Brahma Sutras

Adhyaya - 4

Padaha - 1

ॐ श्री परमात्मने नमः

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॥ अथ चतुर्थोऽध्यायः॥
|| atha caturtho'dhyayah||

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   1

Shloka :   0

ॐ आवृत्तिः असकृदुपदेशात् ॐ ॥ ४.१.१॥
ॐ avrttih asakrdupadesat ॐ || 4.1.1||

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   1

Shloka :   1

ॐ लिङ्गाच्च ॐ ॥ ४.१.२॥
ॐ liṅgacca ॐ || 4.1.2||

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   1

Shloka :   2

ॐ आत्मेति तूपगच्छन्ति ग्राहयन्ति च ॐ ॥ ४.१.३॥
ॐ atmeti tupagacchanti grahayanti ca ॐ || 4.1.3||

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   1

Shloka :   3

ॐ न प्रतीके न हि सः ॐ ॥ ४.१.४॥
ॐ na pratike na hi sah ॐ || 4.1.4||

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   1

Shloka :   4

ॐ ब्रह्मदृष्टिरुत्कर्षात् ॐ ॥ ४.१.५॥
ॐ brahmadrstirutkarsat ॐ || 4.1.5||

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   1

Shloka :   5

ॐ आदित्यादिमतयश्चाङ्ग उपपत्तेः ॐ ॥ ४.१.६॥
ॐ adityadimatayascaṅga upapatteh ॐ || 4.1.6||

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   1

Shloka :   6

ॐ आसीनस्सम्भवात् ॐ ॥ ४.१.७॥
ॐ asinassambhavat ॐ || 4.1.7||

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   1

Shloka :   7

ॐ ध्यानाच्च ॐ ॥ ४.१.८॥
ॐ dhyanacca ॐ || 4.1.8||

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   1

Shloka :   8

ॐ अचलत्वं चापेक्ष्य ॐ ॥ ४.१.९॥
ॐ acalatvam capeksya ॐ || 4.1.9||

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   1

Shloka :   9

ॐ स्मरन्ति च ॐ ॥ ४.१.१०॥
ॐ smaranti ca ॐ || 4.1.10||

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   1

Shloka :   10

ॐ यत्रैकाग्रता तत्राविशेषात् ॐ ॥ ४.१.११॥
ॐ yatraikagrata tatravisesat ॐ || 4.1.11||

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   1

Shloka :   11

ॐ आ प्रायणात्तत्रापि हि दृष्टम् ॐ ॥ ४.१.१२॥
ॐ a prayanattatrapi hi drstam ॐ || 4.1.12||

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   1

Shloka :   12

ॐ तदधिगम उत्तरपूर्वाघयोरश्लेषविनाशौ तद्व्यपदेशात् ॐ ॥ ४.१.१३॥
ॐ tadadhigama uttarapurvaghayoraslesavinasau tadvyapadesat ॐ || 4.1.13||

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   1

Shloka :   13

ॐ इतरस्याप्येवमसंश्लेषः पाते तु ॐ ॥ ४.१.१४॥
ॐ itarasyapyevamasamslesah pate tu ॐ || 4.1.14||

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   1

Shloka :   14

ॐ अनारब्धकार्ये एव तु पूर्वे तदवधेः ॐ ॥ ४.१.१५॥
ॐ anarabdhakarye eva tu purve tadavadheh ॐ || 4.1.15||

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   1

Shloka :   15

ॐ अग्निहोत्रादि तु तत्कार्यायैव तद्दर्शनात् ॐ ॥ ४.१.१६॥
ॐ agnihotradi tu tatkaryayaiva taddarsanat ॐ || 4.1.16||

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   1

Shloka :   16

ॐ अतोऽन्यदपीत्येकेषामुभयोः ॐ ॥ ४.१.१७॥
ॐ ato'nyadapityekesamubhayoh ॐ || 4.1.17||

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   1

Shloka :   17

ॐ यदेव विद्ययेति हि ॐ ॥ ४.१.१८॥
ॐ yadeva vidyayeti hi ॐ || 4.1.18||

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   1

Shloka :   18

ॐ भागेन त्वितरे क्षपयित्वा सम्पत्स्यते ॐ ॥ ४.१.१९॥
ॐ bhagena tvitare ksapayitva sampatsyate ॐ || 4.1.19||

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   1

Shloka :   19

चतुर्थाध्यायस्य प्रथमः पादः समाप्तः
caturthadhyayasya prathamah padah samaptah

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   1

Shloka :   0

॥ अथ चतुर्थोऽध्यायः॥
|| atha caturtho'dhyayah||
The 4th adhyaya begins

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   1

Shloka :   0

ॐ आवृत्तिः असकृदुपदेशात् ॐ ॥ ४.१.१॥
ॐ avrttih asakrdupadesat ॐ || 4.1.1||
Repetition is necessary, since the Upanishads instruct repeatedly.

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   1

Shloka :   1

ॐ लिङ्गाच्च ॐ ॥ ४.१.२॥
ॐ liṅgacca ॐ || 4.1.2||
And (this is so) on account of the indicatory mark

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   1

Shloka :   2

ॐ आत्मेति तूपगच्छन्ति ग्राहयन्ति च ॐ ॥ ४.१.३॥
ॐ atmeti tupagacchanti grahayanti ca ॐ || 4.1.3||
But the Upanishads acknowledge Brahman as the Self and cause It to be so understood.

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   1

Shloka :   3

ॐ न प्रतीके न हि सः ॐ ॥ ४.१.४॥
ॐ na pratike na hi sah ॐ || 4.1.4||
(The aspirant is) not to identify (himself) with a symbol, for he cannot understand himself to be so.

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   1

Shloka :   4

ॐ ब्रह्मदृष्टिरुत्कर्षात् ॐ ॥ ४.१.५॥
ॐ brahmadrstirutkarsat ॐ || 4.1.5||
The sun etc., are to be looked upon as Brahman because of the consequent exaltation.

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   1

Shloka :   5

ॐ आदित्यादिमतयश्चाङ्ग उपपत्तेः ॐ ॥ ४.१.६॥
ॐ adityadimatayascaṅga upapatteh ॐ || 4.1.6||
And the ideas of the sun etc., are surely to be superimposed on the subsidiary parts of the rites, for that is reasonably maintainable.

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   1

Shloka :   6

ॐ आसीनस्सम्भवात् ॐ ॥ ४.१.७॥
ॐ asinassambhavat ॐ || 4.1.7||
One should adore mentally while having a sitting posture, since it is possible in that way alone.

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   1

Shloka :   7

ॐ ध्यानाच्च ॐ ॥ ४.१.८॥
ॐ dhyanacca ॐ || 4.1.8||
And because of (the possibility of) concentration (in that way).

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   1

Shloka :   8

ॐ अचलत्वं चापेक्ष्य ॐ ॥ ४.१.९॥
ॐ acalatvam capeksya ॐ || 4.1.9||
And (meditativeness is attributed) from the standpoint of motionlessness.

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   1

Shloka :   9

ॐ स्मरन्ति च ॐ ॥ ४.१.१०॥
ॐ smaranti ca ॐ || 4.1.10||
Moreover, they mention (this) in the Smritis.

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   1

Shloka :   10

ॐ यत्रैकाग्रता तत्राविशेषात् ॐ ॥ ४.१.११॥
ॐ yatraikagrata tatravisesat ॐ || 4.1.11||
Meditation is to be undertaken wherever the mind gets concentrated, because there is no specification.

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   1

Shloka :   11

ॐ आ प्रायणात्तत्रापि हि दृष्टम् ॐ ॥ ४.१.१२॥
ॐ a prayanattatrapi hi drstam ॐ || 4.1.12||
(Meditation is to be repeated) up till the moment of death, for it is noticed in the scriptures that it is done so even then.

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   1

Shloka :   12

ॐ तदधिगम उत्तरपूर्वाघयोरश्लेषविनाशौ तद्व्यपदेशात् ॐ ॥ ४.१.१३॥
ॐ tadadhigama uttarapurvaghayoraslesavinasau tadvyapadesat ॐ || 4.1.13||
On the realization of That, there occur the non-attachment and destruction of the subsequent and previous sins respectively, because it is declared so.

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   1

Shloka :   13

ॐ इतरस्याप्येवमसंश्लेषः पाते तु ॐ ॥ ४.१.१४॥
ॐ itarasyapyevamasamslesah pate tu ॐ || 4.1.14||
In the very same way there is no attachment of the other (ie., of virtue) as well. Liberation must follow as soon as the body falls.

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   1

Shloka :   14

ॐ अनारब्धकार्ये एव तु पूर्वे तदवधेः ॐ ॥ ४.१.१५॥
ॐ anarabdhakarye eva tu purve tadavadheh ॐ || 4.1.15||
But only those past (virtues and vices) get destroyed which have not begun to bear fruit, for death is set as the limit of waiting for liberation.

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   1

Shloka :   15

ॐ अग्निहोत्रादि तु तत्कार्यायैव तद्दर्शनात् ॐ ॥ ४.१.१६॥
ॐ agnihotradi tu tatkaryayaiva taddarsanat ॐ || 4.1.16||
But Agnihotra conduce to the very same result, for so it is revealed (in the Upanishads).

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   1

Shloka :   16

ॐ अतोऽन्यदपीत्येकेषामुभयोः ॐ ॥ ४.१.१७॥
ॐ ato'nyadapityekesamubhayoh ॐ || 4.1.17||
Besides these, there is also another kind of (good) action with regard to which some people (make the assignment), according to both Jaimini and Badarayana.

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   1

Shloka :   17

ॐ यदेव विद्ययेति हि ॐ ॥ ४.१.१८॥
ॐ yadeva vidyayeti hi ॐ || 4.1.18||
The Upanishadic text, "whatever is done with knowledge" surely indicates this.

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   1

Shloka :   18

ॐ भागेन त्वितरे क्षपयित्वा सम्पत्स्यते ॐ ॥ ४.१.१९॥
ॐ bhagena tvitare ksapayitva sampatsyate ॐ || 4.1.19||
But the (enlightenment) man merges in Brahman after exhausting the other two, (viz., merit and demerit that have started fruition), by experiencing (their results in the present life).

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   1

Shloka :   19

चतुर्थाध्यायस्य प्रथमः पादः समाप्तः
caturthadhyayasya prathamah padah samaptah
Thus ends the 1st padaha of the 4th adhyaya of the holy brahma sutras.

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   1

Shloka :   0

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