it, go to heaven; in the contrary case (they both fall) into hell.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   235

न विस्मयेत तपसा वदेदिष्ट्वा च नानृतम् । नार्तोऽप्यपवदेद्विप्रान्न दत्वा परिकीर्तयेत् ॥ ४.२३६॥
na vismayeta tapasā vadediṣṭvā ca nānṛtam | nārto'pyapavadedviprānna datvā parikīrtayet || 4.236||
4.236. Let him not be proud of his austerities; let him not utter a falsehood after he has offered a sacrifice; let him not speak ill of Brahmanas, though he be tormented (by them); when he has bestowed (a gift), let him not boast of it.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   236

यज्ञोऽनृतेन क्षरति तपः क्षरति विस्मयात् । आयुर्विप्रापवादेन दानं च परिकीर्तनात् ॥ ४.२३७॥
yajño'nṛtena kṣarati tapaḥ kṣarati vismayāt | āyurviprāpavādena dānaṃ ca parikīrtanāt || 4.237||
4.237. By falsehood a sacrifice becomes vain, by self-complacency (the reward for) austerities is lost, longevity by speaking evil of Brahmanas, and (the reward of) a gift by boasting.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   237

धर्मं शनैः सञ्चिनुयाद् वल्मीकमिव पुत्तिकाः । परलोकसहायार्थं सर्वभूतान्यपीडयन् ॥ ४.२३८॥
dharmaṃ śanaiḥ sañcinuyād valmīkamiva puttikāḥ | paralokasahāyārthaṃ sarvabhūtānyapīḍayan || 4.238||
4.238. Giving no pain to any creature, let him slowly accumulate spiritual merit, for the sake (of acquiring) a companion to the next world, just as the white ant (gradually raises its) hill.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   238

नामुत्र हि सहायार्थं पिता माता च तिष्ठतः । न पुत्रदारं न ज्ञातिर्धर्मस्तिष्ठति केवलः ॥ ४.२३९॥
nāmutra hi sahāyārthaṃ pitā mātā ca tiṣṭhataḥ | na putradāraṃ na jñātirdharmastiṣṭhati kevalaḥ || 4.239||
4.239. For in the next world neither father, nor mother, nor wife, nor sons, nor relations stay to be his companions; spiritual merit alone remains (with him).

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   239

एकः प्रजायते जन्तुरेक एव प्रलीयते । एकोऽनुभुङ्क्ते सुकृतमेक एव च दुष्कृतम् ॥ ४.२४०॥
ekaḥ prajāyate jantureka eva pralīyate | eko'nubhuṅkte sukṛtameka eva ca duṣkṛtam || 4.240||
4.240. Single is each being born; single it dies; single it enjoys (the reward of its) virtue; single (it suffers the punishment of its) sin.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   240

मृतं शरीरमुत्सृज्य काष्ठलोष्टसमं क्षितौ । विमुखा बान्धवा यान्ति धर्मस्तमनुगच्छति ॥ ४.२४१॥
mṛtaṃ śarīramutsṛjya kāṣṭhaloṣṭasamaṃ kṣitau | vimukhā bāndhavā yānti dharmastamanugacchati || 4.241||
4.241. Leaving the dead body on the ground like a log of wood, or a clod of earth, the relatives depart with averted faces; but spiritual merit follows the (soul).

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   241

तस्माद्धर्मं सहायार्थं नित्यं सञ्चिनुयात्शनैः । धर्मेण हि सहायेन तमस्तरति दुस्तरम् ॥ ४.२४२॥
tasmāddharmaṃ sahāyārthaṃ nityaṃ sañcinuyātśanaiḥ | dharmeṇa hi sahāyena tamastarati dustaram || 4.242||
4.242. Let him therefore always slowly accumulate spiritual merit, in order (that it may be his) companion (after death); for with merit as his companion he will traverse a gloom difficult to traverse.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   242

धर्मप्रधानं पुरुषं तपसा हतकिल्बिषम् । परलोकं नयत्याशु भास्वन्तं खशरीरिणम् ॥ ४.२४३॥
dharmapradhānaṃ puruṣaṃ tapasā hatakilbiṣam | paralokaṃ nayatyāśu bhāsvantaṃ khaśarīriṇam || 4.243||
4.243. (That companion) speedily conducts the man who is devoted to duty and effaces his sins by austerities, to the next world, radiant and clothed with an ethereal body.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   243

उत्तमैरुत्तमैर्नित्यं सम्भन्धान् चरेत्सह । निनीषुः कुलमुत्कर्षमधमानधमांस्त्यजेत् ॥ ४.२४४॥
uttamairuttamairnityaṃ sambhandhān caretsaha | ninīṣuḥ kulamutkarṣamadhamānadhamāṃstyajet || 4.244||
4.244. Let him, who desires to raise his race, ever form connexions with the most excellent (men), and shun all low ones.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   244

उत्तमानुत्तमानेव गच्छन् हीनांस्तु वर्जयन् । ब्राह्मणः श्रेष्ठतामेति प्रत्यवायेन शूद्रताम् ॥ ४.२४५॥
uttamānuttamāneva gacchan hīnāṃstu varjayan | brāhmaṇaḥ śreṣṭhatāmeti pratyavāyena śūdratām || 4.245||
4.245. A Brahmana who always connects himself with the most excellent (ones), and shuns all inferior ones, (himself) becomes most distinguished; by an opposite conduct he becomes a Sudra.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   245

दृढकारी मृदुर्दान्तः क्रूराचारैरसंवसन् । अहिंस्रो दमदानाभ्यां जयेत्स्वर्गं तथाव्रतः ॥ ४.२४६॥
dṛḍhakārī mṛdurdāntaḥ krūrācārairasaṃvasan | ahiṃsro damadānābhyāṃ jayetsvargaṃ tathāvrataḥ || 4.246||
4.246. He who is persevering, gentle, (and) patient, shuns the company of men of cruel conduct, and does no injury (to living creatures), gains, if he constantly lives in that manner, by controlling his organs and by liberality, heavenly bliss.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   246

एधौदकं मूलफलमन्नमभ्युद्यतं च यत् । सर्वतः प्रतिगृह्णीयान्मध्वथाभयदक्षिणाम् ॥ ४.२४७॥
edhaudakaṃ mūlaphalamannamabhyudyataṃ ca yat | sarvataḥ pratigṛhṇīyānmadhvathābhayadakṣiṇām || 4.247||
4.247. He may accept from any (man), fuel, water, roots, fruit, food offered without asking, and honey, likewise a gift (which consists in) a promise of protection.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   247

आहृताभ्युद्यतां भिक्षां पुरस्तादप्रचोदिताम् । मेने प्रजापतिर्ग्राह्यामपि दुष्कृतकर्मणः ॥ ४.२४८॥
āhṛtābhyudyatāṃ bhikṣāṃ purastādapracoditām | mene prajāpatirgrāhyāmapi duṣkṛtakarmaṇaḥ || 4.248||
4.248. The Lord of created beings (Pragapati) has declared that alms freely offered and brought (by the giver himself) may be accepted even from a sinful man, provided (the gift) had not been (asked for or) promised beforehand.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   248

नाश्नन्ति पितरस्तस्य दशवर्षाणि पञ्च च ॥न च हव्यं वहत्यग्निर्यस्तामभ्यवमन्यते ॥ ४.२४९॥
nāśnanti pitarastasya daśavarṣāṇi pañca ca || na ca havyaṃ vahatyagniryastāmabhyavamanyate || 4.249||
4.249. During fifteen years the manes do not eat (the food) of that man who disdains a (freely-offered gift), nor does the fire carry his offerings (to the gods).

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   249

शय्यां गृहान् कुशान् गन्धानपः पुष्पं मणीन् दधि । धाना मत्स्यान् पयो मांसं शाकं चैव न निर्णुदेत् ॥ ४.२५० - ई॥
śayyāṃ gṛhān kuśān gandhānapaḥ puṣpaṃ maṇīn dadhi | dhānā matsyān payo māṃsaṃ śākaṃ caiva na nirṇudet || 4.250||
4.250. A couch, a house, Kusa grass, perfumes, water, flowers, jewels, sour milk, grain, fish, sweet milk, meat, and vegetables let him not reject, (if they are voluntarily offered.)

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   250

गुरून् भृत्यांश्चोज्जिहीर्षन्नर्चिष्यन् देवतातिथीन् । सर्वतः प्रतिगृह्णीयान्न तु तृप्येत्स्वयं ततः ॥ ४.२५१॥
gurūn bhṛtyāṃścojjihīrṣannarciṣyan devatātithīn | sarvataḥ pratigṛhṇīyānna tu tṛpyetsvayaṃ tataḥ || 4.251||
4.251. He who desires to relieve his Gurus and those whom he is bound to maintain, or wishes to honour the gods and guests, may accept (gifts) from anybody; but he must not satisfy his (own hunger) with such (presents).

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   251

गुरुषु त्वभ्यतीतेषु विना वा तैर्गृहे वसन् । आत्मनो वृत्तिमन्विच्छन् गृह्णीयात्साधुतः सदा ॥ ४.२५२॥
guruṣu tvabhyatīteṣu vinā vā tairgṛhe vasan | ātmano vṛttimanvicchan gṛhṇīyātsādhutaḥ sadā || 4.252||
4.252. But if his Gurus are dead, or if he lives separate from them in (another) house, let him, when he seeks a subsistence, accept (presents) from good men alone.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   252

आर्धिकः कुलमित्रं च गोपालो दासनापितौ । एते शूद्रेषु भोज्यान्ना याश्चात्मानं निवेदयेत् ॥ ४.२५३॥
ārdhikaḥ kulamitraṃ ca gopālo dāsanāpitau | ete śūdreṣu bhojyānnā yāścātmānaṃ nivedayet || 4.253||
4.253. His labourer in tillage, a friend of his family, his cow-herd, his slave, and his barber are, among Sudras, those whose food he may eat, likewise (a poor man) who offers himself (to be his slave).

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   253

यादृशोऽस्य भवेदात्मा यादृशं च चिकीर्षितम् । यथा चौपचरेदेनं तथाऽत्मानं निवेदयेत् ॥ ४.२५४॥
yādṛśo'sya bhavedātmā yādṛśaṃ ca cikīrṣitam | yathā caupacaredenaṃ tathā'tmānaṃ nivedayet || 4.254||
4.254. As his character is, as the work is which he desires to perform, and as the manner is in which he means to serve, even so (a voluntary slave) must offer himself.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   254

योऽन्यथा सन्तमात्मानमन्यथा सत्सु भाषते । स पापकृत्तमो लोके स्तेन आत्मापहारकः ॥ ४.२५५॥
yo'nyathā santamātmānamanyathā satsu bhāṣate | sa pāpakṛttamo loke stena ātmāpahārakaḥ || 4.255||
4.255. He who describes himself to virtuous (men), in a manner contrary to truth, is the most sinful (wretch) in this world; he is a thief who makes away with his own self.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   255

वाच्यर्था नियताः सर्वे वाङ्मूला वाग्विनिःसृताः । तांस्तु यः स्तेनयेद्वाचं स सर्वस्तेयकृन्नरः ॥ ४.२५६॥
vācyarthā niyatāḥ sarve vāṅmūlā vāgviniḥsṛtāḥ | tāṃstu yaḥ stenayedvācaṃ sa sarvasteyakṛnnaraḥ || 4.256||
4.256. All things (have their nature) determined by speech; speech is their root, and from speech they proceed; but he who is dishonest with respect to speech, is dishonest in everything.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   256

महर्षिपितृदेवानां गत्वाऽनृण्यं यथाविधि । पुत्रे सर्वं समासज्य वसेन् माध्यस्थ्यम आस्थितः ॥ ४.२५७॥
maharṣipitṛdevānāṃ gatvā'nṛṇyaṃ yathāvidhi | putre sarvaṃ samāsajya vasen mādhyasthyama āsthitaḥ || 4.257||
4.257. When he has paid, according to the law, his debts to the great sages, to the manes, and to the gods, let him make over everything to his son and dwell (in his house), not caring for any worldly concerns.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   257

एकाकी चिन्तयेन्नित्यं विविक्ते हितमात्मनि । एकाकी चिन्तयानो हि परं श्रेयोऽधिगच्छति ॥ ४.२५८॥
ekākī cintayennityaṃ vivikte hitamātmani | ekākī cintayāno hi paraṃ śreyo'dhigacchati || 4.258||
4.258. Alone let him constantly meditate in solitude on that which is salutary for his soul; for he who meditates in solitude attains supreme bliss.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   258

एषौदिता गृहस्थस्य वृत्तिर्विप्रस्य शाश्वती । स्नातकव्रतकल्पश्च सत्त्ववृद्धिकरः शुभः ॥ ४.२५९॥
eṣauditā gṛhasthasya vṛttirviprasya śāśvatī | snātakavratakalpaśca sattvavṛddhikaraḥ śubhaḥ || 4.259||
4.259. Thus have been declared the means by which a Brahmana householder must always subsist, and the summary of the ordinances for a Snataka, which cause an increase of holiness and are praiseworthy.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   259

अनेन विप्रो वृत्तेन वर्तयन् वेदशास्त्रवित् । व्यपेतकल्मषो नित्यं ब्रह्मलोके महीयते ॥ ४.२६०॥
anena vipro vṛttena vartayan vedaśāstravit | vyapetakalmaṣo nityaṃ brahmaloke mahīyate || 4.260||
4.260. A Brahmana who, being learned in the lore of the Vedas, conducts himself in this manner and daily destroys his sins, will be exalted in Brahman’s world.

Adhyaya : 4

Shloka :   260

ॐ श्री परमात्मने नमः

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