
Guru Kavacham

ॐ श्री परमात्मने नमः

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अस्य श्रीबृहस्पति कवचमहा मन्त्रस्य, ईश्वर ऋषिः, अनुष्टुप् छन्दः, बृहस्पतिर्देवता, गं बीजं, श्रीं शक्तिः, क्लीं कीलकम्, बृहस्पति प्रसाद सिद्ध्यर्थे जपे विनियोगः ॥
asya sribrhaspati kavachamaha mantrasya, isvara rsih, anustup Chandah, brhaspatirdevata, gam bijam, srim saktih, klim kilakam, brhaspati prasada siddhyarthe jape viniyogah ॥
For the great chant of Armour to Jupiter the sage is Easwara, and The meter is anushtup. The God is Brahaspathi. The root is Gam[गं]. The power is Goddess Lakshmi. The nail is Kleem[क्लीं ]. The chant is being done to please Guru.


अभीष्टफलदं वन्दे सर्वज्ञं सुरपूजितम् । अक्षमालाधरं शान्तं प्रणमामि बृहस्पतिम् ॥
abhistaphaladam vande sarvajnam surapujitam । aksamaladharam santam pranamami brhaspatim ॥
I salute sage Brahaspathi, Who fulfills our wishes, Who knows everything, Who is worshipped by all devas, Who wears the garland of beads, And who is peaceful.

अथ बृहस्पति कवचम्/atha brhaspati kavacham

बृहस्पतिः शिरः पातु ललाटं पातु मे गुरुः । कर्णौ सुरगुरुः पातु नेत्रे मेभीष्टदायकः ॥ 1 ॥
brhaspatih sirah patu lalatam patu me guruh । karnau suraguruh patu netre mebhistadayakah ॥ 1 ॥
Let Brahaspathi protect my head, Let Guru protect my forehead, Let my ears be protected by a teacher of devas, And let my eyes be protected by he who fulfills wishes.

जिह्वां पातु सुराचार्यः नासं मे वेदपारगः । मुखं मे पातु सर्वज्ञः कण्ठं मे देवतागुरुः ॥ 2 ॥
jihvam patu suracharyah nasam me vedaparagah । mukham me patu sarvajnah kantham me devataguruh ॥ 2 ॥
Let the teacher of devas protect my tongue, Let my nose be protected by the expert in Vedas, Let the all-knowing one protect my face, And let my neck be protected by a teacher of devas.
भुजा वङ्गीरसः पातु करौ पातु शुभप्रदः । स्तनौ मे पातु वागीशः कुक्षिं मे शुभलक्षणः ॥ 3 ॥
bhuja vangirasah patu karau patu subhapradah । stanau me patu vagisah kuksim me subhalaksanah ॥ 3 ॥
Let my hand be protected by Angeeras [Father of Guru], Let my arms be protected by he who does good, Let the master of speech protect my chest, And let he who looks good protect my stomach.
नाभिं देवगुरुः पातु मध्यं पातु सुखप्रदः । कटिं पातु जगद्वन्द्यः ऊरू मे पातु वाक्पतिः ॥ 4 ॥
nabhim devaguruh patu madhyam patu sukhapradah । katim patu jagadvandyah uru me patu vakpatih ॥ 4 ॥
Let my belly be protected by Guru, Let he who does good protect my middle, Let my hip be protected by he who is saluted by the universe, And let the master of words protect my legs.
जानुजङ्घे सुराचार्यः पादौ विश्वात्मकः सदा । अन्यानि यानि चाङ्गानि रक्षेन्मे सर्वतो गुरुः ॥ 5 ॥
janujanghe suracharyah padau visvatmakah sada । anyani yani changani raksenme sarvato guruh ॥ 5 ॥
Let the teacher of devas protect my thighs and knee, Let my feet be protected by the soul of the world, And let all other parts of my body be always be protected by Guru.

फलशृतिः / Phalashrutih

इत्येतत्कवचं दिव्यं त्रिसन्ध्यं यः पठेन्नरः । सर्वान् कामानवाप्नोति सर्वत्र विजयी भवेत् ॥
ityetatkavacham divyam trisandhyam yah pathennarah । sarvan kamanavapnoti sarvatra vijayi bhavet ॥
If this holy armour is read by men at dawn, noon and dusk, They would succeed in all their acts, And would gain victory everywhere.

॥ इति श्री बृहस्पति कवचम् ॥
॥ iti sri brhaspati kavacham ॥
Thus ends the armour of Jupiter which occurs in Brahmyaloktham.
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