Manu Smriti

Adhyaya 7

ॐ श्री परमात्मने नमः

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राजधर्मान् प्रवक्ष्यामि यथावृत्तो भवेन्नृपः । सम्भवश्च यथा तस्य सिद्धिश्च परमा यथा ॥ ७.१॥
rājadharmān pravakṣyāmi yathāvṛtto bhavennṛpaḥ | sambhavaśca yathā tasya siddhiśca paramā yathā || 7.1||
7.1. I will declare the duties of kings, (and) show how a king should conduct himself, how he was created, and how (he can obtain) highest success.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   1

ब्राह्मं प्राप्तेन संस्कारं क्षत्रियेण यथाविधि । सर्वस्यास्य यथान्यायं कर्तव्यं परिरक्षणम् ॥ ७.२॥
brāhmaṃ prāptena saṃskāraṃ kṣatriyeṇa yathāvidhi | sarvasyāsya yathānyāyaṃ kartavyaṃ parirakṣaṇam || 7.2||
7.2. A Kshatriya, who has received according to the rule the sacrament prescribed by the Veda, must duly protect this whole (world).

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   2

अराजके हि लोकेऽस्मिन् सर्वतो विद्रुतो भयात् । रक्षार्थमस्य सर्वस्य राजानमसृजत्प्रभुः ॥ ७.३॥
arājake hi loke'smin sarvato vidruto bhayāt | rakṣārthamasya sarvasya rājānamasṛjatprabhuḥ || 7.3||
7.3. For, when these creatures, being without a king, through fear dispersed in all directions, the Lord created a king for the protection of this whole (creation),

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   3

इन्द्रानिलयमार्काणामग्नेश्च वरुणस्य च । चन्द्रवित्तेशयोश्चैव मात्रा निर्हृत्य शाश्वतीः ॥ ७.४॥
indrānilayamārkāṇāmagneśca varuṇasya ca | candravitteśayoścaiva mātrā nirhṛtya śāśvatīḥ || 7.4||
7.4. Taking (for that purpose) eternal particles of Indra, of the Wind, of Yama, of the Sun, of Fire, of Varuna, of the Moon, and of the Lord of wealth (Kubera).

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   4

यस्मादेषां सुरेन्द्राणां मात्राभ्यो निर्मितो नृपः । तस्मादभिभवत्येष सर्वभूतानि तेजसा ॥ ७.५॥
yasmādeṣāṃ surendrāṇāṃ mātrābhyo nirmito nṛpaḥ | tasmādabhibhavatyeṣa sarvabhūtāni tejasā || 7.5||
7.5. Because a king has been formed of particles of those lords of the gods, he therefore surpasses all created beings in lustre;

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   5

तपत्यादित्यवच्चैष चक्षूंषि च मनांसि च । न चैनं भुवि शक्नोति कश्चिदप्यभिवीक्षितुम् ॥ ७.६॥
tapatyādityavaccaiṣa cakṣūṃṣi ca manāṃsi ca | na cainaṃ bhuvi śaknoti kaścidapyabhivīkṣitum || 7.6||
7.6. And, like the sun, he burns eyes and hearts; nor can anybody on earth even gaze on him.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   6

सोऽग्निर्भवति वायुश्च सोऽर्कः सोमः स धर्मराट् । स कुबेरः स वरुणः स चैन्द्रः स्वप्रभावतः ॥ ७.७॥
so'gnirbhavati vāyuśca so'rkaḥ somaḥ sa dharmarāṭ | sa kuberaḥ sa varuṇaḥ sa caindraḥ svaprabhāvataḥ || 7.7||
7.7. Through his (supernatural) power he is Fire and Wind, he Sun and Moon, he the Lord of justice (Yama), he Kubera, he Varuna, he great Indra.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   7

बालोऽपि नावमान्तव्यो मनुष्य इति भूमिपः । महती देवता ह्येषा नररूपेण तिष्ठति ॥ ७.८॥
bālo'pi nāvamāntavyo manuṣya iti bhūmipaḥ | mahatī devatā hyeṣā nararūpeṇa tiṣṭhati || 7.8||
7.8. Even an infant king must not be despised, (from an idea) that he is a (mere) mortal; for he is a great deity in human form.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   8

एकमेव दहत्यग्निर्नरं दुरुपसर्पिणम् । कुलं दहति राजाऽग्निः सपशुद्रव्यसञ्चयम् ॥ ७.९॥
ekameva dahatyagnirnaraṃ durupasarpiṇam | kulaṃ dahati rājā'gniḥ sapaśudravyasañcayam || 7.9||
7.9. Fire burns one man only, if he carelessly approaches it, the fire of a king’s (anger) consumes the (whole) family, together with its cattle and its hoard of property.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   9

कार्यं सोऽवेक्ष्य शक्तिं च देशकालौ च तत्त्वतः । कुरुते धर्मसिद्ध्यर्थं विश्वरूपं पुनः पुनः ॥ ७.१०॥
kāryaṃ so'vekṣya śaktiṃ ca deśakālau ca tattvataḥ | kurute dharmasiddhyarthaṃ viśvarūpaṃ punaḥ punaḥ || 7.10||
7.10. Having fully considered the purpose, (his) power, and the place and the time, he assumes by turns many (different) shapes for the complete attainment of justice.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   10

यस्य प्रसादे पद्मा श्रीर्विजयश्च पराक्रमे । मृत्युश्च वसति क्रोधे सर्वतेजोमयो हि सः ॥ ७.११॥
yasya prasāde padmā śrīrvijayaśca parākrame | mṛtyuśca vasati krodhe sarvatejomayo hi saḥ || 7.11||
7.11. He, in whose favour resides Padma, the goddess of fortune, in whose valour dwells victory, in whose anger abides death, is formed of the lustre of all (gods).

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   11

तं यस्तु द्वेष्टि संमोहात्स विनश्यत्यसंशयम् । तस्य ह्याशु विनाशाय राजा प्रकुरुते मनः ॥ ७.१२॥
taṃ yastu dveṣṭi saṃmohātsa vinaśyatyasaṃśayam | tasya hyāśu vināśāya rājā prakurute manaḥ || 7.12||
7.12. The (man), who in his exceeding folly hates him, will doubtlessly perish; for the king quickly makes up his mind to destroy such (a man).

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   12

तस्माद्धर्मं यमिष्टेषु स व्यवस्येन्नराधिपः । अनिष्टं चाप्यनिष्टेषु तं धर्मं न विचालयेत् ॥ ७.१३॥
tasmāddharmaṃ yamiṣṭeṣu sa vyavasyennarādhipaḥ | aniṣṭaṃ cāpyaniṣṭeṣu taṃ dharmaṃ na vicālayet || 7.13||
7.13. Let no (man), therefore, transgress that law which favourites, nor (his orders) which inflict pain on those in disfavour.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   13

तस्यार्थे सर्वभूतानां गोप्तारं धर्ममात्मजम् । तदर्थंब्रह्मतेजोमयं दण्डमसृजत्पूर्वमीश्वरः ॥ ७.१४॥
tasyārthe sarvabhūtānāṃ goptāraṃ dharmamātmajam | tadarthaṃbrahmatejomayaṃ daṇḍamasṛjatpūrvamīśvaraḥ || 7.14||
7.14. For the (king’s) sake the Lord formerly created his own son, Punishment, the protector of all creatures, (an incarnation of) the law, formed of Brahman’s glory.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   14

तस्य सर्वाणि भूतानि स्थावराणि चराणि च । भयाद्भोगाय कल्पन्ते स्वधर्मात्न चलन्ति च ॥ ७.१५॥
tasya sarvāṇi bhūtāni sthāvarāṇi carāṇi ca | bhayādbhogāya kalpante svadharmātna calanti ca || 7.15||
7.15. Through fear of him all created beings, both the immovable and the movable, allow themselves to be enjoyed and swerve not from their duties.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   15

तं देशकालौ शक्तिं च विद्यां चावेक्ष्य तत्त्वतः । यथार्हतः सम्प्रणयेन्नरेष्वन्यायवर्तिषु ॥ ७.१६॥
taṃ deśakālau śaktiṃ ca vidyāṃ cāvekṣya tattvataḥ | yathārhataḥ sampraṇayennareṣvanyāyavartiṣu || 7.16||
7.16. Having fully considered the time and the place (of the offence), the strength and the knowledge (of the offender), let him justly inflict that (punishment) on men who act unjustly.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   16

स राजा पुरुषो दण्डः स नेता शासिता च सः । चतुर्णामाश्रमाणां च धर्मस्य प्रतिभूः स्मृतः ॥ ७.१७॥
sa rājā puruṣo daṇḍaḥ sa netā śāsitā ca saḥ | caturṇāmāśramāṇāṃ ca dharmasya pratibhūḥ smṛtaḥ || 7.17||
7.17. Punishment is (in reality) the king (and) the male, that the manager of affairs, that the ruler, and that is called the surety for the four orders’ obedience to the law.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   17

दण्डः शास्ति प्रजाः सर्वा दण्ड एवाभिरक्षति । दण्डः सुप्तेषु जागर्ति दण्डं धर्मं विदुर्बुधाः ॥ ७.१८॥
daṇḍaḥ śāsti prajāḥ sarvā daṇḍa evābhirakṣati | daṇḍaḥ supteṣu jāgarti daṇḍaṃ dharmaṃ vidurbudhāḥ || 7.18||
7.18. Punishment alone governs all created beings, punishment alone protects them, punishment watches over them while they sleep; the wise declare punishment (to be identical with) the law.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   18

समीक्ष्य स धृतः सम्यक्सर्वा रञ्जयति प्रजाः । असमीक्ष्य प्रणीतस्तु विनाशयति सर्वतः ॥ ७.१९॥
samīkṣya sa dhṛtaḥ samyaksarvā rañjayati prajāḥ | asamīkṣya praṇītastu vināśayati sarvataḥ || 7.19||
7.19. If (punishment) is properly inflicted after (due) consideration, it makes all people happy; but inflicted without consideration, it destroys everything.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   19

यदि न प्रणयेद्राजा दण्डं दण्ड्येष्वतन्द्रितः । शूले मत्स्यानिवापक्ष्यन् दुर्बलान् बलवत्तराः ॥ ७.२०॥
yadi na praṇayedrājā daṇḍaṃ daṇḍyeṣvatandritaḥ | śūle matsyānivāpakṣyan durbalān balavattarāḥ || 7.20||
7.20. If the king did not, without tiring, inflict punishment on those worthy to be punished, the stronger would roast the weaker, like fish on a spit;

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   20

अद्यात्काकः पुरोडाशं श्वा च लिह्याद्धविस्तथा । स्वाम्यं च न स्यात्कस्मिंश्चित्प्रवर्तेताधरोत्तरम् ॥ ७.२१॥
adyātkākaḥ puroḍāśaṃ śvā ca lihyāddhavistathā | svāmyaṃ ca na syātkasmiṃścitpravartetādharottaram || 7.21||
7.21. The crow would eat the sacrificial cake and the dog would lick the sacrificial viands, and ownership would not remain with any one, the lower ones would (usurp the place of) the higher ones.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   21

सर्वो दण्डजितो लोको दुर्लभो हि शुचिर्नरः । दण्डस्य हि भयात्सर्वं जगद्भोगाय कल्पते ॥ ७.२२॥
sarvo daṇḍajito loko durlabho hi śucirnaraḥ | daṇḍasya hi bhayātsarvaṃ jagadbhogāya kalpate || 7.22||
7.22. The whole world is kept in order by punishment, for a guiltless man is hard to find; through fear of punishment the whole world yields the enjoyments (which it owes).

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   22

देवदानवगन्धर्वा रक्षांसि पतगोरगाः । तेऽपि भोगाय कल्पन्ते दण्डेनैव निपीडिताः ॥ ७.२३॥
devadānavagandharvā rakṣāṃsi patagoragāḥ | te'pi bhogāya kalpante daṇḍenaiva nipīḍitāḥ || 7.23||
7.23. The gods, the Danavas, the Gandharvas, the Rakshasas, the bird and snake deities even give the enjoyments (due from them) only, if they are tormented by (the fear of) punishment.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   23

दुष्येयुः सर्ववर्णाश्च भिद्येरन् सर्वसेतवः । सर्वलोकप्रकोपश्च भवेद्दण्डस्य विभ्रमात् ॥ ७.२४॥
duṣyeyuḥ sarvavarṇāśca bhidyeran sarvasetavaḥ | sarvalokaprakopaśca bhaveddaṇḍasya vibhramāt || 7.24||
7.24. All castes (varna) would be corrupted (by intermixture), all barriers would be broken through, and all men would rage (against each other) in consequence of mistakes with respect to punishment.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   24

यत्र श्यामो लोहिताक्षो दण्डश्चरति पापहा । प्रजास्तत्र न मुह्यन्ति नेता चेत्साधु पश्यति ॥ ७.२५॥
yatra śyāmo lohitākṣo daṇḍaścarati pāpahā | prajāstatra na muhyanti netā cetsādhu paśyati || 7.25||
7.25. But where Punishment with a black hue and red eyes stalks about, destroying sinners, there the subjects are not disturbed, provided that he who inflicts it discerns well.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   25

तस्याहुः सम्प्रणेतारं राजानं सत्यवादिनम् । समीक्ष्यकारिणं प्राज्ञं धर्मकामार्थकोविदम् ॥ ७.२६॥
tasyāhuḥ sampraṇetāraṃ rājānaṃ satyavādinam | samīkṣyakāriṇaṃ prājñaṃ dharmakāmārthakovidam || 7.26||
7.26. They declare that king to be a just inflicter of punishment, who is truthful, who acts after due consideration, who is wise, and who knows (the respective value of) virtue, pleasure, and wealth.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   26

तं राजा प्रणयन् सम्यक्त्रिवर्गेणाभिवर्धते । कामान्धो विषमः क्षुद्रो दण्डेनैव निहन्यते ॥ ७.२७॥
taṃ rājā praṇayan samyaktrivargeṇābhivardhate | kāmāndho viṣamaḥ kṣudro daṇḍenaiva nihanyate || 7.27||
7.27. A king who properly inflicts (punishment), prospers with respect to (those) three (means of happiness); but he who is voluptuous, partial, and deceitful will be destroyed, even through the (unjust) punishment (which he inflicts).

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   27

दण्डो हि सुमहत्तेजो दुर्धरश्चाकृतात्मभिः । धर्माद्विचलितं हन्ति नृपमेव सबान्धवम् ॥ ७.२८॥
daṇḍo hi sumahattejo durdharaścākṛtātmabhiḥ | dharmādvicalitaṃ hanti nṛpameva sabāndhavam || 7.28||
7.28. Punishment (possesses) a very bright lustre, and is hard to be administered by men with unimproved minds; it strikes down the king who swerves from his duty, together with his relatives.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   28

ततो दुर्गं च राष्ट्रं च लोकं च सचराचरम् । अन्तरिक्षगतांश्चैव मुनीन् देवांश्च पीडयेत् ॥ ७.२९॥
tato durgaṃ ca rāṣṭraṃ ca lokaṃ ca sacarācaram | antarikṣagatāṃścaiva munīn devāṃśca pīḍayet || 7.29||
7.29. Next it will afflict his castles, his territories, the whole world together with the movable and immovable (creation), likewise the sages and the gods, who (on the failure of offerings) ascend to the sky.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   29

सोऽसहायेन मूढेन लुब्धेनाकृतबुद्धिना । न शक्यो न्यायतो नेतुं सक्तेन विषयेषु च ॥ ७.३०॥
so'sahāyena mūḍhena lubdhenākṛtabuddhinā | na śakyo nyāyato netuṃ saktena viṣayeṣu ca || 7.30||
7.30. (Punishment) cannot be inflicted justly by one who has no assistant, (nor) by a fool, (nor) by a covetous man, (nor) by one whose mind is unimproved, (nor) by one addicted to sensual pleasures.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   30

शुचिना सत्यसंधेन यथाशास्त्रानुसारिणा । प्रणेतुं शक्यते दण्डः सुसहायेन धीमता ॥ ७.३१॥
śucinā satyasaṃdhena yathāśāstrānusāriṇā | praṇetuṃ śakyate daṇḍaḥ susahāyena dhīmatā || 7.31||
7.31. By him who is pure (and) faithful to his promise, who acts according to the Institutes (of the sacred law), who has good assistants and is wise, punishment can be (justly) inflicted.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   31

स्वराष्ट्रे न्यायवृत्तः स्याद्भृशदण्डश्च शत्रुषु । सुहृत्स्वजिह्मः स्निग्धेषु ब्राह्मणेषु क्षमान्वितः ॥ ७.३२॥
svarāṣṭre nyāyavṛttaḥ syādbhṛśadaṇḍaśca śatruṣu | suhṛtsvajihmaḥ snigdheṣu brāhmaṇeṣu kṣamānvitaḥ || 7.32||
7.32. Let him act with justice in his own domain, with rigour chastise his enemies, behave without duplicity towards his friends, and be lenient towards Brahmanas.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   32

एवंवृत्तस्य नृपतेः शिलोञ्छेनापि जीवतः । विस्तीर्यते यशो लोके तैलबिन्दुरिवाम्भसि ॥ ७.३३॥
evaṃvṛttasya nṛpateḥ śiloñchenāpi jīvataḥ | vistīryate yaśo loke tailabindurivāmbhasi || 7.33||
7.33. The fame of a king who behaves thus, even though he subsist by gleaning, is spread in the world, like a drop of oil on water.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   33

अतस्तु विपरीतस्य नृपतेरजितात्मनः । सङ्क्षिप्यते यशो लोके घृतबिन्दुरिवाम्भसि ॥ ७.३४॥
atastu viparītasya nṛpaterajitātmanaḥ | saṅkṣipyate yaśo loke ghṛtabindurivāmbhasi || 7.34||
7.34. But the fame of a king who acts in a contrary manner and who does not subdue himself, diminishes in extent among men like a drop of clarified butter in water.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   34

स्वे स्वे धर्मे निविष्टानां सर्वेषामनुपूर्वशः । वर्णानामाश्रमाणां च राजा सृष्टोऽभिरक्षिता ॥ ७.३५॥
sve sve dharme niviṣṭānāṃ sarveṣāmanupūrvaśaḥ | varṇānāmāśramāṇāṃ ca rājā sṛṣṭo'bhirakṣitā || 7.35||
7.35. The king has been created (to be) the protector of the castes (varna) and orders, who, all according to their rank, discharge their several duties.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   35

तेन यद्यत्सभृत्येन कर्तव्यं रक्षता प्रजाः । तत्तद्वोऽहं प्रवक्ष्यामि यथावदनुपूर्वशः ॥ ७.३६॥
tena yadyatsabhṛtyena kartavyaṃ rakṣatā prajāḥ | tattadvo'haṃ pravakṣyāmi yathāvadanupūrvaśaḥ || 7.36||
7.36. Whatever must be done by him and by his servants for the protection of his people, that I will fully declare to you in due order.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   36

ब्राह्मणान् पर्युपासीत प्रातरुत्थाय पार्थिवः । त्रैविद्यवृद्धान् विदुषस्तिष्ठेत्तेषां च शासने ॥ ७.३७॥
brāhmaṇān paryupāsīta prātarutthāya pārthivaḥ | traividyavṛddhān viduṣastiṣṭhetteṣāṃ ca śāsane || 7.37||
7.37. Let the king, after rising early in the morning, worship Brahmanas who are well versed in the threefold sacred science and learned (in polity), and follow their advice.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   37

वृद्धांश्च नित्यं सेवेत विप्रान् वेदविदः शुचीन् । वृद्धसेवी हि सततं रक्षोभिरपि पूज्यते ॥ ७.३८॥
vṛddhāṃśca nityaṃ seveta viprān vedavidaḥ śucīn | vṛddhasevī hi satataṃ rakṣobhirapi pūjyate || 7.38||
7.38. Let him daily worship aged Brahmanas who know the Veda and are pure; for he who always worships aged men, is honoured even by Rakshasas.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   38

तेभ्योऽधिगच्छेद्विनयं विनीतात्माऽपि नित्यशः । विनीतात्मा हि नृपतिर्न विनश्यति कर्हि चित् ॥ ७.३९॥
tebhyo'dhigacchedvinayaṃ vinītātmā'pi nityaśaḥ | vinītātmā hi nṛpatirna vinaśyati karhi cit || 7.39||
7.39. Let him, though he may already be modest, constantly learn modesty from them; for a king who is modest never perishes.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   39

बहवोऽविनयात्नष्टा राजानः सपरिग्रहाः । वनस्था अपि राज्यानि विनयात्प्रतिपेदिरे ॥ ७.४०॥
bahavo'vinayātnaṣṭā rājānaḥ saparigrahāḥ | vanasthā api rājyāni vinayātpratipedire || 7.40||
7.40. Through a want of modesty many kings have perished, together with their belongings; through modesty even hermits in the forest have gained kingdoms.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   40

वेनो विनष्टोऽविनयात्नहुषश्चैव पार्थिवः । सुदाः पैजवनश्चैव सुमुखो निमिरेव च ॥ ७.४१॥
veno vinaṣṭo'vinayātnahuṣaścaiva pārthivaḥ | sudāḥ paijavanaścaiva sumukho nimireva ca || 7.41||
7.41. Through a want of humility Vena perished, likewise king Nahusha, Sudas, the son of Pigavana, Sumukha, and Nemi.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   41

पृथुस्तु विनयाद्राज्यं प्राप्तवान् मनुरेव च । कुबेरश्च धनैश्वर्यं ब्राह्मण्यं चैव गाधिजः ॥ ७.४२॥
pṛthustu vinayādrājyaṃ prāptavān manureva ca | kuberaśca dhanaiśvaryaṃ brāhmaṇyaṃ caiva gādhijaḥ || 7.42||
7.42. But by humility Prithu and Manu gained sovereignty, Kubera the position of the Lord of wealth, and the son of Gadhi the rank of a Brahmana.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   42

त्रैत्रयीं विद्यात् दण्डनीतिं च शाश्वतीम् । आन्वीक्षिकीं चात्मविद्यां वार्तारम्भांश्च लोकतः ॥ ७.४३॥
traitrayīṃ vidyāt daṇḍanītiṃ ca śāśvatīm | ānvīkṣikīṃ cātmavidyāṃ vārtārambhāṃśca lokataḥ || 7.43||
7.43. From those versed in the three Vedas let him learn the threefold (sacred science), the primeval science of government, the science of dialectics, and the knowledge of the (supreme) Soul; from the people (the theory of) the (various) trades and professions.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   43

इन्द्रियाणां जये योगं समातिष्ठेद्दिवानिशम् । जितैन्द्रियो हि शक्नोति वशे स्थापयितुं प्रजाः ॥ ७.४४॥
indriyāṇāṃ jaye yogaṃ samātiṣṭheddivāniśam | jitaindriyo hi śaknoti vaśe sthāpayituṃ prajāḥ || 7.44||
7.44. Day and night he must strenuously exert himself to conquer his senses; for he (alone) who has conquered his own senses, can keep his subjects in obedience.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   44

दश कामसमुत्थानि तथाऽष्टौ क्रोधजानि च । व्यसनानि दुर्ऽन्तानि प्रयत्नेन विवर्जयेत् ॥ ७.४५॥
daśa kāmasamutthāni tathā'ṣṭau krodhajāni ca | vyasanāni dur'ntāni prayatnena vivarjayet || 7.45||
7.45. Let him carefully shun the ten vices, springing from love of pleasure, and the eight, proceeding from wrath, which (all) end in misery.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   45

कामजेषु प्रसक्तो हि व्यसनेषु महीपतिः । वियुज्यतेऽर्थधर्माभ्यां क्रोधजेष्वात्मनैव तु ॥ ७.४६॥
kāmajeṣu prasakto hi vyasaneṣu mahīpatiḥ | viyujyate'rthadharmābhyāṃ krodhajeṣvātmanaiva tu || 7.46||
7.46. For a king who is attached to the vices springing from love of pleasure, loses his wealth and his virtue, but (he who is given) to those arising from anger, (loses) even his life.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   46

मृगयाऽक्षो दिवास्वप्नः परिवादः स्त्रियो मदः । तौर्यत्रिकं वृथाट्या च कामजो दशको गणः ॥ ७.४७॥
mṛgayā'kṣo divāsvapnaḥ parivādaḥ striyo madaḥ | tauryatrikaṃ vṛthāṭyā ca kāmajo daśako gaṇaḥ || 7.47||
7.47. Hunting, gambling, sleeping by day, censoriousness, (excess with) women, drunkenness, (an inordinate love for) dancing, singing, and music, and useless travel are the tenfold set (of vices) springing from love of pleasure.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   47

पैशुन्यं साहसं द्रोह ईर्ष्याऽसूयाऽर्थदूषणम् । वाग्दण्डजं च पारुष्यं क्रोधजोऽपि गणोऽष्टकः ॥ ७.४८॥
paiśunyaṃ sāhasaṃ droha īrṣyā'sūyā'rthadūṣaṇam | vāgdaṇḍajaṃ ca pāruṣyaṃ krodhajo'pi gaṇo'ṣṭakaḥ || 7.48||
7.48. Tale-bearing, violence, treachery, envy, slandering, (unjust) seizure of property, reviling, and assault are the eightfold set (of vices) produced by wrath.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   48

द्वयोरप्येतयोर्मूलं यं सर्वे कवयो विदुः । तं यत्नेन जयेत्लोभं तज्जावेतावुभौ गणौ ॥ ७.४९॥
dvayorapyetayormūlaṃ yaṃ sarve kavayo viduḥ | taṃ yatnena jayetlobhaṃ tajjāvetāvubhau gaṇau || 7.49||
7.49. That greediness which all wise men declare to be the root even of both these (sets), let him carefully conquer; both sets (of vices) are produced by that.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   49

पानमक्षाः स्त्रियश्चैव मृगया च यथाक्रमम् । एतत्कष्टतमं विद्यात्चतुष्कं कामजे गणे ॥ ७.५०॥
pānamakṣāḥ striyaścaiva mṛgayā ca yathākramam | etatkaṣṭatamaṃ vidyātcatuṣkaṃ kāmaje gaṇe || 7.50||
7.50. Drinking, dice, women, and hunting, these four (which have been enumerated) in succession, he must know to be the most pernicious in the set that springs from love of pleasure.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   50

दण्डस्य पातनं चैव वाक्पारुष्यार्थदूषणे । क्रोधजेऽपि गणे विद्यात्कष्टमेतत्त्रिकं सदा ॥ ७.५१॥
daṇḍasya pātanaṃ caiva vākpāruṣyārthadūṣaṇe | krodhaje'pi gaṇe vidyātkaṣṭametattrikaṃ sadā || 7.51||
7.51. Doing bodily injury, reviling, and the seizure of property, these three he must know to be the most pernicious in the set produced by wrath.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   51

सप्तकस्यास्य वर्गस्य सर्वत्रैवानुषङ्गिणः । पूर्वं पूर्वं गुरुतरं विद्याद्व्यसनमात्मवान् ॥ ७.५२॥
saptakasyāsya vargasya sarvatraivānuṣaṅgiṇaḥ | pūrvaṃ pūrvaṃ gurutaraṃ vidyādvyasanamātmavān || 7.52||
7.52. A self-controlled (king) should know that in this set of seven, which prevails everywhere, each earlier- named vice is more abominable (than those named later).

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   52

व्यसनस्य च मृत्योश्च व्यसनं कष्टमुच्यते । व्यसन्यधोऽधो व्रजति स्वर्यात्यव्यसनी मृतः ॥ ७.५३॥
vyasanasya ca mṛtyośca vyasanaṃ kaṣṭamucyate | vyasanyadho'dho vrajati svaryātyavyasanī mṛtaḥ || 7.53||
7.53. (On a comparison) between vice and death, vice is declared to be more pernicious; a vicious man sinks to the nethermost (hell), he who dies, free from vice, ascends to heaven.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   53

मौलान् शास्त्रविदः शूरान् लब्धलक्षान् कुलोद्भवान् । सचिवान् सप्त चाष्टौ वा प्रकुर्वीत परीक्षितान् ॥ ७.५४॥
maulān śāstravidaḥ śūrān labdhalakṣān kulodbhavān | sacivān sapta cāṣṭau vā prakurvīta parīkṣitān || 7.54||
7.54. Let him appoint seven or eight ministers whose ancestors have been royal servants, who are versed in the sciences, heroes skilled in the use of weapons and descended from (noble) families and who have been tried.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   54

अपि यत्सुकरं कर्म तदप्येकेन दुष्करम् । विशेषतोऽसहायेन किं नु राज्यं महोदयम् ॥ ७.५५॥
api yatsukaraṃ karma tadapyekena duṣkaram | viśeṣato'sahāyena kiṃ nu rājyaṃ mahodayam || 7.55||
7.55. Even an undertaking easy (in itself) is (sometimes) hard to be accomplished by a single man; how much (harder is it for a king), especially (if he has) no assistant, (to govern) a kingdom which yields great revenues.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   55

तैः सार्धं चिन्तयेन्नित्यं सामान्यं संधिविग्रहम् । स्थानं समुदयं गुप्तिं लब्धप्रशमनानि च ॥ ७.५६॥
taiḥ sārdhaṃ cintayennityaṃ sāmānyaṃ saṃdhivigraham | sthānaṃ samudayaṃ guptiṃ labdhapraśamanāni ca || 7.56||
7.56. Let him daily consider with them the ordinary (business, referring to) peace and war, (the four subjects called) sthana, the revenue, the (manner of) protecting (himself and his kingdom), and the sanctification of his gains (by pious gifts).

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   56

तेषां स्वं स्वमभिप्रायमुपलभ्य पृथक्पृथक् । समस्तानां च कार्येषु विदध्याद्धितमात्मनः ॥ ७.५७॥
teṣāṃ svaṃ svamabhiprāyamupalabhya pṛthakpṛthak | samastānāṃ ca kāryeṣu vidadhyāddhitamātmanaḥ || 7.57||
7.57. Having (first) ascertained the opinion of each (minister) separately and (then the views) of all together, let him do what is (most) beneficial for him in his affairs.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   57

सर्वेषां तु विशिष्टेन ब्राह्मणेन विपश्चिता । मन्त्रयेत्परमं मन्त्रं राजा षाड्गुण्यसंयुतम् ॥ ७.५८॥
sarveṣāṃ tu viśiṣṭena brāhmaṇena vipaścitā | mantrayetparamaṃ mantraṃ rājā ṣāḍguṇyasaṃyutam || 7.58||
7.58. But with the most distinguished among them all, a learned Brahmana, let the king deliberate on the most important affairs which relate to the six measures of royal policy.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   58

नित्यं तस्मिन् समाश्वस्तः सर्वकार्याणि निक्षिपेत् । तेन सार्धं विनिश्चित्य ततः कर्म समारभेत् ॥ ७.५९॥
nityaṃ tasmin samāśvastaḥ sarvakāryāṇi nikṣipet | tena sārdhaṃ viniścitya tataḥ karma samārabhet || 7.59||
7.59. Let him, full of confidence, always entrust to that (official) all business; having taken his final resolution with him, let him afterwards begin to act.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   59

अन्यानपि प्रकुर्वीत शुचीन् प्राज्ञानवस्थितान् । सम्यगर्थसमाहर्तॄनमात्यान् सुपरीक्षितान् ॥ ७.६०॥
anyānapi prakurvīta śucīn prājñānavasthitān | samyagarthasamāhartṝnamātyān suparīkṣitān || 7.60||
7.60. He must also appoint other officials, (men) of integrity, (who are) wise, firm, well able to collect money, and well tried.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   60

निर्वर्तेतास्य यावद्भिरितिकर्तव्यता नृभिः । तावतोऽतन्द्रितान् दक्षान् प्रकुर्वीत विचक्षणान् ॥ ७.६१॥
nirvartetāsya yāvadbhiritikartavyatā nṛbhiḥ | tāvato'tandritān dakṣān prakurvīta vicakṣaṇān || 7.61||
7.61. As many persons as the due performance of his business requires, so many skilful and clever (men), free from sloth, let him appoint.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   61

तेषामर्थे नियुञ्जीत शूरान् दक्षान् कुलोद्गतान् । शुचीनाकरकर्मान्ते भीरूनन्तर्निवेशने ॥ ७.६२॥
teṣāmarthe niyuñjīta śūrān dakṣān kulodgatān | śucīnākarakarmānte bhīrūnantarniveśane || 7.62||
7.62. Among them let him employ the brave, the skilful, the high-born, and the honest in (offices for the collection of) revenue, (e.g.) in mines, manufactures, and storehouses, (but) the timid in the interior of his palace.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   62

दूतं चैव प्रकुर्वीत सर्वशास्त्रविशारदम् । इङ्गिताकारचेष्टज्ञं शुचिं दक्षं कुलोद्गतम् ॥ ७.६३॥
dūtaṃ caiva prakurvīta sarvaśāstraviśāradam | iṅgitākāraceṣṭajñaṃ śuciṃ dakṣaṃ kulodgatam || 7.63||
7.63. Let him also appoint an ambassador who is versed in all sciences, who understands hints, expressions of the face and gestures, who is honest, skilful, and of (noble) family.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   63

अनुरक्तः शुचिर्दक्षः स्मृतिमान् देशकालवित् । वपुष्मान् वीतभीर्वाग्मी दूतो राज्ञः प्रशस्यते ॥ ७.६४॥
anuraktaḥ śucirdakṣaḥ smṛtimān deśakālavit | vapuṣmān vītabhīrvāgmī dūto rājñaḥ praśasyate || 7.64||
7.64. (Such) an ambassador is commended to a king (who is) loyal, honest, skilful, possessing a good memory, who knows the (proper) place and time (for action, who is) handsome, fearless, and eloquent.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   64

अमात्ये दण्ड आयत्तो दण्डे वैनयिकी क्रिया । नृपतौ कोशराष्ट्रे च दूते संधिविपर्ययौ ॥ ७.६५॥
amātye daṇḍa āyatto daṇḍe vainayikī kriyā | nṛpatau kośarāṣṭre ca dūte saṃdhiviparyayau || 7.65||
7.65. The army depends on the official (placed in charge of it), the due control (of the subjects) on the army, the treasury and the (government of) the realm on the king, peace and its opposite (war) on the ambassador.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   65

दूत एव हि संधत्ते भिनत्त्येव च संहतान् । दूतस्तत्कुरुते कर्म भिद्यन्ते येन मानवः ॥ ७.६६॥
dūta eva hi saṃdhatte bhinattyeva ca saṃhatān | dūtastatkurute karma bhidyante yena mānavaḥ || 7.66||
7.66. For the ambassador alone makes (kings’) allies and separates allies; the ambassador transacts that business by which (kings) are disunited or not.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   66

स विद्यादस्य कृत्येषु निर्गूढेङ्गितचेष्टितैः । आकारमिङ्गितं चेष्टां भृत्येषु च चिकीर्षितम् ॥ ७.६७॥
sa vidyādasya kṛtyeṣu nirgūḍheṅgitaceṣṭitaiḥ | ākāramiṅgitaṃ ceṣṭāṃ bhṛtyeṣu ca cikīrṣitam || 7.67||
7.67. With respect to the affairs let the (ambassador) explore the expression of the countenance, the gestures and actions of the (foreign king) through the gestures and actions of his confidential (advisers), and (discover) his designs among his servants.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   67

बुद्ध्वा च सर्वं तत्त्वेन परराजचिकीर्षितम् । तथा प्रयत्नमातिष्ठेद्यथाऽत्मानं न पीडयेत् ॥ ७.६८॥
buddhvā ca sarvaṃ tattvena pararājacikīrṣitam | tathā prayatnamātiṣṭhedyathā'tmānaṃ na pīḍayet || 7.68||
7.68. Having learnt exactly (from his ambassador) the designs of the foreign king, let (the king) take such measures that he does not bring evil on himself.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   68

जाङ्गलं सस्यसम्पन्नमार्यप्रायमनाविलम् । रम्यमानतसामन्तं स्वाजीव्यं देशमावसेत् ॥ ७.६९॥
jāṅgalaṃ sasyasampannamāryaprāyamanāvilam | ramyamānatasāmantaṃ svājīvyaṃ deśamāvaset || 7.69||
7.69. Let him settle in a country which is open and has a dry climate, where grain is abundant, which is chiefly (inhabited) by Aryans, not subject to epidemic diseases (or similar troubles), and pleasant, where the vassals are obedient and his own (people easily) find their livelihood.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   69

धन्वदुर्गं महीदुर्गमब्दुर्गं वार्क्षमेव वा । नृदुर्गं गिरिदुर्गं वा समाश्रित्य वसेत्पुरम् ॥ ७.७०॥
dhanvadurgaṃ mahīdurgamabdurgaṃ vārkṣameva vā | nṛdurgaṃ giridurgaṃ vā samāśritya vasetpuram || 7.70||
7.70. Let him build (there) a town, making for his safety a fortress, protected by a desert, or a fortress built of (stone and) earth, or one protected by water or trees, or one (formed by an encampment of armed) men or a hill- fort.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   70

सर्वेण तु प्रयत्नेन गिरिदुर्गं समाश्रयेत् । एषां हि बाहुगुण्येन गिरिदुर्गं विशिष्यते ॥ ७.७१॥
sarveṇa tu prayatnena giridurgaṃ samāśrayet | eṣāṃ hi bāhuguṇyena giridurgaṃ viśiṣyate || 7.71||
7.71. Let him make every effort to secure a hill-fort, for amongst all those (fortresses mentioned) a hill-fort is distinguished by many superior qualities.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   71

त्रीण्याद्यान्याश्रितास्त्वेषां मृगगर्ताश्रयाप्चराः । त्रीण्युत्तराणि क्रमशः प्लवङ्गमनरामराः ॥ ७.७२॥
trīṇyādyānyāśritāstveṣāṃ mṛgagartāśrayāpcarāḥ | trīṇyuttarāṇi kramaśaḥ plavaṅgamanarāmarāḥ || 7.72||
7.72. The first three of those (various kinds of fortresses) are inhabited by wild beasts, animals living in holes and aquatic animals, the last three by monkeys, men, and gods respectively.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   72

यथा दुर्गाश्रितानेतान्नोपहिंसन्ति शत्रवः । तथाऽरयो न हिंसन्ति नृपं दुर्गसमाश्रितम् ॥ ७.७३॥
yathā durgāśritānetānnopahiṃsanti śatravaḥ | tathā'rayo na hiṃsanti nṛpaṃ durgasamāśritam || 7.73||
7.73. As enemies do not hurt these (beings, when they are) sheltered by (their) fortresses, even so foes (can) not injure a king who has taken refuge in his fort.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   73

एकः शतं योधयति प्राकारस्थो धनुर्धरः । शतं दशसहस्राणि तस्माद्दुर्गं विधीयते ॥ ७.७४॥
ekaḥ śataṃ yodhayati prākārastho dhanurdharaḥ | śataṃ daśasahasrāṇi tasmāddurgaṃ vidhīyate || 7.74||
7.74. One bowman, placed on a rampart, is a match in battle for one hundred (foes), one hundred for ten thousand; hence it is prescribed (in the Sastras that a king will posses) a fortress.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   74

तत्स्यादायुधसम्पन्नं धनधान्येन वाहनैः । ब्राह्मणैः शिल्पिभिर्यन्त्रैर्यवसेनोदकेन च ॥ ७.७५॥
tatsyādāyudhasampannaṃ dhanadhānyena vāhanaiḥ | brāhmaṇaiḥ śilpibhiryantrairyavasenodakena ca || 7.75||
7.75. Let that (fort) be well supplied with weapons, money, grain and beasts of burden, with Brahmanas, with artisans, with engines, with fodder, and with water.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   75

तस्य मध्ये सुपर्याप्तं कारयेद्गृहमात्मनः । गुप्तं सर्वऋतुकं शुभ्रं जलवृक्षसमन्वितम् ॥ ७.७६॥
tasya madhye suparyāptaṃ kārayedgṛhamātmanaḥ | guptaṃ sarvaṛtukaṃ śubhraṃ jalavṛkṣasamanvitam || 7.76||
7.76. Let him cause to be built for himself, in the centre of it, a spacious palace, (well) protected, habitable in every season, resplendent (with whitewash), supplied with water and trees.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   76

तदध्यास्योद्वहेद्भार्यां सवर्णां लक्षणान्विताम् । कुले महति सम्भूतां हृद्यां रूपगुणान्विताम् ॥ ७.७७॥
tadadhyāsyodvahedbhāryāṃ savarṇāṃ lakṣaṇānvitām | kule mahati sambhūtāṃ hṛdyāṃ rūpaguṇānvitām || 7.77||
7.77. Inhabiting that, let him wed a consort of equal caste (varna), who possesses auspicious marks (on her body), and is born in a great family, who is charming and possesses beauty and excellent qualities.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   77

पुरोहितं च कुर्वीत वृणुयादेव चर्त्विजः । तेऽस्य गृह्याणि कर्माणि कुर्युर्वैतानिकानि च ॥ ७.७८॥
purohitaṃ ca kurvīta vṛṇuyādeva cartvijaḥ | te'sya gṛhyāṇi karmāṇi kuryurvaitānikāni ca || 7.78||
7.78. Let him appoint a domestic priest (purohita) and choose officiating priests (ritvig); they shall perform his domestic rites and the (sacrifices) for which three fires are required.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   78

यजेत राजा क्रतुभिर्विविधैराप्तदक्षिणैः । धर्मार्थं चैव विप्रेभ्यो दद्याद्भोगान् धनानि च ॥ ७.७९॥
yajeta rājā kratubhirvividhairāptadakṣiṇaiḥ | dharmārthaṃ caiva viprebhyo dadyādbhogān dhanāni ca || 7.79||
7.79. A king shall offer various (Srauta) sacrifices at which liberal fees (are distributed), and in order to acquire merit, he shall give to Brahmanas enjoyments and wealth.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   79

सांवत्सरिकमाप्तैश्च राष्ट्रादाहारयेद्बलिम् । स्याच्चाम्नायपरो लोके वर्तेत पितृवत्नृषु ॥ ७.८०॥
sāṃvatsarikamāptaiśca rāṣṭrādāhārayedbalim | syāccāmnāyaparo loke varteta pitṛvatnṛṣu || 7.80||
7.80. Let him cause the annual revenue in his kingdom to be collected by trusty (officials), let him obey the sacred law in (his transactions with) the people, and behave like a father towards all men.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   80

अध्यक्षान् विविधान् कुर्यात्तत्र तत्र विपश्चितः । तेऽस्य सर्वाण्यवेक्षेरन्नृणां कार्याणि कुर्वताम् ॥ ७.८१॥
adhyakṣān vividhān kuryāttatra tatra vipaścitaḥ | te'sya sarvāṇyavekṣerannṛṇāṃ kāryāṇi kurvatām || 7.81||
7.81. For the various (branches of business) let him appoint intelligent supervisors; they shall inspect all (the acts) of those men who transact his business.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   81

आवृत्तानां गुरुकुलाद्विप्राणां पूजको भवेत् । नृपाणामक्षयो ह्येष निधिर्ब्राह्मोऽभिधीयते ॥ ७.८२॥
āvṛttānāṃ gurukulādviprāṇāṃ pūjako bhavet | nṛpāṇāmakṣayo hyeṣa nidhirbrāhmo'bhidhīyate || 7.82||
7.82. Let him honour those Brahmanas who have returned from their teacher’s house (after studying the Veda); for that (money which is given) to Brahmanas is declared to be an imperishable treasure for kings.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   82

न तं स्तेना न चामित्रा हरन्ति न च नश्यति । तस्माद्राज्ञा निधातव्यो ब्राह्मणेष्वक्षयो निधिः ॥ ७.८३॥
na taṃ stenā na cāmitrā haranti na ca naśyati | tasmādrājñā nidhātavyo brāhmaṇeṣvakṣayo nidhiḥ || 7.83||
7.83. Neither thieves nor foes can take it, nor can it be lost; hence an imperishable store must be deposited by kings with Brahmanas.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   83

न स्कन्दते न व्यथते न विनश्यति कर्हि चित् । वरिष्ठमग्निहोत्रेभ्यो ब्राह्मणस्य मुखे हुतम् ॥ ७.८४॥
na skandate na vyathate na vinaśyati karhi cit | variṣṭhamagnihotrebhyo brāhmaṇasya mukhe hutam || 7.84||
7.84. The offering made through the mouth of a Brahmana, which is neither spilt, nor falls (on the ground), nor ever perishes, is far more excellent than Agnihotras.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   84

सममब्राह्मणे दानं द्विगुणं ब्राह्मणब्रुवे । प्राधीते शतसाहस्रमनन्तं वेदपारगे ॥ ७.८५॥
samamabrāhmaṇe dānaṃ dviguṇaṃ brāhmaṇabruve | prādhīte śatasāhasramanantaṃ vedapārage || 7.85||
7.85. A gift to one who is not a Brahmana (yields) the ordinary (reward; a gift) to one who calls himself a Brahmana, a double (reward); a gift to a well-read Brahmana, a hundred-thousandfold (reward); (a gift) to one who knows the Veda and the Angas (Vedaparaga, a reward) without end.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   85

पात्रस्य हि विशेषेण श्रद्दधानतयैव च । अल्पं वा बहु वा प्रेत्य दानस्य फलमश्नुते ॥ ७.८६॥
pātrasya hi viśeṣeṇa śraddadhānatayaiva ca | alpaṃ vā bahu vā pretya dānasya phalamaśnute || 7.86||
7.86. For according to the particular qualities of the recipient and according to the faith (of the giver) a small or a great reward will be obtained for a gift in the next world.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   86

देशकालविधानेन द्रव्यं श्रद्धासमन्वितम् । पात्रे प्रदीयते यत्तु तद्धर्मस्य प्रसाधनम् ॥ ७.८७
deśakālavidhānena dravyaṃ śraddhāsamanvitam | pātre pradīyate yattu taddharmasya prasādhanam || 7.87
7.87. A king who, while he protects his people, is defied by (foes), be they equal in strength, or stronger, or weaker, must not shrink from battle, remembering the duty of Kshatriyas.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   87

समोत्तमाधमै राजा त्वाहूतः पालयन् प्रजाः । न निवर्तेत सङ्ग्रामात्क्षात्रं धर्ममनुस्मरन् ॥ ७.८७॥
samottamādhamai rājā tvāhūtaḥ pālayan prajāḥ | na nivarteta saṅgrāmātkṣātraṃ dharmamanusmaran || 7.87||
7.88. Not to turn back in battle, to protect the people, to honour the Brahmanas, is the best means for a king to secure happiness.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   88

सङ्ग्रामेष्वनिवर्तित्वं प्रजानां चैव पालनम् । शुश्रूषा ब्राह्मणानां च राज्ञां श्रेयस्करं परम् ॥ ७.८८॥
saṅgrāmeṣvanivartitvaṃ prajānāṃ caiva pālanam | śuśrūṣā brāhmaṇānāṃ ca rājñāṃ śreyaskaraṃ param || 7.88||
7.89. Those kings who, seeking to slay each other in battle, fight with the utmost exertion and do not turn back, go to heaven.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   89

आहवेषु मिथोऽन्योन्यं जिघांसन्तो महीक्षितः । युध्यमानाः परं शक्त्या स्वर्गं यान्त्यपराङ्मुखाः ॥ ७.८९॥
āhaveṣu mitho'nyonyaṃ jighāṃsanto mahīkṣitaḥ | yudhyamānāḥ paraṃ śaktyā svargaṃ yāntyaparāṅmukhāḥ || 7.89||
7.90. When he fights with his foes in battle, let him not strike with weapons concealed (in wood), nor with (such as are) barbed, poisoned, or the points of which are blazing with fire.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   90

न कूटैरायुधैर्हन्याद्युध्यमानो रणे रिपून् । न कर्णिभिर्नापि दिग्धैर्नाग्निज्वलिततेजनैः ॥ ७.९०॥
na kūṭairāyudhairhanyādyudhyamāno raṇe ripūn | na karṇibhirnāpi digdhairnāgnijvalitatejanaiḥ || 7.90||
7.91. Let him not strike one who (in flight) has climbed on an eminence, nor a eunuch, nor one who joins the palms of his hands (in supplication), nor one who (flees) with flying hair, nor one who sits down, nor one who says ’I am thine;’

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   91

न च हन्यात्स्थलारूढं न क्लीबं न कृताञ्जलिम् । न मुक्तकेशं नासीनं न तवास्मीति वादिनम् ॥ ७.९१॥
na ca hanyātsthalārūḍhaṃ na klībaṃ na kṛtāñjalim | na muktakeśaṃ nāsīnaṃ na tavāsmīti vādinam || 7.91||
7.92. Nor one who sleeps, nor one who has lost his coat of mail, nor one who is naked, nor one who is disarmed, nor one who looks on without taking part in the fight, nor one who is fighting with another (foe);

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   92

न सुप्तं न विसंनाहं न नग्नं न निरायुधम् । नायुध्यमानं पश्यन्तं न परेण समागतम् ॥ ७.९२॥
na suptaṃ na visaṃnāhaṃ na nagnaṃ na nirāyudham | nāyudhyamānaṃ paśyantaṃ na pareṇa samāgatam || 7.92||
7.93. Nor one whose weapons are broken, nor one afflicted (with sorrow), nor one who has been grievously wounded, nor one who is in fear, nor one who has turned to flight; (but in all these cases let him) remember the duty (of honourable warriors).

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   93

नायुधव्यसनप्राप्तं नार्तं नातिपरिक्षतम् । न भीतं न परावृत्तं सतां धर्ममनुस्मरन् ॥ ७.९३॥
nāyudhavyasanaprāptaṃ nārtaṃ nātiparikṣatam | na bhītaṃ na parāvṛttaṃ satāṃ dharmamanusmaran || 7.93||
7.94. But the (Kshatriya) who is slain in battle, while he turns back in fear, takes upon himself all the sin of his master, whatever (it may be);

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   94

यस्तु भीतः परावृत्तः सङ्ग्रामे हन्यते परैः । भर्तुर्यद्दुष्कृतं किं चित्तत्सर्वं प्रतिपद्यते ॥ ७.९४॥
yastu bhītaḥ parāvṛttaḥ saṅgrāme hanyate paraiḥ | bharturyadduṣkṛtaṃ kiṃ cittatsarvaṃ pratipadyate || 7.94||
7.95. And whatever merit (a man) who is slain in flight may have gained for the next (world), all that his master takes.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   95

यत्चास्य सुकृतं किं चिदमुत्रार्थमुपार्जितम् । भर्ता तत्सर्वमादत्ते परावृत्तहतस्य तु ॥ ७.९५॥
yatcāsya sukṛtaṃ kiṃ cidamutrārthamupārjitam | bhartā tatsarvamādatte parāvṛttahatasya tu || 7.95||
7.96. Chariots and horses, elephants, parasols, money, grain, cattle, women, all sorts of (marketable) goods and valueless metals belong to him who takes them (singly) conquering (the possessor).

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   96

रथाश्वं हस्तिनं छत्रं धनं धान्यं पशून् स्त्रियः । सर्वद्रव्याणि कुप्यं च यो यज्जयति तस्य तत् ॥ ७.९६॥
rathāśvaṃ hastinaṃ chatraṃ dhanaṃ dhānyaṃ paśūn striyaḥ | sarvadravyāṇi kupyaṃ ca yo yajjayati tasya tat || 7.96||
7.97. A text of the Veda (declares) that (the soldiers) shall present a choice portion (of the booty) to the king; what has not been taken singly, must be distributed by the king among all the soldiers.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   97

राज्ञश्च दद्युरुद्धारमित्येषा वैदिकी श्रुतिः । राज्ञा च सर्वयोधेभ्यो दातव्यमपृथग्जितम् ॥ ७.९७॥
rājñaśca dadyuruddhāramityeṣā vaidikī śrutiḥ | rājñā ca sarvayodhebhyo dātavyamapṛthagjitam || 7.97||
7.98. Thus has been declared the blameless, primeval law for warriors; from this law a Kshatriya must not depart, when he strikes his foes in battle.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   98

एषोऽनुपस्कृतः प्रोक्तो योधधर्मः सनातनः । अस्माद्धर्मान्न च्यवेत क्षत्रियो घ्नन् रणे रिपून् ॥ ७.९८॥
eṣo'nupaskṛtaḥ prokto yodhadharmaḥ sanātanaḥ | asmāddharmānna cyaveta kṣatriyo ghnan raṇe ripūn || 7.98||
7.99. Let him strive to gain what he has not yet gained; what he has gained let him carefully preserve; let him augment what he preserves, and what he has augmented let him bestow on worthy men.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   99

अलब्धं चैव लिप्सेत लब्धं रक्षेत्प्रयत्नतः । रक्षितं वर्धयेच्चैव वृद्धं पात्रेषु निक्षिपेत् ॥ ७.९९॥
alabdhaṃ caiva lipseta labdhaṃ rakṣetprayatnataḥ | rakṣitaṃ vardhayeccaiva vṛddhaṃ pātreṣu nikṣipet || 7.99||
7.100. Let him know that these are the four means for securing the aims of human (existence); let him, without ever tiring, properly employ them.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   100

एतच्चतुर्विधं विद्यात्पुरुषार्थप्रयोजनम् । अस्य नित्यमनुष्ठानं सम्यक्कुर्यादतन्द्रितः ॥ ७.१००॥
etaccaturvidhaṃ vidyātpuruṣārthaprayojanam | asya nityamanuṣṭhānaṃ samyakkuryādatandritaḥ || 7.100||
7.101. What he has not (yet) gained, let him seek (to gain) by (his) army; what he has gained, let him protect by careful attention; what he has protected, let him augment by (various modes of) increasing it; and what he has augmented, let him liberally bestow (on worthy men).

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   101

अलब्धमिच्छेद्दण्डेन लब्धं रक्षेदवेक्षया । रक्षितं वर्धयेद्वृद्ध्या वृद्धं पात्रेषु निक्षिपेत् ॥ ७.१०१॥
alabdhamiccheddaṇḍena labdhaṃ rakṣedavekṣayā | rakṣitaṃ vardhayedvṛddhyā vṛddhaṃ pātreṣu nikṣipet || 7.101||
7.102. Let him be ever ready to strike, his prowess constantly displayed, and his secrets constantly concealed, and let him constantly explore the weaknesses of his foe.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   102

नित्यमुद्यतदण्डः स्यान्नित्यं विवृतपौरुषः । नित्यं संवृतसंवार्यो नित्यं छिद्रानुसार्यरेः ॥ ७.१०२॥
nityamudyatadaṇḍaḥ syānnityaṃ vivṛtapauruṣaḥ | nityaṃ saṃvṛtasaṃvāryo nityaṃ chidrānusāryareḥ || 7.102||
7.103. Of him who is always ready to strike, the whole world stands in awe; let him therefore make all creatures subject to himself even by the employment of force.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   103

नित्यमुद्यतदण्डस्य कृत्स्नमुद्विजते जगत् । तस्मात्सर्वाणि भूतानि दण्डेनैव प्रसाधयेत् ॥ ७.१०३॥
nityamudyatadaṇḍasya kṛtsnamudvijate jagat | tasmātsarvāṇi bhūtāni daṇḍenaiva prasādhayet || 7.103||
7.104. Let him ever act without guile, and on no account treacherously; carefully guarding himself, let him always fathom the treachery which his foes employ.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   104

अमाययैव वर्तेत न कथं चन मायया । बुध्येतारिप्रयुक्तां च मायां नित्यं सुसंवृतः ॥ ७.१०४॥
amāyayaiva varteta na kathaṃ cana māyayā | budhyetāriprayuktāṃ ca māyāṃ nityaṃ susaṃvṛtaḥ || 7.104||
7.105. His enemy must not know his weaknesses, but he must know the weaknesses of his enemy; as the tortoise (hides its limbs), even so let him secure the members (of his government against treachery), let him protect his own weak points.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   105

नास्य छिद्रं परो विद्याद्विद्यात्छिद्रं परस्य च । गूहेत्कूर्म इवाङ्गानि रक्षेद्विवरमात्मनः ॥ ७.१०५॥
nāsya chidraṃ paro vidyādvidyātchidraṃ parasya ca | gūhetkūrma ivāṅgāni rakṣedvivaramātmanaḥ || 7.105||
7.106. Let him plan his undertakings (patiently meditating) like a heron; like a lion, let him put forth his strength; like a wolf, let him snatch (his prey); like a hare, let him double in retreat.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   106

बकवत्चिन्तयेदर्थान् सिंहवत्च पराक्रमे । वृकवत्चावलुम्पेत शशवत्च विनिष्पतेत् ॥ ७.१०६॥
bakavatcintayedarthān siṃhavatca parākrame | vṛkavatcāvalumpeta śaśavatca viniṣpatet || 7.106||
7.107. When he is thus engaged in conquest, let him subdue all the opponents whom he may find, by the (four) expedients, conciliation and the rest.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   107

एवं विजयमानस्य येऽस्य स्युः परिपन्थिनः । तानानयेद्वशं सर्वान् सामादिभिरुपक्रमैः ॥ ७.१०७॥
evaṃ vijayamānasya ye'sya syuḥ paripanthinaḥ | tānānayedvaśaṃ sarvān sāmādibhirupakramaiḥ || 7.107||
7.108. If they cannot be stopped by the three first expedients, then let him, overcoming them by force alone, gradually bring them to subjection.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   108

यदि ते तु न तिष्ठेयुरुपायैः प्रथमैस्त्रिभिः । दण्डेनैव प्रसह्यैतांशनकैर्वशमानयेत् ॥ ७.१०८॥
yadi te tu na tiṣṭheyurupāyaiḥ prathamaistribhiḥ | daṇḍenaiva prasahyaitāṃśanakairvaśamānayet || 7.108||
7.109. Among the four expedients, conciliation and the rest, the learned always recommend conciliation and (the employment of) force for the prosperity of kingdoms.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   109

सामादीनामुपायानां चतुर्णामपि पण्डिताः । सामदण्डौ प्रशंसन्ति नित्यं राष्ट्राभिवृद्धये ॥ ७.१०९॥
sāmādīnāmupāyānāṃ caturṇāmapi paṇḍitāḥ | sāmadaṇḍau praśaṃsanti nityaṃ rāṣṭrābhivṛddhaye || 7.109||
7.110. As the weeder plucks up the weeds and preserves the corn, even so let the king protect his kingdom and destroy his opponents.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   110

यथोद्धरति निर्दाता कक्षं धान्यं च रक्षति । तथा रक्षेन्नृपो राष्ट्रं हन्याच्च परिपन्थिनः ॥ ७.११०॥
yathoddharati nirdātā kakṣaṃ dhānyaṃ ca rakṣati | tathā rakṣennṛpo rāṣṭraṃ hanyācca paripanthinaḥ || 7.110||
7.111. That king who through folly rashly oppresses his kingdom, (will), together with his relatives, ere long be deprived of his life and of his kingdom.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   111

मोहाद्राजा स्वराष्ट्रं यः कर्षयत्यनवेक्षया । सोऽचिराद्भ्रश्यते राज्यात्जीवितात्च सबान्धवः ॥ ७.१११॥
mohādrājā svarāṣṭraṃ yaḥ karṣayatyanavekṣayā | so'cirādbhraśyate rājyātjīvitātca sabāndhavaḥ || 7.111||
7.112. As the lives of living creatures are destroyed by tormenting their bodies, even so the lives of kings are destroyed by their oppressing their kingdoms.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   112

शरीरकर्षणात्प्राणाः क्षीयन्ते प्राणिनां यथा । तथा राज्ञामपि प्राणाः क्षीयन्ते राष्ट्रकर्षणात् ॥ ७.११२॥
śarīrakarṣaṇātprāṇāḥ kṣīyante prāṇināṃ yathā | tathā rājñāmapi prāṇāḥ kṣīyante rāṣṭrakarṣaṇāt || 7.112||
7.113. In governing his kingdom let him always observe the (following) rules; for a king who governs his kingdom well, easily prospers.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   113

राष्ट्रस्य सङ्ग्रहे नित्यं विधानमिदमाचरेत् । सुसङ्गृहीतराष्ट्रे हि पार्थिवः सुखमेधते ॥ ७.११३॥
rāṣṭrasya saṅgrahe nityaṃ vidhānamidamācaret | susaṅgṛhītarāṣṭre hi pārthivaḥ sukhamedhate || 7.113||
7.114. Let him place a company of soldiers, commanded (by a trusty officer), the midst of two, three, five or hundreds of villages, (to be) a protection of the kingdom.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   114

द्वयोस्त्रयाणां पञ्चानां मध्ये गुल्ममधिष्ठितम् । तथा ग्रामशतानां च कुर्याद्राष्ट्रस्य सङ्ग्रहम् ॥ ७.११४॥
dvayostrayāṇāṃ pañcānāṃ madhye gulmamadhiṣṭhitam | tathā grāmaśatānāṃ ca kuryādrāṣṭrasya saṅgraham || 7.114||
7.115. Let him appoint a lord over (each) village, as well as lords of ten villages, lords of twenty, lords of a hundred, and lords of a thousand.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   115

ग्रामस्याधिपतिं कुर्याद्दशग्रामपतिं तथा । विंशतीशं शतेशं च सहस्रपतिमेव च ॥ ७.११५॥
grāmasyādhipatiṃ kuryāddaśagrāmapatiṃ tathā | viṃśatīśaṃ śateśaṃ ca sahasrapatimeva ca || 7.115||
7.116. The lord of one village himself shall inform the lord of ten villages of the crimes committed in his village, and the ruler of ten (shall make his report) to the ruler of twenty.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   116

ग्रामदोषान् समुत्पन्नान् ग्रामिकः शनकैः स्वयम् । शंसेद्ग्रामदशेशाय दशेशो विंशतीशिने ॥ ७.११६॥
grāmadoṣān samutpannān grāmikaḥ śanakaiḥ svayam | śaṃsedgrāmadaśeśāya daśeśo viṃśatīśine || 7.116||
7.117. But the ruler of twenty shall report all such (matters) to the lord of a hundred, and the lord of a hundred shall himself give information to the lord of a thousand.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   117

विंशतीशस्तु तत्सर्वं शतेशाय निवेदयेत् । शंसेद्ग्रामशतेशस्तु सहस्रपतये स्वयम् ॥ ७.११७॥
viṃśatīśastu tatsarvaṃ śateśāya nivedayet | śaṃsedgrāmaśateśastu sahasrapataye svayam || 7.117||
7.118. Those (articles) which the villagers ought to furnish daily to the king, such as food, drink, and fuel, the lord of one village shall obtain.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   118

यानि राजप्रदेयानि प्रत्यहं ग्रामवासिभिः । अन्नपानेन्धनादीनि ग्रामिकस्तान्यवाप्नुयात् ॥ ७.११८॥
yāni rājapradeyāni pratyahaṃ grāmavāsibhiḥ | annapānendhanādīni grāmikastānyavāpnuyāt || 7.118||
7.119. The ruler of ten (villages) shall enjoy one kula (as much land as suffices for one family), the ruler of twenty five kulas, the superintendent of a hundred villages (the revenues of) one village, the lord of a thousand (the revenues of) a town.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   119

दशी कुलं तु भुञ्जीत विंशी पञ्च कुलानि च । ग्रामं ग्रामशताध्यक्षः सहस्राधिपतिः पुरम् ॥ ७.११९॥
daśī kulaṃ tu bhuñjīta viṃśī pañca kulāni ca | grāmaṃ grāmaśatādhyakṣaḥ sahasrādhipatiḥ puram || 7.119||
7.120. The affairs of these (officials), which are connected with (their) villages and their separate business, another minister of the king shall inspect, (who must be) loyal and never remiss;

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   120

तेषां ग्राम्याणि कार्यानि पृथक्कार्याणि चैव हि । राज्ञोऽन्यः सचिवः स्निग्धस्तानि पश्येदतन्द्रितः ॥ ७.१२०॥
teṣāṃ grāmyāṇi kāryāni pṛthakkāryāṇi caiva hi | rājño'nyaḥ sacivaḥ snigdhastāni paśyedatandritaḥ || 7.120||
7.121. And in each town let him appoint one superintendent of all affairs, elevated in rank, formidable, (resembling) a planet among the stars.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   121

नगरे नगरे चैकं कुर्यात्सर्वार्थचिन्तकम् । उच्चैःस्थानं घोररूपं नक्षत्राणामिव ग्रहम् ॥ ७.१२१॥
nagare nagare caikaṃ kuryātsarvārthacintakam | uccaiḥsthānaṃ ghorarūpaṃ nakṣatrāṇāmiva graham || 7.121||
7.122. Let that (man) always personally visit by turns all those (other officials); let him properly explore their behaviour in their districts through spies (appointed to) each.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   122

स ताननुपरिक्रामेत्सर्वानेव सदा स्वयम् । तेषां वृत्तं परिणयेत्सम्यग्राष्ट्रेषु तत्चरैः ॥ ७.१२२॥
sa tānanuparikrāmetsarvāneva sadā svayam | teṣāṃ vṛttaṃ pariṇayetsamyagrāṣṭreṣu tatcaraiḥ || 7.122||
7.123. For the servants of the king, who are appointed to protect (the people), generally become knaves who seize the property of others; let him protect his subjects against such (men).

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   123

राज्ञो हि रक्षाधिकृताः परस्वादायिनः शठाः । भृत्या भवन्ति प्रायेण तेभ्यो रक्षेदिमाः प्रजाः ॥ ७.१२३॥
rājño hi rakṣādhikṛtāḥ parasvādāyinaḥ śaṭhāḥ | bhṛtyā bhavanti prāyeṇa tebhyo rakṣedimāḥ prajāḥ || 7.123||
7.124. Let the king confiscate the whole property of those (officials) who, evil-minded, may take money from suitors, and banish them.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   124

ये कार्यिकेभ्योऽर्थमेव गृह्णीयुः पापचेतसः । तेषां सर्वस्वमादाय राजा कुर्यात्प्रवासनम् ॥ ७.१२४॥
ye kāryikebhyo'rthameva gṛhṇīyuḥ pāpacetasaḥ | teṣāṃ sarvasvamādāya rājā kuryātpravāsanam || 7.124||
7.125. For women employed in the royal service and for menial servants, let him fix a daily maintenance, in proportion to their position and to their work.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   125

राजकर्मसु युक्तानां स्त्रीणां प्रेष्यजनस्य च । प्रत्यहं कल्पयेद्वृत्तिं स्थानं कर्मानुरूपतः ॥ ७.१२५॥
rājakarmasu yuktānāṃ strīṇāṃ preṣyajanasya ca | pratyahaṃ kalpayedvṛttiṃ sthānaṃ karmānurūpataḥ || 7.125||
7.126. One pana must be given (daily) as wages to the lowest, six to the highest, likewise clothing every six months and one drona of grain every month.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   126

पणो देयोऽवकृष्टस्य षडुत्कृष्टस्य वेतनम् । षाण्मासिकस्तथाऽच्छादो धान्यद्रोणस्तु मासिकः ॥ ७.१२६॥
paṇo deyo'vakṛṣṭasya ṣaḍutkṛṣṭasya vetanam | ṣāṇmāsikastathā'cchādo dhānyadroṇastu māsikaḥ || 7.126||
7.127. Having well considered (the rates of) purchase and (of) sale, (the length of) the road, (the expense for) food and condiments, the charges of securing the goods, let the king make the traders pay duty.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   127

क्रयविक्रयमध्वानं भक्तं च सपरिव्ययम् । योगक्षेमं च सम्प्रेक्ष्य वणिजो दापयेत्करान् ॥ ७.१२७॥
krayavikrayamadhvānaṃ bhaktaṃ ca saparivyayam | yogakṣemaṃ ca samprekṣya vaṇijo dāpayetkarān || 7.127||
7.128. After (due) consideration the king shall always fix in his realm the duties and taxes in such a manner that both he himself and the man who does the work receive (their due) reward.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   128

यथा फलेन युज्येत राजा कर्ता च कर्मणाम् । तथाऽवेक्ष्य नृपो राष्ट्रे कल्पयेत्सततं करान् ॥ ७.१२८॥
yathā phalena yujyeta rājā kartā ca karmaṇām | tathā'vekṣya nṛpo rāṣṭre kalpayetsatataṃ karān || 7.128||
7.129. As the leech, the calf, and the bee take their food little by little, even so must the king draw from his realm moderate annual taxes.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   129

यथाऽल्पाल्पमदन्त्याद्यं वार्योकोवत्सषट्पदाः । तथाऽल्पाल्पो ग्रहीतव्यो राष्ट्राद्राज्ञाब्दिकः करः ॥ ७.१२९॥
yathā'lpālpamadantyādyaṃ vāryokovatsaṣaṭpadāḥ | tathā'lpālpo grahītavyo rāṣṭrādrājñābdikaḥ karaḥ || 7.129||
7.130. A fiftieth part of (the increments on) cattle and gold may be taken by the king, and the eighth, sixth, or twelfth part of the crops.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   130

पञ्चाशद्भाग आदेयो राज्ञा पशुहिरण्ययोः । धान्यानामष्टमो भागः षष्ठो द्वादश एव वा ॥ ७.१३०॥
pañcāśadbhāga ādeyo rājñā paśuhiraṇyayoḥ | dhānyānāmaṣṭamo bhāgaḥ ṣaṣṭho dvādaśa eva vā || 7.130||
7.131. He may also take the sixth part of trees, meat, honey, clarified butter, perfumes, (medical) herbs, substances used for flavouring food, flowers, roots, and fruit;

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   131

आददीताथ षड्भागं द्रुमान् समधुसर्पिषाम् । गन्धौषधिरसानां च पुष्पमूलफलस्य च ॥ ७.१३१॥
ādadītātha ṣaḍbhāgaṃ drumān samadhusarpiṣām | gandhauṣadhirasānāṃ ca puṣpamūlaphalasya ca || 7.131||
7.132. Of leaves, pot-herbs, grass, (objects) made of cane, skins, of earthen vessels, and all (articles) made of stone.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   132

पत्रशाकतृणानां च चर्मणां वैदलस्य च । मृन्मयानां च भाण्डानां सर्वस्याश्ममयस्य च ॥ ७.१३२॥
patraśākatṛṇānāṃ ca carmaṇāṃ vaidalasya ca | mṛnmayānāṃ ca bhāṇḍānāṃ sarvasyāśmamayasya ca || 7.132||
7.133. Though dying (with want), a king must not levy a tax on Srotriyas, and no Srotriya, residing in his kingdom, must perish from hunger.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   133

म्रियमाणोऽप्याददीत न राजा श्रोत्रियात्करम् । न च क्षुधाऽस्य संसीदेत्श्रोत्रियो विषये वसन् ॥ ७.१३३॥
mriyamāṇo'pyādadīta na rājā śrotriyātkaram | na ca kṣudhā'sya saṃsīdetśrotriyo viṣaye vasan || 7.133||
7.134. The kingdom of that king, in whose dominions a Srotriya pines with hunger, will even, ere long, be afflicted by famine.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   134

यस्य राज्ञस्तु विषये श्रोत्रियः सीदति क्षुधा । तस्यापि तत्क्षुधा राष्ट्रमचिरेणैव सीदति ॥ ७.१३४॥
yasya rājñastu viṣaye śrotriyaḥ sīdati kṣudhā | tasyāpi tatkṣudhā rāṣṭramacireṇaiva sīdati || 7.134||
7.135. Having ascertained his learning in the Veda and (the purity of) his conduct, the king shall provide for him means of subsistence in accordance with the sacred law, and shall protect him in every way, as a father (protects) the lawful son of his body.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   135

श्रुतवृत्ते विदित्वाऽस्य वृत्तिं धर्म्यां प्रकल्पयेत् । संरक्षेत्सर्वतश्चैनं पिता पुत्रमिवौरसम् ॥ ७.१३५॥
śrutavṛtte viditvā'sya vṛttiṃ dharmyāṃ prakalpayet | saṃrakṣetsarvataścainaṃ pitā putramivaurasam || 7.135||
7.136. Whatever meritorious acts (such a Brahmana) performs under the full protection of the king, thereby the king’s length of life, wealth, and kingdom increase.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   136

संरक्ष्यमाणो राज्ञाऽयं कुरुते धर्ममन्वहम् । तेनायुर्वर्धते राज्ञो द्रविणं राष्ट्रमेव च ॥ ७.१३६॥
saṃrakṣyamāṇo rājñā'yaṃ kurute dharmamanvaham | tenāyurvardhate rājño draviṇaṃ rāṣṭrameva ca || 7.136||
7.137. Let the king make the common inhabitants of his realm who live by traffic, pay annually some trifle, which is called a tax.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   137

यत्किं चिदपि वर्षस्य दापयेत्करसंज्ञितम् । व्यवहारेण जीवन्तं राजा राष्ट्रे पृथग्जनम् ॥ ७.१३७॥
yatkiṃ cidapi varṣasya dāpayetkarasaṃjñitam | vyavahāreṇa jīvantaṃ rājā rāṣṭre pṛthagjanam || 7.137||
7.138. Mechanics and artisans, as well as Sudras who subsist by manual labour, he may cause to work (for himself) one (day) in each month.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   138

कारुकान् शिल्पिनश्चैव शूद्रांश्चात्मोपजीविनः । एकैकं कारयेत्कर्म मासि मासि महीपतिः ॥ ७.१३८॥
kārukān śilpinaścaiva śūdrāṃścātmopajīvinaḥ | ekaikaṃ kārayetkarma māsi māsi mahīpatiḥ || 7.138||
7.139. Let him not cut up his own root (by levying no taxes), nor the root of other (men) by excessive greed; for by cutting up his own root (or theirs), he makes himself or them wretched.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   139

नोच्छिन्द्यादात्मनो मूलं परेषां चातितृष्णया । उच्छिन्दन् ह्यात्मनो मूलमात्मानं तांश्च पीडयेत् ॥ ७.१३९॥
nocchindyādātmano mūlaṃ pareṣāṃ cātitṛṣṇayā | ucchindan hyātmano mūlamātmānaṃ tāṃśca pīḍayet || 7.139||
7.140. Let the king, having carefully considered (each) affair, be both sharp and gentle; for a king who is both sharp and gentle is highly respected.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   140

तीक्ष्णश्चैव मृदुश्च स्यात्कार्यं वीक्ष्य महीपतिः । तीक्ष्णश्चैव मृदुश्चैव राज भवति सम्मतः ॥ ७.१४०॥
tīkṣṇaścaiva mṛduśca syātkāryaṃ vīkṣya mahīpatiḥ | tīkṣṇaścaiva mṛduścaiva rāja bhavati sammataḥ || 7.140||
7.141. When he is tired with the inspection of the business of men, let him place on that seat (of justice) his chief minister, (who must be) acquainted with the law, wise, self-controlled, and descended from a (noble) family.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   141

अमात्यमुख्यं धर्मज्ञं प्राज्ञं दान्तं कुलोद्गतम् । स्थापयेदासने तस्मिन् खिन्नः कार्यैक्षणे नृणाम् ॥ ७.१४१॥
amātyamukhyaṃ dharmajñaṃ prājñaṃ dāntaṃ kulodgatam | sthāpayedāsane tasmin khinnaḥ kāryaikṣaṇe nṛṇām || 7.141||
7.142. Having thus arranged all the affairs (of) his (government), he shall zealously and carefully protect his subjects.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   142

एवं सर्वं विधायैदमितिकर्तव्यमात्मनः । युक्तश्चैवाप्रमत्तश्च परिरक्षेदिमाः प्रजाः ॥ ७.१४२॥
evaṃ sarvaṃ vidhāyaidamitikartavyamātmanaḥ | yuktaścaivāpramattaśca parirakṣedimāḥ prajāḥ || 7.142||
7.143. That (monarch) whose subjects are carried off by robbers (Dasyu) from his kingdom, while they loudly call (for help), and he and his servants are (quietly) looking on, is a dead and not a living (king).

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   143

विक्रोशन्त्यो यस्य राष्ट्राध्रियन्ते दस्युभिः प्रजाः । सम्पश्यतः सभृत्यस्य मृतः स न तु जीवति ॥ ७.१४३॥
vikrośantyo yasya rāṣṭrādhriyante dasyubhiḥ prajāḥ | sampaśyataḥ sabhṛtyasya mṛtaḥ sa na tu jīvati || 7.143||
7.144. The highest duty of a Kshatriya is to protect his subjects, for the king who enjoys the rewards, just mentioned, is bound to (discharge that) duty.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   144

क्षत्रियस्य परो धर्मः प्रजानामेव पालनम् । निर्दिष्टफलभोक्ता हि राजा धर्मेण युज्यते ॥ ७.१४४॥
kṣatriyasya paro dharmaḥ prajānāmeva pālanam | nirdiṣṭaphalabhoktā hi rājā dharmeṇa yujyate || 7.144||
7.145. Having risen in the last watch of the night, having performed (the rite of) personal purification, having, with a collected mind, offered oblations in the fire, and having worshipped Brahmanas, he shall enter the hall of audience which must possess the marks (considered) auspicious (for a dwelling).

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   145

उत्थाय पश्चिमे यामे कृतशौचः समाहितः । हुताग्निर्ब्राह्मणांश्चार्च्य प्रविशेत्स शुभां सभाम् ॥ ७.१४५॥
utthāya paścime yāme kṛtaśaucaḥ samāhitaḥ | hutāgnirbrāhmaṇāṃścārcya praviśetsa śubhāṃ sabhām || 7.145||
7.146. Tarrying there, he shall gratify all subjects (who come to see him by a kind reception) and afterwards dismiss them; having dismissed his subjects, he shall take counsel with his ministers.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   146

तत्र स्थितः प्रजाः सर्वाः प्रतिनन्द्य विसर्जयेत् । विसृज्य च प्रजाः सर्वा मन्त्रयेत्सह मन्त्रिभिः ॥ ७.१४६॥
tatra sthitaḥ prajāḥ sarvāḥ pratinandya visarjayet | visṛjya ca prajāḥ sarvā mantrayetsaha mantribhiḥ || 7.146||
7.147. Ascending the back of a hill or a terrace, (and) retiring (there) in a lonely place, or in a solitary forest, let him consult with them unobserved.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   147

गिरिपृष्ठं समारुह्य प्रासादं वा रहोगतः । अरण्ये निःशलाके वा मन्त्रयेदविभावितः ॥ ७.१४७॥
giripṛṣṭhaṃ samāruhya prāsādaṃ vā rahogataḥ | araṇye niḥśalāke vā mantrayedavibhāvitaḥ || 7.147||
7.148. That king whose secret plans other people, (though) assembled (for the purpose), do not discover, (will) enjoy the whole earth, though he be poor in treasure.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   148

यस्य मन्त्रं न जानन्ति समागम्य पृथग्जनाः । स कृत्स्नां पृथिवीं भुङ्क्ते कोशहीनोऽपि पार्थिवः ॥ ७.१४८॥
yasya mantraṃ na jānanti samāgamya pṛthagjanāḥ | sa kṛtsnāṃ pṛthivīṃ bhuṅkte kośahīno'pi pārthivaḥ || 7.148||
7.149. At the time of consultation let him cause to be removed idiots, the dumb, the blind, and the deaf, animals, very aged men, women, barbarians, the sick, and those deficient in limbs.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   149

जडमूकान्धबधिरांस्तैर्यग्योनान् वयोऽतिगान् । स्त्रीम्लेच्छव्याधितव्यङ्गान् मन्त्रकालेऽपसारयेत् ॥ ७.१४९॥
jaḍamūkāndhabadhirāṃstairyagyonān vayo'tigān | strīmlecchavyādhitavyaṅgān mantrakāle'pasārayet || 7.149||
7.150. (Such) despicable (persons), likewise animals, and particularly women betray secret council; for that reason he must be careful with respect to them.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   150

भिन्दन्त्यवमता मन्त्रं तैर्यग्योनास्तथैव च । स्त्रियश्चैव विशेषेण तस्मात्तत्रादृतो भवेत् ॥ ७.१५०॥
bhindantyavamatā mantraṃ tairyagyonāstathaiva ca | striyaścaiva viśeṣeṇa tasmāttatrādṛto bhavet || 7.150||
7.151. At midday or at midnight, when his mental and bodily fatigues are over, let him deliberate, either with himself alone or with his (ministers), on virtue, pleasure, and wealth,

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   151

मध्यंदिनेऽर्धरात्रे वा विश्रान्तो विगतक्लमः । चिन्तयेद्धर्मकामार्थान् सार्थं तैरेक एव वा ॥ ७.१५१॥
madhyaṃdine'rdharātre vā viśrānto vigataklamaḥ | cintayeddharmakāmārthān sārthaṃ taireka eva vā || 7.151||
7.152. On (reconciling) the attainment of these (aims) which are opposed to each other, on bestowing his daughters in marriage, and on keeping his sons (from harm),

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   152

परस्परविरुद्धानां तेषां च समुपार्जनम् । कन्यानां सम्प्रदानं च कुमाराणां च रक्षणम् ॥ ७.१५२॥
parasparaviruddhānāṃ teṣāṃ ca samupārjanam | kanyānāṃ sampradānaṃ ca kumārāṇāṃ ca rakṣaṇam || 7.152||
7.153. On sending ambassadors, on the completion of undertakings (already begun), on the behaviour of (the women in) his harem, and on the doings of his spies.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   153

दूतसम्प्रेषणं चैव कार्यशेषं तथैव च । अन्तःपुरप्रचारं च प्रणिधीनां च चेष्टितम् ॥ ७.१५३॥
dūtasampreṣaṇaṃ caiva kāryaśeṣaṃ tathaiva ca | antaḥpurapracāraṃ ca praṇidhīnāṃ ca ceṣṭitam || 7.153||
7.154. On the whole eightfold business and the five classes (of spies), on the goodwill or enmity and the conduct of the circle (of neighbours he must) carefully (reflect).

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   154

कृत्स्नं चाष्टविधं कर्म पञ्चवर्गं च तत्त्वतः । अनुरागापरागौ च प्रचारं मण्डलस्य च ॥ ७.१५४॥
kṛtsnaṃ cāṣṭavidhaṃ karma pañcavargaṃ ca tattvataḥ | anurāgāparāgau ca pracāraṃ maṇḍalasya ca || 7.154||
7.155. On the conduct of the middlemost (prince), on the doings of him who seeks conquest, on the behaviour of the neutral (king), and (on that) of the foe (let him) sedulously (meditate).

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   155

मध्यमस्य प्रचारं च विजिगीषोश्च चेष्टितम् । उदासीनप्रचारं च शत्रोश्चैव प्रयत्नतः ॥ ७.१५५॥
madhyamasya pracāraṃ ca vijigīṣośca ceṣṭitam | udāsīnapracāraṃ ca śatroścaiva prayatnataḥ || 7.155||
7.156. These (four) constituents (prakriti, form), briefly (speaking), the foundation of the circle (of neighbours); besides, eight others are enumerated (in the Institutes of Polity) and (thus) the (total) is declared to be twelve.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   156

एताः प्रकृतयो मूलं मण्डलस्य समासतः । अष्टौ चान्याः समाख्याता द्वादशैव तु ताः स्मृताः ॥ ७.१५६॥
etāḥ prakṛtayo mūlaṃ maṇḍalasya samāsataḥ | aṣṭau cānyāḥ samākhyātā dvādaśaiva tu tāḥ smṛtāḥ || 7.156||
7.157. The minister, the kingdom, the fortress, the treasury, and the army are five other (constituent elements of the circle); for, these are mentioned in connexion with each (of the first twelve; thus the whole circle consists), briefly (speaking, of) seventy-two (constituent parts).

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   157

अमात्यराष्ट्रदुर्गार्थदण्डाख्याः पञ्च चापराः । प्रत्येकं कथिता ह्येताः सङ्क्षेपेण द्विसप्ततिः ॥ ७.१५७॥
amātyarāṣṭradurgārthadaṇḍākhyāḥ pañca cāparāḥ | pratyekaṃ kathitā hyetāḥ saṅkṣepeṇa dvisaptatiḥ || 7.157||
7.158. Let (the king) consider as hostile his immediate neighbour and the partisan of (such a) foe, as friendly the immediate neighbour of his foe, and as neutral (the king) beyond those two.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   158

अनन्तरमरिं विद्यादरिसेविनमेव च । अरेरनन्तरं मित्रमुदासीनं तयोः परम् ॥ ७.१५८॥
anantaramariṃ vidyādarisevinameva ca | areranantaraṃ mitramudāsīnaṃ tayoḥ param || 7.158||
7.159. Let him overcome all of them by means of the (four) expedients, conciliation and the rest, (employed) either singly or conjointly, (or) by bravery and policy (alone).

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   159

तान् सर्वानभिसंदध्यात्सामादिभिरुपक्रमैः । व्यस्तैश्चैव समस्तैश्च पौरुषेण नयेन च ॥ ७.१५९॥
tān sarvānabhisaṃdadhyātsāmādibhirupakramaiḥ | vyastaiścaiva samastaiśca pauruṣeṇa nayena ca || 7.159||
7.160. Let him constantly think of the six measures of royal policy (guna, viz.) alliance, war, marching, halting, dividing the army, and seeking protection.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   160

संधिं च विग्रहं चैव यानमासनमेव च । द्वैधीभावं संश्रयं च षड्गुणांश्चिन्तयेत्सदा ॥ ७.१६०॥
saṃdhiṃ ca vigrahaṃ caiva yānamāsanameva ca | dvaidhībhāvaṃ saṃśrayaṃ ca ṣaḍguṇāṃścintayetsadā || 7.160||
7.161. Having carefully considered the business (in hand), let him resort to sitting quiet or marching, alliance or war, dividing his forces or seeking protection (as the case may require).

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   161

आसनं चैव यानं च संधिं विग्रहमेव च । कार्यं वीक्ष्य प्रयुञ्जीत द्वैधं संश्रयमेव च ॥ ७.१६१॥
āsanaṃ caiva yānaṃ ca saṃdhiṃ vigrahameva ca | kāryaṃ vīkṣya prayuñjīta dvaidhaṃ saṃśrayameva ca || 7.161||
7.162. But the king must know that there are two kinds of alliances and of wars, (likewise two) of both marching and sitting quiet, and two (occasions for) seeking protection.)

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   162

संधिं तु द्विविधं विद्याद्राजा विग्रहमेव च । उभे यानासने चैव द्विविधः संश्रयः स्मृतः ॥ ७.१६२॥
saṃdhiṃ tu dvividhaṃ vidyādrājā vigrahameva ca | ubhe yānāsane caiva dvividhaḥ saṃśrayaḥ smṛtaḥ || 7.162||
7.163. An alliance which yields present and future advantages, one must know to be of two descriptions, (viz.) that when one marches together (with an ally) and the contrary (when the allies act separately).

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   163

समानयानकर्मा च विपरीतस्तथैव च । तदा त्वायतिसंयुक्तः संधिर्ज्ञेयो द्विलक्षणः ॥ ७.१६३॥
samānayānakarmā ca viparītastathaiva ca | tadā tvāyatisaṃyuktaḥ saṃdhirjñeyo dvilakṣaṇaḥ || 7.163||
7.164. War is declared to be of two kinds, (viz.) that which is undertaken in season or out of season, by oneself and for one’s own purposes, and (that waged to avenge) an injury done to a friend.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   164

स्वयङ्कृतश्च कार्यार्थमकाले काल एव वा । मित्रस्य चैवापकृते द्विविधो विग्रहः स्मृतः ॥ ७.१६४॥
svayaṅkṛtaśca kāryārthamakāle kāla eva vā | mitrasya caivāpakṛte dvividho vigrahaḥ smṛtaḥ || 7.164||
7.165. Marching (to attack) is said to be twofold, (viz. that undertaken) by one alone when an urgent matter has suddenly arisen, and (that undertaken) by one allied with a friend.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   165

एकाकिनश्चात्ययिके कार्ये प्राप्ते यदृच्छया । संहतस्य च मित्रेण द्विविधं यानमुच्यते ॥ ७.१६५॥
ekākinaścātyayike kārye prāpte yadṛcchayā | saṃhatasya ca mitreṇa dvividhaṃ yānamucyate || 7.165||
7.166. Sitting quiet is stated to be of two kinds, (viz. that incumbent) on one who has gradually been weakened by fate or in consequence of former acts, and (that) in favour of a friend.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   166

क्षीणस्य चैव क्रमशो दैवात्पूर्वकृतेन वा । मित्रस्य चानुरोधेन द्विविधं स्मृतमासनम् ॥ ७.१६६॥
kṣīṇasya caiva kramaśo daivātpūrvakṛtena vā | mitrasya cānurodhena dvividhaṃ smṛtamāsanam || 7.166||
7.167. If the army stops (in one place) and its master (in another) in order to effect some purpose, that is called by those acquainted with the virtues of the measures of royal policy, the twofold division of the forces.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   167

बलस्य स्वामिनश्चैव स्थितिः कार्यार्थसिद्धये । द्विविधं कीर्त्यते द्वैधं षाड्गुण्यगुणवेदिभिः ॥ ७.१६७॥
balasya svāminaścaiva sthitiḥ kāryārthasiddhaye | dvividhaṃ kīrtyate dvaidhaṃ ṣāḍguṇyaguṇavedibhiḥ || 7.167||
7.168. Seeking refuge is declared to be of two kinds, (first) for the purpose of attaining an advantage when one is harassed by enemies, (secondly) in order to become known among the virtuous (as the protege of a powerful king).

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   168

अर्थसम्पादनार्थं च पीड्यमानस्य शत्रुभिः । साधुषु व्यपदेशश्च द्विविधः संश्रयः स्मृतः ॥ ७.१६८॥
arthasampādanārthaṃ ca pīḍyamānasya śatrubhiḥ | sādhuṣu vyapadeśaśca dvividhaḥ saṃśrayaḥ smṛtaḥ || 7.168||
7.169. When (the king) knows (that) at some future time his superiority (is) certain, and (that) at the time present (he will suffer) little injury, then let him have recourse to peaceful measures.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   169

यदाऽवगच्छेदायत्यामाधिक्यं ध्रुवमात्मनः । तदात्वे चाल्पिकां पीडां तदा संधिं समाश्रयेत् ॥ ७.१६९॥
yadā'vagacchedāyatyāmādhikyaṃ dhruvamātmanaḥ | tadātve cālpikāṃ pīḍāṃ tadā saṃdhiṃ samāśrayet || 7.169||
7.170. But when he thinks all his subjects to be exceedingly contented, and (that he) himself (is) most exalted (in power), then let him make war.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   170

यदा प्रहृष्टा मन्येत सर्वास्तु प्रकृतीर्भृशम् । अत्युच्छ्रितं तथात्मानं तदा कुर्वीत विग्रहम् ॥ ७.१७०॥
yadā prahṛṣṭā manyeta sarvāstu prakṛtīrbhṛśam | atyucchritaṃ tathātmānaṃ tadā kurvīta vigraham || 7.170||
7.171. When he knows his own army to be cheerful in disposition and strong, and (that) of his enemy the reverse, then let him march against his foe.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   171

यदा मन्येत भावेन हृष्टं पुष्टं बलं स्वकम् । परस्य विपरीतं च तदा यायाद्रिपुं प्रति ॥ ७.१७१॥
yadā manyeta bhāvena hṛṣṭaṃ puṣṭaṃ balaṃ svakam | parasya viparītaṃ ca tadā yāyādripuṃ prati || 7.171||
7.172. But if he is very weak in chariots and beasts of burden and in troops, then let him carefully sit quiet, gradually conciliating his foes.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   172

यदा तु स्यात्परिक्षीणो वाहनेन बलेन च । तदासीत प्रयत्नेन शनकैः सान्त्वयन्नरीन् ॥ ७.१७२॥
yadā tu syātparikṣīṇo vāhanena balena ca | tadāsīta prayatnena śanakaiḥ sāntvayannarīn || 7.172||
7.173. When the king knows the enemy to be stronger in every respect, then let him divide his army and thus achieve his purpose.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   173

मन्येतारिं यदा राजा सर्वथा बलवत्तरम् । तदा द्विधा बलं कृत्वा साधयेत्कार्यमात्मनः ॥ ७.१७३॥
manyetāriṃ yadā rājā sarvathā balavattaram | tadā dvidhā balaṃ kṛtvā sādhayetkāryamātmanaḥ || 7.173||
7.174. But when he is very easily assailable by the forces of the enemy, then let him quickly seek refuge with a righteous, powerful king.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   174

यदा परबलानां तु गमनीयतमो भवेत् । तदा तु संश्रयेत्क्षिप्रं धार्मिकं बलिनं नृपम् ॥ ७.१७४॥
yadā parabalānāṃ tu gamanīyatamo bhavet | tadā tu saṃśrayetkṣipraṃ dhārmikaṃ balinaṃ nṛpam || 7.174||
7.175. That (prince) who will coerce both his (disloyal) subjects and the army of the foe, let him ever serve with every effort like a Guru.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   175

निग्रहं प्रकृतीनां च कुर्याद्योऽरिबलस्य च । उपसेवेत तं नित्यं सर्वयत्नैर्गुरुं यथा ॥ ७.१७५॥
nigrahaṃ prakṛtīnāṃ ca kuryādyo'ribalasya ca | upaseveta taṃ nityaṃ sarvayatnairguruṃ yathā || 7.175||
7.176. When, even in that (condition), he sees (that) evil is caused by (such) protection, let him without hesitation have recourse to war.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   176

यदि तत्रापि सम्पश्येद्दोषं संश्रयकारितम् । सुयुद्धमेव तत्रापि निर्विशङ्कः समाचरेत् ॥ ७.१७६॥
yadi tatrāpi sampaśyeddoṣaṃ saṃśrayakāritam | suyuddhameva tatrāpi nirviśaṅkaḥ samācaret || 7.176||
7.177. By all (the four) expedients a politic prince must arrange (matters so) that neither friends, nor neutrals, nor foes are superior to himself.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   177

सर्वोपायैस्तथा कुर्यान्नीतिज्ञः पृथिवीपतिः । यथाऽस्याभ्यधिका न स्युर्मित्रोदासीनशत्रवः ॥ ७.१७७॥
sarvopāyaistathā kuryānnītijñaḥ pṛthivīpatiḥ | yathā'syābhyadhikā na syurmitrodāsīnaśatravaḥ || 7.177||
7.178. Let him fully consider the future and the immediate results of all undertakings, and the good and bad sides of all past (actions).

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   178

आयतिं सर्वकार्याणां तदात्वं च विचारयेत् । अतीतानां च सर्वेषां गुणदोषौ च तत्त्वतः ॥ ७.१७८॥
āyatiṃ sarvakāryāṇāṃ tadātvaṃ ca vicārayet | atītānāṃ ca sarveṣāṃ guṇadoṣau ca tattvataḥ || 7.178||
7.179. He who knows the good and the evil (which will result from his acts) in the future, is quick in forming resolutions for the present, and understands the consequences of past (actions), will not be conquered.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   179

आयत्यां गुणदोषज्ञस्तदात्वे क्षिप्रनिश्चयः । अतीते कार्यशेषज्ञः शत्रुभिर्नाभिभूयते ॥ ७.१७९॥
āyatyāṃ guṇadoṣajñastadātve kṣipraniścayaḥ | atīte kāryaśeṣajñaḥ śatrubhirnābhibhūyate || 7.179||
7.180. Let him arrange everything in such a manner that no ally, no neutral or foe may injure him; that is the sum of political wisdom.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   180

यथैनं नाभिसंदध्युर्मित्रोदासीनशत्रवः । तथा सर्वं संविदध्यादेष सामासिको नयः ॥ ७.१८०॥
yathainaṃ nābhisaṃdadhyurmitrodāsīnaśatravaḥ | tathā sarvaṃ saṃvidadhyādeṣa sāmāsiko nayaḥ || 7.180||
7.181. But if the king undertakes an expedition against a hostile kingdom, then let him gradually advance, in the following manner, against his foe’s capital.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   181

तदा तु यानमातिष्ठेदरिराष्ट्रं प्रति प्रभुः । तदानेन विधानेन यायादरिपुरं शनैः ॥ ७.१८१॥
tadā tu yānamātiṣṭhedarirāṣṭraṃ prati prabhuḥ | tadānena vidhānena yāyādaripuraṃ śanaiḥ || 7.181||
7.182. Let the king undertake his march in the fine month Margasirsha, or towards the months of Phalguna and Kaitra, according to the (condition of his) army.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   182

मार्गशीर्षे शुभे मासि यायाद्यात्रां महीपतिः । फाल्गुनं वाथ चैत्रं वा मासौ प्रति यथाबलम् ॥ ७.१८२॥
mārgaśīrṣe śubhe māsi yāyādyātrāṃ mahīpatiḥ | phālgunaṃ vātha caitraṃ vā māsau prati yathābalam || 7.182||
7.183. Even at other times, when he has a certain prospect of victory, or when a disaster has befallen his foe, he may advance to attack him.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   183

अन्येष्वपि तु कालेषु यदा पश्येद्ध्रुवं जयम् । तदा यायाद्विगृह्यैव व्यसने चोत्थिते रिपोः ॥ ७.१८३॥
anyeṣvapi tu kāleṣu yadā paśyeddhruvaṃ jayam | tadā yāyādvigṛhyaiva vyasane cotthite ripoḥ || 7.183||
7.184. But having duly arranged (all affairs) in his original (kingdom) and what relates to the expedition, having secured a basis (for his operations) and having duly dispatched his spies

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   184

कृत्वा विधानं मूले तु यात्रिकं च यथाविधि । उपगृह्यास्पदं चैव चारान् सम्यग्विधाय च ॥ ७.१८४॥
kṛtvā vidhānaṃ mūle tu yātrikaṃ ca yathāvidhi | upagṛhyāspadaṃ caiva cārān samyagvidhāya ca || 7.184||
7.185. Having cleared the three kinds of roads, and (having made) his sixfold army (efficient), let him leisurely proceed in the manner prescribed for warfare against the enemy’s capital.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   185

संशोध्य त्रिविधं मार्गं षड्विधं च बलं स्वकम् । साम्परायिककल्पेन यायादरिपुरं प्रति ॥ ७.१८५॥
saṃśodhya trividhaṃ mārgaṃ ṣaḍvidhaṃ ca balaṃ svakam | sāmparāyikakalpena yāyādaripuraṃ prati || 7.185||
7.186. Let him be very much on his guard against a friend who secretly serves the enemy and against (deserters) who return (from the enemy’s camp); for such (men are) the most dangerous foes.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   186

शत्रुसेविनि मित्रे च गूढे युक्ततरो भवेत् । गतप्रत्यागते चैव स हि कष्टतरो रिपुः ॥ ७.१८६॥
śatrusevini mitre ca gūḍhe yuktataro bhavet | gatapratyāgate caiva sa hi kaṣṭataro ripuḥ || 7.186||
7.187. Let him march on his road, arraying (his troops) like a staff (i.e. in an oblong), or like a waggon (i.e. in a wedge), or like a boar (i.e. in a rhombus), or like a Makara (i.e. in two triangles, with the apices joined), or like a pin (i.e. in a long line), or like a Garuda (i.e. in a rhomboid with far-extended wings).

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   187

दण्डव्यूहेन तन् मार्गं यायात्तु शकटेन वा । वराहमकराभ्यां वा सूच्या वा गरुडेन वा ॥ ७.१८७॥
daṇḍavyūhena tan mārgaṃ yāyāttu śakaṭena vā | varāhamakarābhyāṃ vā sūcyā vā garuḍena vā || 7.187||
7.188. From whatever (side) he apprehends danger, in that (direction) let him extend his troops, and let him always himself encamp in an array, shaped like a lotus.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   188

यतश्च भयमाशङ्केत्ततो विस्तारयेद्बलम् । पद्मेन चैव व्यूहेन निविशेत सदा स्वयम् ॥ ७.१८८॥
yataśca bhayamāśaṅkettato vistārayedbalam | padmena caiva vyūhena niviśeta sadā svayam || 7.188||
7.189. Let him allot to the commander-in-chief, to the (subordinate) general, (and to the superior officers) places in all directions, and let him turn his front in that direction whence he fears danger.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   189

सेनापतिबलाध्यक्षौ सर्वदिक्षु निवेशयेत् । यतश्च भयमाशङ्केत्प्राचीं तां कल्पयेद्दिशम् ॥ ७.१८९॥
senāpatibalādhyakṣau sarvadikṣu niveśayet | yataśca bhayamāśaṅketprācīṃ tāṃ kalpayeddiśam || 7.189||
7.190. On all sides let him place troops of soldiers, on whom he can rely, with whom signals have been arranged, who are expert both in sustaining a charge and in charging, fearless and loyal.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   190

गुल्मांश्च स्थापयेदाप्तान् कृतसंज्ञान् समन्ततः । स्थाने युद्धे च कुशलानभीरूनविकारिणः ॥ ७.१९०॥
gulmāṃśca sthāpayedāptān kṛtasaṃjñān samantataḥ | sthāne yuddhe ca kuśalānabhīrūnavikāriṇaḥ || 7.190||
7.191. Let him make a small number of soldiers fight in close order, at his pleasure let him extend a large number in loose ranks; or let him make them fight, arranging (a small number) in the needle-array, (and a large number) in the thunderbolt-array.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   191

संहतान् योधयेदल्पान् कामं विस्तारयेद्बहून् । सूच्या वज्रेण चैवैतान् व्यूहेन व्यूह्य योधयेत् ॥ ७.१९१॥
saṃhatān yodhayedalpān kāmaṃ vistārayedbahūn | sūcyā vajreṇa caivaitān vyūhena vyūhya yodhayet || 7.191||
7.192. On even ground let him fight with chariots and horses, in water-bound places with boats and elephants, on (ground) covered with trees and shrubs with bows, on hilly ground with swords, targets, (and other) weapons.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   192

स्यन्दनाश्वैः समे युध्येदनूपेनोद्विपैस्तथा । वृक्षगुल्मावृते चापैरसिचर्मायुधैः स्थले ॥ ७.१९२॥
syandanāśvaiḥ same yudhyedanūpenodvipaistathā | vṛkṣagulmāvṛte cāpairasicarmāyudhaiḥ sthale || 7.192||
7.193. (Men born in) Kurukshetra, Matsyas, Pankalas, and those born in Surasena, let him cause to fight in the van of the battle, as well as (others who are) tall and light.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   193

कौरक्षेत्रांश्च मत्स्यांश्च पञ्चालांशूरसेनजान् । दीर्घांल्लघूंश्चैव नरानग्रानीकेषु योजयेत् ॥ ७.१९३॥
kaurakṣetrāṃśca matsyāṃśca pañcālāṃśūrasenajān | dīrghāṃllaghūṃścaiva narānagrānīkeṣu yojayet || 7.193||
7.194. After arranging his troops, he should encourage them (by an address) and carefully inspect them; he should also mark the behaviour (of the soldiers) when they engage the enemy.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   194

प्रहर्षयेद्बलं व्यूह्य तांश्च सम्यक्परीक्षयेत् । चेष्टाश्चैव विजानीयादरीन् योधयतामपि ॥ ७.१९४॥
praharṣayedbalaṃ vyūhya tāṃśca samyakparīkṣayet | ceṣṭāścaiva vijānīyādarīn yodhayatāmapi || 7.194||
7.195. When he has shut up his foe (in a town), let him sit encamped, harass his kingdom, and continually spoil his grass, food, fuel, and water.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   195

उपरुध्यारिमासीत राष्ट्रं चास्योपपीडयेत् । दूषयेच्चास्य सततं यवसान्नोदकैन्धनम् ॥ ७.१९५॥
uparudhyārimāsīta rāṣṭraṃ cāsyopapīḍayet | dūṣayeccāsya satataṃ yavasānnodakaindhanam || 7.195||
7.196. Likewise let him destroy the tanks, ramparts, and ditches, and let him assail the (foe unawares) and alarm him at night.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   196

भिन्द्याच्चैव तडागानि प्राकारपरिखास्तथा । समवस्कन्दयेच्चैनं रात्रौ वित्रासयेत्तथा ॥ ७.१९६॥
bhindyāccaiva taḍāgāni prākāraparikhāstathā | samavaskandayeccainaṃ rātrau vitrāsayettathā || 7.196||
7.197. Let him instigate to rebellion those who are open to such instigations, let him be informed of his (foe’s) doings, and, when fate is propitious, let him fight without fear, trying to conquer.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   197

उपजप्यानुपजपेद्बुध्येतैव च तत्कृतम् । युक्ते च दैवे युध्येत जयप्रेप्सुरपेतभीः ॥ ७.१९७॥
upajapyānupajapedbudhyetaiva ca tatkṛtam | yukte ca daive yudhyeta jayaprepsurapetabhīḥ || 7.197||
7.198. He should (however) try to conquer his foes by conciliation, by (well-applied) gifts, and by creating dissension, used either separately or conjointly, never by fighting, (if it can be avoided.)

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   198

साम्ना दानेन भेदेन समस्तैरथ वा पृथक् । विजेतुं प्रयतेतारीन्न युद्धेन कदा चन ॥ ७.१९८॥
sāmnā dānena bhedena samastairatha vā pṛthak | vijetuṃ prayatetārīnna yuddhena kadā cana || 7.198||
7.199. For when two (princes) fight, victory and defeat in the battle are, as experience teaches, uncertain; let him therefore avoid an engagement.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   199

अनित्यो विजयो यस्माद्दृश्यते युध्यमानयोः । पराजयश्च सङ्ग्रामे तस्माद्युद्धं विवर्जयेत् ॥ ७.१९९॥
anityo vijayo yasmāddṛśyate yudhyamānayoḥ | parājayaśca saṅgrāme tasmādyuddhaṃ vivarjayet || 7.199||
7.200. (But) if even those three before-mentioned expedients fail, then let him, duly exerting himself, fight in such a manner that he may completely conquer his enemies.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   200

त्रयाणामप्युपायानां पूर्वोक्तानामसम्भवे । तथा युध्येत सम्पन्नो विजयेत रिपून् यथा ॥ ७.२००॥
trayāṇāmapyupāyānāṃ pūrvoktānāmasambhave | tathā yudhyeta sampanno vijayeta ripūn yathā || 7.200||
7.201. When he has gained victory, let him duly worship the gods and honour righteous Brahmanas, let him grant exemptions, and let him cause promises of safety to be proclaimed.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   201

जित्वा सम्पूजयेद्देवान् ब्राह्मणांश्चैव धार्मिकान् । प्रदद्यात्परिहारार्थं ख्यापयेदभयानि च ॥ ७.२०१॥
jitvā sampūjayeddevān brāhmaṇāṃścaiva dhārmikān | pradadyātparihārārthaṃ khyāpayedabhayāni ca || 7.201||
7.202. But having fully ascertained the wishes of all the (conquered), let him place there a relative of the (vanquished ruler on the throne), and let him impose his conditions.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   202

सर्वेषां तु विदित्वैषां समासेन चिकीर्षितम् । स्थापयेत्तत्र तद्वंश्यं कुर्याच्च समयक्रियाम् ॥ ७.२०२॥
sarveṣāṃ tu viditvaiṣāṃ samāsena cikīrṣitam | sthāpayettatra tadvaṃśyaṃ kuryācca samayakriyām || 7.202||
7.203. Let him make authoritative the lawful (customs) of the (inhabitants), just as they are stated (to be), and let him honour the (new king) and his chief servants with precious gifts.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   203

प्रमाणानि च कुर्वीत तेषां धर्मान् यथोदितान् । रत्नैश्च पूजयेदेनं प्रधानपुरुषैः सह ॥ ७.२०३॥
pramāṇāni ca kurvīta teṣāṃ dharmān yathoditān | ratnaiśca pūjayedenaṃ pradhānapuruṣaiḥ saha || 7.203||
7.204. The seizure of desirable property which causes displeasure, and its distribution which causes pleasure, are both recommendable, (if they are) resorted to at the proper time.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   204

आदानमप्रियकरं दानं च प्रियकारकम् । अभीप्सितानामर्थानां कालयुक्तं प्रशस्यते ॥ ७.२०४॥
ādānamapriyakaraṃ dānaṃ ca priyakārakam | abhīpsitānāmarthānāṃ kālayuktaṃ praśasyate || 7.204||
7.205. All undertakings (in) this (world) depend both on the ordering of fate and on human exertion; but among these two (the ways of) fate are unfathomable; in the case of man’s work action is possible.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   205

सर्वं कर्मैदमायत्तं विधाने दैवमानुषे । तयोर्दैवमचिन्त्यं तु मानुषे विद्यते क्रिया ॥ ७.२०५॥
sarvaṃ karmaidamāyattaṃ vidhāne daivamānuṣe | tayordaivamacintyaṃ tu mānuṣe vidyate kriyā || 7.205||
7.206. Or (the king, bent on conquest), considering a friend, gold, and land (to be) the triple result (of an expedition), may, using diligent care, make peace with (his foe) and return (to his realm).

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   206

पार्ष्णिग्राहं च सम्प्रेक्ष्य तथाक्रन्दं च मण्डले । मित्रादथाप्यमित्राद्वा यात्राफलमवाप्नुयात् ॥ ७.२०७॥
pārṣṇigrāhaṃ ca samprekṣya tathākrandaṃ ca maṇḍale | mitrādathāpyamitrādvā yātrāphalamavāpnuyāt || 7.207||
7.207. Having paid due attention to any king in the circle (of neighbouring states) who might attack him in the rear, and to his supporter who opposes the latter, let (the conqueror) secure the fruit of the expedition from (the prince whom he attacks), whether (he may have become) friendly or (remained) hostile.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   207

हिरण्यभूमिसम्प्राप्त्या पार्थिवो न तथैधते । यथा मित्रं ध्रुवं लब्ध्वा कृशमप्यायतिक्षमम् ॥ ७.२०८॥
hiraṇyabhūmisamprāptyā pārthivo na tathaidhate | yathā mitraṃ dhruvaṃ labdhvā kṛśamapyāyatikṣamam || 7.208||
7.208. By gaining gold and land a king grows not so much in strength as by obtaining a firm friend, (who), though weak, (may become) powerful in the future.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   208

धर्मज्ञं च कृतज्ञं च तुष्टप्रकृतिमेव च । अनुरक्तं स्थिरारम्भं लघुमित्रं प्रशस्यते ॥ ७.२०९॥
dharmajñaṃ ca kṛtajñaṃ ca tuṣṭaprakṛtimeva ca | anuraktaṃ sthirārambhaṃ laghumitraṃ praśasyate || 7.209||
7.209. A weak friend (even) is greatly commended, who is righteous (and) grateful, whose people are contented, who is attached and persevering in his undertakings.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   209

प्राज्ञं कुलीनं शूरं च दक्षं दातारमेव च । कृतज्ञं धृतिमन्तं च कष्टमाहुररिं बुधाः ॥ ७.२१०॥
prājñaṃ kulīnaṃ śūraṃ ca dakṣaṃ dātārameva ca | kṛtajñaṃ dhṛtimantaṃ ca kaṣṭamāhurariṃ budhāḥ || 7.210||
7.210. The wise declare him (to be) a most dangerous foe, who is wise, of noble race, brave, clever, liberal, grateful, and firm.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   210

आर्यता पुरुषज्ञानं शौर्यं करुणवेदिता । स्थौललक्ष्यं च सततमुदासीनगुणौदयः ॥ ७.२११॥
āryatā puruṣajñānaṃ śauryaṃ karuṇaveditā | sthaulalakṣyaṃ ca satatamudāsīnaguṇaudayaḥ || 7.211||
7.211. Behaviour worthy of an Aryan, knowledge of men, bravery, a compassionate disposition, and great liberality are the virtues of a neutral (who may be courted).

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   211

क्षेम्यां सस्यप्रदां नित्यं पशुवृद्धिकरीमपि । परित्यजेन्नृपो भूमिमात्मार्थमविचारयन् ॥ ७.२१२॥
kṣemyāṃ sasyapradāṃ nityaṃ paśuvṛddhikarīmapi | parityajennṛpo bhūmimātmārthamavicārayan || 7.212||
7.212. Let the king, without hesitation, quit for his own sake even a country (which is) salubrious, fertile, and causing an increase of cattle.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   212

आपदर्थं धनं रक्षेद्दारान् रक्षेद्धनैरपि । आपदर्थेआत्मानं सततं रक्षेद्दारैरपि धनैरपि ॥ ७.२१३॥
āpadarthaṃ dhanaṃ rakṣeddārān rakṣeddhanairapi | āpadartheātmānaṃ satataṃ rakṣeddārairapi dhanairapi || 7.213||
7.213. For times of need let him preserve his wealth; at the expense of his wealth let him preserve his wife; let him at all events preserve himself even by (giving up) his wife and his wealth.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   213

सह सर्वाः समुत्पन्नाः प्रसमीक्ष्यापदो भृशम् । संयुक्तांश्च वियुक्तांश्च सर्वोपायान् सृजेद्बुधः ॥ ७.२१४॥
saha sarvāḥ samutpannāḥ prasamīkṣyāpado bhṛśam | saṃyuktāṃśca viyuktāṃśca sarvopāyān sṛjedbudhaḥ || 7.214||
7.214. A wise (king), seeing that all kinds of misfortunes violently assail him at the same time, should try all (the four) expedients, be it together or separately, (in order to save himself.)

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   214

उपेतारमुपेयं च सर्वोपायांश्च कृत्स्नशः । एतत्त्रयं समाश्रित्य प्रयतेतार्थसिद्धये ॥ ७.२१५॥
upetāramupeyaṃ ca sarvopāyāṃśca kṛtsnaśaḥ | etattrayaṃ samāśritya prayatetārthasiddhaye || 7.215||
7.215. On the person who employs the expedients, on the business to be accomplished, and on all the expedients collectively, on these three let him ponder and strive to accomplish his ends.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   215

एवं सर्वमिदं राजा सह सम्मन्त्र्य मन्त्रिभिः । व्यायम्याप्लुत्य मध्याह्ने भोक्तुमन्तःपुरं विशेत् ॥ ७.२१६॥
evaṃ sarvamidaṃ rājā saha sammantrya mantribhiḥ | vyāyamyāplutya madhyāhne bhoktumantaḥpuraṃ viśet || 7.216||
7.216. Having thus consulted with his ministers on all these (matters), having taken exercise, and having bathed afterwards, the king may enter the harem at midday in order to dine.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   216

तत्रात्मभूतैः कालज्ञैरहार्यैः परिचारकैः । सुपरीक्षितमन्नाद्यमद्यान् मन्त्रैर्विषापहैः ॥ ७.२१७॥
tatrātmabhūtaiḥ kālajñairahāryaiḥ paricārakaiḥ | suparīkṣitamannādyamadyān mantrairviṣāpahaiḥ || 7.217||
7.217. There he may eat food, (which has been prepared) by faithful, incorruptible (servants) who know the (proper) time (for dining), which has been well examined (and hallowed) by sacred texts that destroy poison.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   217

विषघ्नैरगदैश्चास्य सर्वद्रव्याणि योजयेत् । विषघ्नानि च रत्नानि नियतो धारयेत्सदा ॥ ७.२१८॥
viṣaghnairagadaiścāsya sarvadravyāṇi yojayet | viṣaghnāni ca ratnāni niyato dhārayetsadā || 7.218||
7.218. Let him mix all his food with medicines (that are) antidotes against poison, and let him always be careful to wear gems which destroy poison.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   218

परीक्षिताः स्त्रियश्चैनं व्यजनोदकधूपनैः । वेषाभरणसंशुद्धाः स्पृशेयुः सुसमाहिताः ॥ ७.२१९॥
parīkṣitāḥ striyaścainaṃ vyajanodakadhūpanaiḥ | veṣābharaṇasaṃśuddhāḥ spṛśeyuḥ susamāhitāḥ || 7.219||
7.219. Well-tried females whose toilet and ornaments have been examined, shall attentively serve him with fans, water, and perfumes.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   219

एवं प्रयत्नं कुर्वीत यानशय्याऽऽसनाशने । स्नाने प्रसाधने चैव सर्वालङ्कारकेषु च ॥ ७.२२०॥
evaṃ prayatnaṃ kurvīta yānaśayyā''sanāśane | snāne prasādhane caiva sarvālaṅkārakeṣu ca || 7.220||
7.220. In like manner let him be careful about his carriages, bed, seat, bath, toilet, and all his ornaments.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   220

भुक्तवान् विहरेच्चैव स्त्रीभिरन्तःपुरे सह । विहृत्य तु यथाकालं पुनः कार्याणि चिन्तयेत् ॥ ७.२२१॥
bhuktavān vihareccaiva strībhirantaḥpure saha | vihṛtya tu yathākālaṃ punaḥ kāryāṇi cintayet || 7.221||
7.221. When he has dined, he may divert himself with his wives in the harem; but when he has diverted himself, he must, in due time, again think of the affairs of state.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   221

अलङ्कृतश्च सम्पश्येदायुधीयं पुनर्जनम् । वाहनानि च सर्वाणि शस्त्राण्याभरणानि च ॥ ७.२२२॥
alaṅkṛtaśca sampaśyedāyudhīyaṃ punarjanam | vāhanāni ca sarvāṇi śastrāṇyābharaṇāni ca || 7.222||
7.222. Adorned (with his robes of state), let him again inspect his fighting men, all his chariots and beasts of burden, the weapons and accoutrements.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   222

संध्यां चोपास्य श‍ृणुयादन्तर्वेश्मनि शस्त्रभृत् । रहस्याख्यायिनां चैव प्रणिधीनां च चेष्टितम् ॥ ७.२२३॥
saṃdhyāṃ copāsya śa‍्ṛṇuyādantarveśmani śastrabhṛt | rahasyākhyāyināṃ caiva praṇidhīnāṃ ca ceṣṭitam || 7.223||
7.223. Having performed his twilight-devotions, let him, well armed, hear in an inner apartment the doings of those who make secret reports and of his spies.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   223

गत्वा कक्षान्तरं त्वन्यत्समनुज्ञाप्य तं जनम् । प्रविशेद्भोजनार्थं च स्त्रीवृतोऽन्तःपुरं पुनः ॥ ७.२२४॥
gatvā kakṣāntaraṃ tvanyatsamanujñāpya taṃ janam | praviśedbhojanārthaṃ ca strīvṛto'ntaḥpuraṃ punaḥ || 7.224||
7.224. But going to another secret apartment and dismissing those people, he may enter the harem, surrounded by female (servants), in order to dine again.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   224

तत्र भुक्त्वा पुनः किं चित्तूर्यघोषैः प्रहर्षितः । संविशेत्तं यथाकालमुत्तिष्ठेच्च गतक्लमः ॥ ७.२५५॥
tatra bhuktvā punaḥ kiṃ cittūryaghoṣaiḥ praharṣitaḥ | saṃviśettaṃ yathākālamuttiṣṭhecca gataklamaḥ || 7.255||
7.225. Having eaten there something for the second time, and having been recreated by the sound of music, let him go to rest and rise at the proper time free from fatigue.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   225

एतद्विधानमातिष्ठेदरोगः पृथिवीपतिः । अस्वस्थः सर्वमेतत्तु भृत्येषु विनियोजयेत् ॥ ७.२२६॥
etadvidhānamātiṣṭhedarogaḥ pṛthivīpatiḥ | asvasthaḥ sarvametattu bhṛtyeṣu viniyojayet || 7.226||
7.226. A king who is in good health must observe these rules; but, if he is indisposed, he may entrust all this (business) to his servants.

Adhyaya : 7

Shloka :   226

ॐ श्री परमात्मने नमः

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