Shri Rudram- Chamakam

ॐ श्री परमात्मने नमः

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श्री रुद्र प्रश्नः
śrī rudra praśnaḥ
Salutations to Shri Rudra.

Chamakam Begins

कृष्ण यजुर्वेदीय तैत्तिरीय संहिता चतुर्थं-वैँश्वदेवं काण्डं पञ्चमः प्रपाठकः
kṛṣṇa yajurvēdīya taittirīya saṃhitā chaturthaṃ vaiśvadēva-ṅkāṇḍa-mpañchamaḥ prapāṭhakaḥ
Thus begins the seventh section of the fourth chapter, From the Thaithreeya collection of Krishna Yajur Veda.

अनुवाक १/Anuvaka 1

ॐ अग्ना॑विष्णो स॒जोष॑से॒माव॑र्धन्तु वां॒ गिरः॑ । द्यु॒म्नैर्वाजे॑भि॒राग॑तम् । वाज॑श्च मे प्रस॒वश्च॑ मे॒ प्रय॑तिश्च मे॒ प्रसि॑तिश्च मे धी॒तिश्च॑ मे क्रतु॑श्च मे॒ स्वर॑श्च मे॒ श्लोक॑श्च मे श्रा॒वश्च॑ मे॒ श्रुति॑श्च मे॒ ज्योति॑श्च मे॒ सुव॑श्च मे प्रा॒णश्च॑ मेऽपा॒नश्च॑ मे व्या॒नश्च॒ मेऽसु॑श्च मे चि॒त्तं च॑ म॒ आधी॑तं च मे॒ वाक्च॑ मे॒ मन॑श्च मे॒ चक्षु॑श्च मे॒ श्रोत्रं॑ च मे॒ दक्ष॑श्च मे॒ बलं॑ च म॒ ओज॑श्च मे॒ सह॑श्च म॒ आयु॑श्च मे ज॒रा च॑ म आ॒त्मा च॑ मे त॒नूश्च॑ मे॒ शर्म॑ च मे॒ वर्म॑ च॒ मेऽङ्गा॑नि च मे॒ऽस्थानि॑ च मे॒ परूग्ं॑षि च मे॒ शरी॑राणि च मे ॥ 1 ॥
ōṃ agnā̍viṣṇō sa̠jōṣa̍sē̠māva̍rdhantu vā̠-ṅgira̍ḥ । dyu̠mnairvājē̍bhi̠rāga̍tam । vāja̍ścha mē prasa̠vaścha̍ mē̠ praya̍tiścha mē̠ prasi̍tiścha mē dhī̠tiścha̍ mē kratu̍ścha mē̠ svara̍ścha mē̠ ślōka̍ścha mē śrā̠vaścha̍ mē̠ śruti̍ścha mē̠ jyōti̍ścha mē̠ suva̍ścha mē prā̠ṇaścha̍ mē-'pā̠naścha̍ mē vyā̠naścha̠ mē-'su̍ścha mē chi̠tta-ñcha̍ ma̠ ādhī̍ta-ñcha mē̠ vākcha̍ mē̠ mana̍ścha mē̠ chakṣu̍ścha mē̠ śrōtra̍-ñcha mē̠ dakṣa̍ścha mē̠ bala̍-ñcha ma̠ ōja̍ścha mē̠ saha̍ścha ma̠ āyu̍ścha mē ja̠rā cha̍ ma ā̠tmā cha̍ mē ta̠nūścha̍ mē̠ śarma̍ cha mē̠ varma̍ cha̠ mē-'ṅgā̍ni cha mē̠-'sthāni̍ cha mē̠ parūg̍ṃṣi cha mē̠ śarī̍rāṇi cha mē ॥ 1 ॥
Oh Lord who is fire and who is Vishnu, Both of you be pleased, To show love towards me, Let these words which praise you, Grow forever and you both, Should bless me with food and all wealth. Food is with me. The mind to give food is with me. Cleanliness is with me. Enthusiasm is with me. The capacity to protect is with me. The capacity to earn food is with me. The strength to chant mantras without fault is with me. Fame is with me. The strength to recite properly is with me. Enlightenment inside is with me. Heaven is with me. The spirit of the soul is with me. Aapana is with me. Vyaana is with me. The soul is with me. Thought is with me. Things known by thought are with me. Words are with me. My mind is with me. Eyes are with me. My ears are with me. The strength of organs for gaining knowledge is with me. The strength of sensory organs is with me. The strength of the soul is with me. The strength to defeat enemies is with me. The Span of life is with me. Old age is with me. The soul inside is with me. A good body is with me. Happiness is with me. The Armour to protect the body is with me. Strong stable organs are with me. Bones are with me. Joints are with me. And all other parts of the body are with me. Because I worship Rudra.

अनुवाक २/Anuvaka 2

जैष्ठ्यं॑ च म॒ आधि॑पत्यं च मे म॒न्युश्च॑ मे॒ भाम॑श्च॒ मेऽम॑श्च॒ मेऽम्भ॑श्च मे जे॒मा च॑ मे महि॒मा च॑ मे वरि॒मा च॑ मे प्रथि॒मा च॑ मे व॒र्​ष्मा च॑ मे द्राघु॒या च॑ मे वृ॒द्धं च॑ मे॒ वृद्धि॑श्च मे स॒त्यं च॑ मे श्र॒द्धा च॑ मे॒ जग॑च्च मे॒ धनं॑ च मे॒ वश॑श्च मे॒ त्विषि॑श्च मे क्री॒डा च॑ मे॒ मोद॑श्च मे जा॒तं च॑ मे जनि॒ष्यमा॑णं च मे सू॒क्तं च॑ मे सुकृ॒तं च॑ मे वि॒त्तं च॑ मे॒ वेद्यं॑ च मे भू॒तं च॑ मे भवि॒ष्यच्च॑ मे सु॒गं च॑ मे सु॒पथं॑ च म ऋ॒द्धं च॑ म ऋद्धि॑श्च मे कॢ॒प्तं च॑ मे॒ कॢप्ति॑श्च मे म॒तिश्च॑ मे सुम॒तिश्च॑ मे ॥ 2 ॥
jaiṣṭhya̍-ñcha ma̠ ādhi̍patya-ñcha mē ma̠nyuścha̍ mē̠ bhāma̍ścha̠ mē-'ma̍ścha̠ mē-'mbha̍ścha mē jē̠mā cha̍ mē mahi̠mā cha̍ mē vari̠mā cha̍ mē prathi̠mā cha̍ mē va̠r​ṣmā cha̍ mē drāghu̠yā cha̍ mē vṛ̠ddha-ñcha̍ mē̠ vṛddhi̍ścha mē sa̠tya-ñcha̍ mē śra̠ddhā cha̍ mē̠ jaga̍chcha mē̠ dhana̍-ñcha mē̠ vaśa̍ścha mē̠ tviṣi̍ścha mē krī̠ḍā cha̍ mē̠ mōda̍ścha mē jā̠ta-ñcha̍ mē jani̠ṣyamā̍ṇa-ñcha mē sū̠kta-ñcha̍ mē sukṛ̠ta-ñcha̍ mē vi̠tta-ñcha̍ mē̠ vēdya̍-ñcha mē bhū̠ta-ñcha̍ mē bhavi̠ṣyachcha̍ mē su̠ga-ñcha̍ mē su̠patha̍-ñcha ma ṛ̠ddha-ñcha̍ ma ṛddhi̍ścha mē kL​i̠pta-ñcha̍ mē̠ kL​ipti̍ścha mē ma̠tiścha̍ mē suma̠tiścha̍ mē ॥ 2 ॥
Fame is with me. The capacity to head is with me. Internal anger is with me. External anger is with me. Fathomless mid is with me. Pure cold water is with me. The capacity to win is with me.The capacity to be honored is with me. Immovable assets are with me. My sons and grandsons are with me. Deathless progeny is with me. The pleasure of wealth is with me. The growth of knowledge is with me. Truth is with me. Attention to detail is with me. Assets are with me. Wealth is with me. The capacity to attract is with me. The Luster of the body is with me. Sports is with me. Happiness coming out of that is with me. Whatever has been made is with me. Whatever is being made is with me. Praise of the gods is with me. Good deeds are with me. The saved money is with me. Whatever money I will earn is with me. Earned assets are with me. Assets, which I am going to earn, are with me. Places, which I can easily reach, are with me. Good paths are with me. Good results of sacrifices are with me. Good results, which I am going to earn, are with me. Assets earned in proper ways are with me. Good capacity to carry our things is with me. The capacity to foresee is with me. And stability to manage is with me. And all these are with me. Because I worship Rudra.

अनुवाक ३/Anuvaka 3

शं च॑ मे॒ मय॑श्च मे प्रि॒यं च॑ मेऽनुका॒मश्च॑ मे॒ काम॑श्च मे सौमनस॒श्च॑ मे भ॒द्रं च॑ मे॒ श्रेय॑श्च मे॒ वस्य॑श्च मे॒ यश॑श्च मे॒ भग॑श्च मे॒ द्रवि॑णं च मे य॒न्ता च॑ मे ध॒र्ता च॑ मे॒ क्षेम॑श्च मे॒ धृति॑श्च मे॒ विश्वं॑ च मे॒ मह॑श्च मे सं॒​विँच्च॑ मे॒ ज्ञात्रं॑ च मे॒ सूश्च॑ मे प्र॒सूश्च॑ मे॒ सीरं॑ च मे ल॒यश्च॑ म ऋ॒तं च॑ मे॒ऽमृतं॑ च मेऽय॒क्ष्मं च॒ मेऽना॑मयच्च मे जी॒वातु॑श्च मे दीर्घायु॒त्वं च॑ मेऽनमि॒त्रं च॒ मेऽभ॑यं च मे सु॒गं च॑ मे॒ शय॑नं च मे सू॒षा च॑ मे सु॒दिनं॑ च मे ॥ 3 ॥
śa-ñcha̍ mē̠ maya̍ścha mē pri̠ya-ñcha̍ mē-'nukā̠maścha̍ mē̠ kāma̍ścha mē saumanasa̠ścha̍ mē bha̠dra-ñcha̍ mē̠ śrēya̍ścha mē̠ vasya̍ścha mē̠ yaśa̍ścha mē̠ bhaga̍ścha mē̠ dravi̍ṇa-ñcha mē ya̠ntā cha̍ mē dha̠rtā cha̍ mē̠ kṣēma̍ścha mē̠ dhṛti̍ścha mē̠ viśva̍-ñcha mē̠ maha̍ścha mē sa̠ṃvichcha̍ mē̠ jñātra̍-ñcha mē̠ sūścha̍ mē pra̠sūścha̍ mē̠ sīra̍-ñcha mē la̠yaścha̍ ma ṛ̠ta-ñcha̍ mē̠-'mṛta̍-ñcha mē-'ya̠kṣma-ñcha̠ mē-'nā̍mayachcha mē jī̠vātu̍ścha mē dīrghāyu̠tva-ñcha̍ mē-'nami̠tra-ñcha̠ mē-'bha̍ya-ñcha mē su̠ga-ñcha̍ mē̠ śaya̍na-ñcha mē sū̠ṣā cha̍ mē su̠dina̍-ñcha mē ॥ 3 ॥
The pleasures of this world are with me. Pleasures of the other world are with me. Liking is with me. The desire due to that is with me. The result of the desire is with me. Relatives sweet to the mind are with me. Security is with me. Great fame is with me. Good habitats are with me. All good luck is with me. All wealth is with me. The teacher showing the way is with me. One who carries me like father is with me. Protection of assets is with me. Courage is with me. Good to all are with me. The reward is with me. Knowledge of Vedas and science is with me. The capacity to teach is with me. The capacity to order is with me. The capacity to get work done is with me. A wealth of cattle is with me. The destruction of blocks in my path is with me. Fire sacrifices and other good deeds are with me. The good result of such action is with me. Freedom from tuberculosis is with me. Freedom from small fevers is with me. The medicine for life without sickness is with me. Long life is with me. The state of all people being my friends is with me. The absence of fear is with me. Good conduct is with me. Good sleep is with me. Good mornings are with me. Good days are with me. And all these are with me. Because I worship Rudra.

अनुवाक ४/Anuvaka 4

ऊर्क्च॑ मे सू॒नृता॑ च मे॒ पय॑श्च मे॒ रस॑श्च मे घृ॒तं च॑ मे॒ मधु॑ च मे॒ सग्धि॑श्च मे॒ सपी॑तिश्च मे कृ॒षिश्च॑ मे॒ वृष्टि॑श्च मे॒ जैत्रं॑ च म॒ औद्भि॑द्यं च मे र॒यिश्च॑ मे॒ राय॑श्च मे पु॒ष्टं च मे॒ पुष्टि॑श्च मे वि॒भु च॑ मे प्र॒भु च॑ मे ब॒हु च॑ मे॒ भूय॑श्च मे पू॒र्णं च॑ मे पू॒र्णत॑रं च॒ मेऽक्षि॑तिश्च मे॒ कूय॑वाश्च॒ मेऽन्नं॑ च॒ मेऽक्षु॑च्च मे व्री॒हय॑श्च मे॒ यवा᳚श्च मे॒ माषा᳚श्च मे॒ तिला᳚श्च मे मु॒द्गाश्च॑ मे ख॒ल्वा᳚श्च मे गो॒धूमा᳚श्च मे म॒सुरा᳚श्च मे प्रि॒यङ्ग॑वश्च॒ मेऽण॑वश्च मे श्या॒माका᳚श्च मे नी॒वारा᳚श्च मे ॥ 4 ॥
ūrkcha̍ mē sū̠nṛtā̍ cha mē̠ paya̍ścha mē̠ rasa̍ścha mē ghṛ̠ta-ñcha̍ mē̠ madhu̍ cha mē̠ sagdhi̍ścha mē̠ sapī̍tiścha mē kṛ̠ṣiścha̍ mē̠ vṛṣṭi̍ścha mē̠ jaitra̍-ñcha ma̠ audbhi̍dya-ñcha mē ra̠yiścha̍ mē̠ rāya̍ścha mē pu̠ṣṭa-ñcha mē̠ puṣṭi̍ścha mē vi̠bhu cha̍ mē pra̠bhu cha̍ mē ba̠hu cha̍ mē̠ bhūya̍ścha mē pū̠rṇa-ñcha̍ mē pū̠rṇata̍ra-ñcha̠ mē-'kṣi̍tiścha mē̠ kūya̍vāścha̠ mē-'nna̍-ñcha̠ mē-'kṣu̍chcha mē vrī̠haya̍ścha mē̠ yavā̎ścha mē̠ māṣā̎ścha mē̠ tilā̎ścha mē mu̠dgāścha̍ mē kha̠lvā̎ścha mē gō̠dhūmā̎ścha mē ma̠surā̎ścha mē pri̠yaṅga̍vaścha̠ mē-'ṇa̍vaścha mē śyā̠mākā̎ścha mē nī̠vārā̎ścha mē ॥ 4 ॥
Food is with me. Good words are with me. Milk is with me. The essence of milk is with me. Ghee is with me. Honey is with me. Taking food together with relatives is with me. Drinking together is with me. Agriculture is with me. Rain is with me. Land which gives victory is with me. Production out of plants and trees is with me. Gold is with me. Gems are with me. The greatness that wealth brings is with me. Health is with me. Wealthy harvest is with me. The fame that the harvest brings is with me. Many good things that harvests bring are with me. Further and further growth is with me. Completeness is with me. State above perfection is with me. The deathless state is with me. Maize is with me. Rice food is with me. Wheat is with me. Black gram is with me. Oil seeds are with me. Green gram is with me. Other grams are with me. All types of wheat are with me. Masoor dhal is with me. Lentils are with me. Sorghum is with me. Millets are with me. Red rice is with me. And all these are with me. Because I worship Rudra.

अनुवाक ५/Anuvaka 5

अश्मा॑ च मे॒ मृत्ति॑का च मे गि॒रय॑श्च मे॒ पर्व॑ताश्च मे॒ सिक॑ताश्च मे॒ वन॒स्पत॑यश्च मे॒ हिर॑ण्यं च॒ मेऽय॑श्च मे॒ सीसं॑ च॒ मे त्रपु॑श्च मे श्या॒मं च॑ मे लो॒हं च॑ मेऽग्निश्च॑ म आप॑श्च मे वी॒रुध॑श्च म॒ ओष॑धयश्च मे कृष्टप॒च्यं च॑ मेऽकृष्टपच्यं च॑ मे ग्रा॒म्याश्च॑ मे प॒शव॑ आर॒ण्याश्च॑ य॒ज्ञेन॑ कल्पन्तां-विँ॒त्तं च॑ मे॒ वित्ति॑श्च मे भू॒तं च॑ मे॒ भूति॑श्च मे॒ वसु॑ च मे वस॒तिश्च॑ मे॒ कर्म॑ च मे॒ शक्ति॑श्च॒ मेऽर्थ॑श्च म॒ एम॑श्च म इति॑श्च मे॒ गति॑श्च मे ॥ 5 ॥
aśmā̍ cha mē̠ mṛtti̍kā cha mē gi̠raya̍ścha mē̠ parva̍tāścha mē̠ sika̍tāścha mē̠ vana̠spata̍yaścha mē̠ hira̍ṇya-ñcha̠ mē-'ya̍ścha mē̠ sīsa̍-ñcha̠ mē trapu̍ścha mē śyā̠ma-ñcha̍ mē lō̠ha-ñcha̍ mē-'gniścha̍ ma āpa̍ścha mē vī̠rudha̍ścha ma̠ ōṣa̍dhayaścha mē kṛṣṭapa̠chya-ñcha̍ mē-'kṛṣṭapachya-ñcha̍ mē grā̠myāścha̍ mē pa̠śava̍ āra̠ṇyāścha̍ ya̠jñēna̍ kalpantāṃ vi̠tta-ñcha̍ mē̠ vitti̍ścha mē bhū̠ta-ñcha̍ mē̠ bhūti̍ścha mē̠ vasu̍ cha mē vasa̠tiścha̍ mē̠ karma̍ cha mē̠ śakti̍ścha̠ mē-'rtha̍ścha ma̠ ēma̍ścha ma iti̍ścha mē̠ gati̍ścha mē ॥ 5 ॥
Stones are with me. Mud is with me. Hills are with me. Mountains are with me. Sand is with me. All that grows from soil is with me. Gold is with me. Steel is with me. Lead is with me. Zinc is with me. Black iron is with me. Other metals like copper are with me. Fire is with me. Water is with me. Climbing plants are with me. Medicinal herbs are with me. All, which is cultivated, is with me. All produce, which is not cultivated, is with me. All that is in villages is with me. All that is in the forest is with me. All animals are with me. All material required for fire sacrifice are with me. All assets inherited by me are with me. All assets of children and friends are with me. All my assets are with me. All movable property is with me. All immovable property is with me. All religious duties are with me. Strength to do duty is with me. Good results of duty are with me. Pleasures that can be attained are with me. Methods to attain such pleasures are with me. Attainments are with me. And all these are with me. Because I worship Rudra.

अनुवाक ६/Anuvaka 6

अ॒ग्निश्च॑ म॒ इन्द्र॑श्च मे॒ सोम॑श्च म॒ इन्द्र॑श्च मे सवि॒ता च॑ म॒ इन्द्र॑श्च मे॒ सर॑स्वती च म॒ इन्द्र॑श्च मे पू॒षा च॑ म॒ इन्द्र॑श्च मे॒ बृह॒स्पति॑श्च म॒ इन्द्र॑श्च मे मि॒त्रश्च॑ म॒ इन्द्र॑श्च मे॒ वरु॑णश्च म॒ इन्द्र॑श्च मे॒ त्वष्ठा॑ च म॒ इन्द्र॑श्च मे धा॒ता च॑ म॒ इन्द्र॑श्च मे॒ विष्णु॑श्च म॒ इन्द्र॑श्च मेऽश्विनौ॑ च म॒ इन्द्र॑श्च मे म॒रुत॑श्च म॒ इन्द्र॑श्च मे॒ विश्वे॑ च मे दे॒वा इन्द्र॑श्च मे पृथि॒वी च॑ म॒ इन्द्र॑श्च मेऽन्तरि॑क्षं च म॒ इन्द्र॑श्च मे द्यौश्च॑ म॒ इन्द्र॑श्च मे॒ दिश॑श्च म॒ इन्द्र॑श्च मे मू॒र्धा च॑ म॒ इन्द्र॑श्च मे प्र॒जाप॑तिश्च म॒ इन्द्र॑श्च मे ॥ 6 ॥
a̠gniścha̍ ma̠ indra̍ścha mē̠ sōma̍ścha ma̠ indra̍ścha mē savi̠tā cha̍ ma̠ indra̍ścha mē̠ sara̍svatī cha ma̠ indra̍ścha mē pū̠ṣā cha̍ ma̠ indra̍ścha mē̠ bṛha̠spati̍ścha ma̠ indra̍ścha mē mi̠traścha̍ ma̠ indra̍ścha mē̠ varu̍ṇaścha ma̠ indra̍ścha mē̠ tvaṣṭhā̍ cha ma̠ indra̍ścha mē dhā̠tā cha̍ ma̠ indra̍ścha mē̠ viṣṇu̍ścha ma̠ indra̍ścha mē-'śvinau̍ cha ma̠ indra̍ścha mē ma̠ruta̍ścha ma̠ indra̍ścha mē̠ viśvē̍ cha mē dē̠vā indra̍ścha mē pṛthi̠vī cha̍ ma̠ indra̍ścha mē-'ntari̍kṣa-ñcha ma̠ indra̍ścha mē dyauścha̍ ma̠ indra̍ścha mē̠ diśa̍ścha ma̠ indra̍ścha mē mū̠rdhā cha̍ ma̠ indra̍ścha mē pra̠jāpa̍tiścha ma̠ indra̍ścha mē ॥ 6 ॥
Fire and Indra, Moon and Indra, Sun and Indra, Saraswathi and Indra, Pooshaa and Indra, Teacher of Gods and Indra, Mithra and Indra, Varuna and Indra, Twashtaa and Indra, Dhathaa and Indra, Vishnu and Indra, Aswini devas and Indra, Marut devas and Indra, Viswe devas and Indra, Earth and Indra, Atmosphere and Indra, Heaven and Indra, Four Directions and Indra, The direction overhead and Indra, And Prajaa pathi and Indra Would bless me.

अनुवाक ७/Anuvaka 7

अ॒ग्ं॒शुश्च॑ मे र॒श्मिश्च॒ मेऽदा᳚भ्यश्च॒ मेऽधि॑पतिश्च म उपा॒ग्ं॒शुश्च॑ मेऽन्तर्या॒मश्च॑ म ऐन्द्रवाय॒वश्च॑ मे मैत्रावरु॒णश्च॑ म आश्वि॒नश्च॑ मे प्रतिप्र॒स्थान॑श्च मे शु॒क्रश्च॑ मे म॒न्थी च॑ म आग्रय॒णश्च॑ मे वैश्वदे॒वश्च॑ मे ध्रु॒वश्च॑ मे वैश्वान॒रश्च॑ म ऋतुग्र॒हाश्च॑ मेऽतिग्रा॒ह्या᳚श्च म ऐन्द्रा॒ग्नश्च॑ मे वैश्वदे॒वश्च॑ मे मरुत्व॒तीया᳚श्च मे माहे॒न्द्रश्च॑ म आदि॒त्यश्च॑ मे सावि॒त्रश्च॑ मे सारस्व॒तश्च॑ मे पौ॒ष्णश्च॑ मे पात्नीव॒तश्च॑ मे हारियोज॒नश्च॑ मे ॥ 7 ॥
a̠gṃ̠śuścha̍ mē ra̠śmiścha̠ mē-'dā̎bhyaścha̠ mē-'dhi̍patiścha ma upā̠gṃ̠śuścha̍ mē-'ntaryā̠maścha̍ ma aindravāya̠vaścha̍ mē maitrāvaru̠ṇaścha̍ ma āśvi̠naścha̍ mē pratipra̠sthāna̍ścha mē śu̠kraścha̍ mē ma̠nthī cha̍ ma āgraya̠ṇaścha̍ mē vaiśvadē̠vaścha̍ mē dhru̠vaścha̍ mē vaiśvāna̠raścha̍ ma ṛtugra̠hāścha̍ mē-'tigrā̠hyā̎ścha ma aindrā̠gnaścha̍ mē vaiśvadē̠vaścha̍ mē marutva̠tīyā̎ścha mē māhē̠ndraścha̍ ma ādi̠tyaścha̍ mē sāvi̠traścha̍ mē sārasva̠taścha̍ mē pau̠ṣṇaścha̍ mē pātnīva̠taścha̍ mē hāriyōja̠naścha̍ mē ॥ 7 ॥
The vessels for Soma Yaga are with me. The rays of sun are with me. The vessels of Adhaabhya are with me. The vessels of curd are with me. The vessels to give planet Venus with the juice of Soma are with me. The vessels of Andaryaama are with me. The vessels to give planet Indra with the juice of Soma are with me. The vessels to give Maithra Varuna with the juice of Soma are with me. The month of aaswina is with me. The prathi prasthaana is with me. Shukraa is with me. Mandhee is with me. Aagrayana is with me. Vaiswa deva is with me. The vessels to give star Dhruva with the juice of Soma are with me. The vessels to give seasons with the juice of Soma are with me. Adhigraahya is with me. Aindraagna is with me. Vaiswa deva is with me. Mrud vadheeya is with me. Maahendra is with me. Saveethra is with me. The vessels to give saraswathi with the juice of Soma are with me. Poushna is with me. Paathni vadha is with me And Haari yojana is with me. And all these are with me. As I worship Rudra.

अनुवाक ८/Anuvaka 8

इ॒ध्मश्च॑ मे ब॒र्​हिश्च॑ मे॒ वेदि॑श्च मे॒ दिष्णि॑याश्च मे॒ स्रुच॑श्च मे चम॒साश्च॑ मे॒ ग्रावा॑णश्च मे॒ स्वर॑वश्च म उपर॒वाश्च॑ मेऽधि॒षव॑णे च मे द्रोणकल॒शश्च॑ मे वाय॒व्या॑नि च मे पूत॒भृच्च॑ म आधव॒नीय॑श्च म॒ आग्नी᳚ध्रं च मे हवि॒र्धानं॑ च मे गृ॒हाश्च॑ मे॒ सद॑श्च मे पुरो॒डाशा᳚श्च मे पच॒ताश्च॑ मेऽवभृथश्च॑ मे स्वगाका॒रश्च॑ मे ॥ 8 ॥
i̠dhmaścha̍ mē ba̠r​hiścha̍ mē̠ vēdi̍ścha mē̠ diṣṇi̍yāścha mē̠ srucha̍ścha mē chama̠sāścha̍ mē̠ grāvā̍ṇaścha mē̠ svara̍vaścha ma upara̠vāścha̍ mē-'dhi̠ṣava̍ṇē cha mē drōṇakala̠śaścha̍ mē vāya̠vyā̍ni cha mē pūta̠bhṛchcha̍ ma ādhava̠nīya̍ścha ma̠ āgnī̎dhra-ñcha mē havi̠rdhāna̍-ñcha mē gṛ̠hāścha̍ mē̠ sada̍ścha mē purō̠ḍāśā̎ścha mē pacha̠tāścha̍ mē-'vabhṛthaścha̍ mē svagākā̠raścha̍ mē ॥ 8 ॥
Tender branch pieces of banyan (Samith) are with me Durbha grass is with me. The sacrifice platform is with me. The place to sit for those who do the sacrifice is with me. The ladles for doing the fire sacrifice are with me. The vessels for drinking Soma juice are with me. The stones for crushing the Soma creeper are with me. The wooden pieces are with me. The holes dug in the earth are with me. The plank used to extract juice out of soma creeper is with me. The drona pot is with me. The vaayavyas are with me. The holy pots are with me. The aadavaneeya vessels are with me. The stage of Aagnidran is with me. The platform for keeping materials to be put on the fire is with me. The place for women to sit is with me. The general place for those who want to attend is with me. The cooked rice meant for fire sacrifice is with me. The platforms for animal sacrifice are with me. The bathing done at the end of the sacrifice is with me. And the burning of Samiths in the fire is with me. And all these materials meant for fire sacrifice come to me. As I am a devotee of Rudra.

अनुवाक ९/Anuvaka 9

अ॒ग्निश्च॑ मे घ॒र्मश्च॑ मे॒ऽर्कश्च॑ मे॒ सूर्य॑श्च मे प्रा॒णश्च॑ मेऽश्वमे॒धश्च॑ मे पृथि॒वी च॒ मेऽदि॑तिश्च मे॒ दिति॑श्च मे॒ द्यौश्च॑ मे॒ शक्व॑रीर॒ङ्गुल॑यो॒ दिश॑श्च मे य॒ज्ञेन॑ कल्पन्ता॒मृक्च॑ मे॒ साम॑ च मे॒ स्तोम॑श्च मे॒ यजु॑श्च मे दी॒क्षा च॑ मे॒ तप॑श्च म ऋ॒तुश्च॑ मे व्र॒तं च॑ मेऽहोरा॒त्रयो᳚र्वृ॒ष्ट्या बृ॑हद्रथन्त॒रे च॒ मे य॒ज्ञेन॑ कल्पेताम् ॥ 9 ॥
a̠gniścha̍ mē gha̠rmaścha̍ mē̠-'rkaścha̍ mē̠ sūrya̍ścha mē prā̠ṇaścha̍ mē-'śvamē̠dhaścha̍ mē pṛthi̠vī cha̠ mē-'di̍tiścha mē̠ diti̍ścha mē̠ dyauścha̍ mē̠ śakva̍rīra̠ṅgula̍yō̠ diśa̍ścha mē ya̠jñēna̍ kalpantā̠mṛkcha̍ mē̠ sāma̍ cha mē̠ stōma̍ścha mē̠ yaju̍ścha mē dī̠kṣā cha̍ mē̠ tapa̍ścha ma ṛ̠tuścha̍ mē vra̠ta-ñcha̍ mē-'hōrā̠trayō̎rvṛ̠ṣṭyā bṛ̍hadrathanta̠rē cha̠ mē ya̠jñēna̍ kalpētām ॥ 9 ॥
Let fire be made over to me. Let what has to be done before the fire sacrifice be made over to me. Let Arka sacrifice be made over to me. Let sun sacrifice be made over to me. Let the soul sacrifice be made over to me. Let horse sacrifice be made over to me. Let the God of earth be made over to me. Let the Adhithi God be made over to me. Let the Thidhi God be made over to me. Let Gods of heaven be made over to me. Let the sakvaree meter be made over to me. Let the limbs of supreme purusha be made over to me. Let the different directions be made over to me. Let Rig-veda be made over to me. Let Saama Veda be made over to me. Let Yajur Veda be made over to me. Let the sanctity required to do the fire sacrifice be made over to me. Let the starving rites which would remove sins be made over to me. Let the proper time for fire sacrifice be made over to me. Let the rite of drinking milk from one udder of the cow be made over to me. Let good crop made by ceaseless rain in night and day be made over to me. Let the singing of Samaa be made to me. As I am the devotee of Rudra.

अनुवाक १०/Anuvaka 10

गर्भा᳚श्च मे व॒त्साश्च॑ मे॒ त्र्यवि॑श्च मे त्र्य॒वीच॑ मे दित्य॒वाट् च॑ मे दित्यौ॒ही च॑ मे॒ पञ्चा॑विश्च मे पञ्चा॒वी च॑ मे त्रिव॒त्सश्च॑ मे त्रिव॒त्सा च॑ मे तुर्य॒वाट् च॑ मे तुर्यौ॒ही च॑ मे पष्ठ॒वाट् च॑ मे पष्ठौ॒ही च॑ म उ॒क्षा च॑ मे व॒शा च॑ म ऋष॒भश्च॑ मे वे॒हच्च॑ मेऽन॒ड्वाञ्च मे धे॒नुश्च॑ म॒ आयु॑र्य॒ज्ञेन॑ कल्पतां प्रा॒णो य॒ज्ञेन॑ कल्पतामपा॒नो य॒ज्ञेन॑ कल्पतां॒-व्याँ॒नो य॒ज्ञेन॑ कल्पतां॒ चक्षु॑र्य॒ज्ञेन॑ कल्पता॒ग्॒ श्रोत्रं॑-यँ॒ज्ञेन॑ कल्पतां॒ मनो॑ य॒ज्ञेन॑ कल्पतां॒-वाँग्य॒ज्ञेन॑ कल्पतामा॒त्मा य॒ज्ञेन॑ कल्पतां-यँ॒ज्ञो य॒ज्ञेन॑ कल्पताम् ॥ 10 ॥
garbhā̎ścha mē va̠tsāścha̍ mē̠ tryavi̍ścha mē trya̠vīcha̍ mē ditya̠vāṭ cha̍ mē dityau̠hī cha̍ mē̠ pañchā̍viścha mē pañchā̠vī cha̍ mē triva̠tsaścha̍ mē triva̠tsā cha̍ mē turya̠vāṭ cha̍ mē turyau̠hī cha̍ mē paṣṭha̠vāṭ cha̍ mē paṣṭhau̠hī cha̍ ma u̠kṣā cha̍ mē va̠śā cha̍ ma ṛṣa̠bhaścha̍ mē vē̠hachcha̍ mē-'na̠ḍvāñcha mē dhē̠nuścha̍ ma̠ āyu̍rya̠jñēna̍ kalpatā-mprā̠ṇō ya̠jñēna̍ kalpatāmapā̠nō ya̠jñēna̍ kalpatā̠ṃ vyā̠nō ya̠jñēna̍ kalpatā̠-ñchakṣu̍rya̠jñēna̍ kalpatā̠g̠ śrōtra̍ṃ ya̠jñēna̍ kalpatā̠-mmanō̍ ya̠jñēna̍ kalpatā̠ṃ vāgya̠jñēna̍ kalpatāmā̠tmā ya̠jñēna̍ kalpatāṃ ya̠jñō ya̠jñēna̍ kalpatām ॥ 10 ॥
Let cows with calves in the womb be made over to me. Let calves be made over to me. Let one and half-year-old bulls be made over to me. Let one and half-year-old cows be made over to me. Let two-year-old bulls be made over to me. Let two-year-old cows be made over to me. Let two-and-half-year-old bulls be made over to me. Let two-and-half-year-old cows be made over to me. Let three-year-old bulls be made over to me. Let three-year-old cows be made over to me. Let three-and-half-old bulls be made over to me. Let three-and-half-year-old cows be made over to me. Let four-year-old bulls be made over to me. Let four-year-old cows be made over to me. Let breeding bulls be made over to me. Let barren cows be made over to me. Let bullocks be made over to me. Let cows that have young calves be made over to me. By the fire sacrifice that I perform. Let the fire sacrifice give me long life. Let fire sacrifice give me inhaled air. Let fire sacrifice give me exhaled air. Let fire sacrifice give me able eyes. Let fire sacrifice give me able ears. Let fire sacrifice give me an able mind. Let fire sacrifice give me able words. Let fire sacrifice give me an able soul. Let fire sacrifice give me the ability to perform more fire sacrifices.

अनुवाक ११/Anuvaka 11

एका॑ च मे ति॒स्रश्च॑ मे॒ पञ्च॑ च मे स॒प्त च॑ मे॒ नव॑ च म॒ एका॑दश च मे॒ त्रयो॑दश च मे॒ पञ्च॑दश च मे स॒प्तद॑श च मे॒ नव॑दश च म॒ एक॑विग्ंशतिश्च मे॒ त्रयो॑विग्ंशतिश्च मे॒ पञ्च॑विग्ंशतिश्च मे स॒प्तविग्ं॑शतिश्च मे॒ नव॑विग्ंशतिश्च म॒ एक॑त्रिग्ंशच्च मे॒ त्रय॑स्त्रिग्ंशच्च मे॒ चत॑स्रश्च मे॒ऽष्टौ च॑ मे॒ द्वाद॑श च मे॒ षोड॑श च मे विग्ंश॒तिश्च॑ मे॒ चतु॑र्विग्ंशतिश्च मे॒ऽष्टाविग्ं॑शतिश्च मे॒ द्वात्रिग्ं॑शच्च मे॒ षट्-त्रिग्ं॑शच्च मे चत्वारि॒ग्ं॒शच्च॑ मे॒ चतु॑श्चत्वारिग्ंशच्च मेऽष्टाच॑त्वारिग्ंशच्च मे॒ वाज॑श्च प्रस॒वश्चा॑पि॒जश्च क्रतु॑श्च॒ सुव॑श्च मू॒र्धा च॒ व्यश्नि॑यश्चान्त्याय॒नश्चान्त्य॑श्च भौव॒नश्च॒ भुव॑न॒श्चाधि॑पतिश्च ॥ 11 ॥
ēkā̍ cha mē ti̠sraścha̍ mē̠ pañcha̍ cha mē sa̠pta cha̍ mē̠ nava̍ cha ma̠ ēkā̍daśa cha mē̠ trayō̍daśa cha mē̠ pañcha̍daśa cha mē sa̠ptada̍śa cha mē̠ nava̍daśa cha ma̠ ēka̍vigṃśatiścha mē̠ trayō̍vigṃśatiścha mē̠ pañcha̍vigṃśatiścha mē sa̠ptavig̍ṃśatiścha mē̠ nava̍vigṃśatiścha ma̠ ēka̍trigṃśachcha mē̠ traya̍strigṃśachcha mē̠ chata̍sraścha mē̠-'ṣṭau cha̍ mē̠ dvāda̍śa cha mē̠ ṣōḍa̍śa cha mē vigṃśa̠tiścha̍ mē̠ chatu̍rvigṃśatiścha mē̠-'ṣṭāvig̍ṃśatiścha mē̠ dvātrig̍ṃśachcha mē̠ ṣaṭ-trig̍ṃśachcha mē chatvāri̠g̠ṃśachcha̍ mē̠ chatu̍śchatvārigṃśachcha mē-'ṣṭācha̍tvārigṃśachcha mē̠ vāja̍ścha prasa̠vaśchā̍pi̠jaścha kratu̍ścha̠ suva̍ścha mū̠rdhā cha̠ vyaśni̍yaśchāntyāya̠naśchāntya̍ścha bhauva̠naścha̠ bhuva̍na̠śchādhi̍patiścha ॥ 11 ॥
One is with me. Three is with me. Five is with me. Seven is with me. Nine is with me. Eleven is with me. Thirteen is with me. Fifteen is with me. Seventeen is with me. Nineteen is with me. Twenty-one is with me. Twenty-three is with me. Twenty-five is with me. Twenty-seven is with me. Twenty-nine is with me. Thirty-one is with me. Thirty-three is with me. Four is with me. Eight is with me. Twelve is with me. Sixteen is with me. Twenty is with me. Twenty-four is with me. Twenty-eight is with me. Thirty-two is with me. Thirty-six is with me. Forty is with me. Forty-four is with me. Forty-eight is with me. Food is with me. Production of food is with me. Growth of food is with me. Fire sacrifice is with me. And I request ,The Sun, the reason of all this and The sky at the top and The gods presiding over the sky and The gods presiding over deluge and The deluge and The gods presiding over the world and The world and The god presiding over everything, To be merciful on me.


ॐ इडा॑ देव॒हू-र्मनु॑र्यज्ञ॒नी-र्बृह॒स्पति॑रुक्थाम॒दानि॑ शग्ंसिष॒द्विश्वे॑ दे॒वाः सू᳚क्त॒वाचः॒ पृथि॑विमात॒र्मा मा॑ हिग्ंसी॒र्म॒धु॑ मनिष्ये॒ मधु॑ जनिष्ये॒ मधु॑ वक्ष्यामि॒ मधु॑ वदिष्यामि॒ मधु॑मतीं दे॒वेभ्यो॒ वाच॒मुद्यासग्ंशुश्रूषे॒ण्यां᳚ मनु॒ष्ये᳚भ्य॒स्तं मा॑ दे॒वा अ॑वन्तु शो॒भायै॑ पि॒तरोऽनु॑मदन्तु ॥
ōṃ iḍā̍ dēva̠hū-rmanu̍ryajña̠nī-rbṛha̠spati̍rukthāma̠dāni̍ śagṃsiṣa̠dviśvē̍ dē̠vā-ssū̎kta̠vācha̠ḥ pṛthi̍vimāta̠rmā mā̍ higṃsī̠rma̠dhu̍ maniṣyē̠ madhu̍ janiṣyē̠ madhu̍ vakṣyāmi̠ madhu̍ vadiṣyāmi̠ madhu̍matī-ndē̠vēbhyō̠ vācha̠mudyāsagṃśuśrūṣē̠ṇyā̎-mmanu̠ṣyē̎bhya̠sta-mmā̍ dē̠vā a̍vantu śō̠bhāyai̍ pi̠tarō-'nu̍madantu ॥
Kaama dhenu summons the devaas, Manu conducts the sacrifice, Brihaspathi chants the joy giving manthraas, Viswe devaas tell the methods, Oh mother goddess of earth, Do not give trouble to me. I would think by my mind only sweet things, I would do only sweet things, I would take only sweet things for worship of devas, I would talk of only sweet things, I would only give sweetest things with devaas, And men who want to hear good things, Let the devas protect me who does this way, And let my ancestor gods protect me.
ॐ शान्तिः॒ शान्तिः॒ शान्तिः॑ ॥
ōṃ śānti̠-śśānti̠-śśānti̍ḥ ॥
Let there be peace, let there be peace, let there be peace.

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