Bhagya Suktam

ॐ श्री परमात्मने नमः

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ॐ प्रा॒तर॒ग्निं प्रा॒तरिन्द्रग्ं॑ हवामहे प्रा॒तर्मि॒त्रा वरु॑णा प्रा॒तर॒श्विना᳚ । प्रा॒तर्भगं॑ पू॒षणं॒ ब्रह्म॑ण॒स्पतिं॑ प्रा॒तः सोम॑मु॒त रु॒द्रग्ं हु॑वेम ॥ 1 ॥
ō-mprā̠tara̠gni-mprā̠tarindrag̍ṃ havāmahē prā̠tarmi̠trā varu̍ṇā prā̠tara̠śvinā̎ । prā̠tarbhaga̍-mpū̠ṣaṇa̠-mbrahma̍ṇa̠spati̍-mprā̠ta-ssōma̍mu̠ta ru̠dragṃ hu̍vēma ॥ 1 ॥
At dawn we invoke Fire God (Agni), Indra, Sun god (Mithra), God of rain (Varuna) and the two Aswini Kumaras (Doctors) At dawn we invoke Bhaga (God of fortune), Poosha (God of way), Brahmanaspathi (Teacher of devas), Soma (moon God) and Rudra (God of anger).
प्रा॒त॒र्जितं॒ भ॑गमु॒ग्रग्ं हु॑वेम व॒यं पु॒त्रमदि॑ते॒र्यो वि॑ध॒र्ता । आ॒द्ध्रश्चि॒द्यं मन्य॑मानस्तु॒रश्चि॒द्राजा॑ चि॒द्यं भगं॑ भ॒क्षीत्याह॑ ॥ 2 ॥
prā̠ta̠rjita̠-mbha̍gamu̠gragṃ hu̍vēma va̠ya-mpu̠tramadi̍tē̠ryō vi̍dha̠rtā । ā̠ddhraśchi̠dya-mmanya̍mānastu̠raśchi̠drājā̍ chi̠dya-mbhaga̍-mbha̠kṣītyāha̍ ॥ 2 ॥
In the morning we make as our own Bhaga, who is the son of Adhithi and a great supporter, And therefore even the gods who appear to be great are making Bhaga their own.
भग॒ प्रणे॑त॒र्भग॒ सत्य॑राधो॒ भगे॒मां धिय॒मुद॑व॒दद॑न्नः । भग॒प्रणो॑ जनय॒ गोभि॒रश्वै॒र्भग॒प्रनृभि॑र्नृ॒वन्त॑स्स्याम ॥ 3 ॥
bhaga̠ praṇē̍ta̠rbhaga̠ satya̍rādhō̠ bhagē̠mā-ndhiya̠muda̍va̠dada̍nnaḥ । bhaga̠praṇō̍ janaya̠ gōbhi̠raśvai̠rbhaga̠pranṛbhi̍rnṛ̠vanta̍ssyāma ॥ 3 ॥
Oh Bhaga, cross our way, Oh Bhaga who gives true gifts, continue giving your gifts, Oh Bhaga add cows and horses to our store, Oh Bhaga bestow on us men and kings.
उ॒तेदानीं॒ भग॑वन्तस्स्यामो॒त प्रपि॒त्व उ॒त मध्ये॒ अह्ना᳚म् । उ॒तोदि॑ता मघव॒न्​थ्सूर्य॑स्य व॒यं दे॒वानाग्ं॑ सुम॒तौ स्या॑म ॥ 4 ॥
u̠tēdānī̠-mbhaga̍vantassyāmō̠ta prapi̠tva u̠ta madhyē̠ ahnā̎m । u̠tōdi̍tā maghava̠n​thsūrya̍sya va̠ya-ndē̠vānāg̍ṃ suma̠tau syā̍ma ॥ 4 ॥
Make us one with wealth/luck and when light breaks and at noon, And even at sunset, let us be under the good grace of the gods.
भग॑ ए॒व भग॑वाग्ं अस्तु देवा॒स्तेन॑ व॒यं भग॑वन्तस्स्याम । तं त्वा॑ भग॒ सर्व॒ इज्जो॑हवीमि॒ सनो॑ भग पुर ए॒ता भ॑वेह ॥ 5 ॥
bhaga̍ ē̠va bhaga̍vāgṃ astu dēvā̠stēna̍ va̠ya-mbhaga̍vantassyāma । ta-ntvā̍ bhaga̠ sarva̠ ijjō̍havīmi̠ sanō̍ bhaga pura ē̠tā bha̍vēha ॥ 5 ॥
Let Bhaga be the one who gives me wealth/luck, and Oh Gods, make us lucky, Oh Bhaga we pray you with all our mind, that you Bhaga be our leader here.
सम॑ध्व॒रायो॒षसो॑ऽनमन्त दधि॒क्रावे॑व॒ शुचये॑ प॒दाय॑ । अ॒र्वा॒ची॒नं-वँ॑सु॒विदं॒ भग॑न्नो॒ रथ॑मि॒वाऽश्वा॑वा॒जिन॒ आव॑हन्तु ॥ 6 ॥
sama̍dhva̠rāyō̠ṣasō̍-'namanta dadhi̠krāvē̍va̠ śuchayē̍ pa̠dāya̍ । a̠rvā̠chī̠naṃ va̍su̠vida̠-mbhaga̍nnō̠ ratha̍mi̠vā-'śvā̍vā̠jina̠ āva̍hantu ॥ 6 ॥
Let due to our worship at dawn, make them come to a pure place like Dadikravan, Similar to strong horses leading the chariot, let Bhaga turn towards us the essence of riches.
अश्वा॑वती॒र्गोम॑तीर्न उ॒षासो॑ वी॒रव॑ती॒स्सद॑मुच्छन्तु भ॒द्राः । घृ॒तं दुहा॑ना वि॒श्वतः॒ प्रपी॑ना यू॒यं पा॑त स्व॒स्तिभि॒स्सदा॑ नः ॥ 7 ॥
aśvā̍vatī̠rgōma̍tīrna u̠ṣāsō̍ vī̠rava̍tī̠ssada̍muchChantu bha̠drāḥ । ghṛ̠ta-nduhā̍nā vi̠śvata̠ḥ prapī̍nā yū̠ya-mpā̍ta sva̠stibhi̠ssadā̍ naḥ ॥ 7 ॥
Let the dawns be with us, always safely with horses, cattle and heroes, Milking the world with plenty and look after us, Oh God with blessings.
यो मा᳚ऽग्ने भा॒गिनग्ं॑ स॒न्तमथा॑भा॒गं॑ चिकी॑ऋषति । अभा॒गम॑ग्ने॒ तं कु॑रु॒ माम॑ग्ने भा॒गिनं॑ कुरु ॥ 8 ॥
yō mā̎-'gnē bhā̠ginag̍ṃ sa̠ntamathā̍bhā̠ga̍-ñchikī̍ṛṣati । abhā̠gama̍gnē̠ ta-ṅku̍ru̠ māma̍gnē bhā̠gina̍-ṅkuru ॥ 8 ॥
Oh Fire, the participating saints have offered the present offering Oh fire let that portion be made that of the participators.
ॐ शान्तिः॒ शान्तिः॒ शान्तिः॑ ॥
ōṃ śānti̠-śśānti̠-śśānti̍ḥ ॥
Let there be Peace, Peace, Peace.

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