
Shani Kavacham

ॐ श्री परमात्मने नमः

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नीलाम्बरो नीलवपुः किरीटी गृध्रस्थितास्त्रकरो धनुष्मान् । चतुर्भुजः सूर्यसुतः प्रसन्नः सदा ममस्याद्वरदः प्रशान्तः ॥
nilambaro nilavapuh kiriti grdhrasthitastrakaro dhanusman । chaturbhujah suryasutah prasannah sada mamasyadvaradah prasantah ॥
Oh holy god dressed in blue silk, who has a blue body, Who wears a crown, who sits on vulture, Who gives misfortunes, who is armed with a bow, Who has four hands and who is the son of Sun God, Be pleased with me always and happily grant me boons.

ब्रह्मा उवाच । /brahmā uvācha ।

शृणुध्वं ऋषयः सर्वे शनि पीडाहरं महत् । कवचं शनिराजस्य सौरैरिदमनुत्तमम् ॥
srnudhvam rsayah sarve sani piḍaharam mahat । kavacham sanirajasya saurairidamanuttamam ॥
Be pleased to hear oh sage, the great armor, Which is a cure to all misery brought by King Sani, Who is incomparably great in the clan of the Sun.
कवचं देवतावासं वज्र पञ्जर संङ्गकम् । शनैश्चर प्रीतिकरं सर्वसौभाग्यदायकम् ॥
kavacham devatavasam vajra panjara samngakam । sanaischara pritikaram sarvasaubhagyadayakam ॥
This armour called thunderbolt shield in which gods live, Is very dear to the slow moving planet, and brings all luck.

अथ श्री शनि वज्र पञ्जर कवचम् । /atha śrī śani vajra panjara kavacham ।

ॐ श्री शनैश्चरः पातु भालं मे सूर्यनन्दनः । नेत्रे छायात्मजः पातु पातु कर्णौ यमानुजः ॥ १ ॥
om sri sanaischarah patu bhalam me suryanandanah । netre Chayatmajah patu patu karnau yamanujah ॥ 1 ॥
Om, Oh God Saturn, let the son of Sun protect my forehead, Let the darling son of Chaya protect my eyes, Lat my ears be protected by the brother of Yama.

नासां वैवस्वतः पातु मुखं मे भास्करः सदा । स्निग्धकण्ठश्च मे कण्ठं भुजौ पातु महाभुजः ॥ २ ॥
nasam vaivasvatah patu mukham me bhaskarah sada । snigdhakanthascha me kantham bhujau patu mahabhujah ॥ 2 ॥
Let my nose be protected by Sun God, Let the illuminator always protect my face, Let he with a pleasant voice protect my voice, And let the great armed God protect my arms.
स्कन्धौ पातु शनिश्चैव करौ पातु शुभप्रदः । वक्षः पातु यमभ्राता कुक्षिं पात्वसितस्तथा ॥ ३ ॥
skandhau patu sanischaiva karau patu subhapradah । vaksah patu yamabhrata kuksim patvasitastatha ॥ 3 ॥
Let my shoulders be protected by Shani, Let my hands be protected by he who does good, Let the brother of Yama protect my chest, And the one who is dark in color protect my navel.
नाभिं ग्रहपतिः पातु मन्दः पातु कटिं तथा । ऊरू ममान्तकः पातु यमो जानुयुगं तथा ॥ ४ ॥
nabhim grahapatih patu mandah patu katim tatha । uru mamantakah patu yamo januyugam tatha ॥ 4 ॥
Let my stomach be protected by the lord of all planets, Let the slow mover protect my hips, Let he who makes end protect my thighs, And let Yama protect my pair of knees.
पादौ मन्दगतिः पातु सर्वाङ्गं पातु पिप्पलः । अङ्गोपाङ्गानि सर्वाणि रक्षेन् मे सूर्यनन्दनः ॥ ५ ॥
padau mandagatih patu sarvangam patu pippalah । angopangani sarvani raksen me suryanandanah ॥ 5 ॥
Let my legs be protected by him with slow speed, Let all my organs be protected by he who wears the coat, And all my primary and secondary organs, Be protected by the darling son of the Sun God.


इत्येतत्कवचं दिव्यं पठेत्सूर्यसुतस्य यः । न तस्य जायते पीडा प्रीतो भवति सूर्यजः ॥ ६ ॥
ityetatkavacham divyam pathetsuryasutasya yah । na tasya jayate piḍa prito bhavati suryajah ॥
If this armour of the son of the Sun God is read, No misery will come to him and, The son of Sun God would be pleased with him.

व्ययजन्मद्वितीयस्थो मृत्युस्थानगतोपिवा । कलत्रस्थो गतोवापि सुप्रीतस्तु सदा शनिः ॥ ७ ॥
vyayajanmadvitiyastho mrtyusthanagatopiva । kalatrastho gatovapi supritastu sada sanih ॥
Whether Saturn occupies the twelfth, first or second house, Or even goes to the house of death or occupies the seventh star, Saturn will always be pleased with him.
अष्टमस्थो सूर्यसुते व्यये जन्मद्वितीयगे । कवचं पठते नित्यं न पीडा जायते क्वचित् ॥ 8 ॥
astamastho suryasute vyaye janmadvitiyage । kavacham pathate nityam na piḍa jayate kvachit ॥
If the son of Sun God is in eighth, twelfth, first or second house, Daily reading this Kavacham, no misery would ever be caused.
इत्येतत्कवचं दिव्यं सौरेर्यन्निर्मितं पुरा । द्वादशाष्टमजन्मस्थदोषान्नाशयते सदा । जन्मलग्नस्थितान् दोषान् सर्वान्नाशयते प्रभुः ॥ ९ ॥
ityetatkavacham divyam saureryannirmitam pura । dvadasastamajanmasthadosannasayate sada । janmalagnasthitan dosan sarvannasayate prabhuh ॥
This holy divine armor composed by Sun in ancient times, Would destroy the ills caused by the eighth, twelfth, first, and second house, And also destroy the bad effects of Saturn occupying the Lagna Rashi.
इति श्री ब्रह्माण्डपुराणे ब्रह्मनारदसंवादे शनिवज्रपञ्जर कवचं सम्पूर्णम् ॥
iti sri brahmanḍapurane brahmanaradasamvade sanivajrapanjara kavacham sampurnam ॥
Thus ends the thunderbolt armour of Saturn, Occuring in the discussion between Brahma and sage Narada, In Brahmanda Puranam.
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