Ishavasya Upanishad

ॐ श्री परमात्मने नमः

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ॐ पूर्णमदः पूर्णमिदं पूर्णात् पूर्णमुदच्यते । पूर्णस्य पूर्णमादाय पूर्णमेवावशिष्यते ॥
ॐ pūrṇamadaḥ pūrṇamidaṃ pūrṇāt pūrṇamudacyate |pūrṇasya pūrṇamādāya pūrṇamevāvaśiṣyate ||
Om! That is full; this is full, (for) from the full the full (indeed) arises. When the full is taken from the full, what remains is full indeed.

Adhyaya : 3

Varga :   1

Shloka :  1

ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥
ॐ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ ||
Om! Peace! Peace! Peace!

Adhyaya : 3

Varga :   1

Shloka :  2

॥ अथ ईशोपनिषत् ॥
|| atha īśopaniṣat ||

Adhyaya : 3

Varga :   2

Shloka :  1

ॐ ईशा वास्यमिदꣳ सर्वं यत्किञ्च जगत्यां जगत् । तेन त्यक्तेन भुञ्जीथा मा गृधः कस्यस्विद्धनम् ॥ १॥
ॐ īśā vāsyamidaꣳ sarvaṃ yatkiñca jagatyāṃ jagat |tena tyaktena bhuñjīthā mā gṛdhaḥ kasyasviddhanam || 1||
Om. All this should be covered by the Lord, whatsoever moves on the earth. By such a renunciation protect (thyself). Covet not the wealth of others.

Adhyaya : 3

Varga :   2

Shloka :  2

कुर्वन्नेवेह कर्माणि जिजीविषेच्छतꣳ समाः । एवं त्वयि नान्यथेतोऽस्ति न कर्म लिप्यते नरे ॥ २॥
kurvanneveha karmāṇi jijīviṣecchataꣳ samāḥ |evaṃ tvayi nānyatheto'sti na karma lipyate nare || 2||
By performing karma in this world (as enjoined by the scriptures) should one yearn to live a hundred years. Thus action does not bind thee, the doer. There is no other way than this.

Adhyaya : 3

Varga :   2

Shloka :  3

असुर्या नाम ते लोका अन्धेन तमसाऽऽवृताः । ताꣳस्ते प्रेत्याभिगच्छन्ति ये के चात्महनो जनाः ॥ ३॥
asuryā nāma te lokā andhena tamasā''vṛtāḥ |tāꣳste pretyābhigacchanti ye ke cātmahano janāḥ || 3||
Those worlds of Asuras (demons) are enshrouded by blinding gloom. Those who are the slayers of the Self go to them after death.

Adhyaya : 3

Varga :   2

Shloka :  4

अनेजदेकं मनसो जवीयो नैनद्देवा आप्नुवन्पूर्वमर्षत् । तद्धावतोऽन्यानत्येति तिष्ठत्तस्मिन्नपो मातरिश्वा दधाति ॥ ४॥
anejadekaṃ manaso javīyo nainaddevā āpnuvanpūrvamarṣat |taddhāvato'nyānatyeti tiṣṭhattasminnapo mātariśvā dadhāti || 4||
Unmoving, It is one, faster than the mind. The senses cannot reach It, for It proceeds ahead. Remaining static It overtakes others that run. On account of Its presence, Matarsiva (the wind) conducts the activities of beings.

Adhyaya : 3

Varga :   2

Shloka :  5

तदेजति तन्नैजति तद्दूरे तद्वन्तिके । तदन्तरस्य सर्वस्य तदु सर्वस्यास्य बाह्यतः ॥ ५॥
tadejati tannaijati taddūre tadvantike |tadantarasya sarvasya tadu sarvasyāsya bāhyataḥ || 5||
It moves; It moves not. It is far; It is near. It is within all; It is without all.

Adhyaya : 3

Varga :   2

Shloka :  6

यस्तु सर्वाणि भूतान्यात्मन्येवानुपश्यति । सर्वभूतेषु चात्मानं ततो न विजुगुप्सते ॥ ६॥
yastu sarvāṇi bhūtānyātmanyevānupaśyati |sarvabhūteṣu cātmānaṃ tato na vijugupsate || 6||
He who perceives all beings in the Self alone and the Self in all beings does not entertain any hatred on account of that perception.

Adhyaya : 3

Varga :   2

Shloka :  7

यस्मिन्सर्वाणि भूतान्यात्मैवाभूद्विजानतः । तत्र को मोहः कः शोक एकत्वमनुपश्यतः ॥ ७॥
yasminsarvāṇi bhūtānyātmaivābhūdvijānataḥ |tatra ko mohaḥ kaḥ śoka ekatvamanupaśyataḥ || 7||
When a man realises that all beings are but the Self, what delusion is there, what grief, to that perceiver of oneness?

Adhyaya : 3

Varga :   2

Shloka :  8

स पर्यगाच्छुक्रमकायमव्रण- मस्नाविरꣳ शुद्धमपापविद्धम् । कविर्मनीषी परिभूः स्वयम्भू- र्याथातथ्यतोऽर्थान् व्यदधाच्छाश्वतीभ्यः समाभ्यः ॥ ८॥
sa paryagācchukramakāyamavraṇa- masnāviraꣳ śuddhamapāpaviddham | kavirmanīṣī paribhūḥ svayambhū- ryāthātathyato'rthān vyadadhācchāśvatībhyaḥ samābhyaḥ || 8||
That (Self) is all-pervading, radiant, bodiless, soreless, without sinews, pure, untainted by sin, the all-seer, the lord of the mind, transcendent and self-existent. That (Self) did allot in proper order to the eternal Prajapatis known as samvalsara (year) their duties.

Adhyaya : 3

Varga :   2

Shloka :  9

अन्धं तमः प्रविशन्ति येऽविद्यामुपासते । ततो भूय इव ते तमो य उ विद्यायाꣳ रताः ॥ ९॥
andhaṃ tamaḥ praviśanti ye'vidyāmupāsate |tato bhūya iva te tamo ya u vidyāyāꣳ ratāḥ || 9||
Those who worship avidya (karma born of ignorance) go to pitch darkness, but to a greater darkness than this go those who are devoted to Vidya (knowledge of the Devatas).

Adhyaya : 3

Varga :   2

Shloka :  10

अन्यदेवाहुर्विद्ययाऽन्यदाहुरविद्यया । इति शुश्रुम धीराणां ये नस्तद्विचचक्षिरे ॥ १०॥
anyadevāhurvidyayā'nyadāhuravidyayā |iti śuśruma dhīrāṇāṃ ye nastadvicacakṣire || 10||
Different indeed, they say, is the result (attained) by vidya and different indeed, they say, is the result (attained) by avidya. Thus have we heard from the wise who had explained it to us.

Adhyaya : 3

Varga :   2

Shloka :  11

विद्यां चाविद्यां च यस्तद्वेदोभयꣳ सह । अविद्यया मृत्युं तीर्त्वा विद्ययाऽमृतमश्नुते ॥ ११॥
vidyāṃ cāvidyāṃ ca yastadvedobhayaꣳ saha |avidyayā mṛtyuṃ tīrtvā vidyayā'mṛtamaśnute || 11||
He who knows both vidya and avidya together transcends mortality through avidya and reaches immortality through vidya.

Adhyaya : 3

Varga :   2

Shloka :  12

अन्धं तमः प्रविशन्ति येऽसम्भूतिमुपासते । ततो भूय इव ते तमो य उ सम्भूत्याꣳ रताः ॥ १२॥
andhaṃ tamaḥ praviśanti ye'sambhūtimupāsate |tato bhūya iva te tamo ya u sambhūtyāꣳ ratāḥ || 12||
To pitch darkness they go who worship the Unmanifested (Prakriti). To a greater darkness than this go those who are devoted to the Manifested (Hiranyagarbha).

Adhyaya : 3

Varga :   2

Shloka :  13

अन्यदेवाहुः सम्भवादन्यदाहुरसम्भवात् । इति शुश्रुम धीराणां ये नस्तद्विचचक्षिरे ॥ १३॥
anyadevāhuḥ sambhavādanyadāhurasambhavāt |iti śuśruma dhīrāṇāṃ ye nastadvicacakṣire || 13||
Different indeed, they say, is the result (attained) by the worship of the Manifested and different indeed, they say, is the result (attained) by the worship of the Unmanifested. Thus have we heard from the wise who had explained it to us.

Adhyaya : 3

Varga :   2

Shloka :  14

सम्भूतिं च विनाशं च यस्तद्वेदोभयꣳ सह । विनाशेन मृत्युं तीर्त्वा सम्भूत्याऽमृतमश्नुते ॥ १४॥
sambhūtiṃ ca vināśaṃ ca yastadvedobhayaꣳ saha |vināśena mṛtyuṃ tīrtvā sambhūtyā'mṛtamaśnute || 14||
He who knows both the Un-manifested and the destructible (Hiranyagarbha) together, transcends death by the (worship of) the destructible and attains immortality by the (worship of ) the Unmanifested.

Adhyaya : 3

Varga :   2

Shloka :  15

हिरण्मयेन पात्रेण सत्यस्यापिहितं मुखम् । तत्त्वं पूषन्नपावृणु सत्यधर्माय दृष्टये ॥ १५॥
hiraṇmayena pātreṇa satyasyāpihitaṃ mukham |tattvaṃ pūṣannapāvṛṇu satyadharmāya dṛṣṭaye || 15||
The face of the Truth (ie. Purusha in the solar orb) is veiled by a bright vessel. Mayst thou unveil it, O Sun, so as to be perceived by me whose dharma is truth.

Adhyaya : 3

Varga :   2

Shloka :  16

पूषन्नेकर्षे यम सूर्य प्राजापत्य व्यूह रश्मीन् समूह तेजः । यत्ते रूपं कल्याणतमं तत्ते पश्यामि योऽसावसौ पुरुषः सोऽहमस्मि ॥ १६॥
pūṣannekarṣe yama sūrya prājāpatya vyūha raśmīn samūha tejaḥ |yatte rūpaṃ kalyāṇatamaṃ tatte paśyāmi yo'sāvasau puruṣaḥ so'hamasmi || 16||
O nourisher, pilgrim of the solitude, controller, absorber (of all rasas), offspring of Prajapati, cast away thy rays, gather them up and give up thy radiating brilliance. That form of thine, most graceful, I may behold. He, the Purusha (in the solar orb), I am.

Adhyaya : 3

Varga :   2

Shloka :  17

वायुरनिलममृतमथेदं भस्मान्तꣳ शरीरम् । ॐ क्रतो स्मर कृतꣳ स्मर क्रतो स्मर कृतꣳ स्मर ॥ १७॥
vāyuranilamamṛtamathedaṃ bhasmāntaꣳ śarīram |ॐ krato smara kṛtaꣳ smara krato smara kṛtaꣳ smara || 17||
Let (my) vital air (prana) now attain the immortal Air (all-pervading Self); then let this body be reduced to ashes. Om, O mind, remember - remember that which has been done, O mind, remember - remember that which has been done.

Adhyaya : 3

Varga :   2

Shloka :  18

अग्ने नय सुपथा राये अस्मान् विश्वानि देव वयुनानि विद्वान् । युयोध्यस्मज्जुहुराणमेनो भूयिष्ठां ते नमौक्तिं विधेम ॥ १८॥
agne naya supathā rāye asmān viśvāni deva vayunāni vidvān | yuyodhyasmajjuhurāṇameno bhūyiṣṭhāṃ te namauktiṃ vidhema || 18||
O Fire, O Deva, knower of all our actions or all our knowledge, lead us by the good path for enjoying the fruits of actions. Liberate us from our deceitful sins. We offer thee ever more our words of adoration.

Adhyaya : 3

Varga :   2

Shloka :  19

ॐ पूर्णमदः पूर्णमिदं पूर्णात्पूर्णमुदच्यते । पूर्णस्य पूर्णमादाय पूर्णमेवावशिष्यते ॥
ॐ pūrṇamadaḥ pūrṇamidaṃ pūrṇātpūrṇamudacyate |pūrṇasya pūrṇamādāya pūrṇamevāvaśiṣyate ||
Om! That is full; this is full, (for) from the full the full (indeed) arises. When the full is taken from the full, what remains is full indeed.

Adhyaya : 3

Varga :   2

Shloka :  20

ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥
ॐ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ ||
Om! Peace! Peace! Peace!

Adhyaya : 3

Varga :   2

Shloka :  21

॥ इति ईशोपनिषत् ॥
|| iti īśopaniṣat ||
Here ends the Isavasyopanishad, as contained in the Sukla-Yajur-Veda.

Adhyaya : 3

Varga :   2

Shloka :  22

ॐ श्री परमात्मने नमः

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