
ॐ श्री परमात्मने नमः

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Shri Shiva Strotams
ब्रह्ममुरारि सुरार्चित लिङ्गं निर्मलभासित शोभित लिङ्गम् । जन्मज दुःख विनाशक लिङ्गं तत्प्रणमामि सदाशिव लिङ्गम् ॥ 1 ॥
brahmamurāri surārchita liṅgaṃ nirmalabhāsita śōbhita liṅgam । janmaja duḥkha vināśaka liṅgaṃ tatpraṇamāmi sadāśiva liṅgam ॥ 1 ॥
1.1: I Salute that Eternal Shiva Lingam Which is Adored by Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu, and the Gods, which is Pure, Shining, and well-Adorned, 1.2: And which Destroys the Sorrows associated with Birth and human life. I Salute that Eternal Shiva Lingam.
Shri Shiva Strotams
देवमुनि प्रवरार्चित लिङ्गं कामदहन करुणाकर लिङ्गम् । रावण दर्प विनाशन लिङ्गं तत्प्रणमामि सदाशिव लिङ्गम् ॥ 2 ॥
dēvamuni pravarārchita liṅgaṃ kāmadahana karuṇākara liṅgam । rāvaṇa darpa vināśana liṅgaṃ tatpraṇamāmi sadāśiva liṅgam ॥ 2 ॥
2.1 I pray to the linga which is Worshipped by the Gods and the Best of Sages, which Burns the Desires, which is Compassionate, 2.2: And which Destroyed the Pride of demon Ravana. I Salute that Eternal Shiva Lingam.
Shri Shiva Strotams
सर्व सुगन्ध सुलेपित लिङ्गं बुद्धि विवर्धन कारण लिङ्गम् । सिद्ध सुरासुर वन्दित लिङ्गं तत्प्रणमामि सदाशिव लिङ्गम् ॥ 3 ॥
sarva sugandha sulēpita liṅgaṃ buddhi vivardhana kāraṇa liṅgam । siddha surāsura vandita liṅgaṃ tatpraṇamāmi sadāśiva liṅgam ॥ 3 ॥
3.1: I pray to the Lingam which is beautifully Smeared with Various Fragrant pastes, which is the Cause behind the Elevation of a person's Intelligence and Discernment, 3.2 And which is Praised by the Siddhas, Devas, and the Asuras. I Salute that Eternal Shiva Lingam.
Shri Shiva Strotams
कनक महामणि भूषित लिङ्गं फणिपति वेष्टित शोभित लिङ्गम् । दक्षसुयज्ञ विनाशन लिङ्गं तत्प्रणमामि सदाशिव लिङ्गम् ॥ 4 ॥
kanaka mahāmaṇi bhūṣita liṅgaṃ phaṇipati vēṣṭita śōbhita liṅgam । dakṣasuyajña vināśana liṅgaṃ tatpraṇamāmi sadāśiva liṅgam ॥ 4 ॥
4.1: I pray to Lingam which is Decorated with Gold and other Precious Gems, which is Adorned with the Best of the Serpents Wrapped around it, 4.2: And which Destroyed the Grand Sacrifice Yajna of Daksha. I Salute that Eternal Shiva Lingam.
Shri Shiva Strotams
कुङ्कुम चन्दन लेपित लिङ्गं पङ्कज हार सुशोभित लिङ्गम् । सञ्चित पाप विनाशन लिङ्गं तत्प्रणमामि सदाशिव लिङ्गम् ॥ 5 ॥
kuṅkuma chandana lēpita liṅgaṃ paṅkaja hāra suśōbhita liṅgam । sañchita pāpa vināśana liṅgaṃ tatpraṇamāmi sadāśiva liṅgam ॥ 5 ॥
5.1: I pray to that lingam Which is Anointed with Kumkuma (Saffron) and Chandana, which is Beautifully Decorated with Garlands of Lotuses, 5.2: And which Destroys the Accumulated Sins of several lives. I Salute that Eternal Shiva Lingam.
Shri Shiva Strotams
देवगणार्चित सेवित लिङ्गं भावै-र्भक्तिभिरेव च लिङ्गम् । दिनकर कोटि प्रभाकर लिङ्गं तत्प्रणमामि सदाशिव लिङ्गम् ॥ 6 ॥
dēvagaṇārchita sēvita liṅgaṃ bhāvai-rbhaktibhirēva cha liṅgam । dinakara kōṭi prabhākara liṅgaṃ tatpraṇamāmi sadāśiva liṅgam ॥ 6 ॥
6.1: I pray to that lingam which is Worshipped and Served by the Group of Devas with Bhava (Emotion, Contemplation) and Bhakti (Devotion), 6.2: And which has the Splendour of Million Suns. I Salute that Eternal Shiva Lingam.
Shri Shiva Strotams
अष्टदलोपरिवेष्टित लिङ्गं सर्वसमुद्भव कारण लिङ्गम् । अष्टदरिद्र विनाशन लिङ्गं तत्प्रणमामि सदाशिव लिङ्गम् ॥ 7 ॥
aṣṭadaḻōparivēṣṭita liṅgaṃ sarvasamudbhava kāraṇa liṅgam । aṣṭadaridra vināśana liṅgaṃ tatpraṇamāmi sadāśiva liṅgam ॥ 7 ॥
7.1: I pray to that lingam which is Surrounded by Eight-Petalled Flowers, which is the Cause behind All Creation, 7.2: And which Destroys the Eight Poverties. I Salute that Eternal Shiva Lingam.
Shri Shiva Strotams
सुरगुरु सुरवर पूजित लिङ्गं सुरवन पुष्प सदार्चित लिङ्गम् । परात्परं (परमपदं) परमात्मक लिङ्गं तत्प्रणमामि सदाशिव लिङ्गम् ॥ 8 ॥
suraguru suravara pūjita liṅgaṃ suravana puṣpa sadārchita liṅgam । parātparaṃ (paramapadaṃ) paramātmaka liṅgaṃ tatpraṇamāmi sadāśiva liṅgam ॥ 8 ॥
8.1: I pray to that lingam which is Worshipped by the Preceptor of Gods (Lord Brihaspati) and the Best of the Gods, which is Always Worshipped by the Flowers from the Celestial Garden, 8.2: Which is Superior than the Best and which is the Greatest. I Salute that Eternal Shiva Lingam.
Shri Shiva Strotams
लिङ्गाष्टकमिदं पुण्यं यः पठेश्शिव सन्निधौ । शिवलोकमवाप्नोति शिवेन सह मोदते ॥
liṅgāṣṭakamidaṃ puṇyaṃ yaḥ paṭhēśśiva sannidhau । śivalōkamavāpnōti śivēna saha mōdatē ॥
9.1: Whoever Recites this Lingasthakam near Shiva Lingam, 9.2: Will Attain the Abode of Shiva and enjoy His Bliss.

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