Shri Rudram- Namakam

ॐ श्री परमात्मने नमः

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ॐ नमो भगवते॑ रुद्रा॒य ॥
ō-nnamō bhagavatē̍ rudrā̠ya ॥
Om Salutations to the God who is Rudra.

अनुवाक १/Anuvaka 1

नम॑स्ते रुद्र म॒न्यव॑ उ॒तोत॒ इष॑वे॒ नमः॑ । नम॑स्ते अस्तु॒ धन्व॑ने बा॒हुभ्या॑मु॒त ते॒ नमः॑ ॥
nama̍stē rudra ma̠nyava̍ u̠tōta̠ iṣa̍vē̠ nama̍ḥ । nama̍stē astu̠ dhanva̍nē bā̠hubhyā̍mu̠ta tē̠ nama̍ḥ ॥
Salutations to your Ire, Rudhra and also salutations to your arrow. Salutations to your bow and also to your both arms.
या त॒ इषुः॑ शि॒वत॑मा शि॒वं ब॒भूव॑ ते॒ धनुः॑ । शि॒वा श॑र॒व्या॑ या तव॒ तया॑ नो रुद्र मृडय ।
yā ta̠ iṣu̍-śśi̠vata̍mā śi̠va-mba̠bhūva̍ tē̠ dhanu̍ḥ । śi̠vā śa̍ra̠vyā̍ yā tava̠ tayā̍ nō rudra mṛḍaya ।
Bless us with happiness our Lord, With that arrow of thine, which is holy, With that bow of thine, which is begetter of good, With that quiver of thine, which is sweet.
या ते॑ रुद्र शि॒वा त॒नूरघो॒राऽपा॑पकाशिनी । तया॑ नस्त॒नुवा॒ शन्त॑मया॒ गिरि॑शन्ता॒भिचा॑कशीहि ॥
yā tē̍ rudra śi̠vā ta̠nūraghō̠rā-'pā̍pakāśinī । tayā̍ nasta̠nuvā̠ śanta̍mayā̠ giri̍śantā̠bhichā̍kaśīhi ॥
Oh Rudra, who showers happiness on us from the Mount, With your aspect which is peaceful, Which is giver of good always, And that, which is bereft of sin, And which is the road to salvation, And which takes us to taller heights, Reveal to us the principle of the soul.
यामिषुं॑ गिरिशन्त॒ हस्ते॒ बिभ॒र्​ष्यस्त॑वे । शि॒वां गि॑रित्र॒ तां कु॑रु॒ मा हिग्ं॑सीः॒ पुरु॑षं॒ जग॑त्॥
yāmiṣu̍-ṅgiriśanta̠ hastē̠ bibha̠r​ṣyasta̍vē । śi̠vā-ṅgi̍ritra̠ tā-ṅku̍ru̠ mā hig̍ṃsī̠ḥ puru̍ṣa̠-ñjaga̍t॥
Oh Rudra who feeds us sweetness sitting on the mount, And who gives us solace sitting on the mount, Please make the arrow in your hand, Which you have brought to punish the sinners, Peaceful and do not give trouble to people and the world.
शि॒वेन॒ वच॑सा त्वा॒ गिरि॒शाच्छा॑ वदामसि । यथा॑ नः॒ सर्व॒मिज्जग॑दय॒क्ष्मग्ं सु॒मना॒ अस॑त् ॥
śi̠vēna̠ vacha̍sā tvā̠ giri̠śāchChā̍ vadāmasi । yathā̍ na̠-ssarva̠mijjaga̍daya̠kṣmagṃ su̠manā̠ asa̍t ॥
We praise and sing about you so that we attain you, Oh, God who lives on the top of the mountains, Be pleased to protect our relations and cows, Grant them all, a disease free life, And make them live with love towards each other. Adhyavoo chadhadhi vakthaa pradhamo daiwyo bourhak, Ahimscha sarvaan jambayanth sarvaschaa yathu dhaanya.
अध्य॑वोचदधिव॒क्ता प्र॑थ॒मो दैव्यो॑ भि॒षक् । अहीग्॑श्च॒ सर्वा᳚ञ्ज॒म्भय॒न्-थ्सर्वा᳚श्च यातुधा॒न्यः॑ ॥
adhya̍vōchadadhiva̠ktā pra̍tha̠mō daivyō̍ bhi̠ṣak । ahīg̍ścha̠ sarvā̎mja̠mbhaya̠n-thsarvā̎ścha yātudhā̠nya̍ḥ ॥
He who is first among everything, He who is Godliness in Gods, He who is the doctor curing the sins, He who praises good deeds of devotees, Forgetting the ills done by them, May he kill all animals and asuras that trouble us, And bless us all.
अ॒सौ यस्ता॒म्रो अ॑रु॒ण उ॒त ब॒भ्रुस्सु॑म॒ङ्गलः॑ । ये चे॒माग्ं रु॒द्रा अ॒भितो॑ दि॒क्षु श्रि॒ताः स॑हस्र॒शोऽवैषा॒ग्ं॒ हेड॑ ईमहे ॥
a̠sau yastā̠mrō a̍ru̠ṇa u̠ta ba̠bhrussu̍ma̠ṅgala̍ḥ । yē chē̠māgṃ ru̠drā a̠bhitō̍ di̠kṣu śri̠tā-ssa̍hasra̠śō-'vaiṣā̠gṃ̠ hēḍa̍ īmahē ॥
He is red in colour, He is more red in colour, He is golden, He gives rise to good things, He is the Rudhra, who is the sun, And so we bow before the thousands of Rudhras, Who are spread in all directions, And request them to cool themselves down.
अ॒सौ यो॑ऽव॒सर्प॑ति॒ नील॑ग्रीवो॒ विलो॑हितः । उ॒तैनं॑ गो॒पा अ॑दृश॒न्नदृ॑शन्नुदहा॒र्यः॑ । उ॒तैनं॒-विँश्वा॑ भू॒तानि॒ स दृ॒ष्टो मृ॑डयाति नः ॥
a̠sau yō̍-'va̠sarpa̍ti̠ nīla̍grīvō̠ vilō̍hitaḥ । u̠taina̍-ṅgō̠pā a̍dṛśa̠nnadṛ̍śannudahā̠rya̍ḥ । u̠taina̠ṃ viśvā̍ bhū̠tāni̠ sa dṛ̠ṣṭō mṛ̍ḍayāti naḥ ॥
He who has the blue neck, Is the one who rises as the copper colured sun. Even lowly cowherds see tour Rudhra who comes as sun, Even the maids who carry water from rivers see him thus, And even all the animals of the world see him thus. Let tour Rudra who is seen in the form of sun, Grant us all happiness.
नमो॑ अस्तु॒ नील॑ग्रीवाय सहस्रा॒क्षाय॑ मी॒ढुषे᳚ । अथो॒ ये अ॑स्य॒ सत्वा॑नो॒ऽहं तेभ्यो॑ऽकर॒न्नमः॑ ॥
namō̍ astu̠ nīla̍grīvāya sahasrā̠kṣāya̍ mī̠ḍhuṣē̎ । athō̠ yē a̍sya̠ satvā̍nō̠-'ha-ntēbhyō̍-'kara̠nnama̍ḥ ॥
Let my salutation go, To the God who has a blue neck, To the God who has thousands of eyes, To the God who grants us all boons, And also my salutations, To our devotees who are our servants.
प्रमु॑ञ्च॒ धन्व॑न॒स्त्वमु॒भयो॒रार्त्नि॑ यो॒र्ज्याम् । याश्च॑ ते॒ हस्त॒ इष॑वः॒ परा॒ ता भ॑गवो वप ॥
pramu̍ñcha̠ dhanva̍na̠stvamu̠bhayō̠rārtni̍ yō̠rjyām । yāścha̍ tē̠ hasta̠ iṣa̍va̠ḥ parā̠ tā bha̍gavō vapa ॥
Please untie the string connecting the ends of your bow, Oh God Please put away arrows in your hand in thine quiver.
अ॒व॒तत्य॒ धनु॒स्त्वग्ं सह॑स्राक्ष॒ शते॑षुधे । नि॒शीर्य॑ श॒ल्यानां॒ मुखा॑ शि॒वो नः॑ सु॒मना॑ भव ॥
a̠va̠tatya̠ dhanu̠stvagṃ saha̍srākṣa̠ śatē̍ṣudhē । ni̠śīrya̍ śa̠lyānā̠-mmukhā̍ śi̠vō na̍-ssu̠manā̍ bhava ॥
Oh God with thousand eyes, Oh God with hundreds of bows, Please break the sharp ends of arrows thine, Please slacken the string of your bow, And become God who does us good, And God who has a calm mind.
विज्यं॒ धनुः॑ कप॒र्दिनो॒ विश॑ल्यो॒ बाण॑वाग्ं उ॒त । अने॑शन्न॒स्येष॑व आ॒भुर॑स्य निष॒ङ्गथिः॑ ॥
vijya̠-ndhanu̍ḥ kapa̠rdinō̠ viśa̍lyō̠ bāṇa̍vāgṃ u̠ta । anē̍śanna̠syēṣa̍va ā̠bhura̍sya niṣa̠ṅgathi̍ḥ ॥
Oh God with the mane of hair, Let your bow loosen its string, Let your quiver become empty, Let your arrows loose the power to hurt, Let your sword be always in your scabbard.
या ते॑ हे॒तिर्मी॑डुष्टम॒ हस्ते॑ ब॒भूव॑ ते॒ धनुः॑ । तया॒ऽस्मान्, वि॒श्वत॒स्त्वम॑य॒क्ष्मया॒ परि॑ब्भुज ॥
yā tē̍ hē̠tirmī̍ḍuṣṭama̠ hastē̍ ba̠bhūva̍ tē̠ dhanu̍ḥ । tayā̠-'smān, vi̠śvata̠stvama̍ya̠kṣmayā̠ pari̍bbhuja ॥
He who is greatest among those who fulfill wishes of devotees, With those weapons that you have and the bow in your hand. Which do not cause infirmity to any one, Please do save us from all troubles always.
नम॑स्ते अ॒स्त्वायु॑धा॒याना॑तताय धृ॒ष्णवे᳚ । उ॒भाभ्या॑मु॒त ते॒ नमो॑ बा॒हुभ्यां॒ तव॒ धन्व॑ने ॥
nama̍stē a̠stvāyu̍dhā̠yānā̍tatāya dhṛ̠ṣṇavē̎ ।u̠bhābhyā̍mu̠ta tē̠ namō̍ bā̠hubhyā̠-ntava̠ dhanva̍nē ॥
My salutations to thine strong weapons which are about to strike, My salutations to your both hands and bow,
परि॑ ते॒ धन्व॑नो हे॒तिर॒स्मान् वृ॑णक्तु वि॒श्वतः॑ । अथो॒ य इ॑षु॒धिस्तवा॒रे अ॒स्मन्निधे॑हि॒ तम् ॥ 1 ॥
pari̍ tē̠ dhanva̍nō hē̠tira̠smān vṛ̍ṇaktu vi̠śvata̍ḥ । athō̠ ya i̍ṣu̠dourtavā̠rē a̠smannidhē̍hi̠ tam ॥ 1 ॥
Let your arrows pass away from us, oh Lord, And let your quiver be kept for our enemies, Who are like our sins.

अनुवाक २/Anuvaka 2

शम्भ॑वे॒ नमः॑ । नम॑स्ते अस्तु भगवन्-विश्वेश्व॒राय॑ महादे॒वाय॑ त्र्यम्ब॒काय॑ त्रिपुरान्त॒काय॑ त्रिकाग्निका॒लाय॑ कालाग्निरु॒द्राय॑ नीलक॒ण्ठाय॑ मृत्युञ्ज॒याय॑ सर्वेश्व॒राय॑ सदाशि॒वाय॑ श्रीमन्-महादे॒वाय॒ नमः॑ ॥
śambha̍vē̠ nama̍ḥ । nama̍stē astu bhagavan-viśvēśva̠rāya̍ mahādē̠vāya̍ tryamba̠kāya̍ tripurānta̠kāya̍ trikāgnikā̠lāya̍ kālāgniru̠drāya̍ nīlaka̠ṇṭhāya̍ mṛtyuñja̠yāya̍ sarvēśva̠rāya̍ sadāśi̠vāya̍ śrīma-nmahādē̠vāya̠ nama̍ḥ ॥
Salutations to you God, Who is the lord of the universe, Who is the greatest among Gods, Who has three eyes, Who destroyed three cities, Who is the master of the three fires, Who is the Rudra who burns the world, Who has a blue neck, Who won over the God of death, Who is Lord of everything, Who is ever peaceful, And who is the greatest God with goodness, Salutations again.
नमो॒ हिर॑ण्य बाहवे सेना॒न्ये॑ दि॒शां च॒ पत॑ये॒ नमो॒
namō̠ hira̍ṇya bāhavē sēnā̠nyē̍ di̠śā-ñcha̠ pata̍yē̠ namō̠
Salutations and salutations, To the God with golden hands, To the God who is the chief of armies, To the God who is the chief of four directions.
नमो॑ वृ॒क्षेभ्यो॒ हरि॑केशेभ्यः पशू॒नां पत॑ये॒ नमो॒
namō̍ vṛ̠kṣēbhyō̠ hari̍kēśēbhyaḥ paśū̠nā-mpata̍yē̠ namō̠
Salutations and salutations, To him who shines as trees, To him who has green leaves as hair, And to him who is the lord of all beings.
नमः॑ स॒स्पिञ्ज॑राय॒ त्विषी॑मते पथी॒नां पत॑ये॒ नमो॒
nama̍-ssa̠spiñja̍rāya̠ tviṣī̍matē pathī̠nā-mpata̍yē̠ namō̠
Salutations and salutations, To him who is reddish yellow like leaf buds, To him who shines in luster, And to him who leads us in different directions.
नमो॑ बभ्लु॒शाय॑ विव्या॒धिनेऽन्ना॑नां॒ पत॑ये॒ नमो॒
namō̍ babhlu̠śāya̍ vivyā̠dhinē-'nnā̍nā̠-mpata̍yē̠ namō̠
Salutations and salutations,. To him who rides on the bull, To him who is like disease to our enemies, And to him who is the lord of all food.
नमो॒ हरि॑केशायोपवी॒तिने॑ पु॒ष्टानां॒ पत॑ये॒ नमो॒
namō̠ hari̍kēśāyōpavī̠tinē̍ pu̠ṣṭānā̠-mpata̍yē̠ namō̠
Salutations and salutations, To him who has black hair, to him who wears the sacred thread, And to him who is the lord of all those who are healthy.
नमो॑ भ॒वस्य॑ हे॒त्यै जग॑तां॒ पत॑ये॒ नमो॒
namō̍ bha̠vasya̍ hē̠tyai jaga̍tā̠-mpata̍yē̠ namō̠
Salutations and salutations,. To him cuts the tree of mortal life, And to him who is the lord of the universe.
नमो॑ रु॒द्राया॑तता॒विने॒ क्षेत्रा॑णां॒ पत॑ये॒ नमो॒
namō̍ ru̠drāyā̍tatā̠vinē̠ kṣētrā̍ṇā̠-mpata̍yē̠ namō̠
Salutations and salutations, To him who is Rudhra, To him who holds a tied bow, And to him who is the Lord of fields.
नम॑स्सू॒तायाह॑न्त्याय॒ वना॑नां॒ पत॑ये॒ नमो॒
nama̍ssū̠tāyāha̍ntyāya̠ vanā̍nā̠-mpata̍yē̠ namō̠
Salutations and salutations, To him who is the driver of the chariot of life, To him who can never be harmed, And to him who is the lord of the forest.
नमो॒ रोहि॑ताय स्थ॒पत॑ये वृ॒क्षाणां॒ पत॑ये॒ नमो॒
namō̠ rōhi̍tāya stha̠pata̍yē vṛ̠kṣāṇā̠-mpata̍yē̠ namō̠
Salutations and salutations, To him who is red coloured, To him who is protector of everything, And to him who is the lord of all trees.
नमो॑ म॒न्त्रिणे॑ वाणि॒जाय॒ कक्षा॑णां॒ पत॑ये॒ नमो॒
namō̍ ma̠ntriṇē̍ vāṇi̠jāya̠ kakṣā̍ṇā̠-mpata̍yē̠ namō̠
Salutations and salutations, To him who is the minister, To him who is the merchant, And to him who is the lord of bushes and thickets.
नमो॑ भुव॒न्तये॑ वारिवस्कृ॒ता-यौष॑धीनां॒ पत॑ये॒ नमो॒
namō̍ bhuva̠ntayē̍ vārivaskṛ̠tā-yauṣa̍dhīnā̠-mpata̍yē̠ namō̠
Salutations and salutations, To him who is the creator of the world, To him who is kind to our devotees, And to him who is the lord of all plants.
नम॑ उ॒च्चैर्घो॑षायाक्र॒न्दय॑ते पत्ती॒नां पत॑ये॒ नमो॒
nama̍ u̠chchairghō̍ṣāyākra̠ndaya̍tē pattī̠nā-mpata̍yē̠ namō̠
Salutations and salutations, To him who shouts loudly, To him who makes one cry, And to him who is the leader of foot soldiers.
नमः॑ कृत्स्नवी॒ताय॒ धाव॑ते॒ सत्त्व॑नां॒ पत॑ये॒ नमः॑ ॥ 2 ॥
nama̍ḥ kṛtsnavī̠tāya̠ dhāva̍tē̠ sattva̍nā̠-mpata̍yē̠ nama̍ḥ ॥ 2 ॥
Salutations and salutations, To him who is surrounded by army, To him who rushes to save our devotees, And to him who is the lord of good people.

अनुवाक ३/Anuvaka 3

नमः॒ सह॑मानाय निव्या॒धिन॑ आव्या॒धिनी॑नां॒ पत॑ये नमो॒
nama̠-ssaha̍mānāya nivyā̠dhina̍ āvyā̠dhinī̍nā̠-mpata̍yē namō̠
Salutations and salutations, To him who stifles our enemies, To him who beats our enemies, And to him who is the leader of those who beat their enemies.
नमः॑ ककु॒भाय॑ निष॒ङ्गिणे᳚ स्ते॒नानां॒ पत॑ये॒ नमो॒
nama̍ḥ kaku̠bhāya̍ niṣa̠ṅgiṇē̎ stē̠nānā̠-mpata̍yē̠ namō̠
Salutations and salutations, To him who is the best, To him who holds the sword, And to him who is the leader of the thieves.
नमो॑ निष॒ङ्गिण॑ इषुधि॒मते॒ तस्क॑राणां॒ पत॑ये॒ नमो॒
namō̍ niṣa̠ṅgiṇa̍ iṣudhi̠matē̠ taska̍rāṇā̠-mpata̍yē̠ namō̠
Salutations and salutations, To him who holds bows ready to shoot, To him who has the quiver, And to him who is the leader of the dacoits.
नमो॒ वञ्च॑ते परि॒वञ्च॑ते स्तायू॒नां पत॑ये॒ नमो॒
namō̠ vañcha̍tē pari̠vañcha̍tē stāyū̠nā-mpata̍yē̠ namō̠
Salutations and salutations, To him who cheats, To him who is the greatest cheat, And to him who is leader of those who steal by cheating.
नमो॑ निचे॒रवे॑ परिच॒रायार॑ण्यानां॒ पत॑ये॒ नमो॒
namō̍ nichē̠ravē̍ paricha̠rāyāra̍ṇyānā̠-mpata̍yē̠ namō̠
Salutations and salutations, To him who goes inside to steal, To him who goes outside to steal, And to him who is the leader of thieves who steal in the forest.
नमः॑ सृका॒विभ्यो॒ जिघाग्ं॑सद्भ्यो मुष्ण॒तां पत॑ये॒ नमो॒
nama̍-ssṛkā̠vibhyō̠ jighāg̍ṃsadbhyō muṣṇa̠tā-mpata̍yē̠ namō̠
Salutations and salutations, To him who defends themselves with arms. To him who troubles others, And to him who is the leader of peasants who steal from their master.
नमो॑ऽसि॒मद्भ्यो॒ नक्त॒ञ्चर॑द्भ्यः प्रकृ॒न्तानां॒ पत॑ये॒ नमो॒
namō̍-'si̠madbhyō̠ nakta̠ñchara̍dbhyaḥ prakṛ̠ntānā̠-mpata̍yē̠ namō̠
Salutations and salutations, To him who holds the sword, To him who prowls in the night to steal, And to him who is the leader of those who murder and steal. (As an act of mischeviousness)
नम॑ उष्णी॒षिणे॑ गिरिच॒राय॑ कुलु॒ञ्चानां॒ पत॑ये॒ नमो॒
nama̍ uṣṇī̠ṣiṇē̍ giricha̠rāya̍ kulu̠ñchānā̠-mpata̍yē̠ namō̠
Salutations and salutations, To him who wears the turban, To him who lives in the forests, And to him who is the leader of those who steal in houses and fields. (As an act of mischeviousness)
नम॒ इषु॑मद्भ्यो धन्वा॒विभ्य॑श्च वो॒ नमो॒
nama̠ iṣu̍madbhyō dhanvā̠vibhya̍ścha vō̠ namō̠
Salutations and salutations, To him who holds the arrows. And to him who holds the bows.
नम॑ आतन्-वा॒नेभ्यः॑ प्रति॒दधा॑नेभ्यश्च वो॒ नमो॒
nama̍ ātan-vā̠nēbhya̍ḥ prati̠dadhā̍nēbhyaścha vō̠ namō̠
Salutations and salutations, To him who ties the string to the bow, And to him who places the arrow on the string.
नम॑ आ॒यच्छ॑द्भ्यो विसृ॒जद्भ्य॑श्च वो॒ नमो॒
nama̍ ā̠yachCha̍dbhyō visṛ̠jadbhya̍ścha vō̠ namō̠
Salutations and salutations, To him who draws the string and to him who sends the arrows.
नमोऽस्स॑द्भ्यो॒ विद्य॑द्भ्यश्च वो॒ नमो॒
namō-'ssa̍dbhyō̠ vidya̍dbhyaścha vō̠ namō̠
Salutations and salutations, To him who shoots arrows at an aim, And to him who breaks the aim by the arrows
नम॒ आसी॑नेभ्यः॒ शया॑नेभ्यश्च वो॒ नमो॒
nama̠ āsī̍nēbhya̠-śśayā̍nēbhyaścha vō̠ namō̠
Salutations and salutations, To him who sits and to him who lies down.
नमः॑ स्व॒पद्भ्यो॒ जाग्र॑द्भ्यश्च वो॒ नमो॒
nama̍-ssva̠padbhyō̠ jāgra̍dbhyaścha vō̠ namō̠
Salutations and salutations, To him who sleeps and to him who is awake.
नम॒स्तिष्ठ॑द्भ्यो॒ धाव॑द्भ्यश्च वो॒ नमो॒
nama̠stiṣṭha̍dbhyō̠ dhāva̍dbhyaścha vō̠ namō̠
Salutations and salutations, To him who stands still and to him who runs.
नमः॑ स॒भाभ्यः॑ स॒भाप॑तिभ्यश्च वो॒ नमो॒
nama̍-ssa̠bhābhya̍-ssa̠bhāpa̍tibhyaścha vō̠ namō̠
Salutations and salutations, To him who is one among the audience, And to him who presides over the audience.
नमो॒ अश्वे॒भ्योऽश्व॑पतिभ्यश्च वो॒ नमः॑ ॥ 3 ॥
namō̠ aśvē̠bhyō-'śva̍patibhyaścha vō̠ nama̍ḥ ॥ 3 ॥
Salutations and salutations, To him who is the horse, And to him who is the rider of the horse.

अनुवाक ४/Anuvaka 4

नम॑ आव्या॒धिनी᳚भ्यो वि॒विध्य॑न्तीभ्यश्च वो॒ नमो॒
nama̍ āvyā̠dhinī̎bhyō vi̠vidhya̍ntībhyaścha vō̠ namō̠
Salutations and salutations, To him who is the evil spirits that surround and torment, And to him who is the evil spirits that attack and kill.
नम॒ उग॑णाभ्यस्तृग्ं-ह॒तीभ्य॑श्च वो॒ नमो॒
nama̠ uga̍ṇābhyastṛgṃ-ha̠tībhya̍ścha vō̠ namō̠
Salutations and salutations, To him who is the good spirits that help, And to him who is the evil spirits that are fierce.
नमो॑ गृ॒त्सेभ्यो॑ गृ॒त्सप॑तिभ्यश्च वो॒ नमो॒
namō̍ gṛ̠tsēbhyō̍ gṛ̠tsapa̍tibhyaścha vō̠ namō̠
Salutations and salutations, To him who is attached, And to him who is the chief of those who are attached.
नमो॒ व्राते᳚भ्यो॒ व्रात॑पतिभ्यश्च वो॒ नमो॒
namō̠ vrātē̎bhyō̠ vrāta̍patibhyaścha vō̠ namō̠
Salutations and salutations, To him who is the assembly of different types of people, And to him who is the chief of such assemblies.
नमो॑ ग॒णेभ्यो॑ ग॒णप॑तिभ्यश्च वो॒ नमो॒
namō̍ ga̠ṇēbhyō̍ ga̠ṇapa̍tibhyaścha vō̠ namō̠
Salutations and salutations, To him who is the member of a clan, And to him who is the chief of a clan.
नमो॒ विरू॑पेभ्यो वि॒श्वरू॑पेभ्यश्च वो॒ नमो॒
namō̠ virū̍pēbhyō vi̠śvarū̍pēbhyaścha vō̠ namō̠
Salutations and salutations, To him who looks ugly, And to him who looks just as everyone in the world.
नमो॑ मह॒द्भ्यः॑, क्षुल्ल॒केभ्य॑श्च वो॒ नमो॒
namō̍ maha̠dbhya̍ḥ, kṣulla̠kēbhya̍ścha vō̠ namō̠
Salutations and salutations, To him who is a great soul, And to him who is a weak being.
नमो॑ र॒थिभ्यो॑ऽर॒थेभ्य॑श्च वो॒ नमो॒
namō̍ ra̠thibhyō̍-'ra̠thēbhya̍ścha vō̠ namō̠
Salutations and salutations, To him who rides a chariot, And to him who does not have a chariot.
नमो॒ रथे᳚भ्यो॒ रथ॑पतिभ्यश्च वो॒ नमो॒
namō̠ rathē̎bhyō̠ ratha̍patibhyaścha vō̠ namō̠
Salutations and salutations, To him who is a chariot, And to him who is the leader of the chariot.
नमः॑ सेना᳚भ्यः सेना॒निभ्य॑श्च वो॒ नमो॒ नमः॑,
nama̍-ssēnā̎bhya-ssēnā̠nibhya̍ścha vō̠ namō̠ nama̍ḥ
Salutations and salutations, To him who is the soldier, And to him who is the leader of the armies.
क्ष॒त्तृभ्यः॑ सङ्ग्रही॒तृभ्य॑श्च वो॒ नमो॒
kṣa̠ttṛbhya̍-ssaṅgrahī̠tṛbhya̍ścha vō̠ namō̠
Salutations and salutations, To him who drives chariots well, And to him who can hold the chariot from moving.
नम॒स्तक्ष॑भ्यो रथका॒रेभ्य॑श्च वो॒ नमो॒
nama̠stakṣa̍bhyō rathakā̠rēbhya̍ścha vō̠ namō̠
Salutations and salutations, To him who is a carpenter, And to him who makes chariots.
नमः॒ कुला॑लेभ्यः क॒र्मारे᳚भ्यश्च वो॒ नमो॒
nama̠ḥ kulā̍lēbhyaḥ ka̠rmārē̎bhyaścha vō̠ namō̠
Salutations and salutations, To him who is the potter and to him who is the black smith.
नमः॑ पु॒ञ्जिष्टे᳚भ्यो निषा॒देभ्य॑श्च वो॒ नमो॒
nama̍ḥ pu̠ñjiṣṭē̎bhyō niṣā̠dēbhya̍ścha vō̠ namō̠
Salutations and salutations, To him who is the hunter of birds who uses nets, And to him who is the fisherman.
नम॑ इषु॒कृद्भ्यो॑ धन्व॒कृद्भ्य॑श्च वो॒ नमो॒
nama̍ iṣu̠kṛdbhyō̍ dhanva̠kṛdbhya̍ścha vō̠ namō̠
Salutations and salutations, To him who makes arrows and to him who makes bows.
नमो॑ मृग॒युभ्यः॑ श्व॒निभ्य॑श्च वो॒ नमो॒
namō̍ mṛga̠yubhya̍-śśva̠nibhya̍ścha vō̠ namō̠
Salutations and salutations, To him who protect animals and to him who drags those who hurt animals using a rope.
नमः॒ श्श्वभ्य॒-श्श्वप॑तिभ्यश्च वो॒ नमः॑ ॥ 4 ॥
nama̠-śśvabhya̠-śśvapa̍tibhyaścha vō̠ nama̍ḥ ॥ 4 ॥
Salutations and salutations, To him who brings food for the dog, And to him who protects the dogs.

अनुवाक ५/Anuvaka 5

नमो॑ भ॒वाय॑ च रु॒द्राय॑ च॒
namō̍ bha̠vāya̍ cha ru̠drāya̍ cha̠
Salutations to him who creates and to him who dispels sorrows
नमः॑ श॒र्वाय॑ च पशु॒पत॑ये च॒
nama̍-śśa̠rvāya̍ cha paśu̠pata̍yē cha̠
Salutations to him who destroys sin and to him who is the lord of all beings,
नमो॒ नील॑ग्रीवाय च शिति॒कण्ठा॑य च॒
namō̠ nīla̍grīvāya cha śiti̠kaṇṭhā̍ya cha̠
Salutations to him who has a blue neck and who has white ash applied over our neck
नमः॑ कप॒र्धिने॑ च॒ व्यु॑प्तकेशाय च॒
nama̍ḥ kapa̠rdhinē̍ cha̠ vyu̍ptakēśāya cha̠
Salutations to him who has a crown of hair and to him who has a shaved head
नमः॑ सहस्रा॒क्षाय॑ च श॒तध॑न्वने च॒
nama̍-ssahasrā̠kṣāya̍ cha śa̠tadha̍nvanē cha̠
Salutations to him who has thousands of eyes and to him who has hundreds of bows.
नमो॑ गिरि॒शाय॑ च शिपिवि॒ष्टाय॑ च॒
namō̍ giri̠śāya̍ cha śipivi̠ṣṭāya̍ cha̠
Salutations to him who is the lord of the mountain and to him who is light personified
नमो॑ मी॒ढुष्ट॑माय॒ चेषु॑मते च॒
namō̍ mī̠ḍhuṣṭa̍māya̠ chēṣu̍matē cha̠
Salutations to him who gives torrential rains and to him who caries arrows.
नमो᳚ ह्र॒स्वाय॑ च वाम॒नाय॑ च॒
namō̎ hra̠svāya̍ cha vāma̠nāya̍ cha̠
Salutations to him who is small and to him who is dwarf
नमो॑ बृह॒ते च॒ वर्​षी॑यसे च॒
namō̍ bṛha̠tē cha̠ var​ṣī̍yasē cha̠
Salutations to him who is large who is storehouse of good qualities
नमो॑ वृ॒द्धाय॑ च सं॒​वृँध्व॑ने च॒
namō̍ vṛ̠ddhāya̍ cha sa̠ṃvṛdhva̍nē cha̠
Salutations to him who is aged and to him whose fame is large.
नमो॒ अग्रि॑याय च प्रथ॒माय॑ च॒
namō̠ agri̍yāya cha pratha̠māya̍ cha̠
Salutations to him who existed before creation and to him who is first among Gods
नम॑ आ॒शवे॑ चाजि॒राय॑ च॒
nama̍ ā̠śavē̍ chāji̠rāya̍ cha̠
Salutations to him who is omnipresent and to him who moves fast,
नमः॒ शीघ्रि॑याय च॒ शीभ्या॑य च॒
nama̠-śśīghri̍yāya cha̠ śībhyā̍ya cha̠
Salutations to him who is in fast streams and to him who is in great waters,
नम॑ ऊ॒र्म्या॑य चावस्व॒न्या॑य च॒
nama̍ ū̠rmyā̍ya chāvasva̠nyā̍ya cha̠
Salutations to him who is in fast tides and to him who is in still water,
नमः॑ स्रोत॒स्या॑य च॒ द्वीप्या॑य च ॥ 5 ॥
nama̍-ssrōta̠syā̍ya cha̠ dvīpyā̍ya cha ॥ 5 ॥
Salutations to him who is in rivulets and to him who is in islands.

अनुवाक ६/Anuvaka 6

नमो᳚ ज्ये॒ष्ठाय॑ च कनि॒ष्ठाय॑ च॒
namō̎ jyē̠ṣṭhāya̍ cha kani̠ṣṭhāya̍ cha̠
Salutations to him who is elder and to him who is younger
नमः॑ पूर्व॒जाय॑ चापर॒जाय॑ च॒
nama̍ḥ pūrva̠jāya̍ chāpara̠jāya̍ cha̠
Salutations to him who is born before and to him who is born after
नमो॑ मध्य॒माय॑ चापग॒ल्भाय॑ च॒
namō̍ madhya̠māya̍ chāpaga̠lbhāya̍ cha̠
Salutations to him to him who is middle aged and to him who is too young
नमो॑ जघ॒न्या॑य च॒ बुध्नि॑याय च॒
namō̍ jagha̠nyā̍ya cha̠ budhni̍yāya cha̠
Salutations to him who is born from the middle and to him is born out of roots
नमः॑ सो॒भ्या॑य च प्रतिस॒र्या॑य च॒
nama̍-ssō̠bhyā̍ya cha pratisa̠ryā̍ya cha̠
Salutations to him who is born in earth and to him who is born in other worlds.
नमो॒ याम्या॑य च॒ क्षेम्या॑य च॒
namō̠ yāmyā̍ya cha̠ kṣēmyā̍ya cha̠
Salutations to him to him who punishes in hell and to him who grants favours in heaven
नम॑ उर्व॒र्या॑य च॒ खल्या॑य च॒
nama̍ urva̠ryā̍ya cha̠ khalyā̍ya cha̠
Salutations to him who is in the fields and who is in gardens.
नमः॒ श्लोक्या॑य चाऽवसा॒न्या॑य च॒
nama̠-śślōkyā̍ya chā-'vasā̠nyā̍ya cha̠
Salutations to him who is praised in the Vedas and to him who is praised at the end of Vedas
नमो॒ वन्या॑य च॒ कक्ष्या॑य च॒
namō̠ vanyā̍ya cha̠ kakṣyā̍ya cha̠
Salutations to him who exists as tree in forest and to him who exists as plants in bushes
नमः॑ श्र॒वाय॑ च प्रतिश्र॒वाय॑ च॒
nama̍-śśra̠vāya̍ cha pratiśra̠vāya̍ cha̠
Salutations to him who is of the form of sound and to him who is in the form of echo
नम॑ आ॒शुषे॑णाय चा॒शुर॑थाय च॒
nama̍ ā̠śuṣē̍ṇāya chā̠śura̍thāya cha̠
Salutations to him who is the fast moving troops and to him who is the fast moving cavalry
नमः॒ शूरा॑य चावभिन्द॒ते च॒
nama̠-śśūrā̍ya chāvabhinda̠tē cha̠
Salutations to him who is in the form of heroes and to him who is in the form of knights
नमो॑ व॒र्मिणे॑ च वरू॒धिने॑ च॒
namō̍ va̠rmiṇē̍ cha varū̠dhinē̍ cha̠
Salutations to him who is armoured and to him who rides a chariot
नमो॑ बि॒ल्मिने॑ च कव॒चिने॑ च॒
namō̍ bi̠lminē̍ cha kava̠chinē̍ cha̠
Salutations to him who wears the helmet and to him who is protected by the charms.
नमः॑ श्रु॒ताय॑ च श्रुतसे॒नाय॑ च ॥ 6 ॥
nama̍-śśru̠tāya̍ cha śrutasē̠nāya̍ cha ॥ 6 ॥
Salutations to him who is famous and to him who has a famed army.

अनुवाक ७/Anuvaka 7

नमो॑ दुन्दु॒भ्या॑य चाहन॒न्या॑य च॒
namō̍ dundu̠bhyā̍ya chāhana̠nyā̍ya cha̠
Salutations to him who is of the sound of a big drum and to him who is of the form of the drumstick.
नमो॑ धृ॒ष्णवे॑ च प्रमृ॒शाय॑ च॒
namō̍ dhṛ̠ṣṇavē̍ cha pramṛ̠śāya̍ cha̠
Salutations to him who never runs away from war and to him who examines information about the enemy.
नमो॑ दू॒ताय॑ च प्रहि॑ताय च॒
namō̍ dū̠tāya̍ cha prahi̍tāya cha̠
Salutations to him who is the messenger and who is the servant.
नमो॑ निष॒ङ्गिणे॑ चेषुधि॒मते॑ च॒
namō̍ niṣa̠ṅgiṇē̍ chēṣudhi̠matē̍ cha̠
Salutations to him who has the sword and to him who has the quiver.
नम॑स्ती॒क्ष्णेष॑वे चायु॒धिने॑ च॒
nama̍stī̠kṣṇēṣa̍vē chāyu̠dhinē̍ cha̠
Salutations to him who has sharp arrows and to him who has other weapons
नमः॑ स्वायु॒धाय॑ च सु॒धन्व॑ने च॒
nama̍-ssvāyu̠dhāya̍ cha su̠dhanva̍nē cha̠
Salutations to him who has best weapons and to him who has good bow.
नमः॒ स्रुत्या॑य च॒ पथ्या॑य च॒
nama̠-ssrutyā̍ya cha̠ pathyā̍ya cha̠
Salutations to him who walks in footpaths and to him who travels in wide roads.
नमः॑ का॒ट्या॑य च नी॒प्या॑य च॒
nama̍ḥ kā̠ṭyā̍ya cha nī̠pyā̍ya cha̠
Salutations to him who is in canal water to him who is in streams.
नमः॒ सूद्या॑य च सर॒स्या॑य च॒
nama̠-ssūdyā̍ya cha sara̠syā̍ya cha̠
Salutations to him who is in water of a pool and to him who is in the water of a lake
नमो॑ ना॒द्याय॑ च वैश॒न्ताय॑ च॒
namō̍ nā̠dyāya̍ cha vaiśa̠ntāya̍ cha̠
Salutations to him who is in the water of river and to him who is in the water of the pond.
नमः॒ कूप्या॑य चाव॒ट्या॑य च॒
nama̠ḥ kūpyā̍ya chāva̠ṭyā̍ya cha̠
Salutations to him who is in the water of well and to him who is in the water of spring
नमो॒ वर्​ष्या॑य चाव॒र्​ष्याय॑ च॒
namō̠ var​ṣyā̍ya chāva̠r​ṣyāya̍ cha̠
Salutations to him who is in rain water and who is also in places it does not rain.
नमो॑ मे॒घ्या॑य च विद्यु॒त्या॑य च॒
namō̍ mē̠ghyā̍ya cha vidyu̠tyā̍ya cha̠
Salutations to him who is in the clouds and who is also in lightning
नम ई॒ध्रिया॑य चात॒प्या॑य च॒
nama ī̠dhriyā̍ya chāta̠pyā̍ya cha̠
Salutations to him who is in the form of clear sky of autumn and who is in the form of rain and sun
नमो॒ वात्या॑य च॒ रेष्मि॑याय च॒
namō̠ vātyā̍ya cha̠ rēṣmi̍yāya cha̠
Salutations to him who is in the form of rainy storm and to him who is in the form of dry hoarse wind.
नमो॑ वास्त॒व्या॑य च वास्तु॒पाय॑ च ॥ 7 ॥
namō̍ vāsta̠vyā̍ya cha vāstu̠pāya̍ cha ॥ 7 ॥
Salutations to him who is in materials of the house and who is vaasthu purusha guarding the house.

अनुवाक ८/Anuvaka 8

नमः॒ सोमा॑य च रु॒द्राय॑ च॒
nama̠-ssōmā̍ya cha ru̠drāya̍ cha̠
Salutations to him who is the consort of Uma and to him who removes sorrow
नम॑स्ता॒म्राय॑ चारु॒णाय॑ च॒
nama̍stā̠mrāya̍ chāru̠ṇāya̍ cha̠
Salutations to him who is of the copper colour of dawn and who is of the colour of sun after sunrise.
नमः॑ श॒ङ्गाय॑ च पशु॒पत॑ये च॒
nama̍-śśa̠ṅgāya̍ cha paśu̠pata̍yē cha̠
Salutations to him who adds pleasure to us and to him who protects all beings
नम॑ उ॒ग्राय॑ च भी॒माय॑ च॒
nama̍ u̠grāya̍ cha bhī̠māya̍ cha̠
Salutations to him who is angry and to him who is fearful
नमो॑ अग्रेव॒धाय॑ च दूरेव॒धाय॑ च॒
namō̍ agrēva̠dhāya̍ cha dūrēva̠dhāya̍ cha̠
Salutations to him who leads and kills our enemies and to him who talks from a distance
नमो॑ ह॒न्त्रे च॒ हनी॑यसे च॒
namō̍ ha̠ntrē cha̠ hanī̍yasē cha̠
Salutations to him who kills our enemies and to him who destroys everything towards the end
नमो॑ वृ॒क्षेभ्यो॒ हरि॑केशेभ्यो॒
namō̍ vṛ̠kṣēbhyō̠ hari̍kēśēbhyō̠
Salutations to him who is the tree with green hairs of karma
Salutations to him who is the star in the form of Om
नम॑श्श॒म्भवे॑ च मयो॒भवे॑ च॒
nama̍śśa̠mbhavē̍ cha mayō̠bhavē̍ cha̠
Salutations to him who appears as pleasure of tour world and who appears as pleasure of salvation.
नमः॑ शङ्क॒राय॑ च मयस्क॒राय॑ च॒
nama̍-śśaṅka̠rāya̍ cha mayaska̠rāya̍ cha̠
Salutations to him who gives pleasure of tour world and who gives the pleasure of the other worlds.
नमः॑ शि॒वाय॑ च शि॒वत॑राय च॒
nama̍-śśi̠vāya̍ cha śi̠vata̍rāya cha̠
Salutations to him who is in the form of good things and who makes others who attain him good.
नम॒स्तीर्थ्या॑य च॒ कूल्या॑य च॒
nama̠stīrthyā̍ya cha̠ kūlyā̍ya cha̠
Salutations to him who is the holy water and to him who is worshipped near the streams
नमः॑ पा॒र्या॑य चावा॒र्या॑य च॒
nama̍ḥ pā̠ryā̍ya chāvā̠ryā̍ya cha̠
Salutations to him who is being praised by great souls after salvation and to him who grants all that one wants in tour world.
नमः॑ प्र॒तर॑णाय चो॒त्तर॑णाय च॒
nama̍ḥ pra̠tara̍ṇāya chō̠ttara̍ṇāya cha̠
Salutations to him who helps us cross the river of sins and to him who lifts us to salvation.
नम॑ आता॒र्या॑य चाला॒द्या॑य च॒
nama̍ ātā̠ryā̍ya chālā̠dyā̍ya cha̠
Salutations to him who makes soul enter tour world and to him who encourages soul to enjoy the fruit of actions.
नमः॒ शष्प्या॑य च॒ फेन्या॑य च॒
nama̠-śśaṣpyā̍ya cha̠ phēnyā̍ya cha̠
Salutations to him who is in the grass by the riverside and who is in the foam of the river.
नमः॑ सिक॒त्या॑य च प्रवा॒ह्या॑य च ॥ 8 ॥
nama̍-ssika̠tyā̍ya cha pravā̠hyā̍ya cha ॥ 8 ॥
Salutations to him who is in the sand by the side of the river and who is in the running water of the river.

अनुवाक ९/Anuvaka 9

नम॑ इरि॒ण्या॑य च प्रप॒थ्या॑य च॒
nama̍ iri̠ṇyā̍ya cha prapa̠thyā̍ya cha̠
Salutations to him who is of the form of one who lives in arid land and to him who walks the paths
नमः॑ किग्ंशि॒लाय॑ च॒ क्षय॑णाय च॒
nama̍ḥ kigṃśi̠lāya̍ cha̠ kṣaya̍ṇāya cha̠
Salutations to him who is of the form of one who lives in dry land and to him who is of the form of one who lives in good places
नमः॑ कप॒र्दिने॑ च पुल॒स्तये॑ च॒
nama̍ḥ kapa̠rdinē̍ cha pula̠stayē̍ cha̠
Salutations to him who has matted hair and to him who stands in front to protect our devotees.
नमो॒ गोष्ठ्या॑य च॒ गृह्या॑य च॒
namō̠ gōṣṭhyā̍ya cha̠ gṛhyā̍ya cha̠
Salutations to him who is of the form of one who lives in stable and to him who lives in homes
नम॒स्तल्प्या॑य च॒ गेह्या॑य च॒
nama̠stalpyā̍ya cha̠ gēhyā̍ya cha̠
Salutations to him who sits on the cot and to him who lives in ornamental houses
नमः॑ का॒ट्या॑य च गह्वरे॒ष्ठाय॑ च॒
nama̍ḥ kā̠ṭyā̍ya cha gahvarē̠ṣṭhāya̍ cha̠
Salutations to him who lives in thorny bushes and who lives in caves
नमो᳚ ह्रद॒य्या॑य च निवे॒ष्प्या॑य च॒
namō̎ hrada̠yyā̍ya cha nivē̠ṣpyā̍ya cha̠
Salutations to him who is in deep still waters and to him who is in snow drops
नमः॑ पाग्ं स॒व्या॑य च रज॒स्या॑य च॒
nama̍ḥ pāgṃ sa̠vyā̍ya cha raja̠syā̍ya cha̠
Salutations to him who is in speck of dust and who is in the dust from mud
नमः॒ शुष्क्या॑य च हरि॒त्या॑य च॒
nama̠-śśuṣkyā̍ya cha hari̠tyā̍ya cha̠
Salutations to him who is dried piece of wood and who is in wet stem
नमो॒ लोप्या॑य चोल॒प्या॑य च॒
namō̠ lōpyā̍ya chōla̠pyā̍ya cha̠
Salutations to him who is in firm floor and who is on turf
नम॑ ऊ॒र्व्या॑य च सू॒र्म्या॑य च॒
nama̍ ū̠rvyā̍ya cha sū̠rmyā̍ya cha̠
Salutations to him who is on flat land and to him who is on tides in the river
नमः॑ प॒र्ण्या॑य च पर्णश॒द्या॑य च॒
nama̍ḥ pa̠rṇyā̍ya cha parṇaśa̠dyā̍ya cha̠
Salutations to him who is in green leaves and who is in dried leaves
नमो॑ऽपगु॒रमा॑णाय चाभिघ्न॒ते च॒
namō̍-'pagu̠ramā̍ṇāya chābhighna̠tē cha̠
Salutations to him who is armed and to him who kills our enemies
नम॑ आख्खिद॒ते च॑ प्रख्खिद॒ते च॒
nama̍ ākhkhida̠tē cha̍ prakhkhida̠tē cha̠
Salutations to him who troubles a little and to him who troubles most
नमो॑ वः किरि॒केभ्यो॑ दे॒वाना॒ग्॒म्॒ हृद॑येभ्यो॒
namō̍ vaḥ kiri̠kēbhyō̍ dē̠vānā̠g̠m̠ hṛda̍yēbhyō̠
Salutations to him who showers riches on our devotees and to him who exists in hearts of devas.
नमो॑ विक्षीण॒केभ्यो॒ नमो॑ विचिन्व॒त्केभ्यो॒
namō̍ vikṣīṇa̠kēbhyō̠ namō̍ vichinva̠tkēbhyō̠
Salutations to your deathless form in the hearts of devas , Salutations to your form, which lives in hearts of, devas and grants all the wishes
नम॑ आनिर् ह॒तेभ्यो॒ नम॑ आमीव॒त्केभ्यः॑ ॥ 9 ॥
nama̍ ānir ha̠tēbhyō̠ nama̍ āmīva̠tkēbhya̍ḥ ॥ 9 ॥
Salutations to your form, which lives in the hearts of, devas and destroys sins, Salutations to your form, which lives in hearts of, devas and travels everywhere.

अनुवाक १०/Anuvaka 10

द्रापे॒ अन्ध॑सस्पते॒ दरि॑द्र॒न्नील॑लोहित । ए॒षां पुरु॑षाणामे॒षां प॑शू॒नां मा भेर्माऽरो॒ मो ए॑षां॒ किञ्च॒नाम॑मत् ।
drāpē̠ andha̍saspatē̠ dari̍dra̠nnīla̍lōhita । ē̠ṣā-mpuru̍ṣāṇāmē̠ṣā-mpa̍śū̠nā-mmā bhērmā-'rō̠ mō ē̍ṣā̠-ṅkiñcha̠nāma̍mat ।
Oh God who punishes the sinners in hell, Oh God, who gives food to devotees, Oh God, who is the form of light, Oh God who has a black neck and red body, Please do not give fear to these beings, Please do not give death to these beings, And please do not make any of these beings sick.
या ते॑ रुद्र शि॒वा त॒नूः शि॒वा वि॒श्वाह॑भेषजी । शि॒वा रु॒द्रस्य॑ भेष॒जी तया॑ नो मृड जी॒वसे᳚ ॥
yā tē̍ rudra śi̠vā ta̠nū-śśi̠vā vi̠śvāha̍bhēṣajī । śi̠vā ru̠drasya̍ bhēṣa̠jī tayā̍ nō mṛḍa jī̠vasē̎ ॥
Oh, Rudhra, God of the world, That medicine which cures the pain of birth and rebirth, That medicine which mixes with you and makes all happy, Is your holy form that is one with thine consort Shakthi, And please bless us all with that form, To make us live as we ought to live.
इ॒माग्ं रु॒द्राय॑ त॒वसे॑ कप॒र्दिने᳚ क्ष॒यद्वी॑राय॒ प्रभ॑रामहे म॒तिम् । यथा॑ न॒श्शमस॑द्द्वि॒पदे॒ चतु॑ष्पदे॒ विश्वं॑ पु॒ष्टं ग्रामे॑ अ॒स्मिन्नना॑तुरम् ।
i̠māgṃ ru̠drāya̍ ta̠vasē̍ kapa̠rdinē̎ kṣa̠yadvī̍rāya̠ prabha̍rāmahē ma̠tim । yathā̍ na̠śśamasa̍ddvi̠padē̠ chatu̍ṣpadē̠ viśva̍-mpu̠ṣṭa-ṅgrāmē̍ a̠sminnanā̍turam ।
Oh Rudhra, God of the world, Who wears dried tuft of hair, Who is the sage who meditates and who kills our enemies, Make mine wavering thought fixed on thee, So that good will befall on us people and our cows, And all beings would grow healthy without fail, And are never ever get diseased.
मृ॒डा नो॑ रुद्रो॒त नो॒ मय॑स्कृधि क्ष॒यद्वी॑राय॒ नम॑सा विधेम ते । यच्छं च॒ योश्च॒ मनु॑राय॒जे पि॒ता तद॑श्याम॒ तव॑ रुद्र॒ प्रणी॑तौ ।
mṛ̠ḍā nō̍ rudrō̠ta nō̠ maya̍skṛdhi kṣa̠yadvī̍rāya̠ nama̍sā vidhēma tē । yachCha-ñcha̠ yōścha̠ manu̍rāya̠jē pi̠tā tada̍śyāma̠ tava̍ rudra̠ praṇī̍tau ।
Oh, Rudra God of the world, Make us all happy, Add to our chances of salvation, And diminish the strength of sinners, And we will pray you with our salute and again pray to thee, To give us the pleasure in tour world, And salvation in the other world, Got by the father of the world Prajapathi,* by your grace.
मा नो॑ म॒हान्त॑मु॒त मा नो॑ अर्भ॒कं मा न॒ उक्ष॑न्तमु॒त मा न॑ उक्षि॒तम् । मा नो॑ऽवधीः पि॒तरं॒ मोत मा॒तरं॑ प्रि॒या मा न॑स्त॒नुवो॑ रुद्र रीरिषः ।
mā nō̍ ma̠hānta̍mu̠ta mā nō̍ arbha̠ka-mmā na̠ ukṣa̍ntamu̠ta mā na̍ ukṣi̠tam । mā nō̍-'vadhīḥ pi̠tara̠-mmōta mā̠tara̍-mpri̠yā mā na̍sta̠nuvō̍ rudra rīriṣaḥ ।
Oh Rudhra, God of the world, Never give trouble to our elders. Never give trouble to our children, Never give trouble to our lads, Never give trouble to our children in the womb, Never give trouble to our fathers, Never give trouble to our mothers, And never give to trouble our body, which is dear to us.
मा न॑स्तो॒के तन॑ये॒ मा न॒ आयु॑षि॒ मा नो॒ गोषु॒ मा नो॒ अश्वे॑षु रीरिषः । वी॒रान्मा नो॑ रुद्र भामि॒तोऽव॑धीर्​ह॒विष्मं॑तो॒ नम॑सा विधेम ते ।
mā na̍stō̠kē tana̍yē̠ mā na̠ āyu̍ṣi̠ mā nō̠ gōṣu̠ mā nō̠ aśvē̍ṣu rīriṣaḥ । vī̠rānmā nō̍ rudra bhāmi̠tō-'va̍dhīr​ha̠viṣmaṃ̍tō̠ nama̍sā vidhēma tē ।
Oh Rudhra, God of the world, Never cause sorrow to our children and sons, Never diminish our span of life, Never cause sorrow to our cows, Never cause sorrow to our horses, And do not destroy in anger our efficient servants, And we would come with holy offerings and salute you.
आ॒रात्ते॑ गो॒घ्न उ॒त पू॑रुष॒घ्ने क्ष॒यद्वी॑राय सु॒म्नम॒स्मे ते॑ अस्तु । रक्षा॑ च नो॒ अधि॑ च देव ब्रू॒ह्यथा॑ च नः॒ शर्म॑ यच्छ द्वि॒बर्​हाः᳚ ।
ā̠rāttē̍ gō̠ghna u̠ta pū̍ruṣa̠ghnē kṣa̠yadvī̍rāya su̠mnama̠smē tē̍ astu । rakṣā̍ cha nō̠ adhi̍ cha dēva brū̠hyathā̍ cha na̠-śśarma̍ yachCha dvi̠bar​hā̎ḥ ।
Oh Rudhra, God of the world, let your fearful aspect be away, From killing of beings, from killing of people, And our efficient servants and let your graceful aspect, Be with us, Oh God, please protect us, Please talk to us with compassion, And please give us the pleasure of tour and other worlds, That you possess.
स्तु॒हि श्रु॒तं ग॑र्त॒सदं॒-युँवा॑नं मृ॒गन्न भी॒ममु॑पह॒न्तुमु॒ग्रम् । मृ॒डा ज॑रि॒त्रे रु॑द्र॒ स्तवा॑नो अ॒न्यन्ते॑ अ॒स्मन्निव॑पन्तु॒ सेनाः᳚ ।
stu̠hi śru̠ta-ṅga̍rta̠sada̠ṃ yuvā̍na-mmṛ̠ganna bhī̠mamu̍paha̠ntumu̠gram । mṛ̠ḍā ja̍ri̠trē ru̍dra̠ stavā̍nō a̠nyantē̍ a̠smanniva̍pantu̠ sēnā̎ḥ ।
Oh mind always think of that Rudra who stays in the lotus of our heart, Of that Rudra who is young, of that Rudra who is powerful in killing of enemies, Of that Rudra who is as fearful as a lion and of that Rudra who is full of fame. And Oh Rudra, who is being praised, give immortal pleasures to tour mortal body, And let your chief soldiers kill our enemies who are different from us.
परि॑णो रु॒द्रस्य॑ हे॒तिर्वृ॑णक्तु॒ परि॑ त्वे॒षस्य॑ दुर्म॒ति र॑घा॒योः । अव॑ स्थि॒रा म॒घव॑द्भ्य-स्तनुष्व॒ मीढ्व॑स्तो॒काय॒ तन॑याय मृडय ।
pari̍ṇō ru̠drasya̍ hē̠tirvṛ̍ṇaktu̠ pari̍ tvē̠ṣasya̍ durma̠ti ra̍ghā̠yōḥ । ava̍ sthi̠rā ma̠ghava̍dbhya-stanuṣva̠ mīḍhva̍stō̠kāya̠ tana̍yāya mṛḍaya ।
Let the weapon of Rudra move away from us, And the fearful thought of Rudra, Which shines in anger, And which is capable of destroying sinners, Also move away from us. Oh Rudra who grants all wishes of devotees, Please make thine fearful anger, Which is stable in destroying thine enemies, Little soft at us, who praise, And salute thee by fire sacrifices, And please give pleasure to our sons and their sons.
मीढु॑ष्टम॒ शिव॑तम शि॒वो नः॑ सु॒मना॑ भव । प॒र॒मे वृ॒क्ष आयु॑धन्नि॒धाय॒ कृत्तिं॒-वँसा॑न॒ आच॑र॒ पिना॑कं॒ बिभ्र॒दाग॑हि ।
mīḍhu̍ṣṭama̠ śiva̍tama śi̠vō na̍-ssu̠manā̍ bhava । pa̠ra̠mē vṛ̠kṣa āyu̍dhanni̠dhāya̠ kṛtti̠ṃ vasā̍na̠ ācha̍ra̠ pinā̍ka̠-mbibhra̠dāga̍hi ।
Oh Rudra who is the greatest among those who grant wishes, Oh Rudra who has a pleasant mien, Please become one who does good to us, And become one with a good mind. Please keep thine weapons on the trees, And come to us wearing the hide of tiger. Please bring along thine bow pinaaka, As an ornament.
विकि॑रिद॒ विलो॑हित॒ नम॑स्ते अस्तु भगवः । यास्ते॑ स॒हस्रग्ं॑ हे॒तयो॒न्यम॒स्मन्निव॑पन्तु॒ ताः ।
viki̍rida̠ vilō̍hita̠ nama̍stē astu bhagavaḥ । yāstē̍ sa̠hasragṃ̍ hē̠tayō̠nyama̠smanniva̍pantu̠ tāḥ ।
Oh Rudra who throws riches at us, And oh Rudra who is red coloured, Let our salutations be with you. Let your thousands of weapons, Destroy our enemies who are different from us.
स॒हस्रा॑णि सहस्र॒धा बा॑हु॒वोस्तव॑ हे॒तयः॑ । तासा॒मीशा॑नो भगवः परा॒चीना॒ मुखा॑ कृधि ॥ 10 ॥
sa̠hasrā̍ṇi sahasra̠dhā bā̍hu̠vōstava̍ hē̠taya̍ḥ । tāsā̠mīśā̍nō bhagavaḥ parā̠chīnā̠ mukhā̍ kṛdhi ॥ 10 ॥
Oh Rudra in your hands are weapons, In thousands and of thousand types. Oh God who is all powerful, Make their sharp ends not attack us.

अनुवाक ११/Anuvaka 11

स॒हस्रा॑णि सहस्र॒शो ये रु॒द्रा अधि॒ भूम्या᳚म् । तेषाग्ं॑ सहस्रयोज॒नेऽव॒धन्वा॑नि तन्मसि ।
sa̠hasrā̍ṇi sahasra̠śō yē ru̠drā adhi̠ bhūmyā̎m । tēṣāg̍ṃ sahasrayōja̠nē-'va̠dhanvā̍ni tanmasi ।
We request thee oh Rudra, To order your soldiers who are in thousands, To keep their thousands of weapons, Which are of thousand kinds, Thousand miles away from us.
अ॒स्मिन्म॑ह॒त्य॑र्ण॒वें᳚ऽतरि॑क्षे भ॒वा अधि॑ ।
a̠sminma̍ha̠tya̍rṇa̠vē̎m-'tari̍kṣē bha̠vā adhi̍ ।
In tour vast sea of ether, Whichever Rudra's soldiers do exist,
नील॑ग्रीवाः शिति॒कण्ठाः᳚ श॒र्वा अ॒धः, क्ष॑माच॒राः ।
nīla̍grīvā-śśiti̠kaṇṭhā̎-śśa̠rvā a̠dhaḥ, kṣa̍mācha̠rāḥ ।
And those soldiers, who do exist, Whose half side of neck is blue, And the other half is white. And live under the earth in Paathaala.*
नील॑ग्रीवाः शिति॒कण्ठा॒ दिवग्ं॑ रु॒द्रा उप॑श्रिताः ।
nīla̍grīvā-śśiti̠kaṇṭhā̠ divag̍ṃ ru̠drā upa̍śritāḥ ।
And those soldiers, who do exist, Whose half side of neck is blue, And the other half is white. And who have attained heavens.
ये वृ॒क्षेषु॑ स॒स्पिञ्ज॑रा॒ नील॑ग्रीवा॒ विलो॑हिताः ।
yē vṛ̠kṣēṣu̍ sa̠spiñja̍rā̠ nīla̍grīvā̠ vilō̍hitāḥ ।
And those soldiers, who do exist, Who are on trees with colour of new grass, With neck which is blue, And whose body is especially red.
ये भू॒ताना॒मधि॑पतयो विशि॒खासः॑ कप॒र्दि॑नः ।
yē bhū̠tānā̠madhi̍patayō viśi̠khāsa̍ḥ kapa̠rdi̍naḥ ।
And those soldiers, who do exist, Who are captains of the soldiers, With some of them wearing the tuft, And some with no hairs,
ये अन्ने॑षु वि॒विध्य॑न्ति॒ पात्रे॑षु॒ पिब॑तो॒ जनान्॑ ।
yē annē̍ṣu vi̠vidhya̍nti̠ pātrē̍ṣu̠ piba̍tō̠ janān̍ ।
And those soldiers, who do exist, Who trouble those people, Who take food and drink from vessels Ye padhaam padhii rakshaya Iilaa brudaa yavyudha
ये प॒थां प॑थि॒रक्ष॑य ऐलबृ॒दा॑ य॒व्युधः॑ ।
yē pa̠thā-mpa̍thi̠rakṣa̍ya ailabṛ̠dā̍ ya̠vyudha̍ḥ ।
And those soldiers, who do exist, Who protect people who walk in the path, And also protect those people taking all other paths, And who take the form of those who save by giving food, And who fight with enemies
ये ती॒र्थानि॑ प्र॒चर॑न्ति सृ॒काव॑न्तो निष॒ङ्गिणः॑ ।
yē tī̠rthāni̍ pra̠chara̍nti sṛ̠kāva̍ntō niṣa̠ṅgiṇa̍ḥ ।
And those soldiers, who do exist, Who carry sharp weapons, And also those who carry swords, And also those who travel protecting sacred waters.
य ए॒ताव॑न्तश्च॒ भूयाग्ं॑सश्च॒ दिशो॑ रु॒द्रा वि॑तस्थि॒रे । तेषाग्ं॑ सहस्रयोज॒नेऽव॒धन्वा॑नि तन्मसि ।
ya ē̠tāva̍ntaścha̠ bhūyāg̍ṃsaścha̠ diśō̍ ru̠drā vi̍tasthi̠rē । tēṣāg̍ṃ sahasrayōja̠nē-'va̠dhanvā̍ni tanmasi ।
We request all your soldiers, And also all those others wherever they are, Spread in different directions, To keep their bows, Thousands of miles away, After removing the string.
नमो॑ रु॒ध्रेभ्यो॒ ये पृ॑थि॒व्यां-येँ᳚ऽन्तरि॑क्षे॒ ये दि॒वि येषा॒मन्नं॒-वाँतो॑ व॒र्​ष॒मिष॑व॒स्तेभ्यो॒ दश॒ प्राची॒र्दश॑ दक्षि॒णा दश॑ प्र॒तीची॒-र्दशो-दी॑ची॒-र्दशो॒र्ध्वास्तेभ्यो॒ नम॒स्ते नो॑ मृडयन्तु॒ ते यं द्वि॒ष्मो यश्च॑ नो॒ द्वेष्टि॒ तं-वोँ॒ जम्भे॑ दधामि ॥ 11 ॥
namō̍ ru̠dhrēbhyō̠ yē pṛ̍thi̠vyāṃ yē̎-'ntari̍kṣē̠ yē di̠vi yēṣā̠manna̠ṃ vātō̍ va̠r​ṣa̠miṣa̍va̠stēbhyō̠ daśa̠ prāchī̠rdaśa̍ dakṣi̠ṇā daśa̍ pra̠tīchī̠-rdaśō-dī̍chī̠-rdaśō̠rdhvāstēbhyō̠ nama̠stē nō̍ mṛḍayantu̠ tē ya-ndvi̠ṣmō yaścha̍ nō̠ dvēṣṭi̠ taṃ vō̠ jambhē̍ dadhāmi ॥ 11 ॥
My salutations to all those soldiers of Rudra, Who are on earth, Who are in the sky, Who are in the worlds above, And to those whom air and food, Become weapons for killing negative beings. I salute them with ten fingers, I salute them facing the east, I salute them facing south, I salute them facing west, I sauté them facing north, I salute them facing above, My salutations to all of them, Let them grant happiness to me.


त्र्य॑म्बकं-यँजामहे सुग॒न्धिं पु॑ष्टि॒वर्ध॑नम् । उ॒र्वा॒रु॒कमि॑व॒ बन्ध॑नान्मृत्यो॑र्मुक्षीय॒ माऽमृता᳚त् ।
trya̍mbakaṃ yajāmahē suga̠ndhi-mpu̍ṣṭi̠vardha̍nam । u̠rvā̠ru̠kami̍va̠ bandha̍nānmṛtyō̍rmukṣīya̠ mā-'mṛtā̎t ।
We salute and respect, Him who is naturally scented, Him who looks after our devotes by mercy, And Him who has three eyes. And pray and request, To move us away from the catch of death, Like the cucumber from its stalk, And firmly put us in the path of salvation.
यो रु॒द्रो अ॒ग्नौ यो अ॒प्सु य ओष॑धीषु॒ यो रु॒द्रो विश्वा॒ भुव॑ना वि॒वेश॒ तस्मै॑ रु॒द्राय॒ नमो॑ अस्तु ।
yō ru̠drō a̠gnau yō a̠psu ya ōṣa̍dhīṣu̠ yō ru̠drō viśvā̠ bhuva̍nā vi̠vēśa̠ tasmai̍ ru̠drāya̠ namō̍ astu ।
Let our salutations be offered to that Rudra, Who is in fire, Who is in water, Who is in plants and trees, And who is in everything in the world.
तमु॑ ष्टु॒हि॒ यः स्वि॒षुस्सु॒धन्वा॒ यो विश्व॑स्य॒ क्षय॑ति भेष॒जस्य॑ । यक्ष्वा᳚म॒हे सौ᳚मन॒साय॑ रु॒द्रं नमो᳚भिर्दे॒वमसु॑रं दुवस्य ।
tamu̍ ṣṭu̠hi̠ ya-ssvi̠ṣussu̠dhanvā̠ yō viśva̍sya̠ kṣaya̍ti bhēṣa̠jasya̍ । yakṣvā̎ma̠hē sau̎mana̠sāya̍ ru̠dra-nnamō̎bhirdē̠vamasu̍ra-nduvasya ।
Pray and salute him, Who has the best arrows, Who has the best bow, Who is the home of medicines, That cure all the world's diseases, And who destroys asuras. We salute that Rudra, For making our minds pure.
अ॒यं मे॒ हस्तो॒ भग॑वान॒यं मे॒ भग॑वत्तरः । अ॒यं मे᳚ वि॒श्वभे᳚षजो॒ऽयग्ं शि॒वाभि॑मर्​शनः ।
a̠ya-mmē̠ hastō̠ bhaga̍vāna̠ya-mmē̠ bhaga̍vattaraḥ । a̠ya-mmē̎ vi̠śvabhē̎ṣajō̠-'yagṃ śi̠vābhi̍mar​śanaḥ ।
Tour my hand is my God, Tour is higher than God to me, Tour is the medicine for all sickness to me. For tour touches Shiva and worships him.
ये ते॑ स॒हस्र॑म॒युतं॒ पाशा॒ मृत्यो॒ मर्त्या॑य॒ हन्त॑वे । तान् य॒ज्ञस्य॑ मा॒यया॒ सर्वा॒नव॑ यजामहे । मृ॒त्यवे॒ स्वाहा॑ मृ॒त्यवे॒ स्वाहा᳚ ।
yē tē̍ sa̠hasra̍ma̠yuta̠-mpāśā̠ mṛtyō̠ martyā̍ya̠ hanta̍vē । tān ya̠jñasya̍ mā̠yayā̠ sarvā̠nava̍ yajāmahē ।
Oh God who destroys the world, I pray thee to keep away from me, The thousands of ropes that you have, which is used by you to kill all beings, Due to the power of my prayers, tour offering of fire is offered to death, Tour offering of fire is offered to death.
ॐ नमो भगवते रुद्राय विष्णवे मृत्यु॑र्मे पा॒हि ॥ प्राणानां ग्रन्थिरसि रुद्रो मा॑ विशा॒न्तकः । तेनान्नेना᳚प्याय॒स्व ॥
mṛ̠tyavē̠ svāhā̍ mṛ̠tyavē̠ svāhā̎ । prāṇānā-ṅgranthirasi rudrō mā̍ viśā̠ntakaḥ । tēnānnēnā̎pyāya̠sva ॥ ō-nnamō bhagavatē rudrāya viṣṇavē mṛtyu̍rmē pā̠hi ॥
Om, my salutations to God, Who is everywhere, And to the Rudra Let not death come near me. You Rudra who lives in the junction of the soul and senses, I pray to you who destroy everything, to be within me, And due to that be satisfied, With the food that I take as offering.
ॐ शान्तिः॒ शान्तिः॒ शान्तिः॑ ॥
ōṃ śānti̠-śśānti̠-śśānti̍ḥ ॥
Let there be peace, Let there be peace, Let there be peace

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