
ॐ श्री परमात्मने नमः

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Shri Shiva Strotams
नमामीशमीशाननिर्वाणरूपं विभुं व्यापकं ब्रह्मवेदस्वरूपम् । निजं निर्गुणं निर्विकल्पं निरीहं चिदाकाशमाकाशवासं भजेऽहम् ॥ 1॥
namāmīśamīśānanirvāṇarūpaṃ vibhuṃ vyāpakaṃ brahmavēdasvarūpam । nijaṃ nirguṇaṃ nirvikalpaṃ nirīhaṃ chidākāśamākāśavāsaṃ bhajē'ham ॥ 1॥
1.1: I Salute Lord Ishana whose Form represents the state of the highest Nirvana , 1.2: Who Manifests taking a Form though, in essence, He is Pervading everywhere, and His Form embodies the Highest Knowledge of Brahman present in the core of the Vedas. 1.3: Who remains absorbed in His Own Self which is Beyond the three Gunas (Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas), which is Beyond any Vikalpas (Change and Manifoldness), and which is free from any Movement (due to desires, etc), 1.4: Who Abides in the Sky of the Chidakasha (Spiritual Sky); I Worship that Ishana.
Shri Shiva Strotams
निराकारमोङ्कारमूलं तुरीयं गिरा ज्ञान गोतीतमीशं गिरीशम् । करालं महाकालकालं कृपालं गुणागारसंसारपारं नतोऽहम् ॥ 2॥
nirākāramōṅkāramūlaṃ turīyaṃ girā jñāna gōtītamīśaṃ girīśam । karālaṃ mahākālakālaṃ kṛpālaṃ guṇāgārasaṃsārapāraṃ natō'ham ॥ 2॥
2.1 Who is Formless and the very Root from where the Sacred Omkara arises; Who Abides in the state of Turiya. 2.2: He is the Lord Who is Beyond the Knowledge which Speech can express and Beyond the Perception which Sense Organs can perceive; He is Girisha 2.3: Taking the Terrible form of Mahakala He can tear apart Kala (Time) himself; at the same time He is an embodiment of Compassion to His devotees, 2.4: I Bow down to Him Who helps in Crossing this Samsara (delusion of worldly existence) which is like a Dwelling Place made of Gunas.
Shri Shiva Strotams
तुषाराद्रिसङ्काशगौरं गभीरं मनोभूतकोटिप्रभा श्रीशरीरम् । स्फुरन्मौलिकल्लोलिनी चारुगङ्गा लसद्भालबालेन्दु कण्ठे भुजङ्गा ॥ 3॥
tuṣārādrisaṅkāśagauraṃ gabhīraṃ manōbhūtakōṭiprabhā śrīśarīram । sphuranmaulikallōlinī chārugaṅgā lasadbhālabālēndu kaṇṭhē bhujaṅgā ॥ 3॥
3.1: Who is Shining White Resembling a Mountain of Snow; and His Being is very very Deep, ... 3.2 ... in the depth of Whose Mind exist Millions of Rays of Splendour, which expresses themselves on His Auspicious Body, 3.3: Over Whose Head, the Beautiful Ganga Throbs and Surges forth towards the Worlds, 3.4: Over Whose Forehead the Newly Risen Moon Shines spreading its Rays, and around Whose Neck adorns the beautiful Serpents.
Shri Shiva Strotams
चलत्कुण्डलं भ्रू सुनेत्रं विशालं प्रसन्नाननं नीलकण्ठं दयालम् । मृगाधीशचर्माम्बरं मुण्डमालं प्रियं शङ्करं सर्वनाथं भजामि ॥ 4॥
chalatkuṇḍalaṃ bhrū sunētraṃ viśālaṃ prasannānanaṃ nīlakaṇṭhaṃ dayālam । mṛgādhīśacharmāmbaraṃ muṇḍamālaṃ priyaṃ śaṅkaraṃ sarvanāthaṃ bhajāmi ॥ 4॥
4.1:Whose Ear-Rings Sway near His beautiful face, which is adorned with a striking Eyebrow and Large Beautiful Eyes, 4.2: Whose Face is beaming with Joy and Grace, Whose Throat is Blue and Who is extremely Compassionate, 4.3: Whose Clothes are the Skin of the Lord of Animals (signifying Tiger) and Whose neck is adorned with a Garland of Skulls, 4.4: I Worship Him Who is Beloved of His Devotees, Who is Shankara and Who is the Lord of All.
Shri Shiva Strotams
प्रचण्डं प्रकृष्टं प्रगल्भं परेशमखण्डमजं भानुकोटिप्रकाशम् । त्रयः शूलनिर्मूलनं शूलपाणिं भजेऽहं भवानीपतिं भावगम्यम् ॥ 5॥
prachaṇḍaṃ prakṛṣṭaṃ pragalbhaṃ parēśamakhaṇḍamajaṃ bhānukōṭiprakāśam । trayaḥ śūlanirmūlanaṃ śūlapāṇiṃ bhajē'haṃ bhavānīpatiṃ bhāvagamyam ॥ 5॥
5.1: Salutations to Sri Rudra Who is Terrible, Eminent, and extremely Strong; Who is the Highest Lord, 5.2: Who is ever Unborn and Whole; and with the Effulgence of Million Suns, 5.3: Who has a Trident in Hand, the Three Spikes of which Uproots the bondages of the Three Gunas, 5.4: I Worship the Consort of Devi Bhavani Who can be attained only by Devotion.
Shri Shiva Strotams
कलातीतकल्याणकल्पान्तकारी सदा सज्जनानन्ददाता पुरारी । चिदानन्दसन्दोहमोहापहारी प्रसीद प्रसीद प्रभो मन्मथारी ॥ 6॥
kalātītakalyāṇakalpāntakārī sadā sajjanānandadātā purārī । chidānandasandōhamōhāpahārī prasīda prasīda prabhō manmathārī ॥ 6॥
6.1: Salutations to Sri Rudra Whose Auspicious Nature is Beyond the Elements of the gross material world and Who Brings an End to a Kalpa 6.2: Who Always Give Great Joy to the Wise Men and Who is the Enemy (Destroyer) of the Tripurasuras (who represents Adharma), 6.3: By Taking Away the Great Delusion, He plunges the prepared Soul in the Fullness of Cidananda, 6.4: O, the Enemy signifying Destroyer of Manmatha; Please be Gracious to me; Please be Gracious to me, O Lord.
Shri Shiva Strotams
न यावद् उमानाथ पादारविन्दं भजन्तीह लोके परे वा नराणाम् । न तावत्सुखं शान्ति सन्तापनाशं प्रसीद प्रभो सर्वभूताधिवासम् ॥ 7॥
na yāvad umānātha pādāravindaṃ bhajantīha lōkē parē vā narāṇām । na tāvatsukhaṃ śānti santāpanāśaṃ prasīda prabhō sarvabhūtādhivāsam ॥ 7॥
7.1: Salutations to Sri Rudra As Long as the Lotus Feet of the Lord of Uma ... 7.2: ... is not Worshipped in This World or Later by the Human Beings, ... 7.3: ... So Long , Joy, Peace and End of Sorrows will not be experienced in life. 7.4: Therefore O Lord, Please be Gracious, You Who Reside within All Beings.
Shri Shiva Strotams
न जानामि योगं जपं नैव पूजां नतोऽहं सदा सर्वदा शम्भु तुभ्यम् । जराजन्मदुःखौघतातप्यमानं प्रभो पाहि आपन्नमामीश शम्भो ॥ 8॥
na jānāmi yōgaṃ japaṃ naiva pūjāṃ natō'haṃ sadā sarvadā śambhu tubhyam । jarājanmaduḥkhaughatātapyamānaṃ prabhō pāhi āpannamāmīśa śambhō ॥ 8॥
8.1: I do Not Know how to perform Yoga, Japa, or Puja. 8.2: I Always at All Times only Bow down to You, O Shambhu , 8.3: Please Protect me from the Sorrows of Birth and Old Age, as well as from the Sins which lead to Suffering, 8.4: Please Protect me O Lord from Afflictions; Protect me O My Lord Shambhu.
Shri Shiva Strotams
रुद्राष्टकमिदं प्रोक्तं विप्रेण हरतोषये । ये पठन्ति नरा भक्त्या तेषां शम्भुः प्रसीदति ॥
rudrāṣṭakamidaṃ prōktaṃ viprēṇa haratōṣayē । yē paṭhanti narā bhaktyā tēṣāṃ śambhuḥ prasīdati ॥
9.1: This Rudrashtaka has been Said by the Wise for Pleasing Hara , 9.2: Those Persons who Recite this with Devotion, with them Sri Shambhu will be always Pleased.
Shri Shiva Strotams
॥ इति श्रीरामचरितमानसे उत्तरकाण्डे श्रीगोस्वामितुलसीदासकृतं श्रीरुद्राष्टकं सम्पूर्णम् ॥
॥ iti śrīrāmacharitamānasē uttarakāṇḍē śrīgōsvāmitulasīdāsakṛtaṃ śrīrudrāṣṭakaṃ sampūrṇam ॥
Thus ends Rudrashtakam composed by Sri Goswami Tulsidas.

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