Brahma Sutras

Adhyaya - 4

Padaha - 4

ॐ श्री परमात्मने नमः

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ॐ सम्पद्याविहाय स्वेनशब्दात् ॐ ॥ ४.४.१॥
ॐ sampadyavihaya svenasabdat ॐ || 4.4.1||

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   4

Shloka :   1

ॐ मुक्तः प्रतिज्ञानात् ॐ ॥ ४.४.२॥
ॐ muktah pratijñanat ॐ || 4.4.2||

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   4

Shloka :   2

ॐ आत्मा प्रकरणात् ॐ ॥ ४.४.३॥
ॐ atma prakaranat ॐ || 4.4.3||

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   4

Shloka :   3

ॐ अविभागेन दृष्टत्वात् ॐ ॥ ४.४.४॥
ॐ avibhagena drstatvat ॐ || 4.4.4||

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   4

Shloka :   4

ॐ ब्राह्मेण जैमिनिरुपन्यासादिभ्यः ॐ ॥ ४.४.५॥
ॐ brahmena jaiminirupanyasadibhyah ॐ || 4.4.5||

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   4

Shloka :   5

ॐ चितिमात्रेण तदात्मकत्वादित्यौडुलोमिः ॐ ॥ ४.४.६॥
ॐ citimatrena tadatmakatvadityauḍulomih ॐ || 4.4.6||

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   4

Shloka :   6

ॐ एवमप्युपन्यासात्पूर्वभावादविरोधं बादरायणः ॐ ॥ ४.४.७॥
ॐ evamapyupanyasatpurvabhavadavirodham badarayanah ॐ || 4.4.7||

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   4

Shloka :   7

ॐ सङ्कल्पादेव च तच्छ्रुतेः ॐ ॥ ४.४.८॥
ॐ saṅkalpadeva ca tacchruteh ॐ || 4.4.8||

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   4

Shloka :   8

ॐ अत एव चानन्याधिपतिः ॐ ॥ ४.४.९॥
ॐ ata eva cananyadhipatih ॐ || 4.4.9||

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   4

Shloka :   9

ॐ अभावं बादरिराह ह्येवम् ॐ ॥ ४.४.१०॥
ॐ abhavam badariraha hyevam ॐ || 4.4.10||

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   4

Shloka :   10

ॐ भावं जैमिनिर्विकल्पाम्नानात् ॐ ॥ ४.४.११॥
ॐ bhavam jaiminirvikalpamnanat ॐ || 4.4.11||

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   4

Shloka :   11

ॐ द्वादशाहवदुभयविधं बादरायणोऽतः ॐ ॥ ४.४.१२॥
ॐ dvadasahavadubhayavidham badarayano'tah ॐ || 4.4.12||

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   4

Shloka :   12

ॐ तन्वभावे सन्ध्यवदुपपत्तेः ॐ ॥ ४.४.१३॥
ॐ tanvabhave sandhyavadupapatteh ॐ || 4.4.13||

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   4

Shloka :   13

ॐ भावे जाग्रद्वत् ॐ ॥ ४.४.१४॥
ॐ bhave jagradvat ॐ || 4.4.14||

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   4

Shloka :   14

ॐ प्रदीपवदावेशः तथा हि दर्शयति ॐ ॥ ४.४.१५॥
ॐ pradipavadavesah tatha hi darsayati ॐ || 4.4.15||

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   4

Shloka :   15

ॐ स्वाप्ययसम्पत्त्योरन्यतरापेक्षमाविष्कृतं हि ॐ ॥ ४.४.१६॥
ॐ svapyayasampattyoranyatarapeksamaviskrtam hi ॐ || 4.4.16||

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   4

Shloka :   16

ॐ जगद्व्यापारवर्जम् ॐ ॥ ४.४.१७॥
ॐ jagadvyaparavarjam ॐ || 4.4.17||

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   4

Shloka :   17

ॐ प्रकरणादसन्निहितत्वाच्च ॐ ॥ ४.४.१८॥
ॐ prakaranadasannihitatvacca ॐ || 4.4.18||

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   4

Shloka :   18

ॐ प्रत्यक्षोपदेशादिति चेन्नाधिकारिकमण्डलस्थोक्तेः ॐ ॥ ४.४.१९॥
ॐ pratyaksopadesaditi cennadhikarikamanḍalasthokteh ॐ || 4.4.19||

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   4

Shloka :   19

ॐ विकारावर्ति च तथा हि दर्शयति ॐ ॥ ४.४.२०॥
ॐ vikaravarti ca tatha hi darsayati ॐ || 4.4.20||

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   4

Shloka :   20

ॐ स्थितिमाह दर्शयतश्चैवं प्रत्यक्षानुमाने ॐ ॥ ४.४.२१॥
ॐ sthitimaha darsayatascaivam pratyaksanumane ॐ || 4.4.21||

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   4

Shloka :   21

ॐ भोगमात्रसाम्यलिङ्गाच्च ॐ ॥ ४.४.२२॥
ॐ bhogamatrasamyaliṅgacca ॐ || 4.4.22||

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   4

Shloka :   22

ॐ अनावृत्तिः शब्दादनावृत्तिः शब्दात् ॐ ॥ ४.४.२३॥
ॐ anavrttih sabdadanavrttih sabdat ॐ || 4.4.23||

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   4

Shloka :   23

इति श्रीमत्कृष्णद्वैपायनकृतब्रह्मसूत्रेषु
iti srimatkrsnadvaipayanakrtabrahmasutresu

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   4

Shloka :   0

चतुर्थाध्यायस्य चतुर्थः पादः समाप्तः
caturthadhyayasya caturthah padah samaptah

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   4

Shloka :   0

॥ इति चतुर्थोऽध्यायः॥
|| iti caturtho'dhyayah||

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   4

Shloka :   0

ॐ सम्पद्याविहाय स्वेनशब्दात् ॐ ॥ ४.४.१॥
ॐ sampadyavihaya svenasabdat ॐ || 4.4.1||
Having reached the "highest Light", the soul becomes manifest in its own real nature because of the use of the term "in its own"

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   4

Shloka :   1

ॐ मुक्तः प्रतिज्ञानात् ॐ ॥ ४.४.२॥
ॐ muktah pratijñanat ॐ || 4.4.2||
The soul then attains liberation, that being the (Upanishadic) declaration.

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   4

Shloka :   2

ॐ आत्मा प्रकरणात् ॐ ॥ ४.४.३॥
ॐ atma prakaranat ॐ || 4.4.3||
The Light is the Self as it is obvious from the context.

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   4

Shloka :   3

ॐ अविभागेन दृष्टत्वात् ॐ ॥ ४.४.४॥
ॐ avibhagena drstatvat ॐ || 4.4.4||
In liberation the soul exists in a state of inseparableness from the supreme Self, for so it is noticed in the Upanishad.

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   4

Shloka :   4

ॐ ब्राह्मेण जैमिनिरुपन्यासादिभ्यः ॐ ॥ ४.४.५॥
ॐ brahmena jaiminirupanyasadibhyah ॐ || 4.4.5||
Jaimini says that from references etc., (in the Upanishads) (it is evident that the liberated soul) becomes established in the attributes that Brahman has.

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   4

Shloka :   5

ॐ चितिमात्रेण तदात्मकत्वादित्यौडुलोमिः ॐ ॥ ४.४.६॥
ॐ citimatrena tadatmakatvadityauḍulomih ॐ || 4.4.6||
Audulomi says that the liberated soul becomes established in consciousness as consciousness itself, that being its true nature.

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   4

Shloka :   6

ॐ एवमप्युपन्यासात्पूर्वभावादविरोधं बादरायणः ॐ ॥ ४.४.७॥
ॐ evamapyupanyasatpurvabhavadavirodham badarayanah ॐ || 4.4.7||
Badarayana says that even so, there is no contradiction, since the earlier nature exists according to Upanishadic reference.

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   4

Shloka :   7

ॐ सङ्कल्पादेव च तच्छ्रुतेः ॐ ॥ ४.४.८॥
ॐ saṅkalpadeva ca tacchruteh ॐ || 4.4.8||
(The fathers and others come) as a result of the will alone, because the Upanishad says so.

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   4

Shloka :   8

ॐ अत एव चानन्याधिपतिः ॐ ॥ ४.४.९॥
ॐ ata eva cananyadhipatih ॐ || 4.4.9||
And for that very reason (a man of knowledge has) no other lord (to rule over him).

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   4

Shloka :   9

ॐ अभावं बादरिराह ह्येवम् ॐ ॥ ४.४.१०॥
ॐ abhavam badariraha hyevam ॐ || 4.4.10||
Badari asserts the absence of body and organs (for one who reaches the Brahma-loka - the world of Brahman), for the Upanishad says so.

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   4

Shloka :   10

ॐ भावं जैमिनिर्विकल्पाम्नानात् ॐ ॥ ४.४.११॥
ॐ bhavam jaiminirvikalpamnanat ॐ || 4.4.11||
Jaimini asserts the existence of body and sense-organs (after the realization of the qualified Brahman), since the Upanishad speaks of option.

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   4

Shloka :   11

ॐ द्वादशाहवदुभयविधं बादरायणोऽतः ॐ ॥ ४.४.१२॥
ॐ dvadasahavadubhayavidham badarayano'tah ॐ || 4.4.12||
Hence Badarayana considers the released souls to be of both kinds (ie., with or without bodies and senses) just as it is the case with the Dvadasaha (twelve-day) sacrifice.

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   4

Shloka :   12

ॐ तन्वभावे सन्ध्यवदुपपत्तेः ॐ ॥ ४.४.१३॥
ॐ tanvabhave sandhyavadupapatteh ॐ || 4.4.13||
In the absence of a body, the fulfilment of desires is reasonably possible as in dreams.

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   4

Shloka :   13

ॐ भावे जाग्रद्वत् ॐ ॥ ४.४.१४॥
ॐ bhave jagradvat ॐ || 4.4.14||
When the body exists, the fulfilment of the desires is just as in the waking state.

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   4

Shloka :   14

ॐ प्रदीपवदावेशः तथा हि दर्शयति ॐ ॥ ४.४.१५॥
ॐ pradipavadavesah tatha hi darsayati ॐ || 4.4.15||
The released soul can animate different bodies like a lamp, for the scripture shows this to be so.

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   4

Shloka :   15

ॐ स्वाप्ययसम्पत्त्योरन्यतरापेक्षमाविष्कृतं हि ॐ ॥ ४.४.१६॥
ॐ svapyayasampattyoranyatarapeksamaviskrtam hi ॐ || 4.4.16||
(The declaration of the absence of particularized knowledge is made) from either of the two points of view, viz., deep sleep and absolute union; for this is made clear in the Upanishad.

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   4

Shloka :   16

ॐ जगद्व्यापारवर्जम् ॐ ॥ ४.४.१७॥
ॐ jagadvyaparavarjam ॐ || 4.4.17||
The released soul gets all the divine powers except that of running the universe (with its creation, continuance and dissolution), as is known from the context (which deals with God) and from the non-proximity (of the individual soul).

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   4

Shloka :   17

ॐ प्रकरणादसन्निहितत्वाच्च ॐ ॥ ४.४.१८॥
ॐ prakaranadasannihitatvacca ॐ || 4.4.18||
If it be held (that the powers of the liberated soul are unlimited) owing to direct scriptural declaration, then it is not so, since it is (the attainment) of Him (i.e., God) who appoints others as lords of the spheres and resides in those spheres that is spoken of (in the Upanishad).

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   4

Shloka :   18

ॐ प्रत्यक्षोपदेशादिति चेन्नाधिकारिकमण्डलस्थोक्तेः ॐ ॥ ४.४.१९॥
ॐ pratyaksopadesaditi cennadhikarikamanḍalasthokteh ॐ || 4.4.19||
And there is another form of the supreme Lord that does not abide in the effect, for so has the Upanishad declared.

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   4

Shloka :   19

ॐ विकारावर्ति च तथा हि दर्शयति ॐ ॥ ४.४.२०॥
ॐ vikaravarti ca tatha hi darsayati ॐ || 4.4.20||
And both the Upanishadic and Smriti texts show thus (that the supreme Light is beyond all changing things).

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   4

Shloka :   20

ॐ स्थितिमाह दर्शयतश्चैवं प्रत्यक्षानुमाने ॐ ॥ ४.४.२१॥
ॐ sthitimaha darsayatascaivam pratyaksanumane ॐ || 4.4.21||
Also from the indicatory mark in the Upanishads about the equality of experience alone (it is known that the liberated souls do not get unfettered powers).

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   4

Shloka :   21

ॐ भोगमात्रसाम्यलिङ्गाच्च ॐ ॥ ४.४.२२॥
ॐ bhogamatrasamyaliṅgacca ॐ || 4.4.22||
There is no return for the released souls on the strength of the Upanishadic declaration; there is no return for the released souls on the strength of the Upanishadic declaration.

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   4

Shloka :   22

ॐ अनावृत्तिः शब्दादनावृत्तिः शब्दात् ॐ ॥ ४.४.२३॥
ॐ anavrttih sabdadanavrttih sabdat ॐ || 4.4.23||

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   4

Shloka :   23

इति श्रीमत्कृष्णद्वैपायनकृतब्रह्मसूत्रेषु चतुर्थाध्यायस्य चतुर्थः पादः समाप्तः
iti srimatkrsnadvaipayanakrtabrahmasutresu caturthadhyayasya caturthah padah samaptah
Thus ends the 4th padaha of the 4th adhyaya of the holy brahma sutras.

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   4

Shloka :   0

॥ इति चतुर्थोऽध्यायः॥
|| iti caturtho'dhyayah||
The 4th adhyaya ends.

Adhyaya : 4

Padaha :   4

Shloka :   0

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