
Shukra Kavacham

ॐ श्री परमात्मने नमः

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मृणालकुन्देन्दुपयोजसुप्रभं पीताम्बरं प्रसृतमक्षमालिनम् । समस्तशास्त्रार्थविधिं महान्तं ध्यायेत्कविं वाञ्छितमर्थसिद्धये ॥ 1 ॥
mrnalakundendupayojasuprabham pitambaram prasrtamaksamalinam । samastasastrarthavidhim mahantam dhyayetkavim vanChitamarthasiddhaye ॥ 1 ॥
All desires would get fulfilled by meditating on that poet, Who shines like the white lotus born out of the sea, Who wears yellow silks, who is known to wear garland of beads, And who is a very great individual knowing the meaning of all sasthras.

अथ शुक्रकवचम्/atha śukrakavacham

शिरो मे भार्गवः पातु भालं पातु ग्रहाधिपः । नेत्रे दैत्यगुरुः पातु श्रोत्रे मे चन्दनद्युतिः ॥ 2 ॥
siro me bhargavah patu bhalam patu grahadhipah । netre daityaguruh patu srotre me chandanadyutih ॥ 2 ॥
Let the son of Brugu protect my head, Let the lord of planets protect my hair, Let the teacher of asuras protect my eyes, And let my ears be protected by he who is lustrous like sandalwood.

पातु मे नासिकां काव्यो वदनं दैत्यवन्दितः । वचनं चोशनाः पातु कण्ठं श्रीकण्ठभक्तिमान् ॥ 3 ॥
patu me nasikam kavyo vadanam daityavanditah । vachanam chosanah patu kantham srikanthabhaktiman ॥ 3 ॥
Let the writer of epics protect my nose, Let my face be protected by he who is worshipped by asuras, Let my words be protected by the hungry one, And let my neck be protected by the great devotee of Vishnu.
भुजौ तेजोनिधिः पातु कुक्षिं पातु मनोव्रजः । नाभिं भृगुसुतः पातु मध्यं पातु महीप्रियः ॥ 4 ॥
bhujau tejonidhih patu kuksim patu manovrajah । nabhim bhrgusutah patu madhyam patu mahipriyah ॥ 4 ॥
Let my hand be protected by the treasure of light, Let my belly be protected by him who is the choice of my mind, Let my stomach be protected by son of Brughu, And let my middle be protected by the darling of earth.
कटिं मे पातु विश्वात्मा उरू मे सुरपूजितः । जानुं जाड्यहरः पातु जङ्घे ज्ञानवतां वरः ॥ 5 ॥
katim me patu visvatma uru me surapujitah । janum jaḍyaharah patu janghe jnanavatam varah ॥ 5 ॥
Let my hip be protected by soul of the universe, Let my thigh be protected by him who is worshipped by devas, Let my knees be protected by enemy of sluggishness, And let my calf be protected by he who is great among knowledgeable.
गुल्फौ गुणनिधिः पातु पातु पादौ वराम्बरः । सर्वाण्यङ्गानि मे पातु स्वर्णमालापरिष्कृतः ॥ 6 ॥
gulphau gunanidhih patu patu padau varambarah । sarvanyangani me patu svarnamalapariskrtah ॥ 6 ॥
Let my ankle be protected by treasure of goodness, Let my feet be protected by he who grants boons, And let all my limbs be protected by he who wears golden garland.


य इदं कवचं दिव्यं पठति श्रद्धयान्वितः । न तस्य जायते पीडा भार्गवस्य प्रसादतः ॥ 7 ॥
ya idam kavacham divyam pathati sraddhayanvitah । na tasya jayate piḍa bhargavasya prasadatah ॥ 7 ॥
He who reads this armour with devotion, Will never get any problems by the grace of son of Brugu.

॥ इति श्रीब्रह्माण्डपुराणे शुक्रकवचं सम्पूर्णम् ॥
॥ iti sribrahmanḍapurane sukrakavacham sampurnam ॥
Thus ends the armour of Venus occurring in Brahmanda Purana.
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