Mandukya Upanishad

ॐ श्री परमात्मने नमः

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ॐ भद्रं कर्णेभिः श‍ृणुयाम देवा भद्रं पश्येमाक्षभिर्यजत्राः । स्थिरैरङ्गैस्तुष्टुवांसस्तनूभिर्व्यशेम देवहितं यदायुः ॥ भद्रं नो अपि वातय मनः ॥
ॐ bhadraṃ karṇebhiḥ śa‍्ṛṇuyāma devā bhadraṃ paśyemākṣabhiryajatrāḥ | sthirairaṅgaistuṣṭuvāṃsastanūbhirvyaśema devahitaṃ yadāyuḥ || bhadraṃ no api vātaya manaḥ ||
Om! O gods, may we hear with our ears what is auspicious; May we see with our eyes what is auspicious; May we, while offering our praise to gods With our bodies strong of limbs, Enjoy the life which the gods are pleased to grant us. May Indra of great fame be well disposed to us; May the all-knowing (or immensely wealthy) Pusha be propitious to us; May Garuda, the vanquisher of miseries, be well pleased with us; May Brihaspati grant us all prosperity.

Adhyaya : 4

Varga :   1

Shloka :  1

ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ।
ॐ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ |
Om! Peace! Peace! Peace!

Adhyaya : 4

Varga :   1

Shloka :  2

॥ अथ माण्डूक्योपनिषत् ॥
|| atha māṇḍūkyopaniṣat ||
Thus begins the Mandukya Upanishad

Adhyaya : 4

Varga :   1

Shloka :  3

हरिः ॐ।
hariḥ ॐ|
Harih Om.

Adhyaya : 4

Varga :   2

Shloka :  1

ॐ इत्येतदक्षरमिदꣳ सर्वं तस्योपव्याख्यानं भूतं भवद् भविष्यदिति सर्वमोङ्कार एव यच्चान्यत् त्रिकालातीतं तदप्योङ्कार एव ॥ १॥
ॐ ityetadakṣaramidaꣳ sarvaṃ tasyopavyākhyānaṃ bhūtaṃ bhavad bhaviṣyaditi sarvamoṅkāra eva yaccānyat trikālātītaṃ tadapyoṅkāra eva || 1||
All this is the letter Om. A vivid explanation of this (is begun). All that is past, present and future is but Om. Whatever transcends the three periods of time, too, is Om.

Adhyaya : 4

Varga :   2

Shloka :  2

सर्वं ह्येतद् ब्रह्मायमात्मा ब्रह्म सोऽयमात्मा चतुष्पात् ॥ २॥
sarvaṃ hyetad brahmāyamātmā brahma so'yamātmā catuṣpāt || 2||
All this is certainly Brahman. This Self is Brahman. This Self, as such, is possessed of four quarters.

Adhyaya : 4

Varga :   2

Shloka :  3

जागरितस्थानो बहिष्प्रज्ञः सप्ताङ्ग एकोनविंशतिमुखःस्थूलभुग्वैश्वानरः प्रथमः पादः ॥ ३॥
jāgaritasthāno bahiṣprajñaḥ saptāṅga ekonaviṃśatimukhaḥsthūlabhugvaiśvānaraḥ prathamaḥ pādaḥ || 3||
(The Self) seated in the waking state and called Vaisvanara who, possessed of the consciousness of the exterior, and seven limbs and nineteen mouths, enjoys the gross objects, is the first quarter.

Adhyaya : 4

Varga :   2

Shloka :  4

स्वप्नस्थानोऽन्तःप्रज्ञः सप्ताङ्ग एकोनविंशतिमुखःप्रविविक्तभुक्तैजसो द्वितीयः पादः ॥ ४॥
svapnasthāno'ntaḥprajñaḥ saptāṅga ekonaviṃśatimukhaḥpraviviktabhuktaijaso dvitīyaḥ pādaḥ || 4||
(The Self) seated in the state of dream and called Taijasa who, possessed of the consciousness of the interior, and seven limbs and nineteen mouths, enjoys the subtle objects, is the second quarter.

Adhyaya : 4

Varga :   2

Shloka :  5

यत्र सुप्तो न कञ्चन कामं कामयते न कञ्चन स्वप्नंपश्यति तत् सुषुप्तम् । सुषुप्तस्थान एकीभूतः प्रज्ञानघनएवानन्दमयो ह्यानन्दभुक् चेतोमुखः प्राज्ञस्तृतीयः पादः ॥ ५॥
yatra supto na kañcana kāmaṃ kāmayate na kañcana svapnaṃpaśyati tat suṣuptam | suṣuptasthāna ekībhūtaḥ prajñānaghanaevānandamayo hyānandabhuk cetomukhaḥ prājñastṛtīyaḥ pādaḥ || 5||
Where the sleeper desires not a thing of enjoyment and sees not any dream, that state is deep sleep. (The Self) seated in the state of deep sleep and called Prajna, in whom everything is unified, who is dense with consciousness, who is full of bliss, who is certainly the enjoyer of bliss, and who is the door to the knowledge (of the preceding two states), is the third quarter.

Adhyaya : 4

Varga :   2

Shloka :  6

एष सर्वेश्वरः एष सर्वज्ञ एषोऽन्तर्याम्येष योनिः सर्वस्यप्रभवाप्ययौ हि भूतानाम् ॥ ६॥
eṣa sarveśvaraḥ eṣa sarvajña eṣo'ntaryāmyeṣa yoniḥ sarvasyaprabhavāpyayau hi bhūtānām || 6||
This is the Lord of all; this is omniscient; this is the in-dwelling controller (of all); this is the source and indeed the origin and dissolution of all beings.

Adhyaya : 4

Varga :   2

Shloka :  7

नान्तःप्रज्ञं न बहिष्प्रज्ञं नोभयतःप्रज्ञं न प्रज्ञानघनं न प्रज्ञं नाप्रज्ञम् । अदृष्टमव्यवहार्यमग्राह्यमलक्षणं अचिन्त्यमव्यपदेश्यमेकात्मप्रत्ययसारं प्रपञ्चोपशमं शान्तं शिवमद्वैतं चतुर्थं मन्यन्ते स आत्मा स विज्ञेयः ॥ ७॥
nāntaḥprajñaṃ na bahiṣprajñaṃ nobhayataḥprajñaṃ na prajñānaghanaṃ na prajñaṃ nāprajñam | adṛṣṭamavyavahāryamagrāhyamalakṣaṇaṃ acintyamavyapadeśyamekātmapratyayasāraṃ prapañcopaśamaṃ śāntaṃ śivamadvaitaṃ caturthaṃ manyante sa ātmā sa vijñeyaḥ || 7||
The Fourth is thought of as that which is not conscious of the internal world, nor conscious of the external world, nor conscious of both the worlds, nor dense with consciousness, nor simple consciousness, nor unconsciousness, which is unseen, actionless, incomprehensible, un-inferable, unthinkable, indescribable, whose proof consists in the identity of the Self (in all states), in which all phenomena come to a cessation, and which is unchanging, auspicious, and non-dual. That is the Self; that is to be known.

Adhyaya : 4

Varga :   2

Shloka :  8

सोऽयमात्माध्यक्षरमोङ्कारोऽधिमात्रं पादा मात्रा मात्राश्च पादाअकार उकारो मकार इति ॥ ८॥
so'yamātmādhyakṣaramoṅkāro'dhimātraṃ pādā mātrā mātrāśca pādāakāra ukāro makāra iti || 8||
That same Self, from the point of view of the syllable, is Om, and viewed from the stand point of the letters, the quarters are the letters, and the letters are the quarters. The letters are a, u and m.

Adhyaya : 4

Varga :   2

Shloka :  9

जागरितस्थानो वैश्वानरोऽकारः प्रथमा मात्राऽऽप्तेरादिमत्त्वाद्वाऽऽप्नोति ह वै सर्वान् कामानादिश्च भवति य एवं वेद ॥ ९॥
jāgaritasthāno vaiśvānaro'kāraḥ prathamā mātrā''pterādimattvādvā''pnoti ha vai sarvān kāmānādiśca bhavati ya evaṃ veda || 9||
Vaisvanara seated in the waking state is the first letter a, owing to its all-pervasiveness or being the first. He who knows thus verily accomplishes all longings and becomes the first.

Adhyaya : 4

Varga :   2

Shloka :  10

स्वप्नस्थानस्तैजस उकारो द्वितीया मात्रोत्कर्षात्उभयत्वाद्वोत्कर्षति ह वै ज्ञानसन्ततिं समानश्च भवतिनास्याब्रह्मवित्कुले भवति य एवं वेद ॥ १०॥
svapnasthānastaijasa ukāro dvitīyā mātrotkarṣātubhayatvādvotkarṣati ha vai jñānasantatiṃ samānaśca bhavatināsyābrahmavitkule bhavati ya evaṃ veda || 10||
Taijasa seated in the dream is u, the second letter (of Om), owing to the similarity of excellence or intermediate position. He who knows thus verily advances the bounds of his knowledge and becomes equal (to all) and none who is not a knower of Brahman is born in his family.

Adhyaya : 4

Varga :   2

Shloka :  11

सुषुप्तस्थानः प्राज्ञो मकारस्तृतीया मात्रा मितेरपीतेर्वामिनोति ह वा इदं सर्वमपीतिश्च भवति य एवं वेद ॥ ११॥
suṣuptasthānaḥ prājño makārastṛtīyā mātrā miterapītervāminoti ha vā idaṃ sarvamapītiśca bhavati ya evaṃ veda || 11||
Prajna seated in the state of deep sleep is m, the third letter (of Om), because of his being the measure or the entity wherein all become absorbed. He who knows thus measures all this and absorbs all.

Adhyaya : 4

Varga :   2

Shloka :  12

अमात्रश्चतुर्थोऽव्यवहार्यः प्रपञ्चोपशमः शिवोऽद्वैतएवमोङ्कार आत्मैव संविशत्यात्मनाऽऽत्मानं य एवं वेद ॥ १२॥
amātraścaturtho'vyavahāryaḥ prapañcopaśamaḥ śivo'dvaitaevamoṅkāra ātmaiva saṃviśatyātmanā''tmānaṃ ya evaṃ veda || 12||
That which is without letters (parts) is the Fourth, beyond apprehension through ordinary means, the cessation of the phenomenal world, the auspicious and the non-dual. Thus Om is certainly the Self. He who knows thus enters the Self by the Self.

Adhyaya : 4

Varga :   2

Shloka :  13

ॐ भद्रं कर्णेभिः श‍ृणुयाम देवा भद्रं पश्येमाक्षभिर्यजत्राः । स्थिरैरङ्गैस्तुष्टुवांसस्तनूभिर्व्यशेम देवहितं यदायुः ॥ भद्रं नो अपि वातय मनः ॥
ॐ bhadraṃ karṇebhiḥ śa‍्ṛṇuyāma devā bhadraṃ paśyemākṣabhiryajatrāḥ | sthirairaṅgaistuṣṭuvāṃsastanūbhirvyaśema devahitaṃ yadāyuḥ || bhadraṃ no api vātaya manaḥ ||
Om! O gods, may we hear with our ears what is auspicious; May we see with our eyes what is auspicious; May we, while offering our praise to gods With our bodies strong of limbs, Enjoy the life which the gods are pleased to grant us. May Indra of great fame be well disposed to us; May the all-knowing (or immensely wealthy) Pusha be propitious to us; May Garuda, the vanquisher of miseries, be well pleased with us; May Brihaspati grant us all prosperity. Om! Peace! Peace! Peace!

Adhyaya : 4

Varga :   2

Shloka :  14

॥ इति माण्डूक्योपनिषत् समाप्ता ॥
|| iti māṇḍūkyopaniṣat samāptā ||
Here ends the Mandukyopanishad, as contained in the Atharva-Veda.

Adhyaya : 4

Varga :   2

Shloka :  15

ॐ श्री परमात्मने नमः

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