Ram Charita Manas

Lanka Kanda

Lanka Kanda is the second last chapter of the epic book, Shri Ram Charita Manas. The Lanka Kand, includes 1 shloka, 118 dohas, 4 sortas, 38 chhands, and 117 chaupais. and begins with Sugriva commanding Nala and Nila to commence building a bridge popularly known as Ram-Setu between Bharata and Lanka.

Before the rama army starts their travel to Lanka, shri rama decides to pray to his chosen deity, Lord Shiva and honors him by constructing a Shivalinga which is one of the 12 Jyotirlingas, Rameshwaram. Shri Rama's army reaches Lanka and takes camp at Mount Suvela where they prepare for the upcoming war.

Ravana is informed of Shri Rama's arrival and decides to play a few tricks with Maa Sita. Queen Mandodari, the wife of Ravana and his son, Prahasta tries to convince Ravana to return Maa Sita to lord rama but Ravana denies it. Vibhishana also requests Ravana to return Maa Sita to Lord Rama and tell Ravana about Shri Rama being a Vishnu Incarnation, Ravana again denies it and throws Vibhishana out of his Kingdom. Vibhishana then seeks refuge under Shri Rama and he accepts him as a valuable aid to him.

Thereafter, the war begins with Ravana sending his commanders one by one with them being killed by Hanuman, Sugreva, and Angad. On the third day, Ravana commands his servants to wake Kumbakarna from his sleep to aid him in the War. Upon disturbing his sleep, Kumbakarna gets angry at Ravana for doing such an unholy deed and again requests him to return Maa Sita. Ravana again ignores it and commands him to go to war. Kumbakarna participates in the war, and kills many but inevitably gets killed by Lord Rama's arrows.

On the fourth day of the War, Laxmana is injured badly by an arrow shot by Indrajit, Ravana's eldest Son. Thereafter, Lord Rama consults Vaidhya, Sushena who informs them of Mrit-Sanjeevani in the Himalayas and asks them to bring them before Sunrise. Shri Rama gives this responsibility to Lord Hanuman who travels almost 8000 Km in one night to bring these herbs. Lord Laxmana is saved by those herbs and vows to kill Indrajit. Vibhishana then informs them of a Yagnya which is being performed by Indrajit, to his deity Nikumbhila. If this yagnya is successful, Indrajit could never be defeated by anyone, so, Visbhishana asks Laxmana to destroy it. He takes them to the place and a war between Laxmana and Indrajit takes place with Indrajit getting killed in the End. Ravana is petrified at the sight of all his commanders and sons being dead and decides to participate in the war. Ravana enters the battlefield on the 5th and final day with all glory and might.

Shri Rama and Ravana fight mercilessly on the battlefield when Lord Rama chops Ravana's head off. Being a demon having no control over his senses, a new head emerges and Ravana fights again. Lord Rama is shocked at this sight and learns about a boon that was given to Ravana by Lord Brahma from Vibhishana. Then Vibhishana guides Lord Rama and requests him to shoot an arrow in Ravana Navel where an Amrit Kalash [Pot of Nectar] is housed and asks to destroy it. Lord Rama acts on the advice given by Vibhishana and shoots an arrow straight at Ravana Navel, ultimately killing him.

With this, the epic war comes to an end and then Lord Rama requests Vibhishana to perform ceremonial rites for Ravana. He then makes Vibhishana king of Lanka and as king, his first command is to Free Maa Sita. Maa Sita is reunited with Lord Rama after giving Agni Pareksha and Vibhishana gifts them Ravana's Pushpak Vimana to go back to Ayodhya.

Entire Lanka Kanda

Chapter Wise

Sarga 1

Lanka Kanda holy invocation

लंका काण्ड पावन मंगलाचरण

Sarga 2

Building of Ram-Setu bridge by Nala and Neela, establishment of Shri Rameshwar Jyotirlinga by Shri Rama.

नल और नील द्वारा राम-सेतु पुल का निर्माण, श्री राम द्वारा श्री रामेश्वर ज्योतिर्लिंग की स्थापना।

Sarga 3

Shri Ram crossing the sea with his army and residing on Subel mountain. Ravana's getting anxious about war.

श्रीराम अपनी सेना सहित समुद्र पार करके सुबेल पर्वत पर निवास करते हैं। रावण का युद्ध के लिये चिन्तित होना |

Sarga 4

Mandodari Convincing Ravana to give back Maa Sita, dialogue between Ravana and Prahast.

मंदोदरी का रावण को सीता माता को वापस देने के लिए समझाना, रावण और प्रहस्त का संवाद।

Sarga 5

Description of Shri Ram's army and moonrise on Subel mountain.

श्रीराम की सेना तथा सुबेल पर्वत पर चन्द्रोदय का वर्णन |

Sarga 6

Ravana's crown falling during an evening musical event from the arrow of Shri Rama.

शाम को संगीतमय कार्यक्रम के दौरान श्री राम के तीर से रावण का मुकुट गिरना।

Sarga 7

Mandodari explaining and praising Shri Rama glory to Ravana

मंदोदरी का रावण को श्री राम की महिमा बताना और उसकी प्रशंसा करना

Sarga 8

Shri rama sending Angad to Lanka and having a dialogue with Ravana in his assembly hall.

श्री राम का अंगद को लंका भेजना और सभा भवन में रावण से संवाद करना।

Sarga 9

Mandodari again convincing Ravana to stop the imminent war by giving back Maa Sita.

मंदोदरी ने फिर से रावण को माँ सीता को वापस देकर आसन्न युद्ध रोकने के लिए समझाया।

Sarga 10

Dialogue between Angad and Shri Ram, preparations for war begins in both camps.

अंगद और श्रीराम के बीच संवाद, दोनों खेमों में युद्ध की तैयारी शुरू हो जाती है।

Sarga 11

The commencement of the Ram-Ravana war

राम-रावण युद्ध का प्रारम्भ |

Sarga 12

Malyawan's tries to convinve Ravana about the imminent fate of war.

माल्यवान युद्ध के आसन्न भाग्य के बारे में रावण को समझाने की कोशिश करता है।

Sarga 13

Laxman-Meghnad war, Laxman getting injured by Maya Shakti of Meghnada.

लक्ष्मण-मेघनाद युद्ध, मेघनाद की माया शक्ति से लक्ष्मण का घायल होना।

Sarga 14

Hanuman bringing Sushena Vaidya and going for Sanjivani Booti, dialogue between Kalnemi and Ravana, Hanuman rescuing Makri and Kalnemi from the rivers.

हनुमान द्वारा सुषेण वैद्य को लाना और संजीवनी बूटी के लिए जाना, कालनेमि और रावण के बीच संवाद, हनुमान द्वारा मकरी और कालनेमि को नदियों से बचाना।

Sarga 15

Hanuman fainting from Bharat's arrow, dialogue between King Bharat and Hanuman.

भरत के बाण से हनुमान की मूर्छा, राजा भरत और हनुमान का संवाद।

Sarga 16

Shri Ram's laments seeing laxmana unconscious, Hanuman's return with an entire mountain and Laxman awakening after administration of Sanjeevani booti.

लक्ष्मण को मूर्छित देखकर श्रीराम का विलाप, हनुमान का पूरा पर्वत लेकर लौटना और संजीवनी बूटी देने के बाद लक्ष्मण का जागना।

Sarga 17

Ravana awakening Kumbhakarna, Kumbhakarna advising Ravana and dialogue between Vibhishana and Kumbhakarna.

रावण द्वारा कुम्भकर्ण को जगाना, कुम्भकर्ण द्वारा रावण को सलाह देना तथा विभीषण व कुम्भकर्ण के बीच संवाद।

Sarga 18

Kumbhakarna's war and his eventual defeat by the arrows of Shri Rama.

कुम्भकर्ण का युद्ध और अंततः श्री राम के बाणों से उसकी पराजय।

Sarga 19

Meghnad's war, Shri Ram's Leela gets tied-in by Nagpash (serpent's noose).

मेघनाद का युद्ध, श्रीराम की लीला नागपाश में बंध जाती है।

Sarga 20

Destruction of Meghnad's Yajna of Nikumbala Devi, his war with laxmana , and Meghnad's liberation after laxmana kills him.

मेघनाद द्वारा निकुंबला देवी के यज्ञ का विध्वंस, लक्ष्मण के साथ उसका युद्ध, और लक्ष्मण के वध के बाद मेघनाद की मुक्ति।

Sarga 21

Ravana departing for war, Shri Ram's victorious chariot and battle among monkey and demons.

रावण का युद्ध हेतु प्रस्थान, श्रीराम का विजयी रथ तथा वानर एवं राक्षसों के बीच युद्ध।

Sarga 22

Laxman-Ravana war

लक्ष्मण-रावण युद्ध

Sarga 23

Ravana losing consciousness, destruction of Ravana's Yagya and Ram-Ravana war.

रावण का मूर्छित होना, रावण के यज्ञ का विध्वंस और राम-रावण युद्ध।

Sarga 24

Indra sending a chariot for Shri Ram, Ram-Ravana epic war

इन्द्र द्वारा श्रीराम के लिए रथ भेजना, राम-रावण महाकाव्य युद्ध

Sarga 25

Ravana attacking Vibhishana with his Maya Shakti, Shri Ram neutralizes power by consuming it, Vibhishana-Ravana war.

रावण अपनी माया शक्ति से विभीषण पर आक्रमण करता है, श्री राम शक्ति को भस्म करके निष्क्रिय कर देते हैं, विभीषण-रावण युद्ध।

Sarga 26

Ravana-Hanuman war, Ravana creating illusions (Maya), Maya's destruction by Shri Rama.

रावण-हनुमान युद्ध, रावण द्वारा माया (माया) रचना, श्री राम द्वारा माया का विनाश।

Sarga 27

Intense battle between Ram and Ravana, Ravana losing consciousness again.

राम और रावण के बीच घमासान युद्ध, रावण फिर से बेहोश हो गया।

Sarga 28

Dialogue between Trijata and Sita about the happenings of war.

युद्ध की घटनाओं के विषय में त्रिजटा और सीता के बीच संवाद।

Sarga 29

Ram-ravana War commences again. Ravana faints again and incidentally dies. Celebrations everywhere over the defeat of Ravana.

पुनः राम-रावण युद्ध प्रारंभ होता है। रावण फिर बेहोश हो गया और संयोगवश मर गया। रावण की पराजय पर सर्वत्र उत्सव मनाया गया।

Sarga 30

Mandodari's laments after Ravana dies, funeral ceremony of Ravana with full honours.

रावण की मृत्यु के बाद मंदोदरी का विलाप, पूरे सम्मान के साथ रावण का अंतिम संस्कार।

Sarga 31

Coronation of Vibhishana

विभीषण का राज्याभिषेक

Sarga 32

Hanuman narrating the story of Sita to her, Sita's arrival and the agni pariksha.

हनुमान उन्हें सीता की कथा, सीता आगमन और अग्निपरीक्षा सुनाते हैं।

Sarga 33

Praise to the gods, rainfall of nectar from Indra.

देवताओं की स्तुति, इन्द्र द्वारा अमृत की वर्षा |

Sarga 34

Vibhishana's prayer, Shri Ram describing Bharat's state of love and requesting Vibhishana to reach Ayodhya soon.

विभीषण की प्रार्थना, श्रीराम द्वारा भरत के प्रेम की स्थिति का वर्णन तथा विभीषण से शीघ्र अयोध्या पहुँचने का अनुरोध।

Sarga 35

Vibhishana showering clothes for monkeys and bears. They accept them and starts wearing them.

विभीषण बंदरों और भालुओं के लिए वस्त्रों की वर्षा कर रहे हैं। वे उन्हें स्वीकार कर लेते हैं और पहनना शुरू कर देते हैं।

Sarga 36

Departure of Shri Sita and Ram for Ayodhya on the Pushpak Viman. Lastly, glory of Shri Ramcharitra Manas.

श्री सीता और राम का पुष्पक विमान से अयोध्या के लिए प्रस्थान। अंत में श्री रामचरित्र मानस की महिमा।

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